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顾丽丽 《中国发展》2007,7(4):67-70
在市场经济迅猛发展的推动下,数以千计的农村富余劳动力涌向城市,其中大部分人长期与子女处于分离状态。由于留守子女得不到很好的关爱,各方面的素质普遍存在一定不足,学习动机、学习过程、学习环境也因父母的外出发生一定变化。该文通过分析相关问题及原因,对外出父母、留守子女本人、留守子女的监护人以及学校、社会、教育政策等方面提出了见解。  相似文献   


The days when psychotherapy was practiced as a lone endeavor are nearly gone. Today therapists, particularly family therapists, interface with a variety of other community professionals; many of these professionals are from our legal system. Judges, attorneys, and guardians are calling on the expertise of family therapists to assist with difficult cases. A relatively new population of clients being seen by family therapists are parents involved in the divorce process who are struggling to work out issues regarding their children. Court-ordered therapy is now required for many divorcing couples. The authors describe their work with parents who are court-ordered to therapy for issues regarding the well-being of their children. In addition to describing their working assumptions and therapeutic techniques, the authors explore the common pitfalls of working with families court-ordered to family therapy.  相似文献   

论土家族哭嫁歌的孝道内涵   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土家族哭嫁歌中蕴涵着丰富的孝亲内涵,它是出嫁女子要求孝敬自己双亲的真实反映,也是新娘的家人对她孝敬公婆的婚前教育。在以哭为喜,以哭定才德的心理下,哭也是出嫁女子对父母尽孝的一种表现。  相似文献   


The present paper describes the range of positive family outcomes found when the parents of low-income preschoolers engage in literacy activities with their children. One hundred parents attended a series of family literacy workshops designed to instruct parents on the use of effective book sharing techniques to use with their children. The goal of the program was to increase the children's school readiness and emergent literacy skills by training parents to be more effective and self-confident “first teachers” of the type of literacy skills necessary for early school success. Parents reported that both the amount of parent-child book sharing increased and the time spent reading was more interesting and enjoyable. Children's language skills as well as their interest in books and learning increased. Personal benefits to the parent included enhanced self-esteem and self confidence, increased knowledge of normative child development and sense of efficacy as a parent, heightened understanding of the importance of parental involvement, increased feeling of literacy competence and interest in improving their own education, and sense of increased social support. Other family members (spouses and siblings) also increased their literacy activities. Family relationships, communication, and feelings of togetherness were also enhanced. Implications for individual and family competency enhancing interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

"Left-behind children" are children who have one parent or both parents working in another city while the children stay in the village. These children usually live with either one of their parents, relatives or family friends. Research shows that there are over 58 million left-behind children in China; 57.2 percent of them have one parent working in another city, 42.8 percent of the children have both parents working in another city, 79.7 percent are raised by their grandparents, 13 percent of the left-behind children are raised by relatives or friends, 7.3 percent of these children are raised without a guardian or information about them is uncertain. As the Chinese economy prospers, working-age adults from villages increasingly choose to work in cities with left-behind children a special population that requires special attention in Chinese village education. Social researchers warn that left-behind children are not only a problem for families but a social problem. The education program in Linzi Elementary School, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province has raised awareness of left-behind children’s education. The school’s "Left-behind Children ’33433’ Linzi Model" is now popular in the country and followed by many elementary schools. This school is now a major experimental elementary school under the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) caring for left-behind children.  相似文献   

Study Burden Cut     
正Primary and junior-high school students and their parents across the country have seen some changes since the new school year started on September 1. Students have less homework, and their parents no longer need to correct the homework of their children. At the same time, the number of after-school tutoring institutions for primary and junior-high school students is reducing.  相似文献   

The past two years have witnessed a growing number of live-streaming accounts on various social media platforms that see parents record their kids' cuteness for the online world to see—and like. In extreme cases, this has spurred the phenomenon of parents molding their children into popular online influencers and then raking in the big bucks by tapping into the highly lucrative pond of live-stream marketing.  相似文献   

Individual interviews and focus groups with 35 experienced foster parents explored strategies that facilitate the functional adaptation of children transitioning into their care. Findings from this qualitative study suggest functional adaptation is enhanced by unconditional commitment by foster parents, “claiming” behaviors of foster children and parents, establishment of routines, support of birth family relationships, and advocacy for the youth across systems. Implications of this study support the vital role that foster parents have in helping children adapt to placement, and indicate that agencies can provide increased support for foster parents to better meet the needs of foster youth.  相似文献   

杨晋涛 《思想战线》2002,28(5):71-76
“称粮”是所调查的川西农村最普遍的养老方式。这种养老方式要求在子代家庭间平均分摊养老责任 ,反映出中国家庭关系中的“平均主义”倾向。把“称粮”的养老制度和分家的制度联系起来 ,可以观察到亲子之间“平均主义”的互惠关系。平均主义原则和孝道一起 ,构成理解乡村家庭亲子关系的文化脉络  相似文献   

Childhood experiences can have long-term effects. Research shows that children who undergo adverse childhood experiences (ACE) often have negative health and mental health outcomes later in life. Children of adolescent parents with high ACE Scores are at greater risk of ACE. As such, an intergenerational approach to preventing ACE is proposed in this article, addressing the needs of both the adolescent parent and their children. A review of the literature indicates that a public health perspective can guide the development of a prevention model aimed at reducing the effects of ACE. The current article proposes a universal, multifaceted, and interdisciplinary prevention science model that has two targets: adolescent parents and their children. Schools and early childhood programs can be mobilized to offer community prevention strategies across realms to include the individual, community, provider, coalitions/networks, organizational practices, and policy/legislation.  相似文献   

