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This paper undertakes an empirical examination of the impact of the property rights system on agricultural growth in China's rural development. A model is developed, considering a conditional convergence hypothesis and control variables that capture the effect of property rights system, such as sown area, entrepreneurship and secondary school enrollment. Empirical testing is conducted under the error components method, using pooled cross-section (prefecture) and time-series data for the Shandong, Henan and Sichuan provinces. The empirical findings for the period 1994–2000 indicate that the initially less-developed prefectures tend to catch up with the initially more-developed prefectures through a more rapid growth rate in the Shandong, Henan and Sichuan provinces. The control variable of sown area affects agricultural growth in rural areas, whilst the effect of entrepreneurship on rural development is controversial. Small-scale household farming has limited the role of technological innovation in Chinese agricultural growth, thus, secondary school enrolment is less important for agricultural growth.  相似文献   

新型农业经营体系下农地产权结构的法律逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高圣平 《法学研究》2014,36(4):76-91
新型农业经营体系的构建以厘清农地产权的结构为前提。在我国实行土地公有制不变的前提下,农地产权的结构以集体土地所有权为基础。在新型农业经营体系中对农地的利用关系在法律上应当表达为物权关系,以达到"稳定农村土地承包关系并保持长久不变"的目标,主流学说所谓土地承包经营权的二元化构造即应破除。经济学界提出的以土地所有权、土地承包权、土地经营权"三权分离"学说为基础构建农地产权的观点,曲解了稳定土地承包关系与土地承包经营权流转之间的关系,不符合他物权设立的基本法理,无法在法律上得以表达,也与下一步农地制度改革的方向相悖。如果农地的流转仅仅具有债法上的效果,或产生移转物权的效果,则方式自由;如果农地的流转具有创设物权的效果,则方式强制。实定法上就农地转让的条件限制缺乏正当性,应予修正。  相似文献   

试论建立农村土地流转市场机制的原则和切入点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前农村土地流转市场机制的现状严重阻碍了农村土地的流转。建立完善的农村土地流转市场机制必须坚持产权登记、公平、公正、公开、市场定价、土地使用管制等原则;同时,建立稳定的农村土地流转市场,必须以明晰农地流转的产权关系、规范农地流转行为、从本地实际出发构建农地流转市场机制为切入点。  相似文献   

物权层面的物权公平与物权效率相适应,但在物权效率与高层面的社会公平之间的交叉层面,物权效率则因起点、机会、结果等与社会公平发生冲突;在这一交叉层面的物权垄断势能所产生的"马太效应"不可能熨平。通过公平与效率在立体结构中的对立统一路径可知,实现物权自然化发展向社会化转变,是效率与公平和谐统一的动力机制。公权力管制时限制物权利用中附属权利而防止物权垄断形成。限制是在初次分配中重新界定权利,不是要素所有的分配。通过权利分配为弱者增加竞争的权利势能以缩小贫富差距,这是北欧的新经验。  相似文献   

新农村建设对知识产权提出了新要求,发展农村生产力、促进农民增收和实现由传统农民向新型农民的转变,必须依靠知识产权。在新农村建设中,应该加强自主知识产权建设;"品牌兴农"不能忽视农副产品的质量保证;培育新型农民树立知识产权保护意识。  相似文献   

李祖全 《时代法学》2007,5(1):63-68
在我国财产权法制条件下,有必要从经济学的角度探讨虚拟财产权概念界定的可行性和价值性,分析虚拟财产的利用形式以及如何发挥其最大的经济效益。产权分析方法有利于虚拟财产权体系构建,使虚拟财产制度设计凸现其合理性,以确保虚拟财产的法律规制,维护正常的虚拟财产交易安全。  相似文献   

中国破产法实施的法律经济分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从契约和产权的角度,破产法改变了企业原来的合同束,并根据新的合同束界定利益相关人对企业的产权,产权界定清楚可以激励相关人为提高破产效率去行为。这就是市场化的破产理论和实践的经济学基础。市场化的破产实施方法需要配套的制度以降低实施成本,这种制度既包括人的因素,又包括市场因素。我国破产法的实施效果,也有赖于这两个因素。  相似文献   

