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PGM_1和EsD是法医学个人识别和亲子鉴定中常用的两种多态性同功酶。用于胚胎和出生后的个体亲权鉴定,已有许多报导。本文报导1例利用肌肉组织检测埋葬22天死婴的PGM_1和EsD酶型。 案例简介:陶×,女,13岁。1991年10月5日早产一活男婴。次日,男婴窒息死后浅埋于山坡上。因生父不明,于10月27日开棺验尸,尸体腐败呈墨绿色。除心脏外,其它内脏已不同程度地液化。提取死婴心血,上臂肌肉组织冰冻保存。取生母陶×,  相似文献   

1985年8月6日,马尔康县东侧海拨4816m的梦壁山顶乱石堆中,发现一具无名男尸,尸体头东脚西,终日不见阳光,气温常在3℃至-25℃左右,风力常在3至6级左右,气候变化无常。尸体检验所见,头面部皮肤干枯,头发大部分脱落,眼球皱缩干枯,鼻、唇干燥变硬,呈木乃伊外观。头面部无损伤,头皮柔软。颈部、胸部肌肉新鲜,具有弹性。腹部尸绿和腐败水泡形成。腰、臀部尸斑呈鲜红色尚存。四肢皮肤呈皮革样化,手足均呈木乃伊。解剖检验,未见异常。讨论:经法医检验认定,其死亡主要是由于剧烈的寒冷刺激、受冷、饥饿等原因而冻…  相似文献   

目的研究呋喃丹及其代谢物呋喃酚在不同条件保存血液中的稳定性,为呋喃丹中毒案件的法医学鉴定提供实验依据。方法犬经口灌胃4LD50(13.5mg/kg)呋喃丹致死后,取血液分为五等份,分别为添加1%氟化钠(1%NaF)、添加2.5mg/m L枸橼酸钠(NC)、20℃、4℃和-20℃保存实验组。于保存当时(0d)、5d、7d、15d、40d、83d和150d取上述样品,多反应离子检测(MRM),气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS/MS)法检测其中呋喃丹及呋喃酚含量。结果血液中呋喃丹的含量随保存时间均呈下降趋势,7d显著下降(P0.05),之后下降缓慢。不同条件保存血液中呋喃酚的含量均呈先升高后下降趋势。枸橼酸钠和氟化钠可加快血液中呋喃丹的分解。结论呋喃丹及其代谢物呋喃酚在保存检材中均可发生分解,20℃保存分解较快,4℃和-20℃保存分解速度较慢,不适宜用枸橼酸钠或氟化钠作抗凝剂或防腐剂。在呋喃丹的相关案件的法医学鉴定中,生物检材应注意冷藏、冷冻保存,并尽快送检。  相似文献   

张某,成年女性,于1962年12月某日晚在家中突然死亡.死后四天作尸体剖验,检见支气管内有少量食物残渣,结论为呕吐物吸入呼吸道致窒息死亡;内脏全部剔除留作标本后尸体用东北松木棺材存放埋葬.1966年死者丈夫供认,因生活中有外遇,故意将50片(每片含0.1g)苯巴比妥研成粉末,混入中药汤汁内诱骗其妻服下,当日深夜死亡.为此于1966年5月开棺检验.尸体呈木乃伊,无内脏,开颅取出已腐败的脑组织全重297克,作毒物化学分析,上海、北京检验结果相反.因此死者丈夫不服原判,提出申诉,推翻原供.为查明死因,笔者于1987年5月赴死者墓地第二次开棺复验,现将检验所见报告如下:  相似文献   

正1案件资料简要案情及现场勘查2013年11月20日,某乡一干枯河道内,发现1具尸体。河道南、北侧均有民居,河道内埋尸坑深110cm、长60cm、宽45cm,地面上有废旧衣物。坑内土层下有1具女尸,呈坐姿,头部朝上。尸体外侧口朝下套着一黄色麻袋,袋口两端捆扎有黄色电线。尸体全身赤裸,头部套有一塑料袋。尸体脖子上有1条带有玉佛吊坠玉项链。外围现场  相似文献   

<正> 男,22岁。头部多部钝器伤,双手抵抗伤,左胸腹部4处锐器刺创,致内脏破裂大失血死亡。头部损伤共10余处,其中(1)头皮挫伤出血,但无表皮剥脱,如右颧颞部、左颞部,呈园形,直径约5cm,相应颅骨呈放射状线形骨折,  相似文献   

长时期保存标准红细胞和检样红细胞是法医血清学实验室的一项重要工作。保存红细胞的方法有多种,但能将红细胞有效地保存数月以至一年以上的方法不多。本文就冰冻红细胞保存法进行了实验,已成功地保存一年并有效地用于法医血清学的实际。  相似文献   

