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政策分析的价值取向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过长期的政策实践,人们逐渐认识到传统政策分析理论的“价值中立学说”具有很强的主观臆断性,价值取向研究在政策分析当中的地位、作用也逐渐为政策分析学者们所关注。从政策分析的外部制度环境要求、政策分析者内在素质要求和政策分析的内外交互过程要求三方面进行探讨,有利于确立政策分析正确的价值取向,发挥出价值取向在政策分析中应有的作用,  相似文献   

我国的改革开放进程,也是我国社会全面变革的过程.在变革社会中,我国公民政策参与表现出主动性参与、利益性参与、多群体性参与、智能性参与、法制性参与等一系列新的特征;面对我国公民政策参与的新特征,作为公共政策活动最大主体的政府,理应采取一系列新对策,即树立开放的政策观念,确立和谐的公共政策价值取向,扶持民间政策研究机构的发展,强化公民政策参与的能力和主体地位,规范参与程序,尝试公民政策参与的新机制.  相似文献   

当前我国政策绩效的价值取向解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论上,政策绩效不同于政策结果之处在于它对其内在价值及其行为方式改变的特别关注,因而具有较强的价值意蕴.政策绩效在社会转型中的"应然"状态与"实然"现实之间的差别,就是政策问题存在的闭区间.在此基础上,公共政策的自由裁量权、公共政策的回应性、有效性、公共性、公民精神以及治理、善治等作为一种"绩效指标",对政策绩效及其实现程度等都有很大的影响.社会转型时期各种特质的社会问题的大量积聚、政府主导的政策模式、公民社会的不健全等,首先作为一种"自变量",影响着当下我国的现实政策绩效,某种程度上决定了公共政策的自由裁量权、回应性、有效性、公共性、公民精神等的存在形式和发生作用路径;另一方面,作为"因变量",它们被嵌入不同的制度运行、政策实践以及社会生活的各个环节中,成为一种既定的公共政策价值取向,决定着当下各种利益诉求、利益整合、利益分配、利益落实等的性质和内容.在技术和价值之间,政策绩效找到了其存在的基本空间.  相似文献   

服务型政府政策价值取向探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价值取向是人们行动的指南,政策的价值取向则影响到政策的内容和结果,有什么样的价值取向就有什么样的公共政策。建设服务型政府目标的提出是我国政府改革的一个里程碑,公平不仅应该成为服务型政府管理的价值取向,而且应该成为其政策的价值取向。  相似文献   

论政府政策行为的价值取向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统政治学和公共行政理论认为 ,政府是社会利益的代表 ,其政策行为的价值取向是公共利益。现代团体主义政治理论和公共选择理论否定了传统的观点 ,它们分别认为政府政策行为的价值取向或者是团体利益 ,或者是政府官员的个人利益。这些观点都有其不足之处 ,其中有些观点甚至是根本错误的。只有马克思主义才科学地解决了政府政策行为的价值取向问题。在马克思主义看来 ,从根本上说 ,在阶级社会 ,政府政策行为的价值取向必然是统治阶级的阶级利益。在社会主义条件下 ,人民的政府才有可能真正把人民利益作为政府政策行为的价值取向。  相似文献   

公共卫生政策与健康利益选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文科 《理论探讨》2005,(2):98-100
一国公共卫生政策的制定不可避免地涉及人的生命健康和道德价值取向选择,是直接关系公民生存健康利益和国家安全利益的重要问题,而充分利用有限的卫生资源,采取最有效的卫生措施,最大限度地满足人民对健康的需求,是制定公共卫生政策的目的。要实现这一目的,政府在制定政策中,应当把健康问题列入行政公共卫生重点工程,加大投入力度;应当坚持"低收入人口优先受益"的原则,投资向贫困和弱势群体倾斜;应当加强公共卫生体系建设,坚持"预防为主"策略,以推动公共卫生事业的发展。  相似文献   

我国公共政策发展中的民生价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共政策的价值取向以政策制定者的价值偏好、政策的强制性、公共性为基础,贯穿政策全过程.当前,以民生为价值取向的公共政策已成为我国和谐社会建设的自觉选择,日益深化的体制改革、不断完善的法律政策和科学发展路径,推动着政治资源配置、财产权利和发展机会走向公平正义,彰显出我国公共政策维护民生的价值追求.  相似文献   

在某种程度上,经济本位的政策理念是民族自治地方政府面对其经济发展水平的无奈选择.这种政策理念导致了民族自治地方社会各方面的发展之间、经济发展与人的全面发展之间出现关系紧张和恶化的局面.因而,必须以人本政策理念为目标来创新民族自治地方的政策理念,通过深化对经济发展的工具性价值的认识、改变政绩考核指标的价值导向、重设政府职能结构、展开具体的以人本政策理念为指导的政策过程等多方面的努力,使以人为本的政策理念沉淀于政府的文化中,以推动社会各方面的协调、均衡发展,进而促进人的全面发展.  相似文献   

在人们的政治生活中 ,政策评价是一种特殊的认识活动。人作为这种认识活动的主体 ,其自身的能动性表现得尤为突出。政策评价主体的价值取向直接影响着评价对象和评价指标体系的确定 ,影响着其对评价结果的处理态度。加强公众价值取向的引导 ,对于提高政策评价的科学性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了应对西方金融危机,我国政府在政策取向上选择了以效率为主的价值取向、以经济功能为主的功能取向和以强制性和混合型为主的工具取向。这对于弱化金融危机的影响,使经济尽快复苏发挥了重要的作用。但同时也使社会公平问题更加突出,政府的社会职能在一定程度上被弱化,政府和市场的关系发生程度不同的扭曲。进入后金融危机时代,会涉及到诸多的行为转换,政府政策取向的转换尤为重要。政府政策必须实现以效率为主的价值取向向以公平为主的价值取向转换,实现以经济功能取向为主向以社会功能取向为主的转换,实现以强制性和混合型政策工具取向为主向以自愿性政策工具取向为主转换,理顺政府、市场和社会的关系。要从根本上实现政府政策取向的转换,必须加快服务型政府的建设步伐。  相似文献   

