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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Carothers, Thomas. Aiding Democracy Abroad: 7he Learning Curue.
Ottaway, Marina, and Thomas Carothers, eds. Funding virtue: Civil Society Aid and Democracy Promotion.
Jorge, Antonio, Jorge Salazar-Carrillo, and Bernadette West, eds. Capital Markets, Growth, and Economic Policy in Latin America.
Macario, Carla, Regis Bonelli, Adriaan Ten Kate, and Gunnar Niels, eds. Export Growth in Latin America: Policies and Performance.
Prillaman, William C. The Judiciary and Democratic Decay in Latin America: Declining Confidence in the Rule of Law.
Mesa-Lago, Carmelo, with Albert0 Arenas de Mesa, Ivan Brenes, Veronica Montecinos, and Mark Samara. Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance—Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica.
Walker, Thomas W., and Ariel C. Armony, eds. Repression, Resistance, and Democratic Transition in Central America.
Wood, Elisabeth Jean. Forging Democracy from Below: Insurgent Transitions in South Africa and El Salvador.
Popkin, Margaret. Peace Without Justice: Obstacles to Building the Rule of Law in El Salvador.
Warren, Kay B. Indigenous Movements and Their Critics: Pan-Maya Activism in Guatemala.
Metoyer, Cynthia Chsvez. Women and the State in Post-Sandinista Nicaragua.
Andreas, Peter. Border Games: Policing the US.-Mexico Divide.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Baker, David and Seawright, David (eds.) Britain For and Against Europe. British Politics and the Question of European Integration
Buller, Jim National Statecraft and European Integration. The Conservative Government and the European Union, 1979-1997.
Eltis, Walter Britain, Europe and EMU
Ellison, James Threatening Europe. Britain and the Creation of the European Community, 1955-58
Gowland, David and Turner, Arthur Reluctant Europeans. Britain and European Integration 1945-1998
Gowland, David and Turner, Arthur Britain and European Integration 1945-1998. A Documentary History
Larres, Klaus, with Elizabeth Meehan Uneasy Allies.British-German Relations and European Integration since 1945
May, Alex Britain and Europe since 1945
Milfull, John (ed.) Britain in Europe: Prospects for Change
Young, Hugo This Blessed Plot. Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair
Young, John W. Britain and European Unity 1945-1999  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue.
Andy Baker, The Market and the Masses in Latin America: Policy Reform and Consumption in Liberalizing Economies.
Mona M. Lyne, The Voter's Dilemma and Democratic Accountability: Latin America and Beyond.
María Victoria Murillo, Political Competition, Partisanship, and Policy Making in Latin American Public Utilities.
Krister Andersson, Gustavo Gordillo de Anda, and Frank van Laerhoven, Local Governments and Rural Development: Comparing Lessons from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru.
Amy Nunn, The Politics and History of AIDS Treatment in Brazil.
Arturo Escobar, Territories of Difference: Place, Movements, Life, Redes.
Marion Kaplan, Dominican Haven: The Jewish Refugee Settlement in Sosúa, 1940–1945.
