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当前农村养老问题是整个社会需要面对和解决的问题,需要切实从农村老年人的实际需要出发,推进农村社会化养老服务,为农村老年人提供全方位的养老服务。  相似文献   

Most research on historical migration patterns has focused on more long-range migration processes such as rural–urban, interregional, or intercontinental flows, neglecting the more local migration patterns, which could also have a profound impact on the rural preindustrial economy. This article analyzes the migration of rural families in 19th century southern Sweden using a longitudinal data set at the microlevel. The analysis shows a rather high mobility of families, the overwhelming majority of whom migrated very short distances. Factors determining the migration decision of these families included access to land and social networks and family composition as well as family type. The results clearly show that migration was an important part of the lives of preindustrial families and that the new migration pattern emerging in the second half of the 19th century, when rural–urban as well as international migration increased considerably, was not so much the result of higher mobility in general but rather a response to changing incentives making long distance migration more attractive.  相似文献   

加强我国农村养老服务机构建设的对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的农村人口基数较大,随着人口老龄化速度的加快,传统的家庭养老功能不断弱化,农村养老服务业发展滞后的问题愈加突出,因此,急需大力发展农村养老服务业,以促进农村稳定及社会和谐。本文分析了农村养老服务机构存在的主要问题,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

"The presence of significant numbers of family and household structures among African Americans...[differs] from traditional Euro-American models.... The recently developed U.S. Census public use samples and measures oriented to the practices of informal child fosterage are used to examine and compare these different bases of family life. Data from the turn of the century provide some historical distance from previous explanations of difference centered on slavery, or explanations that focus on contemporary social issues such as urban problems or the welfare state. Comparisons with studies of the contemporary U.S., Africa, the Caribbean, and historical materials give broader scope to fosterage analysis and to the consideration of cultural family differences."  相似文献   

赵杰 《政法论丛》2006,(2):24-27
性别是区分自然人的重要依据,不同的自然人由于性别的不同,在社会关系中的地位有所不同。自然人的性别影响着自然人的家庭生活、社会生活,尤其是自然人的活动空间、国籍、住所、职业等。性别也是一些犯罪的特定的构成要件。  相似文献   

This article examines the family and household patterns of widowers and widows in England and Wales between 1891 and 1921 in terms of the proportion of widowers and widows who lived with never- or ever-married children, servants, or inmates, with nonrelatives only, or on their own. The absence of marked change between 1891 and 1921 in the frequency with which elderly widowers and widows lived with a married or never-married child are in line with the Laslett [J. Fam. Hist. 12 (1987) 263.] expectation that family patterns evolve only slowly, certainly much slower than the forces of political and economic change. Where changes can be detected, as in the decline in frequency of coresidence with servants or inmates, these changes were experienced by the younger as well as the older widowed and by married people. Apparently, the residence patterns of the elderly widowed changed due to the introduction of means-tested old-age pensions in 1910. A second investigated is the extent to which the socioeconomic environment influenced the residence patterns of the widowed in a given time period. The effect in general proves to be weak with little difference between one environment and another in the frequency with which widowers coresided with their children and evidence of gender balancing of the household (relatively more widows living with sons and more widowers with daughters) visible only in agricultural environments.  相似文献   

This article examines the family and household patterns of widowers and widows in England and Wales between 1891 and 1921 in terms of the proportion of widowers and widows who lived with never- or ever-married children, servants, or inmates, with nonrelatives only, or on their own. The absence of marked change between 1891 and 1921 in the frequency with which elderly widowers and widows lived with a married or never-married child are in line with the Laslett [J. Fam. Hist. 12 (1987) 263.] expectation that family patterns evolve only slowly, certainly much slower than the forces of political and economic change. Where changes can be detected, as in the decline in frequency of coresidence with servants or inmates, these changes were experienced by the younger as well as the older widowed and by married people. Apparently, the residence patterns of the elderly widowed changed due to the introduction of means-tested old-age pensions in 1910. A second investigated is the extent to which the socioeconomic environment influenced the residence patterns of the widowed in a given time period. The effect in general proves to be weak with little difference between one environment and another in the frequency with which widowers coresided with their children and evidence of gender balancing of the household (relatively more widows living with sons and more widowers with daughters) visible only in agricultural environments.  相似文献   

