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并案侦查是侦查机关在侦查活动中,将推断为同一犯罪主体的系列案件联系起来,实行合并侦查的一种侦查措施。作为一种实践性极强的侦查基本形式,并案侦查有主体同一性和案件系列性,情报集中性和对策运用针对性,组织活动协同性和侦查措施综合性等鲜明的自身特点。  相似文献   

近年来,虚开增值税专用发票及非法制售普通发票犯罪持续高发,特别是营改增税改政策全面推进以来,诱发税收犯罪的因素相应增加,发票犯罪形势更为严峻,公安税侦部门急需深刻认识形势,科学分析发票犯罪的新特点,认真总结近年来打击涉税犯罪的实战经验和成果,全面梳理情报分析研判在案件发现、线索梳理、犯罪事实查证、犯罪嫌疑人及犯罪网络查证等各个环节的运用方法,探索情报主导下的发票犯罪侦查新思路,全面提升预警和打击防范能力。  相似文献   

论犯罪情报管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瞿丰 《犯罪研究》2007,(3):14-18
犯罪情报已成为新时期公安工作,尤其是公安侦查工作效益新的增长点。犯罪情报若要在公安侦查工作中发挥应有作用,重中之重是对其进行科学管理。本文从犯罪情报工作管理机构及其任务、犯罪情报资源管理、犯罪情报工作队伍建设及犯罪情报工作的考核检查等方面对犯罪情报管理作概括性论述。  相似文献   

贿赂犯罪作为最常见的职务犯罪类型,犯罪行为的隐蔽化、智能化、复杂化趋势日益凸显,侦查与反侦查的较量愈加激烈。本文指出传统侦查手段在查办案件时陷入多重困境,特殊侦查措施对侦办贿赂犯罪案件具有适用性和可行性。  相似文献   

并案侦查是一种常用的综合性侦查措施,在打击系列犯罪,提高侦查效益方面发挥了重要的作用。但在侦查实践中,由于各方面的原因,漏并、错并等现象也不时出现,严重影响了并案工作的广度和精度。本文拟以一起系列杀人案件的侦破为例,对并案中存在的一些误区作浅要分析,以期能对并案实践有所助益。  相似文献   

当前,我国公安机关对于赌博犯罪虽然有着高强度的打击,但赌博犯罪仍呈现出居高不下的态势.由于赌博犯罪特点与嫌疑人结构特征的特殊性,赌博犯罪案件的讯问工作往往存在较大的难度,主要表现在嫌疑人关系复杂、前科比例较高、赌资流转方式多样、证人证言收集不利等.基于对赌博犯罪嫌疑人的讯问难点与讯问要点,结合其心理特征,对赌博犯罪案件...  相似文献   

破坏网络信息系统犯罪案件侦查策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖根为  陈珏 《犯罪研究》2005,(6):51-55,65
破坏网络系统犯罪是网络犯罪中危害极大的犯罪之一,为了保障网络系统的安全,维护互联网的运行安全,必须及时侦破破坏网络系统犯罪。只有针对破坏网络系统犯罪的特殊特性,分析其犯罪的一般过程,通过应急响应与调查取证相结合,外围侦控与内部侦查相结合,案前跟踪与案后侦查相结合,科学系统地制定侦查方针和策略。  相似文献   

本文探讨了我国关于毒品犯罪案件中诱惑侦查的规制制度。  相似文献   

中国证券市场建立以来,内幕交易行为在市场中非常普遍,甚至可以说,我国的内幕交易和股价操纵已达到泛滥程度。但由于在内幕交易案件侦查中存在着内幕交易数额计算法律规定不清、内幕信息知情人员建议他人交易相关证券是否构成犯罪等法律适用难点以及交易操作人认定的困难,除了侦查人员需要在办案过程中理清思路,合理安排侦查进度、综合运用侦查措施、有效组合获取证据等,更需要加强证券部门与经济犯罪侦查部门的情报交流。  相似文献   

裘树祥 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):34-38
商业贿赂犯罪是当前贿赂犯罪的一种新的趋势,党和政府已对此予以了有史以来的最大关注。但目前学界对商业贿赂的研究还不充分,商业贿赂有其特定的概念内涵以及行为特征和犯罪特点。对于商业贿赂犯罪,单一的预防和侦查效果都不太理想,应将宏观的制度性防控措施和微观的侦查策略性措施结合在一起去考虑。  相似文献   

目的:探索针对性措施,防范医疗事故犯罪.方法:从中国裁判文书官方网站搜索关键词"医疗事故罪",共获得2009-2018年全国医疗事故罪裁判文书22份.将22份裁判文书数据录入Excel2007进行统计分析.结果:2009-2018年22起全国医疗事故犯罪造成2人严重损害和20人死亡,基层医疗机构案件频发,未作过敏测试是...  相似文献   