Allen Wells, Tropical Zion: General Trujillo, FDR, and the Jews of Sosúa.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Desai, U. (ed.), Ecological Policy and Politics in Developing Countries:Economic Growth, Democracy, and Environment
Elliott, L. M., The Global Politics of the Environment
Hayward, T., Political Theory and Ecological Values
Homer-Dixon, T. F., Environment, Scarcity, and Violence
Jameson, F. and Miyoshi, M. (eds), The Cultures of Globalization
Kuetting, G., Environment, Society and International Relations:Towards More Effective International Environmental Agreements
Litfin, K. T. (ed.), The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics
Maguire, D. C. and Rasmussen, L. L., Ethics for a Small Planet:New Horizons on Population, Consumption, and Ecology
McGinnis, M. V. (ed.), Bioregionalism
Renner, M., Fighting for Survival: Environmental Decline, SocialConflict and the New Age of Insecurity
Schaeffer, R. K. (ed.), Understanding Globalization: The SocialConsequences of Political, Economic, and Environmental Change
Weiss, E. B. and Jacobson, H. K. (eds), Engaging Countries:Strengthening Compliance with International Environmental Accords
Young, O. R. (ed.), Global Governance: Drawing Insights from theEnvironmental Experience  相似文献   

Many analysts attributed right–wing victories in Italy, Portugal, Scandinavia, Holland, and in the 2002 French presidential elections, to a rising wave of xenophobic populism voicing opposition to elitism, migrants, crime, and corruption. Drawing upon increasing political mistrust and volatility, and upon discontent with moderate, left–centre governments, this populist wave looked to be tidal. The generic causes of xenophobic populism are widespread and, although complex, understandable. They now extend beyond a simple response to socioeconomic hardship, mass unemployment or uncontrolled migration. In countries like France, Austria and Australia, which have overcome most major economic and security problems, other cultural and political factors have fostered resentment. The National Front, the Freedom Party and, in Australia, perhaps even Pauline Hanson's One Nation, have assembled a durable, organised, hard core of supporters. Even without their charismatic leaders, these parties may well survive, build on their relative success, and implant themselves as a fairly permanent nuisance in the political arena.  相似文献   

在当今世界上,民族与宗教问题往往是引发地区骚乱或局部战争的导火线,而且往往与政治、经济问题交织在一起.泰南四府马来族穆斯林民族分裂主义的性质也基本如此.近百年来它始终困扰着泰国政府,尤其是二战以后,泰南穆斯林地区由于宗教、民族矛盾的发展,政治上的不平等和经济上落后等因素,导致要求独立自决的运动一直延绵不断,并由政治斗争发展到武装斗争.特别是在2001年"9·11"事件发生后,泰南四府原来积存的矛盾被重新激活,民族分裂主义分子公开采取了暴力恐怖手段与政治对抗,企图谋求独立,且愈演愈烈,引起了世人的广泛关注. 综观泰国历届政府的政策,笔者认为,为了打击南部民族分裂主义势力,仅靠法律手段和政治措施是远远不够的,武装镇压或同化政策也是难以奏效的.为了实现民族团结,社会和谐,国家稳定,首先要承认民族文化、宗教信仰等社会发展的多元性,尊重和保护宗教信仰自由,用政治对话代替武力对抗,用改革政策取代同化政策,加快经济发展,缩小贫富差距,增加人民收入,提高生活水平,做到社会公平、分配公正.青年是国家的未来,要重视和加强对青少年的教育和培养.政府要通过诚意来逐步取得绝大多数穆斯林的理解与支持,不给少数顽固的穆斯林分裂主义者以可乘之机.只有这样,才能逐步铲除南部的民族分裂主义势力,真正实现民族和睦、社会和谐和国家的稳定.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Castro, Max. J., ed. Free Markets, Open Societies, Closed Borders? Trends in International Migration and Immigration Policy in the Americas. Craske, Nikki. Women and Politics in Latin America. Jaquette, Jane S., and Sharon L. Wolchik, eds. Women and Democracy: Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. Hira, Anil. Ideas and Economic Policy in Latin America: Regional, National, and Organizational Case Studies. Mace, Gordon, and Louis Bélanger, eds. The Americas in Transition: The Contours of Regionalism. Rodríguez Mendoza, Miguel, Patrick Low, and Barbara Kotschwar, eds. Trade Rules in the Making: Challenges in Regional and Multilateral Negotiations. Welch, Cliff. The Seed Was Planted: The São Paulo Roots of Brazil's Rural Labor Movement, 1924–1964. Hanchard, Michael, ed. Racial Politics in Contemporary Brazil. Lesser, Jeffrey. Negotiating National Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil. McCaughan, Edward J. Reinventing Revolution: The Renovation of Left Discourse in Cuba and Mexico. Snyder, Richard, ed. Institutional Adaptation and Innovation in Rural Mexico. Dietz, Henry. Urban Poverty, Political Participation, and the State: Lima, 1970–1990.  相似文献   