The article investigates intergenerational social relations, distribution of power and mutual rights and obligations within rural families in nineteenth-century Westphalia. Following Frédéric Le Play and Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, historiography assumes the predominance of a stem family system in northwestern Germany. However, the definition of ‘stem family’ is still not well determined to date. In particular, the question of paternal authority pertains to the core concept of stem families, but has received rather little attention in historical research. The article argues that there are good reasons to question the adequacy of the notion of ‘stem family’ for northwestern Germany. Using farm and house transfer contracts as qualitative sources, the strong position of farm heirs will be demonstrated. These contracts settled relationships between family members after intergenerational transition, especially for different types of family composition. Ageing parents were confronted with children having alternative options to make a living and had to make far-reaching concessions if they wanted a child to stay and work or respectively care for them. Even parents who still wanted to manage the farm on their own gave up the property rights in order to keep a son or a daughter as labour force and care-taker on the farm. This points to considerable bargaining power of adult children, and strongly diminished parental authority even in multiple households.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issues surrounding the right to personal data and the data property right in the context of commercial transactions involving big data, and will thus inform the ongoing drafting process of the Chinese Civil Code and development of a commercial data market in China. The analysis herein attempts to break through the traditional concept of ‘property’ with the aim of helping China to develop a modern information society, devise a property law theory suitable for the big data era, and improve the level of protection afforded to rights and legitimate interests in data. To date, no comprehensive study has focused on developing a proper understanding of the concept of ‘data property rights’, and hence we lack the solid theoretical support needed to construct a proper protective system for such rights. This paper offers the first systematic study of the rules pertaining to data property rights, thereby enriching the theory of such rights and serving as a theoretical basis for the enactment of a civil code that protects citizens’ legal rights and interests in the information society. It also offers a thorough discussion of how to construct a data property protection system, thereby providing an ideal reference model for enactment of the Chinese Civil Code.  相似文献   

在法制发展史上,包括物权制度在内的民法是先于宪法产生的.涵盖了物权法的民法恰恰是现代宪法的精神与制度源泉.在结果意义上而非发生意义上,宪法具有在法律位阶上高于物权法等部门法的地位.宪法是以公法的身份借助国家力量对一切财产权利予以确认和保障,而在物权法所调整的私权交往领域,各类财产权利关系具有平等的法律地位.主张应在物权法中规定公共财产的特殊保护,是对私法功能乃至宪法之公法功能的错误理解.  相似文献   

WTO对知识产权国际保护制度的继承和发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵生祥 《现代法学》2000,22(3):130-133
WTO在继承既有知识产权国际公约所规定的基本原则和制度的基础上,从贸易的角度构建知识产权法律体系,对各种知识产权的国际保护作了若干新的规定,并对知识产权保护水平提出了更高的要求,从而丰富了知识产权国际保护制度的内容。  相似文献   

在财产权体系内,既有支配性和排他性兼具的物权、知识产权,也有支配性和排他性都不具备的财产权(如普通的合同债权),还有无支配性但有排他性的财产权(如经预告登记的债权)。财产权的性质不同,其构造技术也不相同。如果以"排他性与非排他性及与之相适应的权利构造技术"为区分要素,可将财产权分为排他性的财产权和非排他性的财产权。这种新的财产权二元体系的建构可以在保持与传统民法上物权、债权二元权利体系的传承性的同时,涵盖知识产权及其它财产权类型,并且有助于我们清晰地认识各种财产权的性质、效力以及与之相适应的权利构造特点和要求,从而有助于我们对各种财产权制度的构建和完善。  相似文献   

高伟 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):88-92
基于继承的物权变动属于基于非法律行为之物权变动,基于继承的物权变动不需要公示,在继承的事实条件成就时直接生效。物权的使用和收益以取得对物的占有为前提,法律要保护继承人取得对遗产中物的占有。在公示要件主义的立法模式下,通过合同法律行为处分不动产物权,未经登记不发生物权效力。  相似文献   

新制度经济学的产权理论认为,产权具有残缺性和可分割性的特征.运用产权理论对中国古代土地制度进行分析可以发现,中国古代帝国社会中国家(君主)掌握的是土地产权结构中的所有权,社会成员拥有的是土地产权结构中的占有权和使用权,由此形成的一种具有高度残缺性特征的土地产权制度形态,阻碍了清晰的土地私有观念和土地私有制度的形成.因此,中国古代官僚制最基本的经济基础是全国范围内高度集中的土地所有权,而政治权力与土地所有权在国家层面上的高度统一使得君主成为一国之内最大的地主,官僚制体系主要是作为君主王权的代理者而存在,而能否控制官僚群体对社会的提取限度则成为维系帝国王朝政权存续的基本前提.  相似文献   

