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This article examines the profound social and demographic effects of industrialization and modernization on the province of Biscay in northern Spain. Careful analysis of household listings and census results for the years (1825), 1900, and 1930 for three representative regions of the province—the capital Bilbao, the new industrial center of Baracaldo, and a selection of rural communities—shows the profound effects of industrial immigration to the area on fertility and mortality patterns, nuptiality behaviors, and household structures. In addition, the accumulated changes left a socio-cultural division in the province between a modernized urban–industrial and a traditional rural region—a division that was strongly felt well into the twentieth century.  相似文献   

作为农村社会变迁的重要组成部分,农村人口变迁主要包括人口数量、结构、质量、心理素质以及思想观念等方面的变化。在新的历史时期,我国农村人口的变迁呈现出独特的趋势。农村人口各个方面的变迁会对农业家庭经营产生重要而又深远的影响,因此,必须重视农村人口变迁的趋势及其影响,着力调整计划生育、农村就业以及农村公共产品供给等方面的法律制度,确保我国农业家庭经营获得健康发展。  相似文献   

That household strategies bear directly on the lives of individual household members is a much-stated fact. That household strategies have profound long-term effects on the options and choices made by individual household members also has received much less attention. By focusing on intergenerational relations within the context of households, this article brings to light certain long-term effects which household relations have on the lives of adult children in terms of the organization of their domestic and laboring lives. The article shows that the decisions pertaining to household organization and development of labor strategies are heavily influenced by individual, personal evaluations of the quality of long-term moral and emotional relations across generations.  相似文献   

That household strategies bear directly on the lives of individual household members is a much-stated fact. That household strategies have profound long-term effects on the options and choices made by individual household members also has received much less attention. By focusing on intergenerational relations within the context of households, this article brings to light certain long-term effects which household relations have on the lives of adult children in terms of the organization of their domestic and laboring lives. The article shows that the decisions pertaining to household organization and development of labor strategies are heavily influenced by individual, personal evaluations of the quality of long-term moral and emotional relations across generations.  相似文献   

促进吉林省民营经济产业集群的健康、可持续发展,必须以龙头企业为依托打造吉林省民营经济优势产业集群,强化与引导产业集群内的专业化分工,通过技术创新增强产业集群的整体实力,充分发挥行业组织的桥梁和纽带作用,加强企业家队伍建设,培养创新型人才,充分发挥政府的引导和扶持作用。本文运用产业集群的理论,分析了吉林省民营经济产业集群发展的现状和存在的问题。提出了吉林省民营经济产业集群发展的思路与对策。  相似文献   

本文以吉林省正在实施的"三化"统筹战略为视角,提出城乡一体化进程中面临的难点主要集中在:人往哪里去、钱从哪里来、土地问题怎样解决三个方面。笔者认为,应通过加大对农村经济发展的财政支持,统筹城乡产业布局,开展农民职业技能教育,构建农村劳动力向城镇转移的制度体系和规范土地流转等措施,推动吉林省统筹城乡发展,实现城乡一体化。  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村,是党和国家做出的具有深远意义的重大战略部署,积极推进现代农业建设,则是这一战略的重要组成部分。吉林省作为农业大省应始终坚持把现代农业建设作为社会主义新农村建设的着力点和首要任务,结合省情加大对现代农业的投入力度,调整产业结构,强化产业支撑,提高农民素质,进而提升农村经济发展的整体水平。  相似文献   

This article uses empirical evidence from rural Tuscany in the 15th century to compare three frameworks for conceptualizing household strategies: Chayanov's analysis of the domestic economy, Bourdieu's treatment of social reproduction, and Weber's distinction between budgetary units and profit-making enterprises. Although Bourdieu's framework did not work well in this context because there was little evidence that peasants employed strategies to prevent the division of land, there was considerable evidence to support Chayanov and Weber. As Chayanov predicted, many households allocated labor according to a tradeoff between providing for family members and avoiding drudgery. The Weberian perspective also worked well because it explained why these smallholders often divided their holdings and used money in their household strategies.  相似文献   