面对经济社会发展的新趋势新机遇和新矛盾新挑战,中国提出了创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享新发展理念,中国城市也进入了以高质量发展为目标的全面转型阶段。在梳理和总结国内外城市发展转型相关文献的基础上,我们构建了符合新时代新发展理念的城市转型升级能力评价体系,指标体系涵盖经济转型、社会转型、文化转型、生态转型等领域,核心指标体现转型特点、兼顾区域差异、结合当前重点和长远发展,并对中国大陆290个地级及以上城市的转型升级能力进行持续的跟踪和评价。  相似文献   

Indonesia’s deforestation is a crisis of global proportions. Its causes are highly complex, spanning local social and community dynamics to national political hierarchies and global corporate politics, current and historic. Development plays a key role, with global neo-liberal imperatives leveraged, resisted and competing with myriad multi-level agendas and actors. Gramscian analysis of logics and ideology, which combine to construct a global and local “common sense,” helps to explain the mixed messages of policy and conservation, which themselves make Indonesian deforestation and its solutions so complicated. Solutions to forest destruction, presented in the form of payment for ecosystem services, multi-stakeholder initiatives, improved governance and transparency within a neo-liberal market framework, have had limited success. The reason for this limited success lies in the notion, encouraged by multilateral and development thinking, that commodification of communities and nature will also conserve forests. Drawing on fieldwork in Indonesia and the United States, this article argues that discrepancies in development and economic policy, which lead to ecologically destructive outcomes like tropical deforestation, cannot be patched up by innovative market tools. Rather, they reflect irreconcilable flaws in contemporary political economy.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Manzetti, Luigi, ed. Regulatory Policy in Latin America: Post-Privatization Realities .
Miller, Nicola. In the Shadow of the State: Intellectuals and the Quest for National Identity in Twentieth-Century Spanish America .
Roniger, Luis, and Mario Sznajder. The Legacy of Human Rights Violations in the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay .
García-Johnson, Ronie. Exporting Environmentalism: U.S. Multinational Chemical Corporations in Brazil and Mexico .
Jonas, Susanne. Of Centaurs and Doves: Guatemala's Peace Process .
Benjamin, Thomas. La Revolución: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History .
Crisp, Brian. Democratic Institutional Design: The Powers and Incentives of Venezuelan Politicians and Interest Groups .
Moreno, Alejandro. Political Cleavages: Issues, Parties, and the Consolidation of Democracy .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: García Canclini, Nestor (trans. Christopher L. Chiappari and Silvina L. López (1995), Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity Beverley, John, Oviedo, José and Aronna, Michael (eds) (1995), The Postmodernism Debate in Latin America Stuempfle, Stephen (1996), The Steelband Movement: the Forging of a National Art in Trinidad and Tobago Browning, Barbara (1995) Samba: Resistance in Motion Vargas, Lucila (1995), Social Uses and Radio Practices: the Use of Participatory Radio by Ethnic Minorities in Mexico Paranagua, Paulo Anntonio (ed.) (1995), Mexican Cinema Valderrama Fernández, Ricardo and Escalante Gutierrez, Carmen (original eds), Gelles, Paul H. and Martinez Escobar, Gabriela (translation, annotations and revised glossary) (1996) Andean Lives: Gregorio Condori Mamani and Asunta Quispe HuamPn Hendrickson, Carol (1995) Weaving Identities: Construction of Dress and Self in a Highland Guatemala Town Morales, Edmundo (1995) The Guinea Pig: Healing, Food, and Ritual in the Andes