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Art Out of Fire     
<正>Black pottery remains prosperous in China after centuries Black pottery,the handcrafted earthenware uniquely produced in Yingjing County of Ya’an City,southwest China’s Sichuan Province,has a history of more than 2,000 years.It is made using special clay found only in Yingjing combined with local coal ash which dries a matte silver-gray  相似文献   

黄有东 《理论月刊》2006,(11):54-56
“:美学研究对象”即“美学对象”,它分为两个部分:一是本体对象;二是文本对象。传统美学把“美”作为“本体对象”基本上无疑义,而把“艺术”等作为“文本对象”却有不妥之处。美学的文本对象应该从传统的“艺术”(包括“自然”),转换到“文化”(包括相对应的“自然”)来。文化美学就是以“文化”(包括“自然”)为文本对象的美学。  相似文献   

马立新 《青年论坛》2011,(2):112-116
从全局上审视所有世间存在的艺术品——艺术家或非艺术家创造的用于审美需要的物质文化实体产品,会发现人们对艺术品的解读只有两种方式——有些艺术品以运动的形式被解读,另一些艺术品则以静态的形式被解读;或者说,前一种艺术品具有固定的先后解读秩序,必须严格按照时间序列遵从艺术品的先后构成秩序方可被解读,这些艺术品有文学、电影、电视、戏剧、音乐、舞蹈等;而后一种艺术品则以纯粹的静态形式被直观,这些艺术品有绘画、雕塑、摄影、建筑等。依据艺术品的构成秩序和解读秩序而将艺术品划分为动、静两大类,标准清晰,容易被一般艺术接受者所掌握,同时这一标准也比较能够揭示各种艺术品的本体特征,涵盖力和统摄性强,所以我们倾向于按照这一分类标准构建新的艺术格局。  相似文献   

Forgedin Fire     
正China’s leading steelmaker seeks to address overcapacity Standing on the shore of the South China Sea, Baosteel’s Zhanjiang iron and steel manufacturing plant carried out a hot run test of its No.2 blast furnace on July 15,representing the completion of the frst stage of its production facility.When the Shanghai-based  相似文献   

舒乙 《北京观察》2006,(5):45-47
京西石景山的磨石口地区真是一个聚宝盆:区区小地,三个宝贝,一个法海寺,一个承恩寺,一个田义墓,又是壁画,又是雕刻,全是明代的,全是精品,宛如一个伟大的艺术之乡,难得!田义墓,居然就在磨石口街上,不在旷野中,这个选址多少有点怪;好处是很容易到达,仿佛天生是一个让人参观的博物馆馆址。田义生前是个宦官。明朝的太监可以当官,可以掌权。田义是个四品官,级别不算特高,但他是个重要的官员,掌实权,侍候过三位皇帝,当过南京正守备、司礼监印和酒醋面局印,相当南京军区司令员,掌印官和粮食副食总局局长。田义去世后,万历皇帝下令厚葬田义,赏了不…  相似文献   

正A traditional Beijing handicraft faces the challenge of inheritance In 1962,17-year-old Xing Lanxiang was hired by a glassware factory in Beijing after graduating from junior middle school.Before that,she had never heard of the art,and even afterward never did she expect to be engaged in it for the rest of her life.Today,together with her two sons,Xing is a national intangible cultural  相似文献   

统计结果表明 ,火灾引起人员死亡的主要原因是有毒烟雾引起的窒息。因此 ,对于任何消防救护计划 ,控制火灾烟雾都非常重要 ,而且必须要求将火灾烟雾从建筑物中排出。随着我们对火灾性质的了解 ,传统的自然通风方法显然难以达到消防的要求 ,因此 ,更有效的动力排烟系统将会取而代之。一、火灾与火灾烟雾的有关理论火灾不是一下子发生的 ,而是要经过燃烧、蔓延 ,然后达到它的最大燃烧率 ,就变成火灾。同样 ,火灾烟雾也是逐步产生并蔓延扩展 ,最后成为可怕的吞噬人的生命的恶魔的。在火灾生长和蔓延的过程中 ,不同的时刻火灾烟雾的生成量和温度…  相似文献   

