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The status of delegation as a strictly institutionalized source of law is controversial. In this article, we examine some instances of delegation, in order to explore their claim to be independent and strictly institutionalized sources of law. We consider primarily the instances of labour arbitration and of mediation. Our conclusion is that there is no straightforward answer in either instance to the question whether they constitute sources of law, although the claim of arbitration is strong and that of mediation is weak. We argue that the controversial character of delegation as a source of law is therefore to be expected, given its ambivalent character, and that in exploring the reasons for this ambivalence much can be learnt about the concept of a strictly institutionalized source of law.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications for contract law of Rawls' theory of justice as fairness. It argues that contract law as an institution is part of the basic structure of society and as such subject to the principles of justice. Discussing the basic structure in relation to contract law is particularly interesting because it is instructive for both contract law and Rawlsian theory. On the one hand, justice as fairness has clear normative implications for the institution of contract law. On the other hand, this discussion forces us to critically assess the meaning and appeal of the concept of a basic structure in justice as fairness.  相似文献   

One of the important arguments in favor of Science Parks is the claimed networking benefit. A total of 273 new technology-based firms (NTBFs) were surveyed. The assessing of academic knowledge and expertise by businesses located on site is a key principle of Science Parks. Science Park NTBFs stand out as a special group of small firms in terms of performance (Growth: sales and employment). The arguments presented in this paper recognize the complex nature of co-operative resources. The level of interaction in the innovation process between firms located on Science Parks and local universities is generally low, but it is higher than the level of interaction exhibited by firms that are not Science Park firms. The underlying premise of our research propositions (P1 and P2) is that the NTBF-specific co-operative resources will provide the firm with a competitive advantage. This paper, building on the resource-based theory and empirical evidence, argues that NTBFs working with universities that have more proximity achieve certain advantages. Proximity between NTBFs and universities promote the exchange of ideas through both formal and informal networks. Statistically significant differences between Science Park NTBFs and off-Park NTBFs were recorded with regard to product development in the last three years.  相似文献   

The Study Group on Social Justice in European Private Law are: Gert Brüggemeier (Bremen), Mauro Bussani (Trieste), Hugh Collins (London), Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi (Bremen), Giovanni Comandé (Pisa), Muriel Fabre-Magnan (Nantes), Stefan Grundmann (Berlin), Martijn Hesselink (Amsterdam) (Chairman), Christian Joerges (Florence), Brigitta Lurger (Graz), Ugo Mattei (Torino), Marisa Meli (Catania), Jacobien Rutgers (Amsterdam), Christoph Schmidt (Florence), Jane Smith (Bremen), Ruth Sefton-Green (Paris), Horatia Muir Watt (Paris), Thomas Wilhelmsson (Helsinki).  相似文献   

契约群作为介于主体间松散合作与公司内紧密协作之间的一种混合式合作形态,在组织开展协作共享方面拥有独特优势。契约群外部形态形成网状结构,内部运作具有以组织性、关联性为基础的整体性特征,挑战现有的交换性、个别性合同立法范式和合同相对性制度。我国合同法律制度对契约群的规范应以促进契约群组织经济协作的功能为立法宗旨、以差别责任适当干预合同风险分配,以总则中的一般条款为立法形式,增设以下规则:依据共同操作对子合同内容进行整体解释、赋予受不利影响的当事人解约权和违约抗辩权、以再谈判义务限制群主的解约权等。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》的出台是各种背景因素综合催生的结果,具有重要的法制意义。基于理想主义和现实主义的双重法律观评价,《劳动合同法》有得有失,综合衡量,得多失少。《劳动合同法》蕴涵创新精神,在诸多制度层面体现创新内容。正确解释、评析这些制度创新内容,有助于促进《劳动合同法》的有效实施和适时完善。  相似文献   

契约理论对西方社会的影响是巨大的,然契约理论借以产生的契约在学者中却鲜少提及。通过对古罗马社会的政治、经济、文化、宗教等的研究,来探讨古罗马社会得以产生契约自由的根源。  相似文献   

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became applicable in May 2018. Due to the GDPR's extraterritorial scope, which could result in massive fines for U.S. companies, comparative data privacy law is of great current interest. In June 2018, California passed its own Consumer Privacy Act, echoing some of the provisions of the GDPR. Despite the many articles comparing the two schemes of law, little attention has been given to the foundation of these laws, that is, what exactly encompasses the data referred to by these laws? By understanding how the term “personal data” or “personal information” is defined in both jurisdictions, and why these definitions and the treatment of protected data are so different, companies can strategize to take advantage of these developments in the European Union. After explaining the differences in how data is treated in the United States and the European Union by exploring the definitions, regulations, and court cases, we will explore the five legal strategy pathways that companies might pursue with respect to the legal aspects of data transfer and privacy law compliance. While these strategies range from ignoring the law to adopting the European model worldwide, this analysis of legal strategy reveals a means for companies to gain a competitive advantage through their adoption of a worldwide compliance scheme.  相似文献   

《合同法》与合同诈骗罪之"合同"   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
喻贵英 《河北法学》2004,22(6):65-67
合同诈骗罪分离于普通的诈骗罪,同时源于利用"经济合同"诈骗的基本形式,从而产生了关于合同诈骗罪之"合同"在内容、形式及合同主体的涵盖范围与《合同法》的是否一致之分歧。争议颇大的刑事理论导致了刑事司法实践案件的处理不一。因此,理清这些相关问题,对于合同诈骗罪的正确认定意义重大。  相似文献   

张可  胡悦 《行政与法》2020,(3):108-116
智能合约是运行在区块链上能够自动履行合同义务的新型合同,因其具备自动履行和去中心化等优势,故可降低合同履行成本、提高合同运行效率,但也导致了智能合约难以直接适用现行合同制度的订立规则、生效要件和救济方式等问题。本文从理论角度分析了智能合约的运行过程,通过对合同法理论的解释使智能合约与合同制度相契合;从技术角度分析了智能合约的原理与架构,利用技术手段对其进行修正,使智能合约符合《合同法》的规定。  相似文献   

借鉴民法上的缔约责任 ,行政主体的缔约责任是行政主体在缔结行政合同过程中超越缔约规则 ,违反缔约义务 ,给另一方相对人或第三人的利益造成损害所应承担的法律责任。行政主体缔约责任的理论基础是诚信原则和信赖保护原则 ,其中信赖保护的范围更广。行政主体承担缔约责任的前提是违反了缔约义务 ,包括确保缔约程序公正的义务和确保合同合法有效的义务。损害赔偿是行政主体承担缔约责任的方式。  相似文献   

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