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It's December—that time of year again. No, not Christmas; I'm talking about the UN Arabic Language Day which falls on December 18.UNESCO initially started to observe this day in 2012 to "celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity." The selfproclaimed linguist I am, I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate this day while in Beijing than by exploring Arabic through the eyes of its Chinese apprentices.  相似文献   

'My dearest son, traveling abroad for the first time in my life, I am not here to go sightseeing, nor to attend your graduation or wedding; I am here for your funeral," Li Rong sobbed when speaking at her son's memorial service thousands of miles away from home.  相似文献   

Two years ago,I traveled with some foreign journalists.One of them asked whether I had any religious belief."I am an atheist,"I said.His facial expression revealed that my reply had reinforced a preconceived opinion of his.He then asked,"It is said there is no religious freedom in China.What do you think?"  相似文献   

The interaction between two perspectives—China as a world factory and Chinese business knowledge—has been complicated by the ever greater tensions generated from the national—China—and the transnational actors—Chinese—in understanding the economic driving force behind the real meanings of the rise of China. The construction process of the rise of Chinese economic power puts the state in direct contact with regional and global economic/political changes. On the one hand, Chinese business knowledge, identities, economic and political interactions also give rise to the notion of network building and sub-regional development, which help transcend country-specific relations. On the other hand, the notion of the rise of China is still being re-constructed through the interplay between regional and global political economy.  相似文献   

First of all, I'd like to extend my thanksto you for your good magazine. I am a se-nior engineer and interpreter at a factory inBaotou. I got my degree in forging in 1988.As the factory lacked English interpreterswith technical expertise I took an Englishcourse at the Beijing Foreign Studies Uni-versity from 1997 to 1998. Since returningto work at the factory, I have acted as in-terpreter on many major projects, and havehad the opportunity to visit factories in citiesoverseas. Up to now, …  相似文献   

I am from the city of Sulaymaniyah in Iraq but for the last 17 years,Wuhan has been my home.That’s more than the age of my daughter,Hu Yang Abu,8,who was born in the city in Hubei Province,central China.I came to Wuhan as a PhD student on a scholarship.After getting my degree in electrical engineering at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology,I stayed on and today,I teach graduate,postgraduate and Ph D students at Wuhan University.My wife Hu Changli is a Wuhan girl,so you see the city has given me love,happiness as well as my livelihood.  相似文献   

正A UNESCO-designated City of Design since 2012,Beijing is known for its vibrant design sector.One of Beijing's pillar industries,the sector employs nearly 250,000 people and has a total value estimated at over 160 billion yuan ($24 billion).China's capital also attracts many international creatives.Several of them shared with Beijing Review reporter Tao Xing their reasons for venturing out to China in the first place and how they observe the nation's design market today.  相似文献   

正In an interview with Beijing Review reporter LiNan,William Brown, Academic Director of the One MBA program at the School of Management, Xiamen University, shared his observations on President Xi Jinping's recent declaration that China has built a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

China's afforestation drive,started to reduce wind speed and fight desertification,is geared up for anotherrole—carbon sequestration Using a laptop for an hour-13 grams.Watching television for an hour-96grams.Taking a bus for a km-8grams.This is the list Hu Jing makes each day when calculating the carbon dioxide emissions of her daily activities.  相似文献   

舆论战已经成为我军政治工作的重要作战样式。不断创新舆论战法,加强舆论战与心理战、法律战之间的高度协同,完善舆论管控体系,加快专业人才队伍建设,是夺取现代战争制舆论传播权的根本保障。  相似文献   

宽严相济是我国的一项重要刑事司法政策,正确、充分运用这一政策,对于充分发挥《刑法》保护与惩罚功能,减少社会矛盾,打击预防犯罪,促进和谐社会具有重要意义。结合宏伟区检察院近几年来的工作实践,笔者对基层院贯彻宽严相济刑事政策这一问题进行了深入研究,并在此基础上就贯彻宽严相济刑事政策的监督问题提出建议。  相似文献   

