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在美国的政治生活领域,利益集团是一股重要的力量,它们通过内部游说、外部游说、影响选举和法院诉讼等方式,参与到美国政府的政策制定过程中。利益集团已经与政府机构、政党构成美国政治体系中起决定性作用的三个主要方面。考察和分析美国利益集团及其对政策制定的影响,有助于全面了解美国政策制定的全过程。  相似文献   

张学祥 《青年论坛》2014,(1):135-139
"祖先崇拜"是黑人原始宗教的典型仪式。黑人作家以不同的艺术表现手法演绎着黑人传统文化中"祖先崇拜"的主题,使之成为黑人文学传统的一道亮丽风景。"祖先崇拜"的主题对于美国黑人不仅具有文化寻根的宗族伦理意义,同时还具有深厚的哲学底蕴。"祖先崇拜"在黑人文学作品中反复出现,是现当代黑人作家对传统文化的现代艺术转换,从终极追求的高度使之具有了文化身份认同的普遍意义。  相似文献   

美国早期民主政治对后续的社会制度有着深刻的影响,与此同时,律师业也在19世纪取得了飞速的发展。但是,目前关于美国早期民主对刑事辩护权发展之影响的研究却鲜有作品涉及。本文梳理了美国早期刑事司法环境,描绘了19世纪末期的辩护制度发展历程,对比了古代中国集权体制下的刑事司法制度。将美国刑事辩护权发展的实质性因素归纳为:人民主权原则在刑事司法制度中的贯彻,多元分权制度给予辩护权发展的空间,以及司法的最终权威是辩护权发展的强力助推。最后,刑事辩护权发展的最终归属将是权利自由。  相似文献   

美国对外政策的制定通常需要有民意基础,然而现有研究鲜有从美国民众的视角探究美国对台军售。本文基于美国人对华态度实证调研的数据,利用单因子试验法测试美国民众在“中美关系”和“对台军售”间的权衡,并采用logistic模型来检查影响美国民众对台军售支持率的主要因素。结果表明即使对台军售会严重恶化或危害中美关系,58%的美国民众依然支持美国对台军售。政治倾向(温和派)、媒体和信息渠道(收听广播和浏览网络频率)、个人因素(性别、年龄)等是影响美国民众对台军售支持率的主要因素。终止美国对台军售,我国一方面需要有更加强有力的反制措施,另一方面可以尝试通过长期规划的网络传播手段来扭转美国民众对对台军售的支持。  相似文献   

李晓伟 《思想战线》2001,27(2):19-22
在美国的外交决策中,利益集团有着不可忽视的影响力.冷战后,利益集团更是公开走到了前台,通过游说等手段间接地影响着美国对外政策的制定.为此,中国在处理中美关系时,必须把美国各利益集团因素考虑进去,大力开展第二渠道外交.  相似文献   

美国公共管理中政府与非政府组织跨组织整合趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
9.11事件之后,特别是在次贷危机后,美国公共管理发生诸多变化,美国政府由私有化管理的新公共管理思维转变为实用主义主导思维。通过在纽约、西雅图、印第安纳波利斯、华盛顿等市的实地考察,各种证据表明美国政府、企业和社会三方在社会冲突处理中的角色与功能显著增强:一方面,美国政府增强了公共管理和服务的主动性,参与公共事务的范围扩大、程度加深;另一方面加大了对NGO的支持,进一步发挥民间组织的服务功能,因而在公共管理与服务方面呈现出国民共进的综合治理发展趋势。  相似文献   

传统的研究美国对台军售政策的学者多是从理性因素出发,将其作为一项长期决策来研究,而很少关注其中的非理性心理因素。本文结合前景理论,综合考虑非理性心理因素以开辟对台军售政策研究的新视角。文章首先概述前景理论的分析框架,然后从前景理论的角度对美国对台军售政策进行理论分析,深人探讨美国对台军售政策的原因及未来走向。  相似文献   

美国的违宪审查不能等同于司法审查,美国联邦主席同样享有在职权范围内解释宪法、进行违宪审查的权力,即行政审查。文章对美国行政审查制度进行了初步的理论和实证研究,作为对美国违宪审查制度研究进路转换的一点粗浅的思考。  相似文献   

African American males experience poor academic performance, high absenteeism at school, and are at increased risk of being involved in violence than other racial groups. Given that the educational outlook for African American males appears bleak, it is important to assess the aspirations of these adolescent males in order to find the gap between aspirations and educational attainment. In order to promote positive development within this population, it is essential that factors that affect African American males be identified. A survey was administered to male students attending elementary, middle, and high schools in a local school district. A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the career and educational aspirations of African American males. A total of 473 males were surveyed: 45% African American, 22% Caucasian, 13% biracial, and 19% Other (including Asian American, Hispanic, Native American). The results revealed that African American males aspired to attend college at the same rate as other ethnic groups. Also, African American males were more likely to aspire to be professional athletes than males from other ethnic groups. Important factors to consider when designing a program are discussed as well as future research and limitations.  相似文献   

