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恒河猴ABO血型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用A型、B型、AB型血清,及抗-A与抗-B单克隆抗体对113只猕猴的ABO血型进行了测试。结果表明:在恒河猴(Macacamulatta)红细胞表面及血清中均未证明有类人凝集原和凝集素存在。但可根据其唾液中类人ABH型物质存在的情况判定该动物的类人血型。本实验检出的血型表型频率分别为:A型17.70%;B型52.21%;AB型20.36%;O型9.73%。该结果与国外报道的血型分布频率有差异。  相似文献   

阐明非分泌型的基因型与血型物质分泌量和Lewis表型的关系。应用时间决定性荧光免疫测定法(TR-FIA),检测传统的A型Lewis阳性非分泌型个体唾液中H、A及Lewis抗原含量,并以序列特异性PCR,确定其基因型。非分泌型个体唾液中检出了高含量的Lea抗原,其中8例不同程度的检出了少量H、A和Leb抗原,其FUTZ位点为se2/se2纯合型,属Le(a+b+)型;1例基因型为se3/se5杂合型,未能检出H、A及Leb抗原,属Le(a+b-)型。se2是弱分泌基因,se3及se5是非分泌基因。  相似文献   

ABO血型系统属人类的重要遗传标记之一。ABO抗原不仅存在于红细胞膜,也广泛存在于人体的体液和分泌液中。在体液及分泌液中分泌ABH血型物质的人称作分泌型(Seers-tors,See)。A型人分泌A物质,B型人分泌B物质,O型人分泌H物质。所有分泌型人都有H物质的分泌;不分泌ABH血型物质的人称作非分泌型(nonsecretors,uSe)[1]。分泌ABH血型物质,首先是在检测人精液和唾液时被证实[2]。后来的研究结果表明:在人类分泌型个体的消化道(唾液、胃粘膜、胆汁、胎粪)、泌尿生殖道(精液、阴道分泌物、卵巢囊肿液、尿)、呼吸道及乳汁…  相似文献   

应用时间决定性荧光免疫测定法(TR-FIA法),对129例健康成人唾液中Lweis及H1血型物质进行定量检测。Le阳性个体均不同程度地检出了Lea和Leb物质。Lea物质含量:Le(a+b-)型>Le(a-b+)型;Leb物质含量:Le(a-b+)型>Le(a+b-)型。Le(a+b-)型的Lea物质>Leb,Le(a-b+)型的Leb物质>Lea物质。Le阴性的部分个体未能检出Lewis物质,其余个体也仅检出微量。根据Lea和Leb物质在唾液中的相对含量,可以推测红细胞Lewis型,并提示Leb物质可能由Lea物质转化而形成。  相似文献   

应用间接免疫荧光技术,对40份精子标本进行 ABO 血型抗原检测。A 型人精子上存在 A 抗原;B 型人精子上存在 B 抗原;AB 型人精液中,一部分精子带有 A 抗原,另一部分精子带 B 抗原。各血型人的精子均有 H 抗原。精子血型抗原为本身所固有,并非来源于精浆。不同人的精子血型抗原含量各不相等,与其供体是否为分泌状态或强弱无直接关系。精子 ABO 血型抗原主要存在于精子的颈部和顶体等区域。  相似文献   

笔者受理了一起李控告魏将其强奸案,魏拒不承认。李将擦拭阴部的一块旧衣片送检。旧衣片上检有精子,每视野可见2~3个不完整的精子,偶见少量的扁平上皮细胞。用凝集反应确定李血型为B型;李的丈夫张的血型为O型;魏的血型为B型。用中和试验确定李的丈夫唾液为非分泌型;李与魏的唾液均为B分泌型。取该衣片精斑处与无精斑处检材浸泡,用16倍效价的抗A、抗B、抗H血清做吸收抑制凝集检验,空白检材与精斑检材均出现抗B血清抑制。由于李、魏、张三人的血型物质均可混于其中,而检材空白又出现B型,考虑旧衣片有李的B型物质干扰。李的B型…  相似文献   

1案情摘要1995年6月某日晚九时许,周某报称被人强奸.从周某被强奸时所穿的短裤上检出人精斑,笔者用中和法(凝集抑制试验)在斑速处检出B血型物质,确定为B血型精斑,而重大嫌疑人赵某血样呈AB型,似被排除作案可能.然而在对其唾液进行ABO血型检验时,意外发现其唾液中仅检出B型物质,未检出AH物质,与体液ABH物质分泌规律不符,表现为矛盾分泌型.其血型物质与精斑检材中血型物质一致,故不能排除其作案可能.案件经全面调查,最后确认赵某即为本强奸案的犯罪分子,且赵某对作案经过供认不讳.2讨论通常根据体液(唾液、精液等)…  相似文献   

