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The relationship of the three leftist terrorist organizations in the Federal Republic of Germany to Israel can be summarized, in somewhat abbreviated fashion, as follows: All three groups, the Red Army Faction (Rote Armee Fraktion; RAF), June 2 Movement (Bewegung 2. Juni), and Revolutionary Cells (Revolutionäre Zellen), and the milieu from which they emerged in West Berlin, Munich, Heidelberg, Hamburg, and Frankfurt, hated America, Americans, Israel, and Jews. They participated in the international terror war against Israel and did not shy away from attacks on Jews and Jewish facilities in the Federal Republic of Germany. The three organizations mentioned, for all their differences, are, to be reckoned among the organizations coming out of leftist traditions that, like the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands), after the end of the Shoah and the Second World War, and in the name of a supposed struggle against fascism, conducted antisemitic propaganda, supported the war of terror against Israel, and publicly justified and supported those groups and institutions working in the same direction.  相似文献   

根据德国联邦统计局公布的统计结果,2003年德国国内生产总值较上年下降0.1个百分点,这是自1 993年(-1.1%)以来德国经济首度出现负增长.令德国社会各界更为震动的一个事实是,德经济已连续三年处于"原地踏步"状态--2001年和2002年的经济增长率分别仅为0.8%和0.2%.  相似文献   

1989年11月9日,全世界目睹了东欧剧变在前民主德国上演的惊人一幕,一直以来作为东西方两大阵营对抗标志的柏林墙被推倒了,大量东德人涌入西德。从当年的东欧剧变再到后来的苏联解体,世界格局发生了重大变化。时至今日,20年已经过去了……  相似文献   

1917年的俄国十月革命和1989-1991年的苏联解体可能是20世纪欧洲历史上最重大的事件,它对欧洲劳工运动产生了巨大而深远的影响.这对其邻国,即最受马克思主义影响、并组织得最好的德国工人运动产生了很大的冲击.德国工人运动的最早理论家和发言人是罗莎·卢森堡.1917年的十月革命,这一预示着残酷的一战结束的伟大历史事件,向每一位社会主义者发出了号召,各就各位,准备战斗.但是曾经积极支持帝国主义战争的德国社会党右翼领导人却严厉地反对俄国革命,并反对德国共产主义者追随布尔什维克的尝试.  相似文献   

德国社会民主党基本纲领(汉堡纲领)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前言:21世纪的社会民主主义 在<柏林纲领>通过十年之后,1999年12月的柏林党代表大会委托一个委员会为德国社会民主党起草一份新的基本纲领.在经历了漫长的反对派时期之后,德国社会民主党重新在德国执政.正因如此,一部分人希望,另一部分人则担心纲领基础的现代化.然而,任务是明确的,即对于开放边界和社会风险所带来的挑战要找到符合时代要求的答案.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,德国社会市场经济缺乏活力已是一个不争的事实.其主要表现是,经济增长缓慢甚至停滞;失业率居高不下,前民主德国地区尤为严重;财政拮据,债台高筑,有些城市和乡镇财政形势"极度恶劣";社会福利陷入慢性危机,国家不堪承受日益增长的重负等等.在上世纪50-60年代曾创造过奇迹的社会市场经济为什么会陷入缺乏生机活力的窘境?  相似文献   

德国社会民主党章程   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
前言 德国社会民主党是一个民主的人民党.它联合具有各种不同信仰和思想倾向的人们,只要他们承认和平、自由、公正和互助,承认男性和女性之间的社会平等及保护自然环境. 德国社会民主党是联合在社会党国际中的各政党所组成的共同体的成员.  相似文献   


Concentrating on terrorism in West Germany, Italy, and the Basque provinces of Spain, the author presents a detailed picture of the motivations, the strategies, and the ‘'achievements” of a number of the best known groups which for alleged political purposes take the law into their own hands. The Red Armee Faction, perhaps the best known West German terrorist group, and the 2nd of June Movement as well as such organizations as the Revolutionary Cells and the Guerilla Diffusa are described and their aims and activities are scrutinized. German right‐wing terrorism is also shown to wield great power, its contacts with terrorists in Lebanon and Algeria rivaling those of leftist organizations. Italian terrorism is also fully covered in this paper, with the activities of the Red Brigades, the best‐known of the leftist organizations, and its international connections, as well as other groups and the individuals involved being dealt with in some detail. The events in Spain, past and present, due especially to Basque terrorism, are considered, and the Soviet influence, represented by terrorist organizations in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Cuba, is discussed as is also the outlook for the future.  相似文献   

德国民社党深刻总结原民主德国社会主义失败的经验教训,根据社会环境的变化和形势的发展不断刷新自己的形象,调整党的纲领和策略,争取到越来越多选民的支持,从而逐步走出德国统一社会党的阴影,成为德国政坛上一支不可忽视的力量.德国民社党将自己定位为一个左翼社会主义政党,在思想上、理论上已经完全社会民主党化了,但与社民党仍有区别,两党是相互竞争与合作的关系.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the role of firm-level productivity and industry-level R&D for multinational enterprises' (MNEs') choice of undertaking foreign direct investment (FDI), and the share of ownership in foreign affiliates. Two firm-specific datasets on German MNEs with varying equity stakes in Indian affiliates are used to account for the two-step decision process. The paper also analyses how German firm decisions were affected by the liberalisation of FDI regulations in India. Results show remarkable differences between the selection and the ownership share equation, and also between the pre-reform and post-reform periods. The evidence clearly reveals the trade-offs involved in selective FDI approvals and foreign ownership restrictions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that, rather than aiming at universal contingency relationships, archetype theory needs to go down a path where 'local variants' can be discovered and understood by relating them to their organizational and institutional context(s). The case study of a public sector hospital group in a North German state (Hamburg) is drawn on here to elaborate the argument. We found evidence for a change from a Public Sector hospital archetype to a Public Hospital Corporation archetype. Drawing on this model permits us to explore the impact of the introduction of new forms of public management organization and the implications the managerial ideology underpinning this may have for the professional organization. The study explores the consequences of the innovations for professional/managerial relations. We also suggest that the 'archetype' approach may be particularly useful for the comparative study of organizations. This is particularly pertinent given the different – corporatist – organization of the German health care system and its different approach to public sector reform to that of the Anglo-American and Scandinavian systems where the 'archetypal' approach has so far been applied.  相似文献   

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