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山水交错的城市,总有些相像之处。比方说,伊斯坦布尔就经常让我想到香港和里斯本。最近这次到伊斯坦布尔,感觉公共交通比几年前更方便了,轻轨往西延伸到了机场,下飞机后只需花1.3新里拉坐轻  相似文献   

燎原 《南风窗》2013,(10):60-62
对村民而言,地震毁掉的,不只是他们的房屋、土地,还有他们对未来的焦虑。如今,即使手头偶有宽裕的村民,也不敢轻易斥巨资再起新房了。地震后半个月,杨世秀几乎每天都从安置地的帐篷里走出,来到她新翻修的房屋里,转悠着。有时,一呆就是大半天。"哎哟,你房子刚修就垮成这样了?"路过她家门口的村民,有人总会来这么一句。通常,杨只是强忍着笑笑,没接话。偶尔,她也会高声应一句,"没得法子啰。"  相似文献   

刘宝敬是个怪人。他的怪,不仅怪在想的、做的跟别人不一样,还怪在他很执著。刘宝敬的技术发明,迄今已申请了25项专利,称他是个“发明家”当不过分。但这25项专利没有一件能转化为产品。刘宝敬夫妻月收入只有2000元,搞发明他花了不少钱,穷得不但家徒四壁,而且四壁漏风。为了继续  相似文献   

时下,羊城人的业余爱好是多种多样的。在越秀区,就有一群人对舞狮情有独钟。今年的一个星期天,位于起义路尽头的中央公园内,绯红的桃花,乳白的水仙,迎着春风开得正好。在公园一角,应东风街庆元宵书法比赛大会  相似文献   

While the growth of visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) political struggles in Poland, and illiberal neo-populist reactions to the queer presence in public space and the public sphere since 2004 has spawned much academic debate, there has been less critical discussion of LGBTQ politics in relation to class and neoliberalism. This article seeks to make two key contributions to understandings of the relationships between gender, sexuality and political economy. The first is recognition of the tensions and contradictions inherent within practices of neoliberalisation. It is suggested that neoliberalism can be both generative and hostile towards LGBTQ politics. Processes of neoliberalisation produce queer winners and losers, and it is suggested that if sexually progressive alternatives to neoliberalism are to be developed, they need to recognise the tensions and contradictions inherent within processes of neoliberalism. In so doing, the class dimensions of neoliberal sexualities need to be made visible and examined critically. Secondly, it is argued that discussions of classed sexualities are often framed within specific national contexts, and thereby fail to recognise the transnational dimensions of classed sexualities. Discussions of the sexual politics of neoliberalism are often grounded in Anglo-American contexts and sometimes fail to recognise how neoliberal sexualities are framed outside of the West. These two key objectives are addressed by an examination of the economic and class dimensions of contemporary LGBTQ political struggles in Poland—specifically the organisation of marches for equality and tolerance within Polish cities since 2001.  相似文献   

我们正处在一个重建秩序的时代。秩序从来就没有缺少,它只是需要更新;秩序也从来不会固定,固定了就意味着死亡。所以,我们也许永远都在建立秩序的过程中。即使如此,现在的新一轮重建也有足够的亮点值得我们特别关注。新力量在全面登场,新价值在全面涌现,新秩序在全面建立。“推陈出新”是这个时代的基调,“有破有立”是这个时代的特征。谁是“陈”,谁是“新”,谁被“破”,  相似文献   

正江苏人民出版社2015年11月版本书是真正意义上第一本关于政治仪式的专著,使用大量,多元化的资料对于仪式和政治之间的关系进行了深入的研究,解释了仪式在政治生活中的关键作用,并探讨了在仪式的政治作用上许多隐藏的普遍原则。作者是美国著名人类史,历史学家,曾获美国国家图书奖。  相似文献   

女儿参加今年的高考,在这期间我断断续续记了一些日记,一番酸甜苦辣都在其中。今天,我把它作为一份礼物,献给和我一样经历的父母,献给和我女儿一样经历的孩子。  相似文献   

