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目的研究油浸法和X射线荧光光谱法对汽车风挡玻璃的鉴别能力。方法应用油浸法对30个风挡玻璃样品进行折射率测试,并将所得数据进行t检验分析。对不能区分的样品再用X射线荧光光谱进行元素成分分析。结果30个样品共组成的435对中,折射率t检验在置信度959/5时区分427对,其余8对通过元素成分实现区分。结论折射率测试和元素分析相结合,可对常见汽车风挡玻璃进行有效区分。  相似文献   

The authors report three cases of fatal domestic accidents by falling through glass doors. Multiple cuts and stabwounds in one of these cases primarily suggested a crime of violence. In contrast the bodies of the two other perished persons showed only unsignificant injuries. Causes of death were aerous embolism (1 case) and mechanical bleeding to death (2 cases). The common morphological signs of these glass injuries are exemplified and preventive measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate a scenario sometimes encountered in casework, where a police officer has attended a scene and shortly afterwards arrested a suspect. The experiments involve the transfer of glass fragments from a surface scattered with broken glass to a hand, and then from the hand to the sleeve of a poorly retaining jacket. The persistence of the transferred fragments was studied by collecting the glass fragments as they fell off the jacket, whilst the wearer was walking on the spot. The recovery regime allowed the number and proportion of fragments picked up and transferred to the jacket from the hand to be determined, and the rate at which they were lost from the jacket to be monitored. The results show that large numbers of glass fragments can be picked up on a hand from a suitable surface. A subsequent firm grip to a poorly retaining jacket was found to transfer a significant proportion of the glass fragments from the hand to the jacket. In seven of nine tests performed, ten or more glass fragments were recovered from the jacket 60 minutes after the original contact between the hand and the broken glass. More than twenty fragments were recovered in three of these tests. Consequently, where possible and appropriate, the full circumstances of a case should be considered carefully before indirect transfer is ruled out as a possible explanation for recovered “matching” glass. This is the case even for poorly retaining clothing.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed to analyze the trace element concentrations in glass fragments using particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectrometry. This method involves using accelerated protons to excite inner-shell electronic transitions of target atoms and recording the resultant X-rays to characterize the trace element concentrations. The protocol was able to identify those glass fragments that originated from different sources based on their elemental analyses. The protocol includes specific approaches to calculating uncertainties and handling measurements below the level of detection. The results indicate that this approach has increased sensitivity for several elements with higher atomic number compared with X-ray fluorescence methods. While not as sensitive as laser-ablation or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry methods of dissolved samples, it is entirely nondestructive and entails a much simpler sample preparation process that may be used to presort glass fragments for more comprehensive elemental analysis. As such, the technique described may have a niche role in forensic glass analysis.  相似文献   

Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is used to differentiate glass samples with similar optical and physical properties based on trace elemental composition. Laser ablation increases the number of elements that can be used for differentiation by eliminating problems commonly associated with dissolution and contamination. In this study, standard residential window and tempered glass samples that could not be differentiated by refractive index or density were successfully differentiated by LA-ICP-MS. The primary analysis approach used is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the complete mass spectrum. PCA, a multivariate analysis technique, provides rapid analysis of samples without time-consuming pair-wise comparison of calibrated analyses or prior knowledge of the elements present in the samples. Probabilities for positive association of the individual samples are derived from PCA. Utilization of the Q-statistic with PCA allowed us to distinguish all samples within the set to a certainty greater than the 99% confidence interval.  相似文献   

Frequency of analytical characteristics is best estimated on glass recovered at random. However, as such data were not available to us, we decided to use control windows for this estimation. In order to use such a database, one has to establish that the recovered fragment comes from a window. Therefore, elemental analysis was used both for classification and discrimination of glass fragments. Several articles have been published on the subject, but most methods alter the glass sample. The use of non destructive energy dispersive X-ray microfluorescence (microXRF) for the analysis of small glass fragments has been evaluated in this context. The refractive index (RI) has also been measured in order to evaluate the complementarity of techniques. Classification of fragments has been achieved using Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and neural networks (NN). Discrimination was based on Hotelling's T2 test. Only pairs that were not differentiated by RI followed by the Welch test were studied. The results show that neural network and linear discriminant analysis using qualitative and semi-quantitative data establishes a classification of glass specimens with a high degree of reliability. For discrimination, 119 windows collected from crime scene were compared: using RI it was possible to distinguish 6892 pairs. Out of 129 remaining pairs, 112 were distinguished by microXRF.  相似文献   

For comparative glass examinations, the refractive indices (RIs) of recovered glass fragments are often compared to a test interval defined by measurements from a broken glass object. RI measurements from five modern float glasses were used via resampling to assess the frequencies of false exclusion errors for eight test criteria as functions of the number of measurements. The test criteria were based on ranges, fixed intervals, and multiples of standard deviations of the known source measurements. The observed error rates for the eight tests studied are between zero and c. 35%, depending upon the match criteria, the number of measurements, and the RI distribution for a glass source. The results of this study can be used to predict the false exclusion rate for a test criterion under a given set of conditions or to select test criteria that result in a desired error rate for these typical sheet glasses.  相似文献   