论文考察了近年来日本、韩国与台湾的福利国家(welfare state)发展情况。通过仔细观察医疗政策、养老金以及与劳动市场相关的其他社会政策的变化,文章尝试探究在这些领域发生的变化,到底能在多大程度上佐证一个从发展范式向普遍主义范式的重要转变。论文解释了在这些国家和地区社会政策变化的要旨和方向,认为能够解释他们的政策偏离的原因,不仅存在于经济的重组中,同时存在于不断变化的政治形态之中。  相似文献   

This article deals with the migration patterns of female domestic servants from the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands during the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. The main topics are rates of servant migration, major destinations, strategies behind migration, and determinants of migration across provincial boundaries. A multimethod approach is used, combining the analysis of a data set of life courses of servants with an investigation of qualitative material such as interviews, letters, autobiographies, and government reports. Migration rates of domestic servants peaked in the last decades of the 19th century. Major destinations of Zeeland servants shifted from local and regional jobs with farmers to positions outside the province, particularly in the growing Dutch cities of Rotterdam and The Hague. Family strategies of survival and possibly of risk diversification and upward mobility were behind this migration. However, qualitative sources show that the out-migration of Zeeland servants must also be understood in terms of individual strategies, such as the desire for higher wages, emancipation from the parental home, and participation in more exciting city life.  相似文献   

"This article analyzes the migration strategies of those social groups making up the labor supply during the first phase of industrialization in the Basque Country (1877-1910), which was one of the most industrialized regions of the northern part of Spain. Migration is estimated by sex, marital status, and origin and interpreted within the context of family decision-making. The article also deals with the expectations among potential migrants by the areas of destination. The study of the labor market, from the standpoint of job specialization, will enable us to know more about the profile of a typical migrant, and the family as a protagonist in migratory flows."  相似文献   

This article considers the extent of changes between 1500 and 1700 in the provisions for widows in the wills from two villages in the east of England (Cratfield and Poslingford in Suffolk). Will-makers were by no means a homogeneous group but had more in common with each other than they did with the poor. The stage in life reached by both the testator and his widow helped determine the type of old-age provision received and the degree of involvement with the estate. The existence of young children proved to be not as an important factor in the decision-making process as either age or social status. Some widows received land from husbands who had been yeomen; other received goods. Older testators favored annuities and similar arrangements, while younger testators (under 60) preferred a division of property between the widow and at least one son. When there were minor children, the widow was more likely to be awarded all or part of the landed estate. Over time, greater reliance upon cash and credit created a more fluid and responsive range of old-age provisions but did not completely replace traditional forms of support.  相似文献   

The cost of retirement has a strong impact on social processes, both today and in the past. This study concerns the cost of retirement to St. Hiëronymusdal, a retirement home that was established outside the town of Leiden in the first half of the sixteenth century. Here individuals could purchase lifelong accommodation and care. If they had enough money to spend, they could opt for relatively luxurious contracts providing them with a private room; if they were short of means, they could opt for a basic contract providing them with a bed in a hall. We demonstrate that this allowed people from lower and middling groups to prepare for old age. Inexpensive retirement also gave individuals the option to spend their old age living independently from relatives, in a retirement home. These elderly people could do this on their own account by paying for care rather than depending on charity – which usually involved a loss of social prestige. We suggest that inexpensive retirement allowed family ties to become looser and thus facilitated such developments as migration and urbanization, and the rise of the European marriage pattern. Rising prices and declining interest rates caused retirement to become more expensive in later centuries though, posing challenges for the early modern elderly.  相似文献   

中国农村养老保险制度的反思与重构   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
左菁 《河北法学》2007,25(4):70-78
我国农村养老保险制度在运行过程中面临筹资模式和账户模式制度设计缺陷,资金来源结构错位,保费设计不合理、养老保障水平低,基金流失严重、保值增值能力差等诸多问题.为使农村养老保险走出困境,应结合我国农村的实际情况,采取有效措施解决现行农村养老保险运行中的突出问题,同时应合理构建农村养老保险法律体系,进行相应的制度创新.  相似文献   

刘鹏 《行政与法》2013,(6):69-72
农村社区养老是解决农村养老问题最直接、最有效的方式之一,在整个社会发展中具有重要的现实意义。但我国农村社区养老的理论与实践仍处于初级发展阶段,存在诸多问题,因此,应该以转变农村养老观念和方式为前提,以政府财政投入和提高农民收入为支撑,以引进社会力量参与农村社区养老为重点,以完善的社会养老保障制度为保障,逐步解决农村社区养老问题。  相似文献   