论宅基地分配政策和分配制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩松 《政法论丛》2021,(1):70-82
"一户一宅、无偿分配"政策是产生宅基地"取得困难、利用粗放、退出不畅"等问题的症结之一,解决宅基地使用存在的问题,实现宅基地的集约节约利用,提高土地效益,促进农村产业发展,应当改革"一户一宅、无偿分配"的政策和制度.一户一宅应当解释为符合宅基取得条件的一户农户只能拥有一处宅基地,对新增宅基地实行有偿分配,宅基地用地标准...  相似文献   

After having been one of the most centralized states in the world for more than thirty years, in 2001 Indonesia introduced a sweeping program of decentralization with important consequences for the management of the industrial sector. This article explores whether the decentralization process has led to substantial changes in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and enforcement of water pollution law. Its main findings are that the general division of authority in both fields has become less fragmented and that differences between districts have increased, but, in practice, not so much has changed as one would have expected. For EIA, "horizontal" disputes between sectoral agencies have been supplanted by "vertical" disputes between different levels of government. Monitoring and sanctioning of industrial water pollution have mainly continued within the scheme of the provincial program started under Soeharto's centralized regime, with still few initiatives at the district level. If any, such initiatives are usually driven by public complaints. On the other hand, there are indications that in the longer run the institutional changes may have more significant effects on EIA and enforcement practice. For EIA, these seem to be negative; for enforcement of water pollution regulation this depends much on the situation within a district or a province.  相似文献   

Medical records of (i) toxico-medico-legal death cases from three districts of Telengana region in the state of Andhra Pradesh, viz. Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy and Medak, and (ii) clinical toxicology cases in suspected poisoning from hospitals in and around Hyderabad city were examined for a period of 5 calendar years. The age group at risk in both the types of cases is 15-24. The cause of suicides includes physical illness, family/spouse problems and financial problems. Labourers form a dominant risk group in rural and semi-urban industrial area, whereas in urban area the employees were the dominant risk group. The agricultural pesticides and household insecticides were the predominant poisons used for suicide purposes.  相似文献   

谢潇 《法学》2022,(1):128-142
宅基地使用权应当被构造为可供继承之财产。宅基地使用权主体并非农户,而是作为自然人的农村居民。宅基地使用权既可为户主单独所有,亦可为户内全体家庭成员或者部分家庭成员共有。宅基地使用权人的继承人可以继承宅基地使用权或者宅基地使用权的权利份额。不过,根据《土地管理法》第62条所规定之"一户一宅"原则,继承人不得通过继承取得两项及以上宅基地使用权,亦不可借由宅基地使用权份额之继承而使其宅基地使用权所占用的宅基地面积超过省、自治区、直辖市规定的标准。继承人可以继承宅基地上房屋的所有权,但不能继承宅基地使用权,或者继承宅基地上房屋所有权后占用的宅基地面积超过省、自治区、直辖市规定标准的,继承人以宅基地上房屋所占用的宅基地或者超过标准部分的宅基地为限取得宅基地法定地上权,或曰宅基地法定建设用地使用权,但对集体土地所有权人负有给付适量土地使用金的法定债务。  相似文献   

One of the significant shortcomings of the criminological canon, including its critical strands—feminist, cultural and green—has been its urbancentric bias. In this theoretical model, rural communities are idealised as conforming to the typical small-scale traditional societies based on cohesive organic forms of solidarity and close density acquaintance networks. This article challenges the myth that rural communities are relatively crime free places of ‘moral virtue’ with no need for a closer scrutiny of rural context, rural places, and rural peoples about crime and other social problems. This challenge is likewise woven into the conceptual and empirical narratives of the other articles in this Special Edition, which we argue constitute an important body of innovative work, not just for reinvigorating debates in rural criminology, but also critical criminology. For without a critical perspective of place, the realities of context are too easily overlooked. A new criminology of crime and place will help keep both critical criminology and rural criminology firmly anchored in both the sociological and the criminological imagination. We argue that intersectionality, a framework that resists privileging any particular social structural category of analysis, but is cognisant of the power effects of colonialism, class, race and gender, can provide the theoretical scaffolding to further develop such a project.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between the actual division of housework and men’s and women’s perceived fairness in this regard. The central question is how the actual sharing of housework influences the perceptions of fairness in the division of housework. It is hypothesised that the perceptions of fairness differ between policy models. In countries where gender equality has been more present on the political agenda and dual-earner policies have been introduced, people are expected to be more sensitive to an unfair sharing or division of housework. By analysing the relationship between actual division of housework and perceptions of fairness in household work for 22 countries representing different family policy models, the study takes on a comparative perspective with the purpose of analysing the normative impact of policy. The analysis draws on data from the 2002 round of the International Social Survey Programme on family and changing gender roles. The results show that in countries that have promoted gender equality through the introduction of policies with an aim to promote dual roles in work and family, both women and men are more sensitive to an unfair division of household labour. The difference between perceptions in the different policy models is greater among men than among women, indicating that a politicization of the dual-earner family is more important for men’s equity perceptions than women’s.  相似文献   

