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柴选 《今日山西》2003,(5):46-49
Photography is lucky thanks to Pingyao and Pingyao becomes famous on account of photography. Photographers have found more of an experience or a frame of mind than the pleasures of exchange and learning. They need peace of mind to appreciate work and patience to exchange minds with others. Many a man comes to Pingyao for the exhibitions and workshops. The art taste itself and art slyle of the festival will not be diluted although more and more tourist and cultural events are added to it.  相似文献   

柴选 《今日山西》2003,(5):50-52
There is a variety of performances and parades in every street and lane in Pingyao during the festival, which surely adds color to the events of the festival, The forums, workshops, bars and tea houses are good venues for people to exchange views. The inhabitants of Pingyao seem to have regarded the festival, now into its third edition, as an increasingly inalienable part of their life, as photography and the festival are slowly, imperceptibly transforming their life.  相似文献   

小宁 《今日山西》2002,(5):34-34
平遥国际摄影大展开展以来,到平遥来的客人每天都能看到一支开着电平车忙碌的队伍,他们是平遥县按照组委会的要求,组织的旅游观光车队。电平车司机们热情的服务和礼貌待人的态度,深深感动着每一位来宾,同时,这支环保型车队也成了平遥国际摄影大展中的一个亮点。  相似文献   

柴选 《今日山西》2003,(5):44-45
During the festival, four forums, namely the architectural forum, photojournalism forum, portrait forum and scenery forum, were opened in order to facilitate the exchanges between Chinese and foreign photography worlds. It was also a good opportunily for amateurs or photography lovers to have a face-to-face interaction with professionals. The launching of these forums, a bright spot of this year‘s festival, has added luster to the Pingyao International Photography Festival and held a creative significance for the history of Chinese photography.  相似文献   

The ancient city of Pingyao get familiarized with the world, under the auspices of the festival, which brings Pingyao into the mainstream of the world cultural life but also pushes it to the forefront of history. What we felt viewing each frame of photo is the young Pingyao full of vim and vigor. Pingyao, assuming a new posture, is taking to the stage before the world, like beautiful stage sets decorating the ancient city. And all these will be forever fixed in our eyes and memories.  相似文献   

The 2003 Pingyao International Photography Festival was successfully celebrated belween September 16 and 22. More than 190 exhibitions, totaling some 10,000 photos, from 14 countries were on public view. Other highlights included the opening ceremony featuring a gala concert “Let‘s Meet in Pingyao”; four photography forums; the unveiling of Pingyao International Photography Museum; the award-giving ceremonies sponsored by two multinationals; a temple fair and Shanxi pasta show. Totally, 128 foreign guests and 3,480 domestic visitors from 20 provinces and municipalities as well as Hong Kong attended the festival. The 2003 Pingyao International Photography Festival has once again played an exemplary role in opening Shanxi wider to the outside world, raising its profile, boosting its tourist industry, and pushing Shanxi further on the road to a culture-strong province.  相似文献   

柴选 《今日山西》2003,(5):18-21
A photographer-turned-entrepreneur in Shanghai, Mr. then Haiwen has been pursuing the “photography can get a better development only if it involves in society” concept in both his business and photography practice. He is exploring a road, which is complementary, not conflicting, and also embraces photography, society, art and business. Since society is so large whereas photography is so esoteric, photography can not get a great leap forward, he thinks, unless it integrates into society. And it is true that any art form is of no value if it is divested of social moorings and photography must go to market if it wants to engage with society.  相似文献   

While you were shifting from one exhibition venue to another, meeting photographers of different styles, you might be able to hear different comments and opinions. Some gave accolades to the ancient city, some ohed and ahed about photographs, and still others offered either approving or detracting remarks on the festival. This festival, with more photos of high quality than the last two, particularly the work of foreign photographers, has put our shortcomings into stark relief. As everyone cherishes the wish that the festival will get better and better, the basis for its progress is to hear different voices of the participants in addition to the joint efforts of the organizing committee, curators and exhibitors.  相似文献   

张恩 《今日山西》2003,(5):38-38
“Pingyao‘s beef and Taigu‘s pancakes”——thus begins the opening line of the lyric of “In Praise of Local Produce” sung by Guo Lanying, a famous soprano. Thanks to this song, the fame of Pingyao beef has reached far and wide. Always the tender cut, Pingyao beef tastes juicy but not greasy, chewy but not dry, achieving the right balance. Usually wok-braised for over 12 hours, Pingyao beef makes a delighlfully tasty dish rich in nutrition. And along with the photo festival, more and more visitors will get to know Pingyao beef and more and more people will take a liking to it.  相似文献   

Pingyao is a symbol of civilization in human history: Its city, listed as a World Heritage Site, is the best-preserved an-cient city of the Han ethnic group with its unique structure and historical landmarks packed with philosophical meanings and showing a brilliant civilization. The "Rishengchang" is where the first Qing money shop in China was located; the "Ming-Qing Street", still bustling today, is a showcase of the glory of Shanxi mer-chant culture in the golden days of yore.Pingyao p…  相似文献   