In China before the twentieth century, the household was a locus of social and economic organization in which resources and responsibilities were allocated. This study shows that the structure of the relationships between coresident kin conditioned the allocation process. Through a discrete-time life-event analysis of triennial household register data from a northeast Chinese village, Daoyi, between 1774 and 1873, we find that an individual's probability of dying, which we treat as an indicator of access to resources and the nature of household roles, was affected by the composition of their coresident kin. As is the case in contemporary societies, widows and widowers had higher mortality than the currently married. Orphans had higher mortality than children with at least one parent present. Reflecting the dependence of a wife's status on whether she had produced an heir for her husband, married women in young adulthood and middle age who had at least one son had substantially lower mortality than those without. Reflecting the strength of the claim that elderly males could make on household resources, children with coresident grandfathers had higher mortality than those without. Even though sons were supposed to be a form of old-age security, however, the death rate of the elderly was not reduced by the presence of sons and grandsons.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的细胞,构建和谐社会应该从构建和谐家庭着手。充分正确认识和谐家庭与和谐社会的关系将关系到整个社会的健康、稳定和发展。本文针对当前部分家庭存在的一些不和谐因素,提出如何营造和谐家庭,目的在于促进社会稳定,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

城市空巢老人生活状况和社会支持体系分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
之巢家庭老人是老年人中有独特需要的群体。随善社会的老龄化和家庭结构的演变,空巢家庭正迅猛增加。“空巢”家庭的形成是个人、家庭、社会多方面原因综合作用的结果,而社会的因素在其中占着越来越重要的作用。中国的养老问题是一个动态的发展过程,家庭成员虽然仍是空巢老人最主要的照顾资源,但家庭的照顾功能因“空巢”的现实正逐渐弱化,所以居家照顾必须配以适当的杜区照顾,将老年人服务与其他不同年龄和类型的服务区别开来,独立发展,形成一个支持“空巢”老人养老的杜会支持体系。  相似文献   

Outmigration from the Alps is traditionally attributed to the hardship of life and to the lack of employment. The article questions such assumptions and proposes a different relationship between working conditions and migrations. Focusing on the eighteenth century, it examines three economically diverse Alpine regions and shows that behind the apparent diversity, there are common features to the ways families do or do not choose between working in the village or elsewhere. Analyses of family networks have to be performed in terms of the distribution of power within communities. The existence and reproduction of family networks, as well as the ability of individuals and families to develop strategies, are unequally distributed among social groups, and this has to be noted in the examination of decisions about migration.  相似文献   

This article examines types of tax registers that provide a picture of families in the Aegean Islands during the Ottoman occupation. Numerical data from the islands of Andros, Myconos, Syros, Serifos, and Patmos are emphasized. Accounts by travelers and Roman Catholic priests and other documentation of that time are also examined. The article attempts to verify the reliability of data from the registers regarding family size, number of households, the possibility of household sharing by more than one family, and number of household heads. Records of personal taxes (ispence, or poll tax) indicate that the families on the islands during the 17th and 18th centuries had only a few members. Exact data cannot be derived because the communities attempted to redistribute taxes according to their own needs rather than following official Ottoman orders. Similar indirect information is derived from another kind of register that recorded the transfer of taxpayers' properties. The number of houses for some islands seems to have steadily increased although the number of family shares did not. This phenomenon may be linked to the status of ownership of immovable property, the horizontal property that was applied, and the nonexistence of cohabitation of extended families. Another issue concerns the number of widows in the tax registers. This large number does not correspond to the family status of these women but rather to tax practices exercised by the communities and participation of these women in the economic and social life of the islands.  相似文献   

In the course of the twentieth century, African American families have been the objects of a great deal of debate and commentary in social science fields, as well as in popular discourse. The article considers the basis for this discussion: the presence of significant numbers of family and household structures among African Americans that differ from traditional Euro-American models. Western nuclear families are typically centered around marriage, while African, and to a significant degree African American, families are structured around children. The recently developed U.S. Census public use samples and measures oriented to the practices of informal child fosterage are used to examine and compare these different bases of family life. Data from the turn of the century provide some historical distance from previous explanations of difference centered on slavery, or explanations that focus on contemporary social issues such as urban problems or the welfare state. Comparisons with studies of the contemporary U.S., Africa, the Caribbean, and historical materials give broader scope to fosterage analysis and to the consideration of cultural family differences.  相似文献   

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