1999年严冬,从大海吹来的冷风拼命地摇撼着干枯的树枝,树枝凄凉地嘶叫着。雪花漫天飞舞,龙口市委大院的雪刚刚清扫干净,一会儿又落了厚厚一层。  相似文献   

新近买了一套《简明不列颠百 科全书》,随便翻翻,看到“盲鳗”的条目,不由有感而发。 盲鳗,体形似鳗,无鳞,长约40—80厘米,生活于软底上的洞穴中,喜欢在黑暗的地方觅食。它口呈裂缝状,吸附力颇强,因此,它被大虎鲨吞入后,伸开嘴上的吸盘猛地吸住其内脏,然后用锉刀似的牙齿切下一块,用钩子似的舌头钩进口里,享用完一条大虎鲨的内脏精粹部分后,大虎鲨“寿终正寝”,它却易地寻猎。  相似文献   

<正> 在杀人分尸案件中,杀人和分尸几乎都是同一人或同一伙人实施。本文作者遇一例杀人分尸分别为互无关联的人所为,现报道如下。1案例资料 骆某,女,23岁。某年1月,在京广铁路某路段旁干枯的排水沟内,发现骆某被肢解的尸体。现场勘验见尸体被旧家俱、杂草、树叶、树枝等覆盖,呈仰卧状躺在排水沟中(照片1),两下肢在髋关节处  相似文献   

Passer-by witnesses reported a human cadaver in woodland associated with an agricultural college to police in Northern Ireland. The cadaver comprised reasonably preserved feet, legs and pelvis, with poorly preserved arms and torso, lying with the torso down-slope abutting a fallen tree. A search of the area around the torso, and for some 20m around, failed to find the cranium and mandible. The mandible was found, embedded inside the chest cavity. The cranium was found some 30m away. The victim was later identified as a 24-year old drug addict who had absconded from a local hospital. Mapping of the area led us to speculate that he had tripped and fallen down-slope: other reasons for the body location were also considered. After death, the cadaver had further slipped down-slope forcing the mandible into the chest cavity: slippage of human remains is well-known in forensic and archaeological literature but not well documented. Knowledge of this process of cadaver 'slip' may save wasted police resources in future similar environments where the mandible, and possible other nearby bones appear missing yet are inside the body.  相似文献   

Competitive PCR assays were established for the mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region I and the human amelogenin locus. Using these assays, the copy numbers of DNA participating in PCR (amplifiable DNA) were quantified in tissues exposed to different environments. Human ribs, skin and nails were left in three exposure conditions (in the open air, in soil and in water). The amounts of amplifiable DNA in these tissues were quantified during a time period of up to two months. The amount of amplifiable DNA was well preserved in hard tissues (ribs and nails) regardless of the exposure conditions, whereas the soft tissues immersed in water showed a rapid decrease in amplifiable DNA. Strong PCR inhibition was observed in the DNA extracts obtained from buried bones. This phenomenon was clearly identified from an amplification failure of the internal standards in the competitive PCR. A preliminary examination to identify the PCR inhibitor suggested that the soil itself contributed to the inhibition. In addition, the amounts of amplifiable DNA in case samples were also investigated.  相似文献   

Atherosclerotic calcifications, as calcified atheromatous elements, are markers of cardiovascular disease. However, the literature gives little information regarding their morphological aspect, making their identification very rare in skeletonized cases. In this paper, we document the morphological, histological, and SEM aspects of atherosclerotic plaques collected from unclaimed cemeterial skeletal remains from an identified osteological collection and extracted from well‐preserved cadavers autopsied at the medico‐legal institute of Milan. Each of the three analyses provided similar results: atherosclerotic calcifications are convex‐concave plaques with a stratified structure, a pale‐yellow coloration in autopsy cases and yellow to brown when recovered in dry bone. Histologically, undecalcified and decalcified sections showed a stratified aspect formed by superimposed layers. Lastly, the SEM analysis showed a precise view of the stratified structure of the plaques in transverse section. As markers of disease, atherosclerotic calcifications can provide important antemortem information on the deceased that may be compared to antemortem data.  相似文献   

Prediction of human eye colour by forensic genetic methods is of great value in certain crime investigations. Strong associations between blue/brown eye colour and the SNP loci rs1129038 and rs12913832 in the HERC2 gene were recently described. Weaker associations between eye colour and other genetic markers also exist. In 395 randomly selected Danes, we investigated the predictive values of various combinations of SNP alleles in the HERC2, OCA2 and MATP (SLC45A2) genes and compared the results to the eye colours as they were described by the individuals themselves. The highest predictive value of typing either the HERC2 SNPs rs1129038 and/or rs12913832 that are in strong linkage disequilibrium was observed when eye colour was divided into two groups, (1) blue, grey and green (light) and (2) brown and hazel (dark). Sequence variations in rs11636232 and rs7170852 in HERC2, rs1800407 in OCA2 and rs16891982 in MATP showed additional association with eye colours in addition to the effect of HERC2 rs1129038. Diplotype analysis of three sequence variations in HERC2 and one sequence variation in OCA2 showed the best discrimination between light and dark eye colours with a likelihood ratio of 29.3.  相似文献   

