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Every year, the Practice Groups of the American Health Lawyers Association assemble a Year in Review summary of the leading developments in case law, legislation, and administrative actions affecting healthcare. This Article provides a comprehensive overview of these developments. The introduction presents a "Top Ten" list of the year's most noteworthy developments. The remainder of the Article is divided into fourteen topical areas, and offers a brief overview of issues in those areas. Overall, these various developments demonstrate society's efforts to balance accountability, efficiency, and affordability in the delivery of healthcare.  相似文献   

The author completed this article while on leave as a Visiting Fellow of New College, Oxford, on a grant from the George A. and Eliza Howard Foundation of Brown University. He wishes to acknowledge his debts to these institutions as well as to Christopher Wolfe, Daniel Robinson, William C. Porth, John Finnis, and the anonymous referee, all of whom criticized earlier drafts and offered valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

Ethics dilemmas have been present throughout the history of public health, and bioethics has devoted considerable attention to issues relevant to public health. Only recently, however, has public health ethics emerged as a recognized subfield of bioethics. Public health ethics requires that public health improvement come through just and respectful means. Bioethics in the future not only will take on more issues of public ethics, but will apply it extensive scholarship in distributive justice to questions of global public health.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between lifetime abuse and mental health among 126 African American women and 365 White women from a primary health care setting who participated in a telephone interview as part of a larger study. Seven types of childhood and adult intimate partner abuse were measured. Consistent with hypotheses, (1) lifetime abuse was associated with elevated levels of anxiety and depression, and (2) women who experienced childhood abuse were more likely to report adult partner abuse. African American and White women showed more similarities than differences in the associations between most abuse experiences and depression and anxiety, as well as types of childhood abuse. African American abused women reported more excessive jealousy by partners. Nonabused African American women reported higher levels of depression and anxiety than their White counterparts. Results are interpreted and discussed taking into account relevant social and cultural factors.  相似文献   

This article explores the federal marine hospitals of the early republic, the first public health care system in US history. Beginning in 1798, the federal government collected twenty cents per month from mariners' wages and used this revenue to subsidize medical care for sick and disabled merchant mariners. Previous studies have traced links between marine hospitals and modern public policy. By studying governance from the bottom up, this article takes a different approach. I argue that jurists, physicians, and officials' regulation of sailors' entitlement to public health care facilitated and reflected a transformation of national authority. Between 1798 and 1816, sailors' entitlement was a local matter, based on the traditional paternalist understandings of maritime laborers as social dependents. By 1836, though, the federal Treasury redefined entitlement around a newly calculus of productivity: only the productive were entitled to care at the marine hospitals. This story about governance, federal law, and political economy in the early United States suggests that the early American state was a more vibrant participant in the market and society than has been previously understood.  相似文献   

宋鸽 《行政与法》2006,(7):69-70
在电子治理的视野中,新闻舆论监督具有自己的独特形态。当前我国的新闻舆论监督存在着一些问题。完善新闻舆论监督的一个重要途径是选择建立合作监督的网络模式。  相似文献   

Methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) is the only currently established medical therapy for heroin addiction. However, MMT still remains controversial. In Hennepin County, Minnesota, methadone is one of the top ten drugs reported in medical examiner investigated deaths and one of the most commonly diverted pharmaceuticals. This report reviews the role of methadone in medical examiner deaths over a 10-year period, 1992-2002. We compare cause and manner of death (accidental, natural, suicide) and methadone blood concentrations for decedents who were members of MMT programs with illicit users and those prescribed methadone for chronic pain. Findings reveal that 65% of decedents with measurable blood methadone concentrations were not participating in MMT programs. A total of 96 cases were identified, with the majority white (90.5%) and male (76.8%). MMTP program members were the minority (34.7%) of the methadone positive deaths and 39% were illicit users. Fifteen percent were chronic pain patients with almost half of this group dying from overdose. Methadone concentrations of drug caused/related deaths (0.18-3.99 mg/L) overlapped with those of deaths not attributable to methadone (0.18-3.03 mg/L) with no definable lethal level. Interpretation of methadone blood concentrations must be done in the context of the clinical history for determining cause of death, and may be confounded by postmortem redistribution.  相似文献   

近年来,公安机关作为执法权力机构正逐渐成为新闻媒体关注的焦点.目前,警方与媒体在新闻传播和报道互动机制上存在的一些问题,从一个侧面反映出警界在处理外部公共关系上的缺陷.因此,要建立成熟的新闻监督运作机制,需要警媒双方遵循一定的原则,即公安机关切实履行职责,新闻媒体加大监督力度,这样,将有利于提高公安机关的执法水平,促进警察队伍建设.  相似文献   

This article examines the portrayal of pregnancy and alcohol in thirty-six national network evening news broadcasts (ABC, CBS, NBC). Early coverage focused on white, middle-class women, as scientific authorities and government officials warned against drinking during pregnancy. After 1987, however, women who drank during pregnancy were depicted as members of minority groups and as a danger to society. The thematic transition began before warning labels appeared on alcoholic beverages and gained strength from official government efforts to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome. The greatest impetus for the revised discourse, however, was the eruption of a "moral panic" over crack cocaine use. By linking fetal harm to substance abuse, the panic suggested it was in the public's interest to control the behavior of pregnant women.  相似文献   

What are the paths that lead to the state supreme court bench? If we can identify these paths, can we then determine that they produce distinctive patterns in a court3 decision making? Based on a study of 694 judges who sat on 16selected American state supreme courts between 1900 and 1970, this article finds that the appellate judiciary was drawn from a variety of legal and political backgrounds rather than from any single career line. The judges came from both non-elite and elite law schools. About half had no substantial lower court judicial experience. Over one-third had been public prosecutors, another third had held other elective political office, and only a small minority had practiced in multilawyer big-city law firms. The article reports changes over time in these and other judicial characteristics (such CIS age, turnover, political party affiliations) and describes interstate differences. Few significant statistical relationships are found, however, between the background characteristics of judges and selected characteristics of state supreme court opinions.  相似文献   

When Article III judges conclude active service, they effectivelyabdicate their seat and enable the president and Senate to selecta successor. Some judicial scholars have concluded that politicalfactors—both within and across institutions—largelyinfluence this decision. Analyzing judicial turnover, year byyear, this article finds that judges have increasingly synchronizedtheir departure from active service with qualifying for theirjudicial pension. By comparison, political and institutionalfactors appear to have little influence on turnover rates. Thesefindings contradict much of the existing scholarship on judicialturnover and also offer more viable alternatives for judicialreform.  相似文献   

I explore the public presentation of Blue Cross, examining in detail the political, cultural, and institutional messages that shaped its advertising. Blue Cross advertisements had the twin purpose of attempting to increase the number of its own subscribers while criticizing the idea of a national health insurance policy. These twin aims did structure the Blue Cross campaigns but may well have worked at cross-purposes.  相似文献   

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