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This article describes the author’s plans for and designof his research project upon the Personal Work Contracts inEuropean Comparative Law; it seeks consultation with the readershipabout those plans and that design; and it develops two linkedaspects of the theoretical infrastructure for that project,namely the analysis of the ‘family of personal work contracts’and the analysis of the ‘personal work nexus’. Theanalysis in terms of the ‘family of personal work contracts’asserts the validity and utility of the wide and inclusive notionof the ‘personal work contract’ as a central organisingcategory for individual employment law and of a multi-dimensionalway of viewing and understanding this category as a family ofcontracts within which the contract of employment is of courseimportant but is not an over-dominant paradigm. The analysisin terms of the ‘personal work nexus’ argues thatthe contracts within this ‘family of personal work contracts’may be better understood if they are placed in the explanatoryframework of the ‘personal work nexus’, which isa concept of a yet looser and more comprehensive set of legallinks or connections within which personal work relations maybe cast. Ways are suggested in which these analyses may contributeto the better meeting of the regulatory needs of personal workrelations and in which those analyses might be refined and testedby means of a European comparative methodology.  相似文献   

This article seeks to build upon the earlier article ‘Fromthe Contract of Employment to the Personal Work Nexus’(2006) 35 ILJ 1, and further to substantiate the theoreticalbasis for our work on the European comparative law of personalwork contracts. Two associated but distinct hypotheses are presented;the first one concerns ‘institutions’ and exploresthe ways in which the contract of employment has become andbeen a central institution of European labour or employmentlaw systems, but an institution differently constructed anddisplaying normative diversity as between those different systems.The second hypothesis postulates a contrast in juridical methodologyas between English common-law-based systems and continentalEuropean civil-law-based systems, the former being characterisedby a ‘regulated self-designed contracts’ approach,and the latter by a ‘standardised contract typology’approach. In conclusion, these two hypotheses are integratedinto a composite tentative comparative theory, which, we argue,can usefully be related to the theoretical discourse about the‘varieties of capitalism’ in Europe.  相似文献   


This paper explores spectatorial encounters with criminal trials. Particularly focusing on the 2018 work of Australian contemporary visual artist Julie Fragar that followed her watching murder trials in the Supreme Court of Queensland, it is argued that the artist as a legal outsider grapples with the inhumanity of the trial. This grappling can go in two directions. For some there is a need to bring the human back, to see the person beneath the mask of the role that they are performing, to connect the gothic horror of the trial back to a redeeming humanism. For others, and this is evident in Fragar, the horror of the inhumanity is visceral and overpowering, and the grotesque masque of judgment needs to be witnessed. Both perform a corrective and critique to the business as usual of processing, judging and stamping onto human lives that is legal insider’s performance in the criminal trial.


精神生活是人类特有的生活方式,现代性带来的社会变革构成精神生活的背景.现代性在人的精神生活的突出表现是四重遭遇:现代性挑战与精神生活的异化、工具理性膨胀与价值理性消解的冲突、自然科学与人文科学二元对立、物质富裕与精神贫困二律背反,而精神生活现代性遭遇的救赎良方是四个向度的构建.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(149):41658-41661
This notice with comment period interprets the term "Federal public benefit" as used in Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), Pub. L. 104-193, and identifies the HHS programs that provide such benefits under this interpretation. According to section 401 if PRWORA, aliens who are not "qualified aliens" are not eligible for any "Federal public benefit," unless the "Federal public benefit" falls within a specified exception. A "Federal public benefit" includes "any grant, contract, loan, professional license, or commercial license" provided to an individual, and also "any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household, or family eligibility unit." Under section 432, providers of a non-exempt "Federal public benefit" must verify that a person applying for the benefit is a qualified alien and is eligible to receive the benefit. The HHS programs that provide "Federal public benefits" and are not otherwise excluded from the definition by the exceptions provided in section 401(b) are: Adoption Assistance Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD)-State Developmental Disabilities Councils (direct services only) ADD-Special Projects (direct services only) ADD-University Affiliated Programs (clinical disability assessment services only) Adult Programs/Payments to Territories Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Dissertation Grants Child Care and Development Fund Clinical Training Grant for Faculty Development in Alcohol & Drug Abuse Foster Care Health Profession Education and Training Assistance Independent Living Program Job Opportunities for Low Income Individuals (JOLI) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Medicare Medicaid (except assistance for an emergency medical condition) Mental Health Clinical Training Grants Native Hawaiian Loan Program Refugee Cash Assistance Refugee Medical Assistance Refugee Preventive Health Services Program Refugee Social Services Formula Program Refugee Social Services Discretionary Program Refugee Targeted Assistance Formula Program Refugee Targeted Assistance Discretionary Program Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program Refugee Voluntary Agency Matching Grant Program Repatriation Program Residential Energy Assistance Challenge Option (REACH) Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) State Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) While all of these programs provide "Federal public benefits" this does not mean that all benefits or services provided under these programs are "Federal public benefits." As discussed in sections II and III below, some benefits or services under these programs may not be provided to an "individual, household, or family eligibility unit" and, therefore, do not constitute "Federal public benefits" as defined by PRWORA.  相似文献   

