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<正>1993年19岁的他学习中餐烹饪,取得中级烹调师技术职称;1999年11月,他荣获全国第四届烹饪服务技术大赛热菜项目金牌奖;2005年10月在全国第十五届厨师节上,他被中国烹饪协会授予全国优秀厨师荣誉称号;2010年他荣获房山区首席技师荣誉称号;2012年4月他被北京市总工会授予首都劳动奖章;2014年12月他被评为享受北京  相似文献   

杨成章 《工会博览》2006,(21):28-28
在湖北省工建集团安装公司北京项目部,有这样一支队伍,他们虽然没有主攻重点项目班组那样名声赫然、引人注目,但是,在众多工程建设中却起着举足轻重的作用,创下了一个又一个工程奇迹,他们就是项目部管道班的小伙子们。自2001年以来,项目部管道班与电工班、钳工班、起重班、电焊班、筑炉班等5个班组一道,始终坚持以市场为导向,本着“承接一个工程、干好一个项目、占领一片市场”的经营理念,从竞争投标到组织施工、交工、结算,圆满地完成了3个燃气集中供热厂的  相似文献   

前不久,首钢工会隆重召开2000年度职工读书自学活动总结表彰会,第一线材厂职工文创读书协会等3个职工读书自学活动先进集体、戴宝成等3名职工读书自学活动优秀组织者、陈金启等10名职工读书自学成才者和郭玉明等15名职工读书自学活动积极分子受到表彰。  相似文献   

在北京一建京桥分公司的项目经理中,36岁的叶耀东是其中最年轻的一个,但工作的辛苦和磨练却让他比实际年龄显得老了很多。曾经有人说,是建筑业"毁"了他,10年的工夫让原本英俊的小伙子变成了现在这个样子。可叶耀东却不以为然。他说:"从事建筑业是我不悔的选择。"  相似文献   

今年元旦刚过,广州市煤气公司气源告急的红灯就一直没有变换过。大年二十九,库存仅剩45吨!望着这“史无前例”的两位数字,望着供气站门前与日俱增的购气“长龙”,公司领导不禁倒抽了一口冷气。45吨,这是一分个什么样的概念?它意味着还不够维持广州市目前65000用户一天的用气量。从1983年11月煤气公司成立至今,市民叫嚷“用气难”的抱怨声一直不绝于耳。尽管煤气使用户数已由建初的25000户发展到眼下的65000户,但在有人口700多万的广州市来说,显然是一个微乎其微的数字。随着现代生活节奏的加快、“时间就是金钱”的启迪以及人们渴望摆脱家务劳动的羁绊,“用气难”似乎已在都市诸“难”中后来居上。巧妇难为无米之炊煤气进入寻常百姓家,也不过是近年来的事情。  相似文献   

语言如同一面镜子,既可以反映一个人的思想、情操和文化素养,也可以反映一个国家、一个民族的文明程度和社会风尚.文明用语是做人的基本要求,同时也是青少年自我保护的题中之义.有人可能认为,语言的文雅粗俗是一件小事,其实不然.这是因为,不文明用语,使用被污染的语言,不利于自己的健康成长,有时还可能引起人与人之间的矛盾,甚至造成不必要的伤害.  相似文献   

◎越南空军的创建与成长 越南空军于1956年开始组建,越共中央最早提出的建军方针旨在有计划、按步骤地建立一支能够配合地面防空兵力保卫越南(北方)领空的防御性空中力量。越南空军的建军计划从一开始即得到苏联和中国在装备及人员培训等方面的大力援助。1963年10月,鉴于美国日益更深地卷入越南北方与南方之间的国内战争并对越南(北方)国家安全构成紧迫威胁,为了便于对国家空防力量和系统进行统一管理  相似文献   

204是我所居住的集体宿舍的门牌,204住着4个女孩子,204的故事令我啼笑皆非。 A君是学计算机的,人有点神经质。一进门,她就搬出装鸡蛋的盒子数鸡蛋,因为老记不清上一回数的结果,所以她总怀疑有人吃了她的鸡蛋——很少见她开怀一笑。 B君是会计,她锁日记本时总是警惕地四处瞅瞅。每晚,她  相似文献   

