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Book notes     
Zbigniew Brzezinski & Page Sullivan (eds), Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Documents, Data and Analysis. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1996, xxi + 888 pp., $225.00.

Andrew C. Janos, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia: Ethnic Conflict and the Dissolution of Multinational States. Berkeley, CA: University of California at Berkeley, 1997, vii + 63 pp., $10.25.

Ralf Dahrendorf, After 1989. Morals, Revolution and Civil Society. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997, vii + 179 pp., £14.99.

Martin Myant, Czech History and Czech Politics. Paisley: Department of Accounting, Economics and Languages, University of Paisley, 1997, European Studies Working Papers, Nos 13, 14, 15, 34 pp., 27 pp., 35 pp.

Andrea Graziosi, The Great Soviet Peasant War. Bolsheviks and Peasants, 1917–1933. Cambridge, MA: Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, 1996, vi + 77 pp.

Sheila Fitzpatrick & Robert Gellately (eds), Accusatory Practices. Denunciations in Modern European History, 1789–1989. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1997, 231 pp., $27.95.

Paul Dukes (ed.), The Russian Revolution in Comparative Perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International, International Politics, 33, 4, December 1996, pp. 271–442.  相似文献   

Book notes     
John Connell, The End of Tradition, Country Life in Central Surrey, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978, pp. 231, £6.95.

Cheryl Parsons, Schools in an Urban Community. A Study of Carbrook, 1870–1965, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978, pp. 155, £5.95.

Peter R. Rowe, J. Mixon, B. A. Smith, J. B. Blackburn Jr., G. L. Calloway and J. L. Gervirtz, Principles for Local Environmental Management, Ballinger Publishing Co., 1978, pp. 272, £10.40.

Frank Stacey, Ombudsmen Compared, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1978, pp. 256, £10.00.

Hugh Stretton, Urban Planning in Rich and Poor Countries, Oxford University Press, 1978, pp. 220, £4.50 hardback, £2.25 paperback.

F. J. Lyden and E. G. Miller, Public Budgeting, Program Planning and Evaluation, Rand McNally Third Edition, 1978, pp. 460, £7.50.

Ivor H. Seeley, Local Government Explained, Macmillan, 1978, pp. 202, £10.00 hardback, £3.95 paperback.

Paul N. Balchin and Jeffrey L. Kieve, Urban Land Economics, Macmillan, 1979, pp. 478, £4.95.

David J. Bartholomew and Andrew F. Forbes, Statistical Techniques for Manpower Planning, John Wiley and Sons, 1979, pp. 247 & appendices, £14.75.

R. G. S. Brown, Reorganising the National Health Service, Martin Robertson and Basil Blackwell, 1979, pp. 232, £8.95.

Gary Craig, Marjorie Mayo and Nick Sharman, Jobs and Community Action, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, £5.95 paperback.

Paul Halmos, The Personal and the Political. Social Work and Political Action, Hutchinson University Library, 1978, pp. 200, £2.95.

Graham C. Hockley, Public Finance, An Introduction, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, pp. 448, £9.95 hardback, £5.95 paperback.

John Irvine, Ian Miles and Jeff Evans (eds.), Demystifying Social Statistics, Pluto Press, 1979, pp. 450, £8.50 hardback, £4.95 paperback.

C. Perrow, Complex Organisations. A Critical Essay, Scott, Foresman and Company, 1979 (second edition), pp. 270, £4.50.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective (Second Edition), Ferrel Heady, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1979, pp. 429, price unknown.

Programme Evaluation at H.E.W., Research versus Reality: Part 2, Education, James G. Abert (Ed.), Marcel Dekker Inc., 1979, pp. 395, price unknown.

Public Sector Decision Making, David Pearce (Ed.), Special issue of OMECA, The International Journal of Management Science (Vol. 7, No. 5, 1979), Pergamon Press, pp. 101, £9.00 paperback.

