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国籍是自然人隶属于一个国家的法律资格与身份,也是国际法学领域中一个重要且复杂的问题。在全球化时代背景下,越来越多的国家开始承认或容许双重国籍,但笔者基于国情,从多方面论证後认为中国仍应坚持“一人一籍”原则;只有在此原则指导下,改革并完善现行的出入境管理法律制度,才能满足新时代华人华侨的要求,切实维护国家和公民的合法利益。  相似文献   

There are four classes of procedural goods, each of which is an appropriate ground for answering the question: “Is this a fair procedure?” (i) It is unfair not to treat a person with dignity; the dignity goods are self-respect, personal control, and an understanding of the procedures that determine relevant outcomes. (ii) It is unfair to impose upon a person heavy (net) costs, such as overburdened cognitive capacities and high information costs, excessively painful interpersonal conflict, threats beyond those inherent in the situation, and humiliation. (iii) It is unfair to disregard (but not necessarily to violate) the person's own sense of justice, the codes of honor and practice of his own group and culture. And, of course, (iv) it is unfair to use a procedure that does not have the highest probability of achieving distributive or retributive justice. Few of the standard articles of democratic theory (e.g., liberty, equal treatment before the law, rights, and sharing of power) offer sufficient protections for the first three of these procedural goods.  相似文献   

The analysis of DNA from archaeological human remains is plagued by a unique set of methodological problems concerning contamination with modern exogenous DNA. Through an original approach, we propose complementary methods to identify all potential sources of contamination and complete guidelines for the validation of ancient human sequences. The study presented was conducted on non-European human samples (Polynesian and Amerindian) which were collected with all precautions during excavation. This permitted us to distinguish without ambiguity authentic and contaminant sequences. The samples' origins and histories were perfectly known, allowing us to trace all potential contamination sources and to determine the efficiency of precautions followed during all steps of the study. The data obtained confirm that precautions taken during sampling effectively prevent contamination. However, we demonstrate that human contamination can also be introduced during genetic analyses even if all precautions are strictly followed. Indeed, numerous human contaminations were detected in template-PCR products and negative controls, resulting in a striking diversity of contaminant mitochondrial DNA sequences. We argue that this contamination partly derives from the primers. To our knowledge, no previous experiment has been performed to investigate primers as a possible source of human contamination despite the fact that this specific type of contamination poses a real problem in terms of validating ancient human DNA studies. Finally, we confirm that the detection of contaminants in negative controls is clearly related to the number of PCR cycles used. This study enhances our understanding of contamination processes and confirms that, in reality, an absolutely contamination-free situation cannot be obtained. As a consequence, we propose improvements to the guidelines usually followed in the field in order to take the highly probable contamination of PCR reagents, including primers, into account.  相似文献   

In 2002 the Australian Parliament enacted legislation which prohibited both therapeutic and reproductive embryonic cloning. Just four years later, in December 2006, this same legislation was amended, reversing the prohibition on therapeutic cloning, while retaining the ban on reproductive cloning. The Prime Minister, sensing the political mood, allowed a conscience vote. This contrasted with his decision several months earlier against introducing any changes to the 2002 Act, despite 54 recommendations having been made by a Statutory Review Committee. Approval of the legislation had as much to do with the careful drafting of the provisions as with any rational, social or scientific factor. The legislation is narrow in scope, retains an absolute prohibition on reproductive cloning and contains strict regulations with heavy criminal penalties. The Act requires a review after three years. A number of questions remain. Does stem cell research demand a global rather than a local approach, by way of an international Covenant? Does the legal status of a cloned embryo need further examination? Will the embryo have a separate legal standing recognised by law? These are some of the questions which will need addressing as the law tries to keep up with science.  相似文献   

The author discusses the problem of continuity and discontinuity over three generations of a Russian family while describing cultural change in everyday practice during a long historical period. The issue of cultural transmission is investigated because the couples' lineages belonged to conflicting cultural worlds representing two ideologically alien discourses during the Soviet times. While analyzing these two cultural worlds as systems and the conflict between them, the author seeks to answer the question on why both cultural models were rejected by the next generation. What was the character and mechanism of transmission in this case? What are the consequences of cultural conflict for the future of the family itself and for the wider social context in the future cultural discourse in Russia?  相似文献   

In many corporations the installation of a performance appraisal program is a necessary step to opening the door to other key human resource development activities. Implementing a performance appraisal program that works and convincing managers to use the program are essential if other human resource development programs are to succeed. This article describes the characteristics of the performance appraisal process used at Glendale Federal Savings and Loan Association, Glendale, California, and how data generated by the program was used to facilitate other employee development programs.  相似文献   

黄小红  陈根深 《证据科学》2002,9(3):174-174
随着我国政府对孕产妇健康的重视和对母婴安全的严格管理,死胎现象明显减少.作者曾对一例死胎进行了法医学鉴定,由于涉及这方面的案例很少,现将鉴定情况作一报告如下.  相似文献   

随着我国政府对孕产妇健康的重视和对母婴安全的严格管理 ,死胎现象明显减少。作者曾对一例死胎进行了法医学鉴定 ,由于涉及这方面的案例很少 ,现将鉴定情况作一报告如下。案 例孕妇温某 ,2 4岁。 2 0 0 1年 8月 2 0日上午 10时左右 ,与黄某发生口角 ,争吵中黄某用一小方凳砸伤站立位的温某脐部 ,伤后 3小时 ,温某出现腹痛 ,阵发性加剧。次日上午请乡村接生员接生 ,当日晚上 11时 ,温某娩出一男性死婴。临床资料 :孕1产0 ,预产期 2 0 0 1年 8月 2 5日。怀孕期间已做产前检查 ,未发现异常情况。进入产程后 ,检查可以自然分娩 ,头先露。胎心…  相似文献   

