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Rethinking SMEs’ Financing Predicament   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A waveofsharpcriticism has been aimed atthebanks concerning the difficulties for China’ss mallandmedium-sized enterprises(SMEs)in acquiring financing,whilethe Central Government began to strongly urge banks to provide loans for SMEs.Shouldall SMEs be financed while the bankst ake theblame?Is there anyother viable way to pull SMEs outof the financial predicament?Qiu Haiping,a professor with the School of Economics at Renmin University of China,recentlye xamined the issue and offered insights in the Guangming...  相似文献   

正Sino-European relations are not only mutually beneficial, but also mutually transformational The redistribution of global power has changed the relations between the great powers and invites them to reconsider their diplomatic priorities. In the aftermath of World War II, the future of Europe was proactively shaped by the United States,  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China are facing a critical period of trying tosurvive the global economic slowdown. A recent government report shows a large number of SMEs in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions have closed some of their factories or suspended production for the time being.The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, rising inflationary pressure, higher costs for labor, rawmaterials and energy, and a stringent domestic monetary policy have all put enormous external pressure on China's SMEs. But what is the root cause of the SME survival conundrum? And howcan they be rejuvenated? The 21st Century Business Herald interviewed Chen Naixing, Director of the Research Center for SMEs under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, for some answers.  相似文献   

Ma Hairong and Ba Cuicui of the CPAFFC attended the 6th Asia and Europe People’s Forum held at Helsinki, Finland from September 3 to 6, 2006. The Forum, which is a coordinate ac- tivity of the Asia Europe Meeting, serves as a platform for the NGOs of the…  相似文献   

THIS year could well be described as China's "European Year," Premier Li Keqiang having visited the continent twice. In fact, he has been to Europe four times since taking office last year. Moreover,his presence at the 1oth Asia-Europe Meeting in Milan, Italy, on Oct 16-17 has brightened prospects for the new Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which President Xi Jinping proposed last year, becoming operational.  相似文献   

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao paid his second visit to the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu in northwest China’s Qinghai Provinceon May 1-2. The prefecture had been severely hit by 7.1-magnitude  相似文献   

WTO’s Woes     
The General Council of the World Trade Organization(WTO) approved the appointment of Brazilian diplomat Roberto Carvalho de Azevedo as its next director general in May,meaning that the most important multilateral institution coordinating the global economy will be again headed by someone from a developing country for at least the next four years beginning September 1.  相似文献   

ON April 29, 2009, the Chinese government announced that by the year 2020 Shanghai will have become an international center of finance and shipping compatible with China’s economic strength and the international standing of the RMB.  相似文献   

The perce ption that Pakistan is a country beset with terrorism is totally wrong , according to Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid M. Kasuri. He argues that, unlike what is often seen in the media, the number of people affected by terrorism is “next to nothing” compared with his country’ s largepo pulation. In an interview with Beijing Review reporters Pan Shuangqinand Yan Wei during his recent trip to Beijing, Kasuri addressed a number of issues ranging from terrorism to trade and investment .  相似文献   

Sky’s Limits     
Modern Sky’s Jinhui Meng talks about pop, poverty and nding the next big thing on China’s indie scene.YOU find him down at the pit every week- end. He shu es from foot to foot during the opening acts. And then he bobs up and down, face lighting up with the house lights when theygo on.They are his band, his and, and they’re going to be big. A diminutive, intense gure in denim, Jinhui Meng is a kind of Colonel Parker for China’s struggling rock musicians. One of the most talked-about n…  相似文献   

<正>Uncertainty surrounds Pepsi’s planned partnership with Tingyi’s bottling operations Despite its global success,PepsiCo has not been as prosperous in the Chinese market as its rival Coca-Cola.Buta recent alliance may give aboost to the U.S.soft drink giant.  相似文献   

My tather is an excellent surgeon and has just retired from the town hospital. Whenever 1 think of my father, his voice rings in my ears, always soft and encouraging. As time passes, I better understand my father and his seemingly endless and boring prattle.  相似文献   

APEC’s Moment     
<正>International forum must seize opportunity to lead The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)forum has always been an organization that has a lower profile than it deserves.Set up as an initiative of the then-Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke in early 1989,its annual meetings are better known for the photo shoots showing the 21 leaders attending in the national costume of the host country than for substantive policy accomplishments.This is a pity.APEC does serve an important  相似文献   

Syria’s Future     
<正>With reform pledges and public support,the Bashar al-Assad administration is likely to survive protests The Syrian domino has finally fallen,joining many other Arab and Middle East nations embroiled in unrest.Demonstrations burst out in southern Syria in mid-March,and rapidly spread to other  相似文献   

Mom’s Verdict     
NEARLY every mother nurses a hope-the hope of keeping her child far away from Internet pornography and indecent content. In January 2010, a group of mothers were selected from a shortlist to be deputized for the  相似文献   

The 2006 InternationalChildren’s Day andChildren’s Articles Expojointly sponsored by theCPAFFC,the China Council forthe Promotion of InternationalTrade,the National Children’sWork Committee,the China As-sociation of Youth Palaces andthe Jinan Municipal People’sGovernment,with the theme ofJoyful Childhood under the SameSky was held in Jinan,ShandongProvince from July 7 to 9,2006.Jiang Daming,deputysecretary of the ShandongProvincial Committee of theCPC and secretary of theJ…  相似文献   

<正>I.Concept of People’s Livelihood in Traditional Chinese Culture The concept of human rights was borrowed from the West.In order to have it become rooted in China,people needed to i nd traces in Chinese culture on which the human rights theoretical system could be based and the Chinese human rights idea could be realized.Only if the idea of human rights is grounded in Chinese culture can the concept of human rights be understood by the people and human  相似文献   

China Southern Airlines operates the largest and most technologically advanced airJinc fleet.., is well as the most extensive domestic air network in The People'sRepublic: of China,  相似文献   

When Beijing-based Jiahe Life Insurance Co.released its financial report for 2011 in May,it grabbed the attention of insurance industry professionals because its solvency ratio for 2011 was minus 86.  相似文献   

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