用抗H1E3(H1及H2特异性)及抗H224(H2特异性)抗体,以时间决定性荧光免疫测定法对129例个体唾液中的H及H2血型物质进行定量检测。证明在分泌型唾液中含有大量H物质,其主体是H1物质,H2物质的含量为H物质的1/10~1/20。在非分泌型唾液中检出少量H1物而无H2物质,表明H2物质的检出与否可作为区分分泌型与非分泌型的标准,推测唾液中H物质含量的差别,由Se.H基因编码的两种α(1→2)岩藻糖基转移酶活性差异所决定。  相似文献   

ABO血型定型改变国内文献报告不多。现将我们遇到的二例报告如下。例1.男,53岁,因咳嗽,胸肋痛10个月,于1990年9月入院。胸片示右侧肺中叶片状阴影,呈放射状。纤维支气管镜检为右中叶支气管肺癌。病理报告为小细胞未分化癌。1990年10月13日检验血型为A型,输A型血300ml无反应。10月30日再次申请输血时取血正向血型定型检验三次其血型为O型,又取静脉血检验二次血型仍为O型。检查其唾液为分泌型,检出A型物质。反向定型试验,证实患者血清中有天然抗B,而无抗A。通过上述检验说明患者的血型符合A型。于是输A型血300ml,亦无不良反…  相似文献   

本文应用双向聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(2D—PAGE)技术分析了60例正常人精浆中的蛋白成分。阐明了人精浆蛋白双向电泳谱型的特征,并将人精浆蛋白双向电泳谱型与其他体液蛋白双向谱型进行了比较,证明人精浆蛋白双向电泳谱型具有器官特异性。本文还用2D-PAGE对不同条件下保存的精斑进行了认定。并将其应用于强奸案的鉴定。  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for quantitating ofloxacin (OFLX) in human scalp hair by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a fluorescence detector. An octadecylsilane (ODS) column was used and the mobile phase was a mixture of potassium phosphate buffer (pH 2.6) and acetonitrile. The recovery of OFLX was 90.9-93.8% and within- and between-run precisions were 0.35-1.41% and 1.41-5.49% as the coefficient of variation (CV), respectively, when 5-50 ng OFLX was added to 1 mg blank hair. The calibration curve was linear in the range of 0.5-50 ng/tube (0.5 ml). Interference with other quinolone derivatives could be avoided according to the difference in their retention times or fluorescence spectra. Several pieces of hair were obtained from each of twelve healthy male volunteers, who had taken OFLX (100, 300 or 900 mg total dose) over a 1-3 day period 2 weeks before the hair sampling. In all hair samples except one obtained from a volunteer, who had taken the lowest dose, the 2-cm long segments nearest the scalp contained OFLX (5-45 ng/mg hair), while the upper segments did not. A highly significant positive correlation was observed between the total dose and the concentration of OFLX in the 2-cm long hair segments. Such a positive correlation was also revealed in rat hair sampled after repeated i.p. administration of OFLX over a 5-week period. These results suggest that the measurement of OFLX in hair by the present method would be useful for testing patient compliance in clinical pharmacology as well as for application to forensic science.  相似文献   

To optimize conditions of tiapride isolation from cadaveric organs, we compared the results of conventional methods by Stas-Otto, A.A. Vasilyeva and V.F. Kramarenko which provide tiapride isolation up to 50% and a new precise and reproducible method providing 60 +/- 2% tiapride isolation. Identification of tiapride isolated from cadaveric material was made with thin-layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. The latter assay employed the method of external standard. The original techniques proposed identify and measure tiapride in hepatic samples in the presence of unidentified endogenic compounds. The techniques are rapid, selective, sensitive and reproducible.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient procedure is described for the extraction and analysis of oxazepam, the major urinary metabolite of diazepam in greyhounds. Urine was extracted by passing through a bonded silica column (Bond Elut) following enzyme hydrolysis. The adsorbed drug was eluted and then detected and measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Recoveries were in excess of 85% at 50 ng/ml concentrations. Detection was possible up to 30 h after a single oral dose of diazepam (5 mg).  相似文献   

It has long been suspected that the illicit distribution of cocaine in the United States has led to a large‐scale contamination of the currency supply. To investigate the extent of contamination, 418 currency samples (4174 bills) were collected from 90 locations around the United States from 1993 to 2009. The extent of their cocaine contamination was quantitated via gas chromatography/mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. The level of cocaine contamination was determined to average 2.34 ng/bill across all denominations ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100). Levels of cocaine contamination on currency submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory in criminal cases over the 1993–2001 timeframe had significantly higher contamination than currency in general circulation. A mathematical model was developed based on the background survey that indicates the likelihood of drawing a bill in specific concentration ranges. For example, there is a 0.8349 likelihood that random bill will have contamination less than 20 ng.  相似文献   