梁莉广州市公安局交警支队二队民警(有则外国小幽默,讲的是某地交通肇事频频,当地政府几经调查,发觉此乃“警花出更”——漂亮女警上岗惹得司机分心之故。梁莉听完我这故事羞得捂住脸蛋儿。)你说得太夸张了吧?今年春节期间我被抽派上路面支援维持交通秩序,发觉不  相似文献   

This article analyses the popular support for Hamas, the most important of the Palestinian Islamist movements today and charts the movement's historical ascendancy from a fringe Gaza-based group to a mainstream Islamist movement and mouthpiece for dispossessed Palestinians. Since 2001 Hamas's leadership has come under increasing attack from Israel, which has killed a number of the movement's leaders and senior members, most prominently Sheikh Yasin, the movement's founder and spiritual leader, and his successor as Hamas leader, Abd al-Aziz Rantissi. Nonetheless, Hamas's duality as ‘worshippers’ and ‘warmongers’ has made the organisation extraordinarily popular among dispossessed Palestinians and has created a mounting political challenge to the secular nationalism of the plo. At present two-thirds of the Palestinians live below the ‘poverty line’ and it is likely that it is in this disenfranchised segment of the population that Hamas finds its core support. About one in every six Palestinians in the Occupied Territories benefits from support from Islamic charities. Hamas, for its part, allocates almost all its revenues to its social services, but there is no evidence that Hamas or the other Islamic charities provide assistance conditional upon political support.  相似文献   

近日,沪上某区出了一个“尊龙名社”案,一些青少年在网络上互相呼应,酝酿进行一些出轨活动,所幸发现及时,使事情解决于萌芽状态,涉案青少年也幸免于严惩。与此同时,一些调查也显示,此类情况,近年呈上升趋势。如何认识这一问题,特别是在和谐社会的建设中,何以从根本上消除问题产生的根源,这是笔者今天想探讨的。  相似文献   

法律边缘处的乡村“混混”——以陕西秦镇为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村“混混”和“灰社会”是在中国经验研究基础上提炼出来的描述性概念。从乡村治理研究实践的脉络中梳理相关文献,导引出“混混”存在的制度基础和社会基础问题;通过考察陕西秦镇乡村“混混”的群像及其社会生态,本文在一般意义上探讨了地方文化与法治和乡村秩序重建之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

After Malawi adopted a multiparty system of governance in 1994, the country went about setting institutional frameworks that would promote good governance and democratic principles. Among other things these were to create strong local institutions that would promote local development participation and accountability and enhance delivery of services. . However, the transformation of the local assemblies posed a very serious challenge to manage. It is not surprising therefore that more than 10 years after initiating the changes, several studies have concluded that the decentralization process in Malawi is hugely disappointing. The situation in most local assemblies has almost reached the crisis point and is seemingly unredeemable. Despite this chaotic and complex scenario, the decentralized local assemblies still continue to deliver their services to the public, though with some reservation. This article utilizes the Chaos and Complexity theory in order to explain why the decentralized sector still manages to survive and show resilience despite the great challenges it encounters. Ultimately, through chaos and complexity theories, the article provides the framework for understanding the change management process in the assemblies which has not been explored adequately in previous studies. The article recommends that when introducing interventions in transitional systems such as decentralization programs, special recognition should be given to emerging dynamic and evolving occurrences that are beyond the control of policy makers.  相似文献   

Efforts to achieve comprehensive international agreement on measures against international terrorism through the United Nations have failed until now. In a review of United Nations proceedings on the subject since 1972 the author sets forth the principal issues that have occupied the minds of the participants. Chief among them was the question of the scope and effect of a condemnation of international terrorism. Agreement on what the term itself included could not be reached because of fears of the adverse effect of a condemnation on existing struggles for national liberation and self‐determination. Nor could agreement be had that violence for the achievement of political ends should be confined to the areas of actual tension. Hence, there could be no common understanding on the question of who were to be regarded as “innocent” victims. The author concludes with a suggestion that a step‐by‐step effort might have yielded a better outcome.  相似文献   

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