随着认知-行为疗法的发展,有关情绪障碍的研究也在不断地深化,尤其是1980年代以来,情绪障碍的研究有了重要的理论建树:首先是伯沃提出了颇具影响力的"网络接点"理论来解释情绪对认知的影响;1990年代,迪斯戴尔提出了"相互作用的认知子系统"理论,从多层次、多角度来解释情绪和认知之间的相互作用,弥补了伯沃单一维度理论的不足,从而使情绪障碍的理论研究走向多维度.  相似文献   

某男 ,6 9岁 ,平素身体健康。 1 999年 4月 1 5日因患天疱疮就诊于当地一个体门诊 (无行医执照 )。门诊将酒精 2 0ml来苏儿 (市售 ) 40ml和生理盐水混合成 5 0 0ml左右的液体作为洗液 ,将皮炎平 1袋、尿素软膏 1袋、酒精 2ml、来苏儿 4ml调配成抹液 ,治疗的方法是在全身的皮肤上先洗后抹 ,每天一次 ,每次均将药液用完。连续治疗 3天。其间患者出现皮肤疼痛、浑身发麻、无力、流涎、头疼、眩晕、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻、不能进食 ,并出现茶色尿。经诊者说这是以毒攻毒 ,出现这些症状属正常现象。遂继续以同方治疗。 3天后 ,患者出现脉搏…  相似文献   

某男 ,3 5岁 ,农民。 2 0 0 0年 4月 4日与人争执后出现持续性腰痛 ,10小时后出现全程肉眼血尿。次日到县医院治疗。入院查 :神志清楚 ,表情痛苦 ,强迫体位 ,左侧腹广泛性压痛并肌紧张 ,左肾区叩痛 ,局部无红肿及青紫 ,无移动性浊音 ,肠鸣音弱。既往无手术及外伤史 ,仪器检查结果 (CT、X线及B超 ) :左肾体积明显增大 ,肾盂呈球状、囊袋状扩张 ,大小约 13 .5cm× 7cm ,左肾重度积水 ,分泌功能未见异常 ,肾盂及实质内有出血 ;右肾缺如。经抗炎保守治疗 2 9天 ,其镜下血尿转为阴性 ,显微镜检查红细胞大于 10 /高倍视野持续时间未超过二…  相似文献   

李锋军  席学强 《证据科学》2001,8(3):174-174
某男,35岁,农民。2000年4月4日与人争执后出现持续性腰痛,10小时后出现全程肉眼血尿。次日到县医院治疗。入院查:神志清楚,表情痛苦,强迫体位,左侧腹广泛性压痛并肌紧张,左肾区叩痛,局部无红肿及青紫,无移动性浊音,肠鸣音弱。既往无手术及外伤史,仪器检查结果(CT、X线及B超):左肾体积明显增大,肾盂呈球状、囊袋状扩张,大小约13.5 cm×7cm,左肾重度积水,分泌功能未见异常,肾盂及实质内有出血;右肾缺如。经抗炎保守治疗29天,其镜下血尿转为阴性,显微镜检查红细胞大于10/高倍视野持续时间未超过二周。  相似文献   

1998年10月16日,河北省×市发生一起强奸杀人案,现场提取避孕套1只.经当地公安机关检验,避孕套内检出精斑,血型为B型,与嫌疑人王×血型相同,送来要求进行DNA检验.  相似文献   

裴俊德  王升 《证据科学》2000,7(3):119-120
某男,69岁,平素身体健康.1999年4月15日因患天疱疮就诊于当地一个体门诊(无行医执照).门诊将酒精20ml来苏儿(市售)40ml和生理盐水混合成500ml左右的液体作为洗液, 将皮炎平1袋、尿素软膏1袋、酒精2ml、来苏儿4ml调配成抹液,治疗的方法是在全身的皮肤上先洗后抹,每天一次,每次均将药液用完.连续治疗3天.其间患者出现皮肤疼痛、浑身发麻、无力、流涎、头疼、眩晕、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻、不能进食,并出现茶色尿.经诊者说这是以毒攻毒,出现这些症状属正常现象.遂继续以同方治疗.3天后,患者出现脉搏细弱 ,面色苍白继而转青紫,出冷汗,呼吸浅慢,体温下降,时有抽搐,且渐加重,出现虚脱、昏迷,经抢救无效死亡.  相似文献   

A major criticism of research on technological innovation is the inconsistency of findings across studies. One explanation for this inconsistency may be the multiple conceptualizations of innovation used in the literature. In this study, four behaviors of innovativeness are reviewed. Factors affecting each behavior are then empirically examined indicating that the behaviors result from different factors. To ensure that future research does not simply create mini-theories of different aspects of innovation, a schema for integrating the different conceptualizations is proposed. Results of an illustrative analysis using this schema is then presented.  相似文献   

乔金辉  李立  吕洪涛 《证据科学》2000,7(3):120-121
华素片是一种临床上应用较广的口腔用药,也较易产生过敏反应,若抢救不及时常可导致过敏性休克的发生.本文报道一例.  相似文献   

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