An efficient extraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) procedure has been developed for the simultaneous determination of methadone and 2-ethyl-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine in urine samples. The merits of this procedure include (1) effective high-volume sample processing; (2) excellent gas chromatography characteristics; (3) high precision for quantitative methadone determination--1.0% coefficient of variation (CV) for GC/MS injection replicates and 1.2% for extraction replicates; (4) excellent linearity within the range (0 to 1200 ng/mL) studied; and (5) adequate detection limits (50 ng/mL) for most practical purposes. The detection limit for methadone may be improved 40-fold by using a different internal standard.  相似文献   

A rapid and effective solid-phase extraction procedure using Bond Elute Certify bonded silica sorbent cartridges was adopted to extract amphetamine, methamphetamine, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or Ecstasy) from urine samples. The extract was derivatized with trichloroacetic anhydride prior to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis with selected ion monitoring of the following ions: 190, 91, 188; 204, 91, 202; 162, 135, 202; 194, 123; and 211, 209 for the derivatized amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, d5-amphetamine, and d9-methamphetamine, respectively. The first of the ions listed for each compound was used for quantitation. The compound d5-amphetamine was used as the internal standard for amphetamine, and d9-methamphetamine was used for methamphetamine and MDMA. Results showed a higher than 65% recovery and a reproducibility with less than a 5% coefficient of variation. When a sample size of 2 mL was used, the lowest detectable concentration was about 50 ng/mL, and a near-perfect fit can be obtained (within the 250 to 4000-ng/mL concentration range studied) using a second-order polynomial model.  相似文献   

A simultaneous analytical method for etizolam and its main metabolites (alpha-hydroxyetizolam and 8-hydroxyetizolam) in whole blood was developed using solid-phase extraction, TMS derivatization and ion trap gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Separation of etizolam, TMS derivatives of alpha-hydroxyetizolam and 8-hydroxyetizolam and fludiazepam as internal standard was performed within about 17 min. The inter-day precision evaluated at the concentration of 50 ng/mL etizolam, alpha-hydroxyetizolam and 8-hydroxyetizolam was evaluated 8.6, 6.4 and 8.0% respectively. Linearity occurred over the range in 5-50 ng/mL. This method is satisfactory for clinical and forensic purposes. This method was applied to two unnatural death cases suspected to involve etizolam. Etizolam and its two metabolites were detected in these cases.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for the analysis of heroin seizures by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with short-end injection is described. Separations were performed using an uncoated fused silica capillary, 50 cm x 50 microm I.D. x 360 microm O.D. with an effective separation length of 8 cm. The system was run at 25 degrees C with an applied negative voltage of -25 kilovolts. Injection of each sample was for 2 s at -50 mbar. UV detection was employed with the wavelength set at 210 nm. The background electrolyte consisted of 85:15 (water:acetonitrile, v/v) containing final concentrations of 25 mM SDS and 15 mM sodium borate, pH 9.5. Samples and standards were prepared in 0.1% v/v acetic acid and diluted in the run buffer containing 1 mg/ml of N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine as an internal standard. Under these conditions a text mixture containing caffeine, paracetamol, morphine, codeine, heroin, and acetylcodeine was resolved within 1.5 min. The method was used to determine the concentration of heroin in heroin seizure samples, and the results were in good agreement with those obtained by a validated gas chromatographic method.  相似文献   

用气相色谱法/电子捕获检测器测定尿液中的三唑仑   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Liu W 《法医学杂志》1998,14(4):203, 208, 251
建立了用气相色谱/电子捕获检测器测定尿液中三唑仑含量的方法。2ml尿样在破性条件下用2ml×2氯仿提取净化后,60℃水浴下用空气吹干,残留物用环己烷定容溶解后,进气相色谱仪分析,三唑仑的保留时间为10.74min。最低检测限为0.5ng/ml,回收率为95.98%,变异系数为7.85%(n=5)。在2~50ng/ml浓度范围内有良好的线性关系:A=-67.9+570.IC,r=0.9939。  相似文献   

尿样中海洛因代谢物的测定及海洛因滥用的确认   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Wu HJ  Shen M  Xian P  Xiang P  Shen BH  Bu J  Huang ZJ 《法医学杂志》1999,15(2):93-94
用SPE-GC-NPD法建立了尿样中吗啡、6-单乙酰吗啡及可待因的定性分析方法,适用于海洛因滥用者的尿样分析。尿样中吗啡及可待因的最小检测限均为50ng/ml。方法的相对标准偏差分别为:吗啡11.3%(n=5),可待因14.2%(n=5)。方法简便、灵敏、快速,15min可完成一例尿样的分析。研究了服用含可待因成分的复方甘草合剂后,尿样中的吗啡及可待因的峰面积比为0.457±0.197(P=99%);统计了40例明确滥用海洛因尿液的分析结果,吗啡与可待因的峰面积比为3.46±0.894,P=99%。可作为判断海洛因滥用的依据。同时与免疫板法比较,附55例免疫板法阳性尿样的分析结果  相似文献   

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