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Isidore Silver 《Society》1984,21(3):90-91

Since the Second World War France has experienced an upsurge of regionalistic and ethnic nationalist movements. There has been mutual interaction between these movements and the French left, particularly the Socialist Party. As a result, the policies of the Socialist government since May 1981 have included a wide programme of decentralisation which went some way to meeting the demands of the movements. But the continuing Jacobinism of the Socialists has imposed limitations and has led to a strengthening of the movements' moderate forces as well as to a splitting off and further hardening of the ‘purs et durs’ elements.  相似文献   

As each presidential election passes into the history books, debate renews over the status of the New Deal Party System. This article addresses part of that debate by examining changes in the electorate's assessment of New Deal issues. Despite the vast literature on realignment, there have been few efforts to see whether issues associated with the New Deal still shape the political attitudes of the American electorate. Using the NES's openended like/dislike questions on parties and candidates from 1952 to 1988, I show that New Deal issues remain central to the partisan attitudes of the public. These findings show that the agenda of the New Deal remains an integral part of how the American public thinks about their candidates and parties. There, of course, has been much change over the last four decades, but these results suggest, in general, that at least parts of the New Deal Party System remain intact.  相似文献   

Drug wars ahead     
Rosenberg D 《Newsweek》2004,144(23):72, 74

Supply restricting drug policy is inefficient from an economic point of view, but is nevertheless widely used. This paper explains this phenomenon as individually rational behavior for local government. Because supply restriction gives addicts an incentive to migrate it has an external effect. This effect makes a policy of supply restrictions individually rational but leads to socially wasteful competition between local governments in a federal system.  相似文献   

当前政府建立应对突发事件应急管理系统的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着世界政治经济格局的变换、社会结构的转型、利益主体多元化格局的形成以及科学技术的进步等多种动因的影响 ,突发事件的发生变得日益频繁和复杂 ,社会公共危害性越来越大 ,并逐渐呈现出一种全球化的趋势。为了维续政府的基本职能 ,维护政府的合法性和公信力 ,当前政府建立应对突发事件的应急管理系统十分紧迫和现实可行。本文分别就应急管理系统的缓解、准备、反应及恢复机制的建立和完善进行系统思考 ,并在公共治理变革的视野维度下对政府应急管理的发展提出展望。  相似文献   

Mast  Brent D.  Benson  Bruce L.  Rasmussen  David W. 《Public Choice》2000,104(3-4):285-308
The hypothesis that drug enforcementis relatively high in local jurisdictions where statelaws dictate that police retain seized assets istested in the context of a reduced-form equation ofthe supply and demand for drug enforcement. Theresults are robust across model specifications, someof which directly control for the level of drug use:legislation permitting police to keep seized assetsraises drug arrests as a portion of total arrests byabout 20 percent and drug arrest rates by about 18percent. Police bureaucrats apparently desirediscretionary budget increases, and they haveconsiderable discretion in determining resourceallocation.  相似文献   

吸毒人员的群体特征:海洛因和新型毒品的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国毒品问题从海洛因向新型毒品演变的背景下,本文使用上海的调查数据,从人口特征、吸毒行为模式、人际交往网络、性行为与艾滋病风险四个方面,对海洛因和新型毒品两类吸毒人员的群体特征进行了系统的比较分析.结果发现,两类毒品的滥用流行具有相当大的差异性.  相似文献   

The AFP Drug Harm Index was developed to provide a single measure that encapsulates the potential value to the Australian community of AFP drug seizures. The index represents the dollar value of harm that would have ensued had the seized drugs reached the community. In the five years from 1998–99 to 2002–2003, the AFP and its partners saved the Australian community approximately $3.1 billion in harm through its disruption of illicit drug importations. Because the Harm Index is based on the benefits associated with an estimated reduction in consumption, it can be generalised to measuring the benefits of other drug interventions.  相似文献   

孙军辉 《学理论》2010,(11):123-125
吸食毒品不仅严重影响了我国国民素质的提高,而且给家庭,社会也带来了许多不稳定的因素。为此,我国相继出台了多种法律从贩毒、运毒、卖毒、吸毒等一系列环节有效制约了毒品对我国的危害。在对毒品流通环节展开有效、有力打击的同时,也应该对戒毒人员管理机构进行优化,对吸毒人员进行教育,对吸毒者及家庭采取扶住措施,这样才能从根本上解决问题。  相似文献   

随着国内外毒品犯罪形势日趋严峻,在海关、机场、码头、车站等关键场所,为了实现毒品现场快速检验的目的,迅速确定和控制毒品犯罪,国内外的有关部门研制出多种便携式毒品快速检验装备,我国常用的有单项检验装置和综合型检验装置。现代化卫星监控技术也被用于发现毒源植物的种植情况。近年来,动物缉毒作为缉毒侦查的一种生物手段,在这个领域发挥着其他手段无法替代的作用。现在可以用以缉毒的动物有缉毒犬、缉毒猪、缉毒鼠、缉毒蝶等等。  相似文献   

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