Brandon, George. (1993), Santeria from Africa to the New World: the Dead Sell Memories Peña, Milagros (1995) Theologies and Liberation in Peru: the Role of Ideas in Social Movements Lovell, W. George (1995) A Beauty that Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala Starn, Orin, Degregori, Carlos Ivan and Kirk, Robin (eds) (1995), The Peru Reader: History, Culture, Politics Bethell, Leslie (ed.) (1996) Cambridge History of Latin America. Vol. 10. Latin America since 1930: Ideas, Culture and Society Helg, Aline (1995) Our Rightful Share: the Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886–1912 Brunk, S. (1995), Emiliano Zapata: Revolution and Betrayal in Mexico Di Tella, Torcuato S. (1996) National Popular Politics in Early Independent Mexico, 1820–1847 Mallon, Florencia E. (1995), Peasant and Nation: the Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru Posada-Garbó, Eduardo (1996) The Colombian Caribbean: a Regional History, 187&1950 Joseph, Gilbert M. and Szuchman, Mark D. (eds) (1996), I Saw a City Invincible: Urban Portraits of Latin America Walter, Richard J. (1994), Politics and Urban Growth in Buenos Aires: 191&1942 Kleinpenning, Jan M. G. (1995), Peopling the Purple Land: a Historical Geography of Rural Uruguay, 1500–1915 Avellaneda, José Ignacio (1995), The Conquerors of the New Kingdom of Granada Craig, Alan K. and West, Robert C. (eds) (1994), In Quest of Mineral Wealth. Aboriginal and Colonial Mining and Metallurgy in Spanish America Velázquez, Primo Feliciano (1995, 3rd edition), Codex Chimalpopoca Bierhorst, John (1992) History and Mythology of the Aztecs: the Codex Chimalpopoca Nickson, R. Andrew (1995), Local Government in Latin America Smith, Hazel (1995), European Union Foreign Policy and Central America Bresser Pereira, Luiz C. (1996), Economic Crisis and State Reform in Brazil: Toward a New Interpretation of Latin America Camp, Roderic Ai (1993), Political Recruitment Across Two Centuries: Mexico, 1884–1991 Mainwaring, Scott and Scully, Timothy R. (eds) (1995), Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America Haggard, Stephan and Kaufman, Robert R. (1995), The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions Ryan, David (1995), US-Sandinista Diplomatic Relations: Voice of Intolerance Hall, Linda B. (1995), Oil, Banks and Politics: the United States and Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1917–1924 Philip, George (1994), Political Economy of International Oil Jones, Richard C. (1995), Ambivalent Journey: US Migration and Economic Mobility in North Central Mexico Dosal, Paul J. (1993), Doing Business with the Dictators: a Political History of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899–1944 Jenkins, Rhys (1995), Trade Liberaiisation and Manufacturing in Bolivia Frenkel, Roberto (ed.) (1994), Strengthening the Financial Sector in the Adjustment Process Morley, Samuel A. (1995) Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: the Impact of Adjustment and Recovery Lustig, Nora (ed.) (1995) Coping with Austerity: Poverty and Inequality in Latin America Pattullo, Polly (1996) Last Resorts: the Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean Murray, Douglas L. (1995) Cultivating Crisis: the Human Cost of Pesticides in Latin America Chevalier, Jacques M. and Buckles, Daniel (1995) A Land Without Gods: Process Theory, Maldevelopment and the Mexican Nahuas Peritore, N. Patrick and Galve-Peritore, Ana Karina (eds) (1995), Biotechnology in Latin America: Politics, Impacts and Risks Stewart, Douglas I. (1994), After the Trees: Living on the Transamazon Highway Simonian, Lane (1995), Defending the Land of the Jaguar: a History of Conservation in Mexico Bose, Christine E. and Acosta-Belén, B. Edna (eds) (1995), Women in the Latin American Development Process Alatorre, Javier, Careaga Gloria, Jusidman, Clara, Salles, Vania, Talamante, Cecilia and Townsend, John (1994), Las mujeres en la pobreza, El Colegio de Mexico and Grupo Interdisciplinario sobre Mujer Johnston, Francis E. and Low, Setha M. (1995), Children of the Urban Poor: the Sociocultural Environment of Growth, Development, and Malnutrition in Guatemala Schneider, Cathy Lisa (1995), Shantytown Protest in Pinochet's Chile Fiddian, Robin (ed.) (1995), Garcia Márquez Marzan, Julio (1995), The Numinous Site: the Poetry of Luis Palés Matos O'Connell, Joanna (1995), Prospero's Daughter: the Prose of Rosario Castellanos Bergman, Emilie L. and Smith, Paul Julian (eds) (1995), ¿Entiendes?: Queer Readings, Hispanic Writings Agosín, Marjorie (ed.) (1995) A Dream of Light and Shadow: Portraits of Latin American Women Writers Halperin Donghi, Tulio, Jaksié, Iván, Kirkpatrick, Gwen, and Masiello, Francine (eds) (1994), Sarmiento, Author of a Nation  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Strategic Geography and the Changing Middle East , by Geoffrey Kemp and Robert Harkavy. Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE: Challenges of Security , by Anthony H. Cordesman. Kuwait: Recovery and Security after the Gulf War , by Anthony H. Cordesman. U.S. Forces in the Middle East: Resources and Capabilities , by Anthony H. Cordesman. Security Challenges in the Mediterranean Region , edited by Roberto Aliboni, George Joffé, and Tim Niblock. War in the Gulf, 1990-91: The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict and Its Implications , by Majid Khadduri and Edmund Ghareeb. Political Islam: Revolution, Radicalism, or Reform? Edited by John L. Esposito. The Price of Wealth: Economies and Institutions in the Middle East , by Kiren Aziz Chaudhry. Rethinking Islam: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers , by Mohammed Arkoun; translated and edited by Robert D. Lee. A Lebanon Defied: Musa al-Sadr and the Shi'a Community , by Majed Halawi. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment , by J.J. Goldberg.  相似文献   


In discussing African studies or any other field, it is important to note that the economies and cultures of knowledge production are an integral part of complex and sometimes contradictory, but always changing, institutional, intellectual and ideological processes and practices that occur, simultaneously, at national and transnational, or local and global levels. From their inception, universities have always been, or aspired to be, universalistic and universalising institutions. This is not the place to examine the changes and challenges facing universities in Africa and elsewhere, a subject dealt with at length in African universities in the twenty‐first century (Zeleza and Olokoshi 2004). It is simply to point out that African studies ‐ the production of African(ist) knowledges ‐ has concrete and conceptual, and material and moral contexts, which create the variations that are so evident across the world and across disciplines.This article is divided into four parts. First, it explores the changing disciplinary and interdisciplinary architecture of knowledge in general. Second, it examines the disciplinary encounters of African studies in the major social science and humanities disciplines, from anthropology, sociology, literature, linguistics and philosophy, to history, political science, economics geography and psychology. It focuses on the interdisciplinary challenges of the field in which the engagements of African studies with interdisciplinary programmes such as women's and gender studies, public health studies, art studies, and communication studies, and with interdisciplinary paradigms including cultural studies and postcolonial studies are probed. Finally, this article looks at the focus on the study of Africa in international studies, that is, the state of African studies as seen through the paradigms of globalisation and in different global regions, principally Europe (Britain, France, Germany, Scandinavia and Russia), the Americas (the United States of America (US), the Caribbean and Brazil), and Asia‐Pacific (India, Australia, China and Japan). Space does not allow for a more systematic analysis of African studies within Africa itself, a subject implied in the observations in the article, but which deserves an extended treatment in its own right.  相似文献   