Gaza Under Fire     
正The conflict between Israel and Hamas has caused mass casualties,but for what gain?By Bai ShiOperation Protective Edge against Hamas(the Islamic Resistance Movement)in the Gaza Strip of Palestine launched by Israel Defense Forces(IDF)has become one of the largest humanitarian crises to hit the region in recentyears.  相似文献   

Art Matters     
Beijing's Huajiadi community of contemporary artists may have disbanded, but its impact and the commercial success of its artists have been enormous.  相似文献   

Trial by Fire     
正From the tough times expats emerge upbeat about the futureIn February, when Xiamen Airlines was chartered to deliver supplies to Wuhan, the city hardest hit by the novel corona-virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in central China, Australian pilot Myles Bernard Weston was up for the task. "It is our responsibility to work together  相似文献   

Art 2.0     
<正>A new media art project concerns itself with the distinctive characteristics of the Chinese Internet ‘Shake your head with the cat."It may take a moment to realize what the words mean.The cat in question is frozen on the screen.Then the Internet catches up and the white feline begins waving its head back and forth.The way its whiskers bounce is  相似文献   

Art Gallery     
HUYongkaiwasborninBeijingin1945.AftergraduatingfromtheCentralAcademyofFineArts,hewasassignedtoteachattheAcademyofFineArtsaffiliatedtoShanghaiUniversity.In1988,hewenttoliveinHongKong.HeisnowamemberoftheChineseArtists'AssociationandtheHongKongArtists'Association,amemberoftheboardofdirectorsoftheWorldOverseasChineseArtists'AssociationandthepresidentoftheHongKongNewFineArtsSociety.HuYongkai'screativeworksfocusonthedepletionofwomenandtheirintrospective,gentleandpeacefulinnerworld.Heha…  相似文献   

Art Gallery     
THE watercolors published in this issue were done by Huang Youwei.born in 1965 in Yueyang , Hunan Province. Since graduating from the fine arts department of the Hunan Binzhou Normal School in 1989,Huang has devoted himself to water color paintings. Although he does not believe life is all roses and sunshine, he has the ability to find beauty in things and in people - to derive hope from the trivialities and vicissitudes of lives. He says, "Many aspects of our livescall touch and stir tho…  相似文献   

正China expresses concerns over North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test Pyongyang once again shocked the world with its earthquake-triggering nuclear test.China’s earthquake-monitoring agency reported that the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK)on January 6 even shook some places in northeast China which border the DPRK.  相似文献   

THE Torch Festival, also known as an Oriental Carnival, is an age-old custom among ethnic minorities such as the Yi, Bai, Achang and Lahu that live in southwest China. The celebration is held at different times by different ethnic groups, but generally takes place on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month and lasts for three consecutive days.  相似文献   

正High fees for actors and actresses have become contentious How can one realize the"small target of earning$15 million?"This was a question posed by Wang Jianlin,one of China’s best-known billionaires,in a recent talk show.One option could be to star in a Chinese TV drama,since a lead actor’s salary may take up over half of its entire budget.  相似文献   

正Xie Zhigao’s work seeks to be faithful to reality ‘If you want to find an archetypical Chinese figure painter born in the 1940s and who grew up inland,you need look no further than Xie Zhigao,"said Wang Luxiang,vice President of Li Keran Art Foundation,a national-level foundation set up in 1998 to promote Chinese culture and commemorate well-known contemporary Chinese painter Li Keran(1907-89).  相似文献   

State of Art     
正Rural communities long for art education I like playing the violin, and I can already play several songs, said Wei Luxi happily, holding a violin. She lives in Fengtai District in Beijing, and her parents are both well-paid engineers. At five years  相似文献   

人类的利他行动是德性行动。其中艺术行动又是一种特殊的德性行动,因为它不仅同时兼具利他性和利己性,而且直接通达人生的终极目的。这种能激发艺术主体强烈自由情感的性质就是艺术德性。艺术德性是一种特殊的职业德性。直观真实、客观真实和主观真实是构成艺术德性的三个必要条件但非充分条件;开辟新奇和充满不确定性的新现实图景是艺术德性的充分条件而非必要条件。两者的完美结合才能催开美丽的艺术德性花朵。  相似文献   

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