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Bill Loves China     
正BILL Brown,Fujian’s first foreign permanent resident,has been a professor in Xiamen University’s School of Management since he helped start the MBA program in 1988.Currently,he hosts the weekly TV program Xingfu Fujian(Happiness in Fujian)for  相似文献   

MGICIANS from all over the world descended on Beijing in late July for the World Championships of Magic(MCM),aka Magic Olympic Games,"For the first time,this elite magic event came to a developing country".  相似文献   

我黯然地离开了那座城,与他重新变成MSN上两个冷漠的名字,就像从没有见过面。只是那些美好又飘渺的爱,那些小巷,那片海,那辆旧自行车,在某个夜里会浮出脑海,深深地,深深地刺痛我的心。  相似文献   

Modern Man     
WHEN the Chinese C o n t e m p o r a r y opened in London’s posh Mayfair dis- trict in 1996, a neighboring gallery owner wandered in to snigger, “Don’t tell me you’re sell- ing this to English people.” It was the f irst gallery in London – and one of Eu- rope’s f irst – to sell contemporary Chi- nese art, and few British dealers gave it a chance. But the 38,000 British pounds it cleared in that fi rst year of business has multiplied many fold since, says co- director Ludovic Bois…  相似文献   

No Mariachi Man     
Young Mexican master guitarist Francisco Bibriesca wows Beijing afficionados and looks for local tunes. CHEN Lu was top of the queue when the doors opened. "It's not often a guitar genius comes to town," said the 22-year-old guitarist who wore a faded Jimi Hendrix T-shirt, an acoustic guitar slung across his back. The last time he'd been this excited, he said, was when legendary rock guitarist Joe Satriani put on a master class act in Beijing last May.  相似文献   

晏辉 《长白学刊》2007,(5):9-12
资本的运行逻辑使得生产与消费变成了与人的实际需要相脱离的社会现象,资本原本就是一个包含生产、分配、交换和消费四个环节的社会设置和社会运动。这种设置和运动造成了"庞大的商品堆积",而解决"商品堆积"的根本道路在于扩大消费,因此,普遍的消费行为和消费主义乃是市场社会的必然结果,致使一些消费越过了合理消费的边界而变成了奢侈、炫耀、浪费。确证消费合理性的基础在于消费的代内正义和代际正义。而解决合理消费的根本途径则在于发掘人的精神潜质,强化精神活动和精神产品的生产,以及培养和提升人们对幸福的创造和体悟能力。  相似文献   

FAN Guorong, aged 84, is known in his hometown as "the Old Cigar Man." The moniker is a fitting one as he has spent most of his life making cigars. In his early teens, Fan served a three-year apprenticeship and became the youngest cigar maker of his time when he started his career in the late 1940s.  相似文献   

正Mike Pompeo is the best secretary of state ever—for China Mike Pompeo is the embodiment of a fi ne U.S. diplomat. Eloquent speaker and West Point graduate. Army veteran and former top intelligence offi cer. Family man and devout church-goer.The way he skillfully and cheerfully engages his audiences at press briefings and  相似文献   

The Odd Man Out     
Political exigencies continue to trump strategic possibilities in the oft-strained U.S.-China military relationship The latest round of the U . S . - China Strategic ? and Economic Dialogue  相似文献   

<正>A Chinese documentary provides fresh insight into AI and its limitations By Li Fangfang On an extraordinary day in March 2002,from a professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading in England,Kevin Warwick became a cyborg,the tribe of the fictional superhero who is halfliving flesh and half biomechatronic.Yet the procedure was quite humdrum.  相似文献   

Man,the Creator     
<正>A Chinese scientist has advanced science to the point where he can fuse peaand corn into a new hybrid plantOn January 1,the New Plant Variety Protection Office of China’s Ministry of Agriculture issued"birth certificates"to two new plant species,Bioroad Pearl 18 and Bioroad Pearl 216,which were created by hybridizing the chromosomes of pea and corn.The achievements are just two among those  相似文献   

<正>Scientists and volunteers plan a new Shennongjia exploration for Bigfoot After being shelved for many years, a plan to search for the wild man in the Shennongjia forestry district is once again under way. This time, scientists want to raise as much as 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) to employ advanced technology and recruit staff worldwide for the project.  相似文献   

正Boosting domestic demand,especially consumption,has become a viable engine for China's economic growth The China Textile Commerce Association is busy preparing for the Beijing Women's Shopping Festival this May.The commodity fair,aimed almost exclusively at female shoppers,will feature a wide array of dresses,bags,luggage,shoes,hats and various other accessories.  相似文献   

Nutritionists suggest keeping balance in diet Xing Hong is a 38-year-old full-time housewife.She is proud of the praiseshe receives from friends  相似文献   

MA Gongzhi walks with a limp because of severe malformation of his lower body. The handicapped youngster lives in Bolin Town, Yongxing County, Hunan Province. No more than 1.5 meters in height and 40 kg in weight, the 22-year-old Ma has never let his handicap prevent him from sharing in life's bounty. He has trekked over mountains with 55kg of film projection equipment on his shoulder, and brought back interesting footage for the enjoyment of farmers in isolated villages.  相似文献   

HumanmemorybrightensadarkwinterinastrangelandWHILEinBostonin1993,ImetanelderlyAmeri-canman.Onehotsum-merdayheinvitedmetoarestau-rant.Atthetable,hecarefullybroughtoutasmallhandkerchiefwrappedbundleOpeningit,IfoundanoldpaPercoveredbox,theorigi-nalblackfadedtograybythepas-sageoftime.Iwassurprisedtoseethatinsidewasamemorialnote-bookofChinesericepaper.IsawthatitwasfullofpartingwordswrittenbyhisChinesefriends:"WordPeace,"Longlivethevic-toriousalliedcountries-"Thedatewasthethirty-fourthyearof…  相似文献   

XUYongguanglooksmuchyoungerthanheshould,consideringheis50yearsold.Heisabrilliantconversationalistandfullofenergy.XuisthesecretarygeneraloftheChinaYouthDevelopmentFoundation(CYDF),thelargestnon-profitorganizationinChina.Beforetakingonhispresentposition,hewasthedirectoroftheOrganizationDepartmentoftheCommunistYouthLeagueofChina(CYLC),thelargestyouthorganizationinthecountry.HeismostnotedforhisestablishmentofProjectHope,adonation-basedfoundationthathelpsschooldropoutsreturntoclassroom.Xu…  相似文献   

No man is an island, entire of itself.-John Donne, poet (1572-1631)LAST month I celebrated the fortieth anniversary of my relationship with Stephanie, the woman who is now my wife.  相似文献   

WHETHER appreciating from outside the ingeniously designed pavilions, or inside to see exhibits fired by creativity and imagination, the Shanghai Expo astonishes visitors with its great sense of life. The theme "Better City, Better Life" is fully revealed in more than 200 pavilions, which show, in their different ways, how man, city and the earth evolve in an organic process.  相似文献   

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