When considering spaces of sex-work such as Patpong in Bangkok, Thailand, the inclination is to be drawn into habitual debates concerning the legitimacy of sex-work and the clear objectification of sex-workers. While these concerns are valid and real, there are significant absences in terms of the theoretical mapping of the space, such as the affect of the presence of law, bodies, space and the sexual encounter itself. Law emerges as the most significant presence, since it both forms the transactional surface of Patpong and produces the confusion and revilement that results from the confluence of cold legal exchange with the tactile intimacy of the sexual encounter. This text explores the ethnographic space of Patpong in order to understand ways in which law’s transactional, effective surface is both embodied through subjectivication and spatially emplaced, yet also disrupted through the affective agency of the bodies and spaces it enfolds in order to produce this surface. This exploration will point to the limitations of law’s effective surface and suggest ways in which law might be located within a regime of affect, which returns the law to the body it subjectivises.  相似文献   

The police are one of the mostauthoritative and visible agents of thecriminal law; yet, they have often beenconceptualized in an ``unofficial' way, aspseudo-parental figures, counselors, andmediators – and as inkblots that evoke a widerange of reactions from citizens, from anxietyand rage to fear. Explanations for these typesof reactions have been overly impressionistic,speculative, and psychological. In this note, Iconsider the notion of the police as``Rorschach-in-uniform.' By using data fromroutine traffic stops, I demonstrate how thesummons/answer sequence that is commonly foundin social and bureaucratic encounters isreduced and adapted to meet the situationalrelevancies of police work. I argue that it isthrough the semiotic summons that the Rorschachis given a practical embodiment.  相似文献   

亲手犯问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亲手犯作为一种犯罪形态,与间接正犯是既对立又统一的.大陆法系学者在研究间接正犯时,虽然对于亲手犯也有一定研究,但由于立论根基的错误,致使亲手犯的研究一片混乱.我国现行刑法没有关于亲手犯的规定,理论界关于亲手犯的研究也寥寥无几.因此,加强与共同犯罪息息相关的亲手犯问题的研究,对于完善我国的共同犯罪理论体系,梳理司法实践中复杂的共同犯罪问题,正确认定犯罪人的刑事责任,具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(165):45256-45258
This notice with comment period interprets the term "Federal means-tested public benefit[s]" as used in Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), Pub. L. 104-193, to include only mandatory spending programs of the Federal Government in which eligibility for the program's benefits, or the amount of such benefits or both, are determined on the basis of income or resources of the eligibility unit seeking the benefit. At HHS, the benefit programs that fall within this definition (and are not explicitly excerted from the definition by Section 403 (c)) are Medicaid and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).  相似文献   

Although the history of trademarks is well catalogued in various review articles and books in different jurisdictions, one particular missing link is whether trademarks are sources of market power—from a historical perspectives. This article addresses exactly that question, and presents some of the legal encounters that support the historical narrative that trademarks are sources of market power, by examining selected trademark cases—centuries apart in England and the United States. The overall purpose of these discussions is aimed at situating the law and policy of trademarks in the antitrust regime when significant historical trademark cases are brought into the equation and whether a prediction can be made that trademarks are increasingly heading into a clash with the antitrust regime.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of legal claims by government officials and citizens in everyday political encounters involving civil rights. Data come from 580 letters sent to the federal government between 1939 and 1941, and from the replies sent by the newly formed Civil Rights Section of the Justice Department. In almost every case, the department refused to intervene and explained its refusal by making legal claims about federal jurisdiction. These legal claims masked the department's discretionary choices and thus helped depoliticize the encounters. Surprisingly, however, a substantial number of letter writers challenged the government's legal claims by deploying their own legal and moral arguments. The willingness of these citizens to challenge official legal pronouncements cautions against making broad generalizations about the capacity of ordinary people to respond effectively when government officials deploy legal rhetoric.  相似文献   

In line with reentry and life course research that has shown increases in desistance for individuals connected with employment, work release programming attempts to achieve desistance from crime by linking criminal offenders to the labor market while in the correctional system. Recent research has speculated that the completion of rigorous employment programming may serve as a signal to employers that criminal careers have ceased and the offenders are employable. Therefore, it is important to understand factors associated with successful program completion. This study utilizes a sample of jail-based work release participants to explore factors correlated with program completion. Consistent with prior research, we find that offenders who are older, Caucasian, and employed at time of arrest are more likely to complete the program and that minority participants and those with prior mental health treatment are less likely to complete the program.  相似文献   

王利明 《现代法学》2013,35(4):62-72
就整体而言,个人信息这一概念远远超出了隐私权的范畴,正因为隐私与个人信息之间存在的诸多差别,所以,在我国未来的民法典中,应当将个人信息权单独规定,而非附属于隐私权之下。即应以私权保护为中心,将个人信息权作为一种具体的人格权加以保护,并制定个人信息保护法。  相似文献   

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