Human eye colour variation is strongly associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the OCA2-HERC2 locus, especially rs12913832 that is found in an enhancer element of OCA2. In a previous study we found that 43 out of 166 individuals in a Norwegian population with the brown eye colour genotype HERC2 rs12913832:AA or AG, did not have the expected brown eye colour. To investigate if duplications or deletions in the OCA2-HERC2 locus could explain the blue eye colour in these individuals, we analysed massively parallel sequencing (MPS) data for copy number variations (CNVs) in the OCA2-HERC2 region. The ∼500 kb long OCA2-HERC2 locus was sequenced in 94 individuals with the rs12913832:AG and AA genotypes. Of these, 43 were observed to have blue eye colour and 51 were observed to have brown eye colour. CNVs were analysed using R and the R-package panelcn.MOPS - CNV detection tool for targeted NGS panel data. In rs12913832:AG individuals, CNVs in 32 regions were significantly associated with blue eye colour (Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05). In rs12913832:AA individuals, CNVs in 14 regions were associated with blue eye colour using raw p-values (p ≤ 0.05). The functional effects of these CNVs on OCA2 expression are yet to be investigated. However, this study suggests that CNVs in the OCA2-HERC2 locus might explain why some of the rs12913832:AG and AA individuals have unexpectedly blue eyes.  相似文献   

Toxicology and fly larvae on a putrefied cadaver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Toxicological analyses on a putrefied cadaver are sometimes difficult to achieve, due to the absence of blood and/or urine. In this study, morphine and phenobarbital were simultaneously identified and assayed in several tissues of a putrefied cadaver and in the fly larvae of Calliphoridae found on the corpse.  相似文献   

Toxicological analyses on a putrefied cadaver are sometimes difficult to achieve because of the absence of blood and urine. In this study, maggots, living material, are proposed as a new medium of investigation in forensic medicine. Five drugs (triazolam, oxazepam, phenobarbital, alimemazine, and clomipramine) were identified and assayed in some tissues of a putrefied cadaver and in the maggots found on and in the body.  相似文献   

Xu QW  Wu D  Hu W 《法医学杂志》2006,22(6):436-437
目的比较两种DNA提取法对不同色泽肋软骨的DNASTR分型结果的影响。方法利用Chelex-100法和酚-氯仿法,分别对30例不同色泽的腐败尸体肋软骨进行DNA提取,STR复合扩增,ABI3100型基因分析仪对扩增产物进行检测。结果用酚-氯仿法提取的30例腐败尸体肋软骨,均检测到全部STR基因座的等位基因型。用Chelex-100法提取的肋软骨中,22例(11例白色、8例淡黄色、3例黄色)检测出全部STR基因座的等位基因型;7例(3例黄色、4例黄褐色)检测出部分STR基因座的等位基因型;1例黑灰色的腐败尸体肋软骨,未检测出STR基因座的等位基因型。结论根据肋软骨的色泽,选择适宜的DNA提取方法。对于颜色较深的肋软骨,用酚-氯仿法进行DNA提取有助于提高其STR基因座的检出率。  相似文献   

Shrinking heads as trophies are well known all over the world. Several forms of mummified human trophy heads were produced by different tribes, in addition not true or not traditional shrunken heads were put out. A well preserved shrunken head of unknown origin was examined by our group. Besides anatomy histological and DNA analysis of the mummified material was performed. Furthermore larvae connected to the hair were examined microscopically. Histology of the skin from the neck region showed cellular structures with cytoplasm and nucleus. The larvae were identified as from Pediculus humanis capitis, the human hair lice. Finally DNA analysis of the mummified head revealed a human female STR profile.  相似文献   

Human hairs are one of the most commonly encountered items of trace evidence. Currently, conventional methods for hair analysis include microscopic comparison and DNA analysis (nuclear and mitochondrial). Each approach has its own drawbacks. Hair proteins are stable and offer an alternative to DNA testing, as demonstrated with proteomics for distinguishing humans. However, proteomics is complicated and requires identifying peptides to remain intact following harsh sample preparation methods. Alternatively, the actual amino acid content of a hair sample may also offer important identifying information and actually requires proteins and peptides to be broken down completely rather than remaining intact. This study evaluated the discriminating power of using hair amino acid ratios to differentiate hair samples from 10 unrelated individuals with dark colored hair. Hair proteins were digested, derivatized, and analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Amino acid ratios were calculated for each individual and comparisons using ANOVA and post-hoc pairwise t-test with Bonferroni correction were made with amino acid ratios for individuals. Overall, out of the 45 possible pairwise comparisons between all hair samples, 38 (84%) were differentiable. Out of the 36 possible pairwise comparisons between brown haired individuals, 32 (89%) were considered differentiable using univariate statistics. Multivariate statistics were also attempted but, overall, univariate models were sufficient for exclusionary purposes. These results indicate that amino acid ratio analysis can potentially be used as an exclusionary method using hair if DNA analysis cannot be performed, or to corroborate conclusions made following microscopic analysis.  相似文献   

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