Why Policies Succeed or Fail, Helen M. Ingram and Dean E. Mann (Eds), Sage Publications, 1980, pp. 312, £12.50 cloth, £6.25 paper.

Supplementary Benefits and the Consumer, Eric Brigg and Anthony M. Rees, Occasional Papers on Social Administration No. 65, Bedford Square Press, 1979, pp. 172, £5.95.

More Bad News, Glasgow University Media Group, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980, pp. 483, £17.50.

The Road and Christ Church Meadow: The Oxford Inner Relief Road Controversy 1923–1974 — A Study of the Relationship between Central and Local Government, Roland Newman, Oxford Polytechnic, 1980, pp. 71, £1.00.

Planned Safety Management: A Guide to Action, A. Stevenson, Alan Osborne and Associates, 1980, pp. 116, £4.50 paperback.

Public Policy Research: A Review of Qualitative Methods, Ken Young and Liz Mills, Social Science Research Council, 1980, pp. 43, £1.00.

The Practice of Urban Economics, Alfred J. Watkins, Sage Publications (Vol. 107 of Sage Library of Social Research), 1980, pp. 247, £11.25 hardback, £5.50 paperback.  相似文献   

Book notes     
《Nationalities Papers》2013,41(1-2):137-138
Yuri Glazov, The Russian Mind Since Stalin's Death, Sovietica Vol. 47, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 256 pp.

Robert Conquest, Inside Stalin's Secret Police, NKVD Politics 1936–39, Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, 1985. 222 pp.

John B. Dunlop, Richard S. Haugh, Michael Nicholson eds., Solzhenitsyn in Exile, Critical Essays and Documentary Materials. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, California, 1985. 414 pp.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Heather Grabbe & Kirsty Hughes, Enlarging the EU Eastwards. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1998, 130 pp., £11.99.

Hans‐Jürgen Wagener (ed.), Economic Thought in Communist and Post‐Communist Europe. London: Routledge, 1998, xii + 388 pp., £60.00.

Chris Cook & John Paxton, European Political Facts 1900–1996. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998, ix + 434 pp., £19.50.

Robert V. Daniels, Russia's Transformation. Snapshots of a Crumbling System. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998, xv + 245 pp., $22.95.

Adam B. Ulam, The Bolsheviks. London: Harvard University Press, 1998, xiii + 598 pp., £13.50.

Vadim Z. Rogovin, 1937. Stalin's Year of Terror. Translated by Frederick S. Choate. Oak Park, Michigan: Mehring Books, 1998, xxx + 550 pp., £19.99.

Nikolai Bukharin, How It All Began. Translated by George Shriver, introduced by Stephen F. Cohen. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998, xxxi + 345 pp., £21.95.  相似文献   

Book notes     
《Third world quarterly》2013,34(1):188-194
The Death Penalty. Amnesty International, London: Amnesty International. 1979.206 pp

International Trade in Wildlife. Tim Inskipp & Sue Wells, London: Earthscan. 1979.104 pp. £2.00

Children in the World. Magda Cordell McKale & John McHale, Washington DC: Population Reference Bureau. 1979.

Interfutures: facing the future. OECD, Paris: OECD. 1979.425 pp. £8.90 pb

Arid Land Ecosystems: vol 1. Edited by D W Goodall & R A Perry, Cambridge University Press. 1979.881 pp. £45.00

Asia Corporate Profile and National Finance 1977–8. Hong Kong: Asian Finance Publications Limited. 1977.352 pp

Nicaragua: dictatorship and revolution. London: Latin America Bureau. 1979.30 pp. 75p

Bankers Handbook for Asia: 1977–8 guide to banks and finance companies in Asia. Hong Kong: Asian Finance Publications Limited (distributed in the UK by Kogan Page Limited, London). 1977.344 pp. £15.00

Imperial Russia and the Struggle for Latin American Independence 1808–28. Russell HBartley, Austin: University of Texas Press. 1978.236 pp

