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儿童证人是刑事诉讼中特殊的诉讼参与人。《儿童权利公约》确立了对儿童权益保护的一般原则,有关国际文件也确立了儿童证人在刑事诉讼中所应享有的诉讼权利。国外的刑事诉讼立法有的也对儿童证人权利制度作了规定。比较而言,我国儿童证人权利制度内容贫乏,既不能满足司法实践对儿童证人保护的需要,也没有体现公约及有关国际文件的要求。应从免于宣誓等方面构建我国儿童证人权利制度。  相似文献   

This study examined 733 child abduction murders (CAMs) occurring from 1968 to 2002 to explore the influence of forensic evidence on case solvability in CAM investigations. It was hypothesized that the presence of forensic evidence connecting the offender to the crime would enhance case solvability in murder investigations of abducted children. This study examined the impact of CAM of different types of forensic evidence and the impact of the summed total of forensic evidence items on case solvability by controlling for victim age, victim race, victim gender, and victim-offender relationship. Time and distance theoretical predictors were also included. Binomial logistic regression models were used to determine whether forensic evidence was a critical solvability factor in murder investigations of abducted children. This research indicated that, while forensic evidence increased case solvability, the impact of forensic evidence on solvability was not as important as other solvability factors examined.  相似文献   

This study examined college students' attitudes toward spanking as a function of the situational context and age of the child. As expected, respondents were more likely to find spanking appropriate for preschool (ages 3–4) and early school age children (ages 7–8) than for older children (ages 11–12). Physical punishment was also viewed as more suitable when the child's misbehavior was disrespectful (talking back to a parent), or violated strongly held norms (hitting a playmate, stealing), and less appropriate for age-related or less serious misbehavior. Gender and race differences emerged, with males and blacks showing more support for corporal punishment than females and whites. In general, findings revealed strong support for spanking, although there was evidence of some ambivalence, especially among white and female respondents. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the impact of the co-occurrence of parental and interparental violence on the behavior of adolescents. Results reveal that the co-occurrence of interparental violence and child physical abuse has a significantly greater negative impact on behavior than does exposure to interparental violence only. Moreover, participants, who are both abused and exposed to interparental violence, exhibit internalized and externalized symptoms falling within the clinical range more frequently. Exposure exclusively to interparental violence also has definite impact; for example, teens who are only exposed to interparental violence exhibit internalized and externalized symptoms more frequently than do those who have been neither subject to physical abuse from a parent nor exposed to interparental violence. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

German family courts have a long‐standing tradition of hearing the child's voice when proceedings affect the child. This article aims to provide an overview of the German procedural rules. The current role and practice of child hearings in family courts and the direct effects on the child are discussed in detail. The perceived benefits, challenges, and pitfalls are deliberated from the viewpoint of the psychological expert. Hearing the voice of the child in person is increasingly viewed as beneficial to the proceedings if the judges and other professionals involved possess the necessary qualifications and competence.  相似文献   

李启成 《现代法学》2006,28(4):26-37
中国司法近代化与治外法权问题紧密相关,调查法权委员会及其报告书是近代中国撤废治外法权的一个阶段性标志。通过考证调查法权委员会组织的前后经过,对作为调查结论的报告书内容进行分析,可以认为该事件强化了近代中国自学习西方法律和司法制度以来一直存在的为废除治外法权而改良法律和司法的论证逻辑;导致了在此之后发动民众,以运动的方式参与法律和司法事务的先河,从而对中国法律和司法近代化产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, there have been several international multi‐lateral treaties for recognition and enforcement of child and spousal support orders. They operated, primarily, in civil law countries where “creditor‐based jurisdiction” allowed establishment of an order in the country of habitual residence of the child or the custodial parent. The United States, requiring “minimum contacts” with the debtor to establish personal jurisdiction, could not be a party to such agreements. For nearly fifty years the U.S., and a few states, sought to fill the need for international reciprocity by negotiating individual country‐to‐country or state‐to‐country arrangements. With ratification of the 2007 Family Maintenance Convention, the United States was finally able to join in a multi‐lateral treaty. The treaty took effect in the United States on January 1, 2017, establishing procedures for international recognition, enforcement and modification of family support orders with 35 other countries already party to the Convention (including the entire European Union). The grand bargain struck during the negotiations between 2003 and 2007 was that the U.S. would honor a foreign order if, under the facts presented, there were sufficient minimum contacts with the debtor that would have supported personal jurisdiction if the order had been entered in any state in the U.S. If unable to recognize a foreign order, the U.S. agreed to take steps to issue a new one. The treaty establishes administrative procedures that, in many respects, are nearly identical to interstate enforcement of domestic support orders in this country. But there are also aspects of the treaty that are entirely new and warrant explanation for family and juvenile court judges. This article focuses on several unique provisions of the treaty that judges and attorneys need to understand.  相似文献   