During the last decade or so there has been some discussion in the forensic community in the United Kingdom concerning whether it is necessary to search the pockets for glass particles in garments attributed to suspects arrested for glass breaking crimes. The removal of this practice would help expedite the searching and recovery process since examining only the surfaces of clothing would reduce the cost of recovering glass evidence. However, it is believed by many scientists that some glass fragments originally acquired in pockets can migrate to the surfaces of clothing prior to examination by the forensic scientist. As glass fragments have been encountered in the pockets of garments during examinations of casework items in the LGC Laboratories, the implications of this change in practice needs to be assessed. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate this possibility that fragments of glass migrate from a pocket of a garment to its surfaces during police and laboratory handling after a person is suspected of breaking glass during an offence. If this occurs to a significant extent then it could affect the evaluation of the glass evidence when using a Bayesian approach. Sixty fragments of glass were seeded into a pocket of a fleece jacket and a pair of denim jeans. Three experiments were performed; one examined a searching, recovery and blanking procedure, another examined the pre-laboratory 'handling' process of an item in an evidence bag, and the third experiment looked at the removal of an object from a pocket laden with glass and subsequent removal and packaging of the garment. Up to two (3.3%) fragments were recovered from the surfaces of the fleece jacket and the denim jeans via the searching, recovery and blanking procedure. Similar numbers were also recovered from the insides of the evidence bags. Up to four (6.7%) fragments were recovered from the surface of the fleece jacket and up to five (8.3%) fragments were recovered from the surface of the denim jeans after pre-laboratory 'handling'. Again similar numbers were recovered from the insides of the evidence bags. Comparable numbers to those from searching/recovery experiments were observed when garments were removed after taking an object from a pocket. In addition, up to two (3.3%) fragments were recovered from the object (a mobile phone). The findings show that some migration can occur particularly in the second experiment and therefore modification of the evaluation strategy may be required.  相似文献   

The refractive indices (RI) of over 2000 glass fragments recovered from items of clothing submitted to the Birmingham and Wetherby Home Office forensic science laboratories in connection with crimes involving broken glass have been measured. The glass fragments have been classified according to their location on the clothing, and a grouping algorithm has been applied to the data.The refractive index distribution was found to be dependent on the location of the glass on the clothing. The significance of the results in the interpretation of glass evidence is discussed.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to apply a new method of controlling type I error when performing pairwise comparisons. The Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) controlling procedures have proved to be very powerful tools in solving many practical problems but have not yet been applied to pairwise comparisons of refractive index of glass samples. Students t-test and Welch test (unequal variance Student's t-test) were applied to all possible pairwise comparisons. The comparisons were made on the basis of refractive index values of 72 glass fragments from different car windows and 69 different fragments from one windscreen. The type I error was controlled by the use of Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) controlling procedure. To illustrate the importance of controlling type I error when using pairwise comparisons, results of pairwise comparisons with the FDR controlling procedure were compared to those comparisons made without any controlling procedure. Significantly fewer false negative results (false rejection of H0) were found during the use of FDR procedure in the comparison of refractive indices from the same windscreen than when comparing without controlling type I error. The results of application of FDR method were also compared to the results of other post-hoc tests, such as Tukey HSD test and Bonfferoni test. The FDR method has higher power than Bonferroni method and Tukey HSD method and control errors better than comparing without controlling type I error. The method of choice, for pairwise comparison of glass fragments on the basis of refractive index is Welch test with FDR adjustment. The method gave type I errors at level about 5.3% and type II error at about 3.7%.  相似文献   

In forensic cases involving glass evidence, the variance of the recovered glass refractive index (RI) has been observed to be larger than the variance of the control glass RI. This has consequences for subsequent interpretation. To investigate this phenomenon, a study was made of the probable distributions of refractive indices of the recovered glass given a range of casework type scenarios involving breakage and backscatter. An investigation of the consequences of any distribution differences with regard to casework was also made. It was discovered that the inclusion of surface fragments from the float surface of the glass can have a profound effect on the comparison of recovered and control glass samples. The effect was largest when a breaker was striking the float surface of a window. In particular, it was found that the inclusion of a few surface fragments even post grouping is sufficient by itself to explain the observed differences in variance of RI between control and recovered groups. Surface fragments, if present, are very likely to be treated as outliers and to be deemed as non-matching. The findings of this paper challenge routine glass examination procedure and suggest that knowledge of which surface is facing the striker is valuable information in interpretation.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to analyze glass evidence from a case in which a person broke a window in each of 15 vehicles in a parking lot in order to gain entry into the vehicles. The results of the analysis by traditional methods, which measure the properties of color, thickness, density, and refractive index, are also reported. A total of 15 known samples representing the windows on the cars and 42 questioned glass fragments recovered from the suspect and the police vehicle where the suspect was sitting were submitted for analysis. Density comparisons separated one of the known samples into three samples, increasing the number of known samples from 15 to 17. The concentrations of 16 elements were measured for all but three of the samples using an external calibration ICP-MS method with internal standardization. Color assessment (non-instrumental) separated the 17 known samples into two groups, and refractive index measurements resulted in six groups when the Emmons double variation method was used and ten groups when the Glass Refractive Index Measurement 2 (GRIM2) system was used. Elemental analysis, by itself, differentiated all of the known samples from each other and associated four of the known sample fragments with several of the questioned sample fragments. The informing power of RI, density, and elemental analysis comparisons is evaluated and a summary of the case results is reported.  相似文献   

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