Average-sized parents of newborn and young dwarf children characteristically experience emotional distress growing out of a lack of knowledge about the practical and social problems their child will experience. The Parents' Auxiliary of Little People of America provides information and advice which enables parents to deal successfully with the medical and logistical problems of child rearing and their short-statured child's development. It further offers social and psychological support that legitimizes self-image for dwarfs and their families, and provides role models of happy, effectively functioning adult dwarfs and children who have made successful adaptations to the average-sized world around them.  相似文献   

With the Chinese New Year a day away,Liang Rui,a young sales manager,has remained in Chongqing,the southwestern municipality where he works.But his gifts are already on their way to his parents living in the central province of Henan.  相似文献   

Children are the future of humankind and society as well as extensions of their parents’ lives. For various reasons, certain children encounter diffculties and misfortune in their lives and need special care. Over the past decades governments, as well as enterprises, NGOs, institutions and philanthropists, within and outside of China have done theirpart to help the children there who are less fortunate than most.  相似文献   

本文考察了1949年建国前中国男权家庭中,父权与夫权的交织作用对夫妇权力关系的影响。其基本方法是跳出性别分析方法的局限,将家庭男权制度置于父系继嗣的体系中去研究,从而揭示已婚妇女在代际和夫妻权力关系方面错综复杂、起伏跌宕的婚姻历程。研究发现,在大家庭里,当父权起主导作用时,年轻夫妻均无权力,婆婆受父权的保护,受父权压迫最大的是家中儿媳。在"反哺"阶段,夫权往往用来保证男方的父母老有所养,而非完全满足男方的私利。夫妻之间,妻子通过生育子嗣和参与家庭事务逐步纳入父系体系,增强了丈夫对她们维系父系家庭的依赖性,在一定程度上抑制了夫权对她们的约束。本文展示了至少在中国部分的父系继嗣家庭中,当夫权遇到父权时,性别与代际权力出现多重性,易变性和内争性,从而造成夫权时强时弱,时有时无,既同父权遥相呼应,又与其发生冲突。因此,中国传统男权家庭中妇女的地位在一生中是变动不定的。中国妇女在父系家庭中的地位也只有放置于纵(父权)横(夫权)两个轴心当中,通观她们的全部生活历史才能完全展示出来。  相似文献   

Current research on open adoption gives less consideration to issues surrounding post-adoption contact with birth parents for children adopted from care. Yet, it is widely recognized that the profile of the children and their birth parents, as well as the quality of post-adoption contacts, vary considerably depending on the context in which the adoption takes place. This article is based on interviews with 32 child welfare workers and 16 foster-to-adopt families. It focuses specifically on aspects and conditions that should be taken into consideration when determining whether or how contact between the adopted child and the birth family should be maintained. Our results show that there are distinctive challenges and dilemmas for open adoption in situations where the adopted child comes from a maltreating family, under the responsibility of child welfare services.  相似文献   

当前,我国高校的教育对象是富有创新精神、性格独立、富有拼搏精神、主观自我、渴望独立的新一代,他们是随着改革开放成长起来的一代,其中绝大部分是独生子女。所以,他们性格中也存在自私、崇尚物质享受、爱攀比、争强好胜等不良习惯。面对这样的主体,则进一步要求高校教师要用科学、合理、人性的方法对他们进行管理教育,激发他们的热情、削减他们的叛逆。只有尊重、鼓励学生,才能建立和谐的师生关系、构建和谐的高等学校校园。  相似文献   

Although many bullying prevention programs aim to involve multiple partners, few studies have examined perceptual differences regarding peer victimization and the broader bullying climate among students, staff, and parents. The present study utilized multilevel data from 11,674 students, 960 parents, and 1,027 staff at 44 schools to examine the association between school-level indicators of disorder, norms regarding bullying and bullies, and students, parents, and staff perceptions of safety, belonging, and witnessing bullying. Results revealed several important discrepancies between adults and youth with regard to their perceptions. Moreover, results highlight the significance of normative beliefs about bullies, retaliation, and the influence of school contextual factors on students' risk for exposure to bullying.  相似文献   

For Chinese parents, a good education is just as important as good nutrition. To increase the odds of future success, they cajole, or in many cases coerce, their children into extracurricular courses in various subjects.  相似文献   

Israeli schools expressly forbid a student to hit back after being attacked. In semistructured interviews,71 Israeli educators were asked for their views on the hitting-back tactic. The interviews compared their attitude toward hitting back as teachers with their take on the matter as parents. The results, analyzed using grounded theory, show that most educators would not object if their children hit back in self-defense when attacked but would discipline students who hit back unless they can prove their claim of self-defense. Interviewees are much less inclined to discipline retaliators who do manage to prove self-defense but feel that investigations to verify self-defense under school conditions are impractical. To deter bullies, they say, teachers must declare their readiness to discipline everyone involved; otherwise, bullies will falsely claim self-defense. The discussion explores the implications of role theory on teachers’ attitudes.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的基本细胞,是人性、人生理想的启蒙教育所,父母的言行潜移默化地影响着青少年的成长。良好的家庭教育不仅是预防青少年犯罪的一道强有力的防线,也是造就人才的摇篮。因此,家庭对教育子女上的特殊功能是任何其它教育所不能替代的。预防青少年犯罪,要从父母自身做起,从家庭教育做起。  相似文献   

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