Small as it is, Pingyao is more often than not mentioned by people with blue eyes, blond hairs and strong noses as Pingyao has become the haunt of foreigners. “Going out” and “Coming in” are the two “wings” of reform and opening, with either of which missing, it is impossible to fly. Now the people of Pingyao, a people of a magnanimous character and open mind, have flung open the city gate, welcoming photographers from all corners of the world and receiving their cultural achievement. At the same time these visiting photographers or exhibitors will bring their work out to the world and subsequently bring Pingyao and its fame to the outside world.  相似文献   

陆放 《今日山西》2002,(6):31-31
TheworldfamousfilmdirectorMr.StanleyTongsaidthatthelargePingyaoInternationalPhotographyFestivalhadprovidednewandfreshscenerybymergingculturesfromtheeastandthewestandthatfromthepastandpresent.″ThisisthefirsttimethatIcometoShanxi,″hesaid,″I'vebeentomanyphotoexhibitionsbefore,butneverbeentosuchaspe-cialone.Photographyisactuallyaverymodernart.Toholdaninterna-tionalphotographyexhibitioninanancientgovernmentofficeisacom-binationoftheancientandthemod-ernculturesandanexchangebe-twe…  相似文献   

Capitalizingontheworldhistor-icalandculturalheritage---theAn-cientCityofPingyao,PingyaoInter-nationalPhotographyFestivalhaserectedastageforinterexchangesbetweenOrientalandOccidentalcultures.Andridingonthebandwag-onofthePingyaoInternationalPho-tographyFestival,theancienttowngoesoutofChinawhileShanxistepsintotheworld.DuringthegoldentimeofAutumneveryyearfrom2001onwards,themosthospitablepeopleofPingyaowillopentheirarmstowelcomephotographershailingfromallcornersoftheglobeandt…  相似文献   

张恩 《今日山西》2003,(5):32-33
There are some 3,800 rectangular courtyards, 387 well preserved, spread out in this small town. These idiosyncratic domestic buildings have more or less retained the slyle of the Ming and Qing dynasties: the outer walls are usually made of grey bricks bound with white lime mortar reaching up to a height of seven or eight yards with no windows but crenellated tops, which gives it an imposing look, iust like a citadel.  相似文献   

ThePIP2002haspresent-edustheglamouroftheAncientTownofPingyao,andalso,asaplat-formforinternationalculturalex-change,hasmadeShanxiknownbytheoutsideworld.Besides,itpro-motedthereclassificationandutiliza-tionofourculturalresources,thestructuraladjustmentofeconomyandthedevelopmentofouropeningtotheoutsideworld.ThisFestivalwillplayanimportantpartinChi-nesehistoryofphotography,thehis-toryofinternationalculturalex-change,theutilizationanddevelop-mentofworldculturalheritageandth…  相似文献   

于包 《今日山西》2002,(6):32-33
SincethebeginningofthePIP2002onSept.19,therehadcometoPingyaothefriendsofdifferentcolors,differentnationswithdifferentlan-guagesallovertheworld.TheyeithercametoparticipateintheFestivalorcamejustfortouring.″Hello,Hello″couldbeheardeverywhere.Nomis-understandings,nolanguagebarriers,thePingyaoTownbecameaVillageoftheEarth.Everyonewasmergedintothisancientcityandfoundgreatfunsinbuyingsouvenirs,touringonthetwo-wheeledvehiclesdrawnbyman,eatingthePingyaocuisineandtakingsomeph…  相似文献   

刘魏 《今日山西》2002,(5):26-26
2002PingyaoInternationalPhotographyFestivalhasrungdownthecurtain.Duringthefestivity,themosteye-catchingspotundoubt-edlycomesfromthesephotogra-phershailingfromallcornersoftheworld.Someofthemarewell-knowndomesticandforeignphotographers,orprofessionals,orfree-lancephotographers;butevenmorearephotographylearnerswhohavejustpickeduptheircamerasnotlongago.Theirsilhouettesandtheirworksappearedoneverystreetsandlanes,bigorsmall.Thesensuousnessofthemodernartandthesceneryoftheancientcitycomplementeachot…  相似文献   

I hove set my sights more on the ordinary people living under the ancient roof while appreciating the charms of this old city. Wang Ruiping, a female artist well-known for kneading clay figurines; Lei Chengdong, a rickshaw puller; Wang Clingyun, a man selling embroidered shoes; Li Li, a waitress in a restaurant——these common people‘s stories often attract me.  相似文献   

胡向泽 《今日山西》2004,(10):16-16
平遥国际摄影大展隆重开幕了,我们对大展如期举办表示热烈祝贺!连续三届成功举办的平遥国际摄影大展,已经成为具有世界影响的文化品牌,搭建起了山西走向世界的文化平台,为山西参与世界文化的交流、沟通与合作架起了桥梁。平遥国际摄影大展的成功举办,是我省建设文化强省的重要成果。作为强势文化活动和强势文化品牌,平遥国际摄影大展的品牌效应和经济效益已经显现。经过三年多的探索和运作,大展正在走向成熟,其重要标志是文化氛围越来越浓,规模越来越大,亮点越来越多,国际性越来越强。本届参展国家和地区超过了往年,有来自五大洲的23个国家…  相似文献   

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