后现代主义认识论颠覆了传统的知识观:知识不是被展现出的而是被建构出的.后现代主义的杰出代表社会建构主义着重强调了知识建构的社会性.儿童观是认知主体以儿童为对象建构出的一种社会知识,随"儿童形象"的诞生而形成,并影响着"儿童形象"的塑造.儿童观的社会建构属性使得儿童观随着社会的发展变迁、认识论的演变而不断更替,直至引发一场范式的转型,然后在新范式的指导下进行新一轮的建构.儿童观建构取向从聚焦于尺有所短的劣势视角转变到聚焦于寸有所长的优势视角标志着儿童观范式的转型,这一转型颠覆了儿童的传统形象,开启了一种全新的儿童成长空间.  相似文献   

It has been 14 years since Tippins and Wittmann ( 2005 ) voiced concern for the overreaching role the expert may play in matters of family law. This article sets their levels of inference within the context of the culture of both law and social science. We examine how inferences are impacted by the relative emphasis child custody experts give to the five stakeholders involved in child custody evaluations (CCEs): courts, lawyers, parents, children, and professional governing bodies. Acculturation of the assessor to law contributes to more egregious inferences, versus the more modest ones Tippins and Wittmann advocated. How evaluators prioritize stakeholders shapes their opinion and methodology. We offer an expanded perspective that views how their levels of inference are manifest in reports, methodology, and recommendations and the influence of the culture of law and the mindset of the clinician. We hope to encourage clinicians to find ways to operationalize clinical humility, assume their proper role, and remain true to their master identity as licensed mental health professionals and their proper sphere of authority.  相似文献   

我国侦查主体与侦查权的合理设置与配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋石平 《河北法学》2008,26(2):109-113
我国现行侦查主体设置与侦查权配置的二元化模式不符合国际"侦查主体一元化"的潮流,因此后者必然成为我国在此方面改革的借鉴。"检警一体化"的侦查模式由于其存在特定缺陷也难以与我国历史情况与现实国情契合,因此按"警察一体化"的侦查模式重新调整我国现有的检警关系成为我国对此改革的方向。独立、垂直的职务犯罪侦查局的设置可以将剥离出来的检察机关对职务犯罪的侦查权和纪委对党员干部涉嫌职务犯罪的调查权或称之为"准侦查权"合并吸纳,有利于对职务犯罪的实际预防、控制和惩处。  相似文献   

When it comes to child sex trafficking, health care clinics have become spaces of duality. While these facilities provide medical care to child victims, many argue that this facilitates traffickers in concealing evidence of child sex trafficking. This Note proposes an amendment to New York's Safe Harbor Act and various sections of the Social Services Law to cure legislative ambiguity with respect to health care clinics. The amendment will mandate that all state‐run health care clinics implement a uniform process, utilizing mental health professionals and a standardized interview process, to identify and report instances of potential child sex trafficking.  相似文献   

This article explores the experience of taking part in the Irish State’s Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (CICA) and the subsequent redress scheme. The Commission was set up in 2000 with the task of investigating Industrial and Reformatory Schools that were in existence for most of the twentieth century. A redress scheme was also set up by the government to compensate those who were abused in these institutions. 25 qualitative interviews were conducted with male and female Industrial and Reformatory School survivors. The focus of this article is to understand some of the issues that this cohort of survivors faced in taking part in the inquiry and redress process, dealing with issues such as re-traumatisation, retributive justice and procedural justice.  相似文献   