The Middle East: a physical, social and regional geography. WB Fisher, London: Methuen (seventh edition). 1978.615 pp. £9.95

Church and State in Independent Mexico: a study of the patronage debate, 1821–57. Michael P Costeloe, London: Royal Historical Society. 1978.207 pp. £7.75

Intermediate Technology in Ghana: the experience of Kumasi University's Technology Consultancy Centre. Sally Holtermann, London: Intermediate Technology Publications. 1979. Ill pp. £2.00

Mountbatten: eighty years in pictures. London: Macmillan. 1979.224 pp. £8.95

Atlas of Earth Resources. London: Mitchell Beazeley. 1979.208 pp. £22.50

Deciding What's News: a study of CBS evening news, NBC nightly news, Newsweek and Time. Herbert J Gans, New York: Pantheon. 1979.393 pp. $12.95

Women's Education ‐ a world view: annotated bibliography of doctoral dissertations, vol 1. Compiled by Franklin Parker & Betty June Parker, London: Greenwood Press. 1979.320 pp. £19.50

The State and Society: Peru in comparative perspective. Alfred Stepan, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1978. 316 pp

Seapower and Politics: from the Norman Conquest to the present day. Captain John Moore, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1979.184 pp. £7.50  相似文献   

Book notes     
The African Book World and Press: a directory. Edited by Hans M Zell, London: Hans Zell. 1980, 243pp. DM164.00

Peru: the authoritarian tradition. David Scott Palmer, New York: Praeger. 1980. 131pp. £13.00. £5.75pb

Borrowers and Lenders: rural financial markets and institutions in developing countries. Edited by John Howell, London: Overseas Development Institute. 1980. 290pp. £2.95

Amnesty International Report, 1980. London: Amnesty International. 1980. 408pp. £5.55

Aid As Obstacle: twenty questions about our foreign aid and the hungry. Frances Moore Lappe, Joseph Collins and David Kinley, San Francisco: Institute for Food and Development Policy. 1980. 191pp. $4.95

The Far East and Australasia, 1980–1. London: Europa. 1980. 1365pp. £35.00

Universities in Partnership. IC M Maxwell, Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. 1980. 480pp. £15.00

Transnational Economic and Monetary Law: transactions and contracts. Leonard Lazar, Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana. 1978–81. Vols I‐VI. $75 per vol

The Multinational Corporation: a radical approach ‐ papers by Stephen Herbert Hymer. Edited by Robert B Cohen et al, Cambridge University Press. 1980. 323pp. £17.50  相似文献   

Book notes     
Jedrzej Giertych. In Defense of My Country. London: Roman Dmowski Society, 1981. Pp. 748.

Mark R. Elliott, Pawns of Yalta: Soviet Refugees and America's Role in Their Repatriation. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Pp. xiii, 287. $17.95.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Habitat : Human Settlements in an Urban Age, Angus McGunn, Pergamon Press, 1978, pp. 272, price unknown.

Decision Making for Energy Futures, David Pearce, Lynne Edwards and Geoff Beuret, Macmillan, 1979, pp. 296, £10.00.

Party Politics in Local Government: Officers and Members, Royal Institute of Public Administration, Policy Studies Institute, 1980, pp. 50, £2.50.

District Trends 1980, City of Bradford Metropolitan Council, 1980, pp. 45, free.

Housing the Disabled, John Hunt and Lesley Hayes, Torfaen Borough Council (with the support of Cwmbran Development Corporation), 1980, pp.204, £3.95 (paperback).

The West Riding County Council, 1889–1974 Historical Studies, B. J. Barber and M. W. Beresford, West Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council, 1979, pp. 262, price unknown.

Public Administration: The Political Environment, Roger Stacey and John Oliver, MacDonald and Evans (BEC Books), 1980, pp. 296, £4.95 (paperback).