Audiophile: someone who loves music and strives to reproduce music in its purest form. As someone who bopped around as a toddler to reggae and had huge unrealistic dreams of becoming a top-notch sound engineer traveling the world working every music festival from Glastonbury to Midi, I am arguably someone who fits into the audiophile category.  相似文献   

根据心理的实质及心理与行为的关系,我们不难发现犯罪现场心理痕迹分析的基本途径:犯罪心理痕迹——犯罪行为活动——犯罪心理活动及其状态——犯罪人的主体状况及现场情境——犯罪人基本情况及基本案情。根据犯罪心理痕迹研究利用的这一思路和模式,可探索犯罪心理痕迹分析的步骤和方法。  相似文献   

各位专家,各位朋友:大家好!很高兴与各位专家学者再次相聚,共同盘点今年的国际形势与中国外交。首先,我要对大家长期以来对外交工作的关心支持表示感谢,也真诚欢迎大家继续为中国外交提出真知灼见。纵观2021年世界形势,全球疫情跌宕蔓延,百年变局加速演进,世界进入动荡变革期。  相似文献   

Red tourism destinations with unique features gain increasing popularity Since childhood,Mao Haofu has been hearing stories about revolutionary figures and the revolutionary base in his hometown—Jinggangshan City in Jiangxi Province—from his grandfather Mao Binghua,former curator of the Jinggangshan Museum.  相似文献   

Weiqing Song 《当代中国》2014,23(85):85-101
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)—an organization interpreted in various ways—officially announced that it intended to ensure regional security by countering international terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism. This article discerns the motivations of the SCO members, arguing that they have their respective, albeit occasionally mutual, interests and priorities. There is generally asymmetry of interests—the principal reason why the SCO's strategic situation is largely a suasion game between China and the members—with China demonstrating a greater interest in the SCO; moreover, the power asymmetry between China and the Central Asian members and the power equality between China and Russia further complicates the situation. This sophisticated relationship implies that despite some measurable results, the SCO faces tremendous challenges in becoming a well-established regional organization.  相似文献   

对警察思维、法律思维、刑侦思维、侦查思维、办案思维这些概念进行比较、分析 ,认为办案思维这一概念准确反映了现实中的警察思维的本质特征。  相似文献   

BOTH my husband and I have decent jobs. As public servants, we work from 8 am to 6 pm for a salary that supports a decent but frugal life. As a reward for our hard work, I got a promotion, and my husband was  相似文献   

New trends arise as young people try to compensatefor irregular lifestyles When did yangsheng—the concept of health and cultivation of health—become popular among young people in China?China's top search engine Baidu points to 2017 being a crucial year.That year,the trending topics ranged from Emmanuel Macron becoming the French president to the competition between computer program AlphaGo and Chinese champion Ke Jie.  相似文献   

Using a natural quasi-experimental pretest/posttest design, residents in randomly selected homes in a suburb of Los Angeles were surveyed about their perceptions of their neighborhoods with respect to cohesion and sense of community. Responses from the pretest surveys—administered before the construction of a freeway that would bisect the city—were compared to the responses from the posttest survey six years later, administered two years after completion of the freeway. Respondents living adjacent to the new freeway—residents who experienced a fourfold increase in the average decibel levels in their neighborhoods since the freeway opened—reported both a lower sense of community and smaller neighborhood areas as compared to residents not living adjacent to the freeway and as compared to the results from the pretest. The analysis of the data incorporated geographic information system (GIS) software to allow for the analysis of phenomenological neighborhoods—neighborhoods as defined by respondents. This Resident-defined Neighborhood Mapping methodology permitted us to analyze neighborhoods as the respondents outlined them, not as they were preconceived by someone outside the neighborhood. It is suggested that this new methodology may prove useful in advancing the field of neighborhood research by detecting neighborhood-level change that traditional methods may miss.  相似文献   

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