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决策信息系统是公共政策制定系统的基础和前提,政策制定者进行科学决策必须依赖可靠的信息系统,借助该系统提供的准确、及时、有效的信息。然而我国当前的政策信息系统却受诸多因素的制约,未能完全发挥作用。因此,要合理制定公共政策,就必须努力寻求消除这些制约因素的对策,有效利用决策信息系统。  相似文献   

当前我国公共政策过程中所存在的主要问题是公共政策偏离公共性的问题,并有两个方面的突出表现。作为政策制定主体—中央政府以及政策执行主体—地方政府的利益是导致这一问题出现的重要原因之一,而在公共政策过程中构建有效的公共政策机制则是公共政策公共性的重要保证。  相似文献   

秀水市场改造涉及公共政策的制定问题.作者在案例分析的基础上,指出其存在决策主体不明确、信息不透明和决策过程不科学等问题,继而探讨了政策公平难题和市场经济背景下政府对市场失灵的介入方式,从而为转型期的公共政策制定提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   

官员特征与任期对其财务管理行为的影响是一个十分重要的研究问题。论文以中国省级政府为研究对象,主要关注省主政官员的更替、任期和年龄对政府预算稳定调节基金规模的影响。2007年我国建立了预算稳定调节基金制度,基于此,该研究收集了2008—2019年全国30个省份108位省长、90位省委书记的个人简历和预算稳定调节基金规模等相关数据,实证检验了官员特征和任期对预算稳定调节基金规模的影响。研究发现,由于受到不同时期晋升激励的差异性影响,省委书记和省长的更替、任期对预算稳定调节基金的影响不同。省委书记的更替、任期对预算稳定调节基金的存入规模存在正向影响,省长的任期对预算稳定调节基金的存入规模存在负向影响。论文拓展了预算稳定调节基金的分析视角,不仅揭示了我国地方政府官员特征与任期对预算政策制定的影响机制,也剖析了政府官员不同时期的政策偏好及行为选择的内在逻辑。论文的研究结果表明,地方政府官员特征与任期是解释我国预算政策制定方向变化的重要变量,为我国进一步完善预算稳定调节基金制度和干部人事任用制度提供了路径启示。  相似文献   

公共政策:谁之政策?何种政策?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈潭 《行政与法》2004,(5):9-11
公共政策是公众的政策,它既是多数人的政策,也是少数人的政策,但并非少数个人或特殊阶层谋取私利的工具。公共政策应该是公正的政策,公平的政策,公开的政策。公正性、公平性、公开性是公共政策的基准性价值,是体现政策公共特性的基本维度。公共政策通过提取、分配、管制、象征等基本功能,实现自由、安全、秩序和繁荣,最终维系公共利益。本文从三个方面的设问揭示:公共政策的本质就是个人偏好与集体选择的制度安排。  相似文献   

赵鹏 《中外法学》2014,(1):46-69
在风险规制领域,政府监管部门决策时经常面临复杂的技术面向,哪些物质有危害、危害影响多大等问题争论不断。《食品安全法》建立了风险评估制度,试图通过科学评估奠定决策基础。然而,通过对食盐加碘风险评估的考察可以发现,评估混杂了政策考量与个人偏好,进而影响了其权威性。这一问题的根源在于,服务于政策制定的科学并不完全基于科学事实,在证据不充分、决策又有时间限制的情况下,科学家需要大量运用假设、推定,这就给政策考量、个人偏好影响评估科学性留下了空间。基于这些分析,本文提出构建风险评估法律制度的方案,以期通过制度建设,限制政策、偏好对评估科学性的不当影响,确保更为诚实的评估。  相似文献   

近十年来,在决策环境影响下,互动关系成为影响中国公共政策过程的关键变量。通过对中国新医改方案制定过程的案例研究发现,当下中国公共政策过程是官僚体系层面(政策前台)的制度环境、社会网络层面(政策后台)的博弈格局和两者界面的互动结构共同作用的过程。这种双层互动决策模式在新常态下仍然具有强大的生命力,应得到积极的推广和发展。发展双层互动决策模式,尤其关注充分发挥执政党意识形态的政策价值导向功能、创造各利益群体平等参与公共决策的博弈平台以及以程序公正保障政策公正等三个问题。  相似文献   