How to Run Committees and Meetings, Michael Locke, Papermac (Macmillan Press), 1980, pp. 190, £2.95 (paperback), £10.00 (hardback).

The Politics of Positive Discrimination: An Evaluation of the Urban Programme, 1967–77, John Edwards and Richard Batley, Tavistock Publications Ltd., 1978, pp. 287, £4.25 (paperback).

Urban Deprivation and the Inner City, Colin Jones (Editor), Croom Helm, 1979, pp. 218, £9.95 (hardback).

Urban Harvest: Urban Renewal in Retrospect and Prospect, Stanley Mill‐ward (Editor), Geographical Publications Ltd., 1977, pp. 266, £8.25 (hardback).  相似文献   

Book notes     
Managing the Civil Service, John Garrett, Heinemann, 1980, pp. 198, £7.50.

The Limits of Power: The Politics of Local Planning Policy, Andrew Blowers, Pergamon, 1980, pp. 216, £10.00

Local Government and Environmental Planning and Control, edited by Joyce Frank, Gower, 1982, pp. 301, £13.50.

Labour Into the Eighties, edited by David S. Bell, Croom Helm, 1980, pp. 168, £9.95 hardback, £5.50 paperback.

Julian Hodge: A Biography, Timothy O'Sullivan, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, pp. 210, £8.95.

Allies or Adversaries: Perspectives on Government and Industry in Britain, Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1981, pp. 86, £4.95.

Rural Employment, Trends, Options, Choices, Ian Hodge and Martin Whitby, Methuen, 1981, pp. 262, £13.50.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Development in States of War. Edited by Deborah Eade. Oxford: Oxfam, 1996. Pp.109. £8.95. ISBN 0855983442

Yearbook of International Co‐operation and Development: 1998/99. Edited by Helge Ole Bergesen, Georg Parmann and 0ystein B. Thommessen. London: Earthscan for The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 1998. £45. Pp.348. ISBN 1 85383 526 9  相似文献   

Book notes     
Nicaragua: Self‐Determination and Survival. By Hazel Smith. London and Boulder, CO: Pluto Press, 1993. Pp.321 £40.50 and £14.95. ISBN 07453 0480 X and 0475 3.

Economic Adjustment under the Sandinistas: Policy Reform, Food Security and Livelihood in Nicaragua. By Peter Utting. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 1991. Pp. v + 113. NP. ISBN 92 9085 004 3.  相似文献   

Book notes     
《Third world quarterly》2013,34(3):180-185
Dictionary of African Historical Biography. Mark R Lipschutz & R Kent Rasmusscn, London: Heinemann. 1978. 292 pp. £4.90 pb.

Directory of Institutes for Labour Studies. International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva: IILS. 1978. 760 pp. SFr 125.

Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris: OECD. 1979. 285 pp. £10.00pb.

Development Guide. Overseas Development Institute, London: Allen & Unwin. 1978. 216 pp. £5.95.

Bibliography of German Research on Developing Countries. Bonn: German Foundation for International Development. 1978.142 pp. DM10.

International Directory of Booksellers. Munich: Verlag Dokumentation Saur. 1978. 948 pp. DM 198.

Multinational Corporations: the ECSIM guide to information sources. Compiled by Joseph O Mekeirle, Brussels: European Centre for Study and Information on Multinational Corporations. 1977. 454 pp. BFr 1600.

South Asian Bibliography: a handbook and guide. Edited by J D Pearson, Hassocks, England: Harvester Press. 1979. 389 pp. £38.00.

Middle East Contemporary Survey 1976–77. Edited by Colin Legum and Haim Shaked, New York: Holmes & Meier. 1978. 684 pp. $65.00.

Arms Control and Disarmament. Compiled by Richard D Burns, Oxford: Clio Press. 1977. 430pp. £25.30.

Nuclear Proliferation and Safeguards. Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress, New York: Praeger. 1977. 270 pp. £14.75.