A subgroup of intractable families, in which a child refuses postseparation contact with a parent, perplexes and frustrates professionals who work with them. This article discusses the underlying forces that drive the family's intractability, as well as guidelines for working with the family. The guidelines include specific court orders developed from the very beginning of the case that elaborate the court's stance about goals and expectations for the family, along with specialized individual and family therapies that are undertaken within a framework of planned collaboration with the court. The collaborative team of legal and mental health professionals works in an innovative and active way to structure, support, and monitor the family's progress in resolving the resist/refuse dynamic.  相似文献   

《行政强制法》第43条规定关涉的行政强制执行时间限制与拒绝给付禁止之规定透射出这样的利益博弈:公民权的保障与行政权的限缩、个人利益的凸显与公共利益的隐退。由此足以解读立法者设置该条的旨意。该种立法内容设计存在正当性瑕疵:从宏观上来看,存在与该法同一章节预置规则相冲突之嫌;从微观来看,内容设计之科学性不足。基于此,行政强制执行时间与手段限制的革新应以"抑公扬私"的立法理念为导向探求行政强制执行时间的限度;从法律依据、适用条件、程序设置等方面规制拒绝给付制度。  相似文献   

传统与现代:基层纠纷解决机制的法社会学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基层社会群体冲突事件的逐年上升,一定程度地体现了当代纠纷解决机制在基层运行的失灵。纠纷解决机制在基层何以失灵?透过云南7·19孟连群体事件,从法律社会学的角度分析传统纠纷解决机制向现代化转型过程中的困境与机遇。  相似文献   

我们对儒家的“德育”思想有误解。事实上,儒家理解的“德育”应指一种“成德之教”,在根本的意义上,它是关于我们如何实现良心自觉的学问。儒家认为自觉的方法主要有两种:一是修身;一是教化。其根据是儒家所持有的独特的心性论。关于修身历来有“朱陆之争”,但事实上他们的不同只是一个强调在日常生活的具体道德实践中“逆觉体证”,一个强调通过格物、阅读经典等来觉悟而已,各有长短。同样,教化的根源性的方法是“启发”,它反映的人伦关系不是权力性的压制关系,而是出于一种天下一家、天下关怀的道德责任感;这种责任感恰恰反映了儒家积极性的人伦观。祛魅了这一人伦观,我们最终将无“家”可归。  相似文献   

The value of environmental evidence for reconstructing journey histories has significant potential given the high transferability of sediments and the interaction of footwear with the ground. The importance of empirical evidence bases to underpin the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of forensic trace materials is increasingly acknowledged. This paper presents two experimental studies designed to address the transfer and persistence of sediments on the soles of footwear in forensically relevant scenarios, by means of quartz grain surface texture analysis, a technique which has been demonstrated to be able to distinguish between samples of mixed provenance.It was identified that there is a consistent trend of transfer and persistence of sediments from hypothetical pre-, syn- and post-crime event locations across the sole of the shoe, with sediments from ‘older’ locations likely to be retained in small proportions. Furthermore, the arch of the shoe (the area of lowest foot pressure distribution) typically (but not exclusively) retained the highest proportion of grain types from previous locations including the crime scene. A lack of chronological layering of the retained sediments was observed indicating that techniques that can identify the components of mixed provenance samples are important for analysing footwear sediment samples. It was also identified that the type of footwear appeared to have an influence on what particles were retained, with high relief soles that incorporate recessed areas being more likely to retain sediments transferred from ‘older’ locations from the journey history. In addition, the inners of footwear were found to retain sediments from multiple locations from the journey history that are less susceptible to differential loss in comparison to the outer sole. These findings provide important data that can form the basis for the effective collection, analysis and interpretation of sediments recovered from both the outer soles and inners of footwear, building on the findings of previously published studies. These data offer insights that enable inferences to be made about mixed source sediments that are identified on footwear in casework, and provide the beginnings of an empirical basis for assessing the significance of such sediment particles for a specific forensic reconstruction.  相似文献   

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