PurposeKnowing sites used by serial sex offenders to commit their crimes is highly beneficial for criminal investigations. However, environmental choices of serial sex offenders remain unclear to this date. Considering the challenges these offenders pose to law enforcement, the study aims to identify sites serial sex offenders use to encounter and release their victims and investigate their stability across crime series.MethodsThe study uses latent class analysis (LCA) to identify victim encounter and release sites used by 72 serial sex offenders having committed 361 sex offenses. Additional LCA are performed to investigate the stability of these offense environments across offenders' crimes series.ResultsDistinct profiles of crime sites that are recurrent across crime series are found, suggesting that serial sex offenders present a limited diversity of victim encounter and victim release sites. Encounter sites representative of longer crime series are also identified. Specifically, the use of sites known to "attract" potential victims decreases over series and offenders become more risk-taking in regard of sites used to encounter their victims.ConclusionsThe study identifies patterns of site- selection for the victim encounter and release in cases of serial crimes. Implications for crime linkage and police investigations strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

我国黑社会犯罪发展趋势浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪70年代末期黑社会性质组织犯罪在中国大陆再度出现以来,随着改革开放的深入和社会转型的进一步加快,在20多年的时间里,中国的黑社会性质组织犯罪经历了一个萌芽、发展和成熟的过程,其中少数组织团伙基本上完成了从仅具黑社会职业犯罪组织的转型。许多黑社会性质组织不仅继承了旧时代黑帮势力的某些特征,而且随着境外黑社会渗透的加剧和内外勾结跨境作案的增多,  相似文献   

An important problem in the selection of crime control programs is the choice among broad crime control strategies. This paper presents a Markov approach to the study of one important aspect of the analysis of crime control strategies—the characterization of the criminal population. Results indicate that persons with previous arrest records may commit a somewhat smaller proportion of the common crimes of robbery, burglary, larceny over $50, and assault than is indicated by rearrest data.  相似文献   

犯罪心理是犯罪行为发生的内在根据。职务犯随着职位升迁,比较对象变化,特别是面对他人的阿谀奉承和糖衣炮弹,他们的欲望持续膨胀,自我发生扭曲,认知出现错误,心理产生失衡。一旦官员的自我调控弱化,而外在制度对权力控制又不力,官员就容易在各种侥幸心理支配下,实施以权谋私的职务犯罪。  相似文献   

近几年,我院推行案件评估复核机制,积极发挥研究室督导督查作用,不断提高全院办案质量。本文作者结合自己的办案实践,就本院渎职侵权检察部门在查处渎职侵权犯罪案件过程中,如何较好地运用院案件评估复核机制,充分发挥督导督查职能作用,努力提高办案质量谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Although there has been a marked increase in studies of animal abuse from a variety of socio-legal and green criminological perspectives in the past two decades, we have a limited empirical understanding of the extent of animal victimization in environmental crime prosecutions in the United States. In order to better understand the nature and distribution of animal victimization in environmental crime prosecutions, we employ a content analysis of federal environmental crime cases, 2001–2011. Out of 972 cases, results show identifiable animal victimization plays a role in six percent of cases. Although animal victimization in environmental crime may be extensive, its role in environmental prosecutions appears secondary. We conclude with possibilities of expanding animal protection via wildlife and environmental law connections.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the reporting of shoeprint cases concerning the possibility of various laboratories drawing different conclusions from similar cases. For this purpose, six sets of photographs — six fictitious crime cases — were prepared. The six cases were distributed to the 34 crime laboratories having registered for the European Meeting for Shoeprint and Toolmark Examiners. The examiners in different laboratories were asked to examine the cases and to draw their conclusions from each of them based on pattern, shape, size and the accidental characteristics marked on the photos. The expressions for the conclusions were selected as degrees of probability. The examiners were asked to follow the expressions given, even if they were not using the same wording in their own reports. Based on the survey, there seem to be remarkable variations in the conclusions of shoeprint reports drawn from identical cases in different crime laboratories.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exposition of how the factorial survey approach may enhance empirical assessments of the complex judgment principles involved in public views of just punishments for convicted offenders. Ratings of the appropriateness of sentences given across 50 typical crimes obtained from a household sample (N=774) of the Boston SMSA and several special-interest samples in 1982 are examined in three alternative ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression equations. These analyses show there is not a one-to-one direct relationship between public perceptions of the seriousness of criminal acts and desired sanctions. Crime seriousness is modified by the characteristics of the offenders and victims and by the consequences of the crimes. Preferred punishments also vary in severity by demographic, experiential, and attitudinal characteristics of the persons who make the judgments.  相似文献   

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