Differential fertility can be attributed to economic and cultural factors, but the family also plays an important role. Fertility behavior may be transmitted from parents to children through heritable dispositions or via socialization. Previous research has shown, however, that the expression of genetic effects depends on the interplay with the environment. In this article we take a long-term view and examine how the different mechanisms shifted over time and across social and local contexts on the basis of a large-scale database containing 100 thousand sibling pairs born between 1810 and 1870 in the Dutch province of Zeeland, a society undergoing demographic transition and industrialization. Corroborating earlier research, we find a significant increase in the expression of heritabilities and a fading of social influence for women born after the 1840s, who started their reproductive careers during the historical fertility decline in this region. Our study points out that the ‘social control’ of fertility was particularly reduced for women born in towns, women originating from the urban or rural laboring classes, and women from communities with a relatively liberal religious climate. Our findings are in line with research emphasizing the important role played by women in decision-making processes around childbearing, and could indicate the conditions that enhanced women's position in household bargaining during the historical fertility decline.  相似文献   

This article intends to shed further light on urban household structures in Albania as far less is known about them compared with rural households. The population census of 1918, which was forgotten for decades, is used for this purpose and proves to be a very valuable source. After a look at the theoretical framework of household formation patterns in this region and at comparative studies in other countries of the region, the size and composition of households in Albania are analysed and differences within the urban population recognised. These urban households were smaller and less complex than rural households in Albania. This investigation into the lives of urban dwellers regarding their living jointly with other members of the household adds to the picture of households frequently being divided between brothers. Nevertheless, multiple-family households also existed in an urban environment and more so in Albania than in neighbouring countries. One can find many differences within the urban population concerning the size and complexity of their households, but a higher status tended to be necessary to increase the complexity of the household. The different economic and spatial environment in cities made living in a multiple-family household more difficult to achieve and therefore richer rather than poorer people more usually lived in such constellations.  相似文献   

This article intends to shed further light on urban household structures in Albania as far less is known about them compared with rural households. The population census of 1918, which was forgotten for decades, is used for this purpose and proves to be a very valuable source. After a look at the theoretical framework of household formation patterns in this region and at comparative studies in other countries of the region, the size and composition of households in Albania are analysed and differences within the urban population recognised. These urban households were smaller and less complex than rural households in Albania. This investigation into the lives of urban dwellers regarding their living jointly with other members of the household adds to the picture of households frequently being divided between brothers. Nevertheless, multiple-family households also existed in an urban environment and more so in Albania than in neighbouring countries. One can find many differences within the urban population concerning the size and complexity of their households, but a higher status tended to be necessary to increase the complexity of the household. The different economic and spatial environment in cities made living in a multiple-family household more difficult to achieve and therefore richer rather than poorer people more usually lived in such constellations.  相似文献   

构建城乡统一的建设用地市场,既是制度变迁的结果,也是符合市场经济发展规律的必然,其对吉林省的经济发展具有重要的现实意义.但是,构建城乡统一的建设用地市场是一种新的尝试和探索,必须在借鉴相关省份已有模式和经验的基础上,探索构建吉林省城乡统一的建设用地市场的对策.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the role of spouses' perceptions of fairness within marriage have typically dealt with the effects of those within the realm of the division of household labor. Using data from the 1993 National Survey of Families and Households, this study posits that the predominance of dual-earner couples necessitates the consideration of perceptions of fairness in both spouses' paid labor and domestic roles. Issues of fairness are shown to significantly affect husbands' and wives' evaluations of marital quality, yet these effects are limited to a noncomparative form (e.g., wives' evaluations of marital quality are not substantially affected by husbands' perceptions of unfairness). Implications of these findings for contemporary couples are discussed.  相似文献   

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