Disarm or Die. Nonpartisan Fund for World Disarmament and Development, London: Taylor & Francis. 1978.108 pp. £1.75 pb.

Political Terrorism. Edited by Lester A Sobel, New York: Facts on File (distributed in the UK by Clio Press). Vol 1. 1975. 309 pp. £8.80. Vol II (1974–78). 1978. 279 pp. £8.80.

Political Prisoners: a world report. Edited by Lester A Sobel, New York: Facts on File (distributed in the UK by Clio Press). 1978. 285 pp. £9.15.

Castro's Cuba in the 1970s. Edited by Lester A Sobel, New York: Facts on File (distributed in the UK by Clio Press). 1978.244 pp. £7.85.

Pour un Nouvel Ordre Economique International. Mohammed Bedjaoui, Paris: UNESCO. 1979. 293 pp.

Latin America: a sociocultural interpretation. Julius Rivera, New York: Irvington Publishers. 1978. 246 pp. £11.25.

Twenty Five Years of Economic Development 1950–1975. David Morawetz. London: John Hopkins University Press. 1978. 125 pp. £6.40. £2.95 pb.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Paul Dukes, World Order in History. Russia and the West. London: Routledge, 1996, x + 198 pp., £42.50.

Graeme Gill, Stalinism. Second Edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998, xii + 94 pp., £6.99.

Open Society Institute, Kazakhstan. Forced Migration and Nation Building. New York: Open Society Institute, 1998, 83 pp.

Thomas Cushman, Critical Theory and the War in Croatia and Bosnia. The Donald W. Treadgold Papers in Russian, East European and Central Asia Studies No. 13. Washington, DC: The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, 1997, 50 pp., $5.25.

Daniele Conversi, German‐Bashing and the Breakup of Yugoslavia. The Donald W. Treadgold Papers in Russian, East European, and Central Asia Studies No. 16. Washington, DC: The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, 1998, 81 pp., $6.45.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Open Society Institute, Coping with Conflict. A Guide to the Work of Local NGOs in the North Caucasus. New York: OSI, 1998, 47 pp.

James Forsyth, Paul Fryer, Alexander Kan, Sergei Kozlov & Atina Nihtinen, The Return of North‐South, Introduction by Paul Dukes. Aberdeen: Centre for Russian, East & Central European Studies, University of Aberdeen, 1997, 47 pp., £3.00 (UK), £3.50 (EC), £4.50 (Ex‐EC).

Paul Dukes, A History of Russia c. 882–1996. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998, xiv + 430 pp., £16.99.

Gennady Andreev‐Khomiakov, Bitter Waters. Life and Work in Stalin's Russia, Translated and introduced by Ann E. Healy. Oxford: Westview, 1997, xxi + 195 pp., £23.00.

Bertell Oilman (ed.), Market Socialism. The Debate Among Socialists. London: Routledge, 1998, viii + 200 pp.

György Péteri (ed.), ‘Intellectual Life and the First Crisis of State Socialism in East Central Europe, 1953–1956’, Contemporary European History, 6, 3, November 1997, pp. 259–403.

Susan E. Reid (ed.), ‘Design, Stalin and the Thaw’, Journal of Design History, 10, 2, 1997, pp. 107–223.  相似文献   

Book notes     

Nan Berger, Rights, A Handbook for People Under Age, Penguin Books, 1974, £0.60, pp. 160.

M. D. A. Freeman, The Legal Structure, Longmans, 1974, £1.20, pp. 242.

Harry Calvert, Social Security Law, Sweet and Maxwell, 1974, £3.60, pp. 318.

D. Foulkes, The Local Government Act, 1974, Butterworths, 1974, £3.60, pp. 118.


J. Bailey, Social Theory for Planning, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975, £4.25 (cloth), £1.95 (paperback), pp. 167.

Gordon E. Cherry (ed.), Urban Planning Problems, Leonard Hill, 1974, £4.50, pp. 259.