马强 《俄罗斯学刊》2022,12(2):30-47
数字技术的快速发展在全球范围内掀起了一场剧烈的变革,深刻地影响着经济、政治、社会、文化等各个领域,这一进程被称为数字化转型。俄罗斯积极应对数字化浪潮,将数字化转型作为国家的发展战略,构建数字化转型的基础设施,推动数字经济发展。而在政治和社会领域,数字化转型的基础设施在网络空间促进了网络公共领域的生成,对政治参与和社会交往的方式、路径产生重大影响,推动了民主政治、市民社会、社会自组织的发展。与此同时,数字化转型也带来诸多风险,包括网络空间的无政府主义以及外部势力和政治反对派对现政权的威胁。在俄罗斯,网络空间建立秩序和规避风险的需求推动国家权力进入网络空间。数字化转型带来的机遇和挑战,是包括中国在内的世界各国和地区面临的共同性议题,俄罗斯的数字化转型无疑为我们提供了一个生动的案例。  相似文献   

中国学界过去对印度佛教研究较多,对尼泊尔佛教研究不多;对中印、中尼佛教交流研究较多,而对中、印、尼三国之间的佛教文化交流的研究则不多。2019年11月25日,由中国友谊促进会和教育部人文社科重点研究基地四川大学南亚研究所共同举办的"加强佛教文化交流,促进民心相融相通——中印尼佛教文化研讨会"在成都召开。来自印度德里大学、和平与冲突研究所、贝纳勒斯印度教大学、新那烂陀佛教大学、加尔各答城市学院和尼泊尔的特里布文大学、莲花学院、蓝毗尼佛教大学以及中国的中国藏语系高级佛学院、中国藏学研究中心、四川大学、上海大学、西南民族大学等三个国家18个单位的50名代表参加了会议。此次会议围绕中、印、尼三国"佛教源流与影响"、"佛教传承与艺术"以及"佛教融合与发展"三个议题展开交流,讨论的内容丰富、信息量大,为三国的友好交流作出了积极贡献。三国学者的观点主要集中在中、印、尼佛教交流的历史起源、特点、影响、问题和建议五个方面。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article: Fisher, John R. (1997), The Economic Aspects of Spanish Imperialism in America, 1492–1810 Stinchcombe, Arthur L. (1995), Sugar Island Slavery in the Age of Enlightenment: The Political Economy of the Caribbean World Posada-Carbó, Eduardo (ed.) (1998), In Search of a New Order: Essays on the Politics and Society of Nineteenth-Century Latin America Richardson, Bonham, C. (1997), Economy and Environment in the Caribbean: Barbados and the Windwards in the late 1800's Hill, Jonathan D. (ed.) (1996), History, Power and Identity. Ethnogenesis in the Americas Paerregaard, Karsten (1997), Linking Separate Worlds. Urban Migrants and Rural Lives in Perti Rappaport, Joanne (1998), The Politics of Memory. Native Historical Interpretation in the Colombian Andes Coronil, Fernando (1997), The Magical State. Nature, Money, and Modernity in Venezuela López Springfield, Consuelo (ed.) (1997), Daughters of Caliban. Caribbean Women in the Twentieth Century Dore, E. (ed.) (1997), Gender Politics in Latin America: Debates in Theory and Practice Tulchin, J. and Garland, A. (eds.) (1997), Argentina – The Challenges of Modernisation Brennan, James P. (ed.) (1988), Peronism and Argentina McGuire, James W. (1997), Peronism Without Perón. Unions, Parties and Democracy in Argentina Stotzky, Irwin (1997), Silencing the Guns in Haiti: The Promise of Deliberative Democracy Kay, C. (ed.) (1997), Globalisation, Competitiveness and Human Security Vaughan, Mary Kay (1977), Cultural Politics in Revolution: Teachers, Peasants, and Schools in Mexico, 1930–1940 Moore, Robin D. (1997), Nationalizing Blackness; Afrocubanismo and Artistic Revolution in Havana, 1920–1940 Schwartz, Rosalie (1997), Pleasure Island: Tourism and Temptation in Cuba Aching, G. (1998), The Politics of Spanish American Modernismo Smith, Verity (ed.) (1997), Encyclopaedia of Latin American Literature Salman, T. (1997), The Diffident Movement: Disintegration, Ingenuity and Resistance of the Chilean Pobladores, 1973–1990 French, John D. and James, Daniel (eds) (1997), The Gendered Worlds of Latin American Women Workers: From Household and Factory to the Union Hall and Ballot Box . Lavrin, Asunción (1998), Women, Feminism, & Social Change in Argentina, Chile, & Uruguay, 1890–1940 French, J., Cowie, J. and Littlehale, L. (1994), Labor and NAFTA: A Briefing Book Bergquist, C. (1996), Labor and the Course of American Democracy: US History in Latin American Perspective Review of Electronic Sources of Information  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Edward L. Cleary and Timothy J. Steigenga, eds. Resurgent Voices in Latin America: Indigenous Peoples, Political Mobilization, and Religious Change.