African American males experience poor academic performance, high absenteeism at school, and are at increased risk of being involved in violence than other racial groups. Given that the educational outlook for African American males appears bleak, it is important to assess the aspirations of these adolescent males in order to find the gap between aspirations and educational attainment. In order to promote positive development within this population, it is essential that factors that affect African American males be identified. A survey was administered to male students attending elementary, middle, and high schools in a local school district. A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the career and educational aspirations of African American males. A total of 473 males were surveyed: 45% African American, 22% Caucasian, 13% biracial, and 19% Other (including Asian American, Hispanic, Native American). The results revealed that African American males aspired to attend college at the same rate as other ethnic groups. Also, African American males were more likely to aspire to be professional athletes than males from other ethnic groups. Important factors to consider when designing a program are discussed as well as future research and limitations.  相似文献   

美国公共行政理论中的宪政主义范式在夯实方法论基础、拓展理论视野和充实知识框架等方面为公共行政学的发展作出了积极的贡献。但与此同时,宪政主义范式也招致不少学者的批判,主要表现为:宪政主义的价值理念违背了公共行政学成立的初衷;宪政主义的规范取向,是一种空洞的理论;宪政主义内部价值之间存在着悖论;宪政主义过于强调一元路径,忽视了公共行政的本质。未来美国公共行政理论中的宪政主义范式在迈向成熟化和系统化的过程中,必须要在行政哲学、价值理念、方法论和政府管理领域等方面实现合理的转变。  相似文献   

张琦 《青年论坛》2007,(2):104-105
美国司法审查制度历史渊深,理论基础雄厚,再加之实践性强,对于我国宪法监督模式有着无可比拟的借鉴作用。但根据我国国情,完全照搬是不可行的,有些可直接适用,有些则需要根据中国的情况适当的变通。  相似文献   

During the Third Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (China-CELAC Forum), held via video link on December 3, President Xi Jinping called for joint efforts to create a blueprint for cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries to promote people's wellbeing and human progress.  相似文献   

This paper reviews Chinese and American energy futures, focusing in particular on long-term oil supply and demand, policy deliberations in China and (to a lesser extent) the United States on energy strategy and its implications for national-level decision making, and the implications of Sino–American energy futures for bilateral relations. There is far more commonality in the energy requirements of both countries than is often acknowledged, but this overlap is often obscured by domestic political agendas, corporate and bureaucratic interests, and the increasing tendency to view energy as a defense planning issue, in particular with reference to future Chinese and US maritime strategies. The conditions for heightened Sino–American energy collaboration exist, and some important initial steps have been undertaken toward this end. But sustained and far more vigorous governmental and institutional interactions will be needed to forestall the potential for heightened antagonism in the longer-term energy futures of both countries.  相似文献   

受贿罪立法比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大陆法系、英美法系和中国大陆对受贿罪的规定各有特点,大陆法系一般在刑法典中规定受贿罪,注重体系性,英美法系则以单行立法规定,具有实用性。我国刑法对受贿罪的规定在某些方面同于大陆法系,但在罪名的完善和详备方面不如大陆法系和英美法系,在犯罪构成的严密性和科学性方面更是差别较大,客观上不利于对受贿罪的规制,不利于加强吏治建设,应当改进。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades researchers have begun to examine the importance of understanding positive youth development and the many contexts in which youth find themselves. The social contexts in which adolescent development occurs are varied and complex, particularly the development among African American youth. African American youth are faced with a number of challenges including living in single-parent homes, high teen pregnancy rates, and poor neighborhoods, yet many of these youth continue to thrive. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between family structure (single-parenting) and adolescent outcomes such as educational aspirations and sexual activity among African American adolescent youth aged 12-17. Approximately 462 African American youth were surveyed. A number of positive results emerged; for instance, there was a negative correlation between family structure and educational aspirations. The number of parents in the home did not interfere with youth wanting to complete high school and go on to college (r?=?-?.218, r2?=?.04, p?相似文献   

从“拉美陷阱”看中国和谐社会的构建   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
李建良 《桂海论丛》2005,21(3):28-30
在现代化的进程中,拉丁美洲国家曾取得举世瞩目的成就.但是,20世纪80年代以来,拉丁美洲国家陷入"拉美陷阱"而不能自拔.研究拉美国家的现代化进程,吸取其经验和教训,对于构建社会主义和谐社会有积极的意义.  相似文献   

产业空心化主要表现为制造业在GDP中的比重不断下降以及制造业的不断外移。随着美国产业结构的不断优化升级,产业空心化问题亦日益严重。当前,美国的产业结构呈现出典型的"倒三角型"结构特点——从上到下逐层递减,当金融领域发生问题时,由于制造业的缺失,实体经济很难支撑整个经济体的正常运转,必然使得整个经济陷入崩溃,进而导致全球性的金融危机。后金融危机时期,我国在产业结构优化升级进程中必须引以为戒。  相似文献   

2008年马英九上台以来,两岸关系步入和平发展时期.美国政府官员和政策专家对在此时期美国对台政策是否应当调整发表了不同的看法,其中“弃台论”声音的出现,引起了美国官方和学界的高度关注和激烈争论.“弃台论”在美国国内产生了重要的影响,但从现实来看,“弃台论”尚未进入决策层面.当前美国对台政策并未发生结构性变化,美国并没有放弃对台湾的影响力.未来美国对台政策呈现出总体框架维持不变、局部修正的态势.  相似文献   


Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) is found more frequently in inner-city African American and Latino youth than in European American youth. Previous research on PTSD and its relationship with inner-city violence, minority youth, school violence and institutionalized oppression is examined. School counselor's roles and possible interventions are discussed and an interdisciplinary collaborative model for helping students with PTSD is introduced.  相似文献   

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