Ursula K. Hicks, The Large City: A World Problem, Macmillan, 1974, £6.50, pp. 270.

League of Women .Voters Education Fund, Supercity I'Hometown, USA, Prospects for Two‐Tier Government, Pall Mall Press, 1974, £4.75, pp. 139.


A. F. Comfort and C. Loveless, Guide to Government Data, Macmillan, 1974, £5.95, pp. 404.

G Easthope, History of Social Research Methods, Longmans, 1974, £1.20, pp. 169.

E. Krausz and S. H. Miller, Social Research Design, Longmans, 1974, £1.00, pp. 118.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Housing Year Book 1983, Longman Community Information Guides, Longman, 1983, pp. 440, £22.00.

Public Expenditure and Leisure: A Study of Central‐Local Relations, W.D. Hamilton, Polytechnic of North London, Papers in Leisure Studies No. 8 1983, pp. 35 £1.50.

Local Authorities and Land Supply, Susan Barrett and Gill Whitting, School for Advanced Urban Studies, Occasional Paper No. 10, University of Bristol, 1983, pp. 87, £5.35.

Speed, Economy and Effectiveness in Local Plan Preparation and Adoption, C. Fudge, C. Lambert, J. Underwood and P. Healey, School for Advanced Urban Studies, Occasional Paper No. 11, University of Bristol, 1983, pp. 150, £7.40.

The Capitalist State, Bob Jessop, Martin Robertson, 1982, pp. 296, £17.00 hardback, £5.95 paperback.

Homes Fit for People, Family Services Unit Discussion Paper, 1983, pp. 48, £1.00.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Household Ecology: Economic Change and Domestic Life among the Kekchi Maya in Belize. By Richard R. Wilks. Tucson, AZ; London: The University of Arizona Press, 1991. Pp. xx + 280. $55 (hardback). ISBN 0 8165 1214 0.

Wagering the Land: Ritual, Capital and Environmental Degradation in the Cordillera of Northern Luzon, 1900–1986. By Martin W. Lewis. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1992. Pp. 292. $40 (hardback). ISBN 0 520 07272 3.

Sustainable Development; Papers from the 6th EADI General Conference. Edited by Olav Stokke. London: Frank Cass, 1991. Pp. 132. £24. ISBN 07146 3449 2.

Gender and Development: A Practical Guide. Edited by L. Ostergaard. London: Routledge, 1992. Pp. xiv 220. £10.99 (paperback). ISBN 0415 071321.

Historical Dictionary of Mozambique. By Mario Azevedo. Metuchen, NJ and London: Scarecrow Press, 1991. Pp. xxix + 250. £22.15 (hardback). ISBN 0 8108 2413 2.

Understanding Contemporary Africa. Edited by April A. Gordon and Donald L. Gordon. Boulder, CO and London: Lynne Rienner, 1992. Pp. xvi + 343. $45 and $19.95. ISBN 1 55587 265 5 and 55587 299 9.  相似文献   

Books notes     

Governments and Growth, Francis Knox, Saxon House, 1976, pp. 138, £6.95.


Dictionary of Environmental Terms, Alan Gilpin, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976, pp. 174, £3.50.

Environmental Controls, Robert A. Leone, Lexington Books, 1976, pp. 123, £8.25.

Urban Growth Management Through Development Timing, Brower et al., Martin Robertson, 1976, pp. 116, £10.10.


Sale of Goods and Consumer Credit, A. P. Dobson, 1975, Sweet & Maxwell, pp. 236, £2.85.

Political Geography

Modern Political Geography, Edward F. Bergman, Wm. C. Brown, 1975, pp. 393.

Political Behaviour

Political Behaviour, Howard Elcock, Methuen, 1976, pp. 309, £8.00.

Public Administration

Outlines of Public Administration, R. E. C. Jewell, 1976, Charles Knight, pp. 206, £4.50.  相似文献   

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