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This article seeks to provide an introduction as to how judges determine facts. It draws on material across a range of jurisdictions as to how judges themselves have described what they do and what they ought to do. It explores what factors judges take into account when deciding whether the evidence of a witness is credible. It examines the difference between recollection and reconstruction of events by witnesses and considers how judges draw inferences from primary facts. The importance of documentary evidence, expert evidence, judicial notice and the giving of reasons in the fact-finding process are also explored.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the reorganization of the soviets in accordance with the production principle, many small towns have been detached from rural districts, and the soviets of these towns have been subordinated to those of larger cities that are directly subordinate to territories and regions. In individual cases, the soviets of the small towns have been placed under district soviets of cities which have district subdivisions. At present some 300 towns have thus been subordinated to others, including 230 in the RSFSR.  相似文献   

The question of the subject of Soviet criminology remains in dispute to this day. The authors of the present article, who initially considered criminology a component of criminal law, (1) have now arrived at a different conclusion. Reviews of the textbook Soviet Criminology [Sovetskaia kriminologiia] noted, as one of its shortcomings, a vague solution of the question of the subject of this science. (2) Considering this, as well as the fact that the subject of a science is among the most important questions, we have decided to offer certain of our thoughts on this subject.  相似文献   

Research institutions such as federal laboratories spend billions of dollars annually to develop new technologies. Recently there has been an overwhelming trend to encourage the licensing of these technologies to private industry. Without proper protection, they will be neither marketable nor licensable, as they could fall within the public domain, for free and unrestrained use. Few options effectively protect new technologies; these options are referred to as intellectual property.This article introduces basic concepts of intellectual property, with a special emphasis on patents. It considers intellectual property management and its influence on government and business.  相似文献   

This practitioner paper provides an introduction to investigating IPv6 networks and systems. IPv6 addressing, packet structure, and supporting protocols are explained. Collecting information from IPv6 registries and databases such as WHOIS and DNS is demonstrated. Basic concepts and methods relevant for digital forensic investigators are highlighted, including the forensic analysis of IPv6 enabled systems. The enabling of IPv6 capability in a forensics lab is shown, including IPv6 connectivity and the use of IPv6 compatible tools. Collection and analysis of live network evidence from IPv6 networks is discussed, including investigation of remote IPv6 nodes, and promiscuous capture of IPv6 traffic.  相似文献   

The collection presents an approach to history in which the dominance of structure is replaced by the effects of human agency. Individual motives and actions are the subject of these studies. In particular, the articles focus on the economic approach of family strategies, starting with a methodological discussion of the problematic concept of strategies: how to disentangle the influence of social structure, family circumstances, and individual behavior. The conflicting interests of individuals resulted in replacing the so-called “joint utility function” with that of “bargained family decisions.” The focus of the contributions is on the labor deployment of family members. All articles deal with three factors influencing labor deployment: adaptation to the structural environment, regulation of labor within the family, and reconciliation of choices at transition points during the individual life course of family members.  相似文献   

Gerontologists have rarely considered the concept of social justice in their research. Instead, related but more specific questions about the social situation of the aged have been posed. This paper provides an overview of existing social psychological literature on justice and intergenerational relations as a context for the five other papers contained in this issue. The importance of intergenerational justice within the family, particularly when there is a caretaking relationship, is stressed. As well, the policy implications of a concern with intergenerational justice are considered. The Paper concludes with a recommendation that gerontology and social justice research be integrated more frequently in order to enrich both fields of study.  相似文献   

This article addresses the radical changes in Russian foreign policy that took place in 2014. By the end of 2013, Moscow had exhausted the potential for progressively raising its international status by evolutionary means. As 2014 approached, Russia started to define its own habitat. The trigger was a clash between comprehensive and mutually exclusive integration projects.  相似文献   

苏维埃是布尔什维克党创立的新型的劳动人民的政权,但是在苏联社会主义实践中发生了变异,苏维埃的地位和作用严重降低,选举和监督形式化,难以充分表达和实现人民的利益。由此可鉴,无产阶级政权的命运与人民的支持密切相关,无产阶级政权建设必须走适合本国国情的发展道路,坚定不移地走民主发展道路,建立健全人民代表的选举、履责、监督和罢免制度,并从根本上改革党政不分、以党代政的政治体制,建构党在政治、思想和组织等各方面的领导、苏维埃决策、政府执行各司其职、一体运行的政治体制。  相似文献   

In December of 1961 the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in its Seventh Session, approved the Principles of Civil Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics. New civil codes had to be enacted in the union republics in accordance with the Principles. The latter will also serve as the basis for developing and bringing up to date civil legislation within the jurisdiction of the USSR.  相似文献   

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