According to the framework rooted in public economics, governments can create public value by focusing tax and spending policies on remedying market failures and addressing concerns about fairness embodied in a social welfare function. By pursuing optimal tax and spending policies, governments navigate the omnipresent trade‐offs between equity and efficiency. Of course, in practice, the process by which policies are adopted does not resemble the planner's problem in social choice theory. In addition, real fiscal policies do not look much like the recommendations that arise from the optimal tax literature. Governments operate in public choice environments that are not conducive to focused remedying of market failure, and they suffer from their own tendencies to fail to achieve their objectives. Nevertheless, many of the tools are in place to help the federal and state governments focus tax and spending in ways that can maximize public value.  相似文献   

While public value theory has emerged to offer important insights into the evaluation of social enterprises, little is known about the origins of public value failure and even less about the role that organizations and public policy play in creating public value failure. Accordingly, this analysis explores the origins of public value failure using examples from for‐profit higher education. A selection of organization and public policy concepts are integrated into a public value mapping framework to develop a theoretical basis for public value “failure drivers.” In addition to advancing public value theory, an understanding of the origins of public value failure and the role of failure drivers has important implications for the design of public value–maximizing strategies and institutions.  相似文献   

To what extent do transparency policies generate positive impacts? This seemingly rhetorical question has become the subject of increasing contention, partly because of two research‐based biases. First, researchers have been blinded by metrics and method. Using tools that are often ill suited to gauging the gradual, diffuse, and indirect effects of most transparency policies, research has found—unsurprisingly—spotty evidence of impact. Transparency studies would benefit from greater use of complementary approaches, such as careful tracing of impact processes and indicators, combined with sensible counterfactual reasoning. Second, researchers have been looking for impact with blinkered vision. In particular, a thematic fixation on accountability and participation has monopolized attention. Key preconditions—such as compliance with and implementation of transparency policies—remain relatively neglected, as do other areas of potential impact, including capacity building, how actors are leveraging previously restricted streams of information, and transparency's role in improving policy coordination and communication.  相似文献   

论公共政策的正义性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张学泽 《行政论坛》2005,3(1):35-37
公共政策是政府在对社会公共利益进行选择、综合、分配和落实的过程中所制定的行为准则。由于政治正义性的规约、政策自身内涵的公共性及其合法性的客观要求,公共政策必须坚持正义的理性诉求。对处于现代化进程中的中国政府而言,要提升公共政策的正义性,就必须完善公共政策制定的制度基础,提高公共政策的技术含量,强化公共政策制定及执行的监督机制。  相似文献   

Governments have intervened in two basic ways on childcare: via the provision of leaves to care (usually taken by mothers) and the provision or (often only partial) financing of childcare services. These policy options reflect the fundamental debate on how young children should be cared for. Labour has developed both policy areas since 1997, but there is a question mark over how far mothers and fathers have a ‘real choice’ to work and/or to care. Parents' choice in this policy area is a sensitive political issue and, this article suggests, requires a careful balancing of policy instruments. Policy goals may conflict with preferences and there is also the difficult issue that parents' choices may prejudice their future welfare in a work/welfare system that is tending to assume that there will be increasing capacity for self‐provisioning.  相似文献   

This retrospective reviews the policies that affect the fertility of American women, both policies designed to alter fertility intentionally as well as those that change childbearing unintentionally. Becker's seminal work on the economics of fertility serves as the theoretical foundation for this literature. After describing Becker's economic model, we review the empirical literature on fertility responses to social welfare policies, tax policies, the mandated health care coverage of infertility treatments, abortion policies, and government‐sponsored family planning services. We also address several Supreme Court cases that have played an important role in the interpretation of these policies. Where relevant, this retrospective describes the distributional effects of these natalist policies. We also discuss the limitations of this literature and identify important gaps. Unlike most developed countries that have created strategies to increase fertility to support their ageing population, the United States spends considerably less time and thought on this issue. Our reading of the literature suggests that we have many public policies that have affected and continue to influence the fertility choices made by families in the United States and that this is a topical area that deserves more attention in policy debates.  相似文献   

论政策和法律的协调与衔接   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政策与法律是现代社会调控的两种手段 ,随着依法治国进程的推进 ,如何正确处理政策与法律之间的关系是一个不容忽视的课题。本文从政策与法律的关系出发 ,探讨了如何依法治国与实现二者的协调 ,并指出政策法律化是实现二者有效衔接的方式。  相似文献   

Police officers influence the British policy process through their representative organizations. One of the main ways in which this is achieved is through police domination of the definition of certain sorts of issues at the central governmental level. This definition also occurs at the local level. Analysis of the location of the police as an interest group in the structure of the British state suggests how the politics of policing might be understood. Five issues relating to the police policies towards behaviour -street assaults, 'rural public disorder'. rape, battered women and racially motivated assaults - illustrate how the police define issues and affect the policy process. The debates about police 'politicization' and accountability should be set in the context of the relationship between political structure, issue definition and the political agenda.  相似文献   

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