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以《集结号》公映为标志的中国电影在2008进入了一个“后大片”时代,中国电影产业在短短的5年之内进发出了强烈的生机。中国电影应该认真思考进入大片之后所取得的成功经验,合理规划分配资源,努力提高主旋律电影和武侠大片电影,继续做好“三方营销”。积极针对受众调整视角,在观众需求,平民视角,国家意识形态的基础上嫁接打造主流电影,不断将“美国梦”变为“中国梦”,培养并发现其电影公共话语空间,打造类型杂糅的“综意”电影,努力提高大量中小成本电影的传播和发行,努力实现大片、中片和小成本电影的和谐发展,力争在“后大片”时代创造新的辉煌。  相似文献   

作为文化产业的一部分,中国的电影业因为有了国产商业大片的点缀,越发显得重要起来。“大片”在当今人们的文化生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色,与其他影片相比,其商业性更强,是当今电影业的支柱。然而,中国的大片从《英雄》到《赤壁》,在获取高票房收入的同时,也遭遇了多方面的批评,大片在产业性和艺术性方面产生了背离。本文分别从电影叙事、电影史、文化意识形态等角度对国产商业大片进行分析,指出当前国产商业大片存在的偏重视觉奇观、特效场面、古装武侠题材等倾向,以期引起创作者的关注。  相似文献   

The state manned bathyscaphe project, a program regarded equal in significance to the manned space flight project, is now on the horizon. This proiect is listed as one of the key tasks for the ““863 Plan““ of the national Tenth Five-Year Plan, and researchers have only recently disclosed details of its progress.  相似文献   

中国电影的女性母题及其现代意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民身份的转变是中国社会现代转型的重要环节.本文着力探讨了中国电影所表现的这一身份转变,以及在这一转变中女性角色、女性精神气质的变化,试图揭示中国现代化与女性角色、女性精神气质嬗变的内在关联:女性是中国社会现代转型的中心感应区.  相似文献   

本文试图以中外影视作品对女性形象的塑造为切入点,通过选取不同时期中外影视中比较有代表性的作品进行分析,揭示出女性在其中处于缺席、沉默、边缘的地位.社会文明的发展要求我们解构掉男性主宰的电影机制,重建女性世界的真实.  相似文献   

IN June China's first tour group to the U.S. visited major cities from coast to coast over 12 days. Most .of the group of 200 were elderly and middle-aged people with the time and, more importantly, money to spare-the tour cost RMB 20,000 (just under US $3,000), or around one-third of the average annual income of Chinese urbanites.  相似文献   

Last year the number of international students in China exceeded 290,000,an uptick of 10.38 percent over 2010.In the country’s capital, Beijing,overseas students now total more than 40,000,representing 172  相似文献   

再论"母系制"、"母权制"与女性社会地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以往的研究中,学者多认为在母系社会里,女性具有支配性的地位,即所谓的“母权”。从世界史、人类学的视野来看,母系制与母权制是两个不同的概念,母系制社会并不必然地导致母权的出现,女性的社会地位不是由母系制这一单纯的世系因素决定。  相似文献   

Talking Movies     
<正>Film makers from both China and the United States gather in Beijing to discuss the art of making movies As the world becomes ever more globalized, every aspect of social, economic and cultural life is subject to change and influence from the outside world, the film industry is no exception.  相似文献   

PREPARATIONS are in full swing for Chang'e-2, set to go into orbit 400,000 km above the earth by the end of 2010.  相似文献   

"创造条件让更多群众拥有财产性收入"的提法引起了社会的强烈响应.但应当在"十七大"语境下理解"让更多群众拥有财产性收入",并在中国国情背景下讨论"创造"什么样的"条件",以及如何去"创造条件".要防止政策设计和实施促使贫富差距的加剧.  相似文献   

Movies Go Global     
<正>Partnerships present new opportunities to Chinese films Christian Bale,the winner of the Academy Award for Best Supporting A ctor in 2011,is to star in Chinese movie The 13 Women of Nanjing,directed by Zhang Yimou.Zhang’s latest blockbuster tells the story  相似文献   

毛泽东与黄炎培先生1945年在延安关于共产党人能否跳出"周期率"的一段谈话,是一个早就为人耳熟能详的话题,在研究党的廉政建设课题中,就"周期率"  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classicsr"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chuf Selections from Records of the Historian,Too Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works by Lu Xun(1881-1936),a leading figure of modern Chinese literature,which include Dawn Blossoms  相似文献   

正Great Chinese classics and translations,published in both Chinese and EnglishThe"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao  相似文献   

正Great Ghinese classics and translations,published in both Chinese and English The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works  相似文献   

正Great Chinese classics and translations,published in both Chinese and English The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao  相似文献   

正Great Chinese classics and translations,published in both Chinese and EnglishThe"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic  相似文献   

<正>Great Chinese classics and translations,published in both Chinese and EnglishThe"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao  相似文献   

<正>Great Chinese classics and translations,published in both Chinese and English The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chur Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao  相似文献   

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