Fabián Echegaray, Economic Crises and Electoral Responses in Latin America.
Amy S. Greenberg, Manifest Manhood and the Antebellum American Empire.
Arie M. Kacowicz, The Impact of Norms in International Society: The Latin American Experience, 1881–2001.
Cristina Rojas and Judy Meltzer, eds., Elusive Peace: International, National, and Local Dimensions of Conflict in Colombia.
Mauricio Solaún, U.S. Intervention and Regime Change in Nicaragua.
Catherine M. Conaghan, Fujimori's Peru: Deception in the Public Sphere.
Moisés Arce, Market Reform in Society: Post-Crisis Politics and Economic Change in Authoritarian Peru.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Bowman, Kirk S. Militarization, Democracy, and Development: The Perils of Praetorianism in Latin America.
Weyland, Kurt. The Politics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela.
Norden, Deborah L., and Roberto Russell. The United States and Argentina: Changing Relations in a Changing World.
Kampwirth, Karen. Women and Guerrilla Movements: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, Cuba.
Power, Margaret. Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle Against Allende, 1964–1973.
Knight, Alan. Mexico. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Volume 1, From the Beginning to the Spanish Conquest.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Feinberg, Richard E. Summitry in the Americas: A Progress Report. Lipsey, Richard G., and Patricio Meller, eds. Western Hemisphere Trade Integration: A Canadian-Latin American Dialogue. Gill, Anthony. Rendering unto Caesar: The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America. Joyce, Elizabeth, and Carlos Malamud, eds. Latin America and the Multinational Drug Trade. Korzeniewicz, Roberto Patricio, and William C. Smith, eds. Latin America in the World Economy. Smith, William C., and Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz, eds. Politics, Social Change, and Economic Restructuring in Latin America. Tardanico, Richard, and Rafael Menjívar Larín, eds. Global Restructuring, Employment, and Social Inequality in Urban Latin America. Peeler, John A. Building Democracy in Latin America. Atkins, G. Pope, and Larman C. Wilson. The Dominican Republic and the United States: From Imperialism to Transnationalism. The United States and the Americas series, vol. 11. Hartlyn, Jonathan. The Struggle for Democratic Politics in the Dominican Republic. Falcoff, Mark. Panama's Canal: What Happens When the United States Gives a Small Country What It Wants.  相似文献   

Bruce M. Bagley and Jonathan D. Rosen, eds., Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime, and Violence in the Americas Today. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2015. Figures, tables, index, 464 pp.; hardcover $84.95, paperback $35. Julie Marie Bunck and Michael Ross Fowler, Bribes, Bullets, and Intimidation: Drug Trafficking and the Law in Central America. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012. Figures, maps, tables, abbreviations, bibliography, index, 448 pp.; hardcover $93.95, paperback $34.95. Winifred Tate, Drugs, Thugs, and Diplomats: U.S. Policymaking in Colombia. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015. Illustrations, bibliography, index, 304 pp.; hardcover $90, paperback $25.95, ebook $24.65. Roberto Zepeda and Jonathan D. Rosen, eds., Cooperation and Drug Policies in the Americas: Trends in the Twenty‐First Century. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2014. Bibliography, index, 288 pp; hardcover $100, paperback $39.99, ebook $39.99.  相似文献   

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