我在广州的生活已经进入了第10个年头。广州并不是我所喜欢的城市——为着它的城市风貌:噪声、污染与杂乱;但广州却是我所热爱的城市——为着它的精神价值:那像海一般的市场包容,那像空气一样的选择自由。在我看来,广州并不是中国最有文化的城市,但却是文化最开放的城市。包容比金钱更重要,自由比花儿更美丽。尽管我不断地抱怨它,但它始终接纳着我。认定着我。我对广州的现状并不满意,  相似文献   

东方之珠,最佳商城,购物天堂,美食之都、金融中心……这不是什么神话,而就在我们身旁。  相似文献   

南方朔 《南风窗》2010,(14):94-94
<正>有一年农历年过后我到了韩国首尔,那时国立首尔大学正放寒假,偌大的校园里没有几个人,到处都是未消的残雪。但却有几十个学生不回家,短裤赤膊,头绑丝带,在那里跑操场,呼口号,他们是在搞学运操兵。韩国好大学有个次文化,许多学生进了大学,前4年不太关心学业,而只是想搞轰轰烈烈的学运,搞学问是将来念研究生及出国留学的事。  相似文献   

"做自己情绪的主人" "进入实习工作是在功德林饭庄,第一个岗位是传菜,万万没想到做餐饮会这么累,突然间觉得自己的选择是错误的."今年刚刚大学毕业的曾辉回忆说:"工作强度大,一周只能休息一天,每天我都告诉自己明天不来了,但第二天早上醒来又感觉不甘心."这种状态持续了一个多星期,第一次离开父母身边的曾辉终于按耐不住,给父母拨通了电话,诉说自己对工作的美好幻想与现实存在的种种差距."我记得那天晚上他们对我说,走入社会后不论职位高低,都必须从基层脚踏实地的做好每一项工作.学会自我调节,做自己情绪的主人,而不是做自己情绪的俘虏."有了父母的鼓励,曾辉决定把心沉下来,重新给自己一次机会.  相似文献   

南方朔 《南风窗》2010,(26):98-98
历史只有一次,它永远不会再来,但历史却又有太多近观相似性,因此当逢历史到了分叉的时刻,寻找历史近观相似性的类比式研究就会兴起。近年来,由于"大美帝国统制下的和平"(Pax Americana)已千疮百孔,于是帝国研究遂再次兴起,像重要的国际关系杂志美国《外交事务》双月刊,许多重要专家也都纷纷从帝国兴衰的角度来立论。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship of policy to organizational structure. Using an interpretive paradigm, two military organizations are examined. One of these organizations is a National Guard Unit and the other is a department at a military base. The article explores two issues: what effects, if any, a change in environment has upon the organization; and to what extent organization structure is affected by a policy change. A dialectic between organizations and policy becomes apparent.  相似文献   

︸一、一、一、一一、一、一、︸一、一、一、粗越袒 袱兴鞍·拱妞。爸rl林。酬域·稼古裳到撰曰 报。圈。.各届部长会议主席,第一副主席,副主席~~  相似文献   

In countries like Russia, where legal institutions providing political accountability and protection of property rights are weak, some elite actors accept the use of violence as a tool in political and economic competition. The intensity of this violent exposure may vary depending on the position the province had had in the Soviet administrative hierarchy. The higher the province's position before 1991, the greater the intensity of business violence one is likely to observe there in post-communist times, because the Soviet collapse left a more gaping power vacuum and lack of working informal rules in regions with limited presence of traditional criminal organizations. Post-Soviet entrepreneurs also often find it worthwhile to run for office or financially back certain candidates in order to secure a privileged status and the ability to interpret the law in their favor. Businessmen-candidates themselves and their financial backers behind the scenes may become exposed to competitive pressures resulting in violence during election years, because their competitors may find it hard to secure their position in power through the existing legal or informal non-violent means. To test whether Soviet legacies and Provincial elections indeed cause spikes in commerce-motivated violence, this project relies on an original dataset of more than 6000 attacks involving business interests in 74 regions of Russia, in 1991–2010. The results show that only legislative elections cause increases in violence while there is no firm evidence that executive polls have a similar effect.  相似文献   

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