If we use the word land to refer to the physical substance, and reserve the word property for the intellectual apparatus that organizes rights to use land, we can say that in colonial New Zealand, the British and the Maori overlaid two dissimilar systems of property on the same land. That difference in legal thought structured each side's perception of what the other was doing, in ways that illustrate unusually clearly the power of law to organize our aware' ness of phenomena before they reach the level of consciousness. Over the course of the nineteenth century, as the balance of power gradually swung to the side of the British, they were largely able to impose their property system on the Maori. The centrality of property within the thought of both peoples, however, meant that the transformation of Maori into English property rights involved much more than land. Religious belief, engagement with the market economy, political organization–all were bound up in the systems by which both peoples organized property rights in land. To anglicize the Maori property system was to revolutionize Maori life.  相似文献   

农地使用权是土地承包经营权物权化的一种用益物权。农地使用权交易的实质是将农地作为产权和资本来经营。农地使用权交易在产权明晰的前提下,依照有偿使用和有偿流转原则,通过市场机制形成农地使用权的均衡价格,实现农民发展权益。该机制不仅有利于农地形成规模化、集约化经营,而且将更有效地保护耕地,实现农地资源有效率地配置,促进城乡经济全面协调发展。  相似文献   

从WIPO和WTO两大框架体系向FTA的平台转换,标志着知识产权国际保护进入后TRIPS时代。后TRIPS时代与FTA相伴,以美国为首的西方国家主张高标准知识产权保护,对知识产权立法、执法提出了更高要求。对于发展中国家而言,知识产权领域“南北对抗”以及赶超型发展战略成为一种新常态。为适应后TRIPS时代,我国应将知识产权国际保护提升到战略高度,一方面提升本国制度的适应性和执法水平,向知识产权强国迈进;另一方面也应把握“南南合作”的基点,提升国际话语权。具体而言,可以从以下四个维度展开:一是以CPTPP为标杆,完善国内知识产权制度及执法机制;二是抓住美国退出的窗口期,尽快启动加入CPTPP谈判程序;三是加强知识产权对外交流,提高国际认同度;四是学会平台转换,推动知识产权国际保护的均衡发展。  相似文献   

随着现代社会科技的发展,知识产权和知识产权以外的无形财产权的范围都在日益扩大,探究不同类型的知识产权统归于知识产权体系的逻辑关联便显得十分重要和紧迫。无论采用客体来源视角,还是采用客体形态视角,传统知识产权理论都没有对此进行充分阐述。知识产权体系同一性理论的构建回归客体非物质的逻辑起点,采用超越客体来源和客体形态的人的理性思维、意识活动视角,在知识产权类型化的基础上,构建由类型动态谱系和程度动态谱系组成的动态体系理论。  相似文献   

宋慧献 《北方法学》2011,5(3):39-48
知识产权的核心特征在于它的虚拟性。以物质财产(权)为基础与核心,以财产权的物质性与消费性特征为参照,财产权分为实物性、可预期性和机会性财产权三类,构成财产权"三元论"体系。以人类生活之必需性为参照,财产可区分为基本与非基本财产两部分;进而,在基本人权的框架下,两种财产分别属于人类基本权与非基本权,这是"二元论"财产权体系。知识产权分别属于三元论体系中的机会性财产权和二元论下的非基本权。人权即人类基本权,是自然人之生存所必需的、普遍的、不可移转或剥夺的权利,是人人生来就有的生存与生活的资格,而不是源自法律的赋予。知识产权不具有这些属性。  相似文献   

Recently, as different projects aiming to define and reinforce property rights in the fashion industry have been elaborated and discussed, a lot of papers have been dedicated to the question of property rights in this industry. Our paper considers the problems from a specific point of view; it focuses on the relation between property rights and creativity. If property rights allow the allocation of the majority of standard industrial goods without any special difficulty, however, when they are applied to creative goods, new problems arise. Then, for us, the persistence of a low system of IPRs in the fashion industry does not mainly derive from its efficiency but from the characteristics of the inputs that are used in the creative production process. They constitute strong constraints for defining, entitling, legitimating, enforcing, valuating and exchanging property rights. Thus, the different economic actors develop different kinds of strategic behaviour in order to obtain earnings and can try to protect copyrights, trademarks, new assets, old assets (heritage), private or collective assets, and so on. The institutional characteristics of this specific industry—such as the models of management, the type of ownership, the size of the firms, … lead to different historical models of management through IPRs. Peculiarly, the financial groups that integrate fashion into the new luxury industries currently try to implement new IPRs and to move towards a stronger system of IPRs but the management model of the street fashion puts an obstacle to this project.  相似文献   

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