公共政策执行力是指在复杂多变的公共政策执行环境中,政策执行主体在动态的过程依据一定的理论、原则和模式,采取一定方法,能动的利用各种资源,把公共政策转化为预期目标的系统综合的能力。公共政策执行力贯穿于政府活动的整个过程,现在国家的建设与地方发展同样离不开公共政策,尤其是在民族自治地方,由于其特殊的地域环境和文化环境,给政策有效执行带来困难,如何突破以实现提升民族自治地方政策执行力成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

公共政策质量是决定国家发展绩效的重要因素。政策质量研究需要回答三个基本问题:公共政策质量的内涵是什么?影响因素有哪些?如何提升公共政策质量?公共政策质量内涵形成了质量本质、政策成败和政策过程三大研究进路。高质量公共政策应对外部环境具有较强回应性、制定过程和政策内容合情合理合法、切实关照利益相关者利益、执行有效和结果合乎政策目标。研究发现,政策环境、政策系统、政策行动者、政策能力和政策资源是影响公共政策质量的重要因素。因此,应树立全系统、全过程和整体性的公共政策质量管理体系,从制度化的政策体系、科学化的制定过程、有效的政策执行和合乎目标的政策产出四个方面提升公共政策质量。未来需要通过更多的实证研究检验公共政策质量的影响因素及其权重,以更深度的案例研究推动中国公共政策质量持续优化,以触发更多的"好政策",提升公共政策绩效,推动国家治理现代化。  相似文献   

杨蓉 《法制与社会》2013,(9):151-152
地方立法与地方公共政策统一于地方治理的实践中,因此,认识地方立法与地方公共政策之间的关系不但具有理论意义还具有重大的实践意义。一般来说,地方立法与地方公共政策相辅相成;其中,地方公共政策的制定和执行必须符合地方立法的要求;同时,地方公共政策能在一定程度上弥补地方立法的不足,而地方立法亦能从成功的地方公共政策中汲取精华,不断发展。  相似文献   

王锡锌 《中国法律》2010,(4):28-31,82-88
近年来,官员财产申报制度日益成为公共讨论空间中的热点话题,这一领域的制度实践也在一些地方得以展开。继20世纪80年代末国家推行“政务公开”和政府信息公开制度以来,官员财产申报和公开制度,正在成为中国“阳光政府”工程一个必然的逻辑延伸和制度建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Since 1969 federal tax policy has permitted nonprofit hospitals to turn away indigent patients or to transfer them to public hospitals. The Internal Revenue Service made health policy, but its officials remain convinced that they were not making policy at all. Convinced that it was reasoning from legal principles, the Revenue Service accepted the hospital industry's view of the history and purpose of hospitals. The federal courts further obscured the problem. Moreover, the Revenue Service took no interest in the effects of its ruling on the services provided by tax-exempt hospitals until 1989. We describe these events and seek to explain them by linking the recent history of health policy to the assumptions that govern the making of tax policy. We conclude that the making of health policy by tax officials who are not accountable for it and who believe that they are not making policy at all is not in the public interest.  相似文献   

薛天德 《行政与法》2013,(12):14-17
本文认为,深化农村公共信息服务建设,各级地方政府责任重大,但当务之急是处理好地方财政投入力度不足、地方政府角色定位失当、地方政府职能转变迟滞问题.为此,应建立健全各级地方政府部门主导下的多元投资机制;建立健全各级地方政府部门涉农公共服务机制;建立健全农民公共信息需求表达及反馈机制;建立健全由广大农民积极参与的监督机制;建立健全各级地方政府部门的相关决策及规划机制;建立健全科学有效的农村公共信息服务评估机制.  相似文献   

自秦汉家天下帝制体系确立以来,政府官员的角色常摆于私家臣仆和国家公务员之间。两种角色既有交叉重合又时时产生矛盾冲突。以《未能信录》所收清人张五纬在嘉庆年间办理江西各州县司法及政务的若干案例为例证,探讨清代地方官如何在这两种角色定位之间寻求调和。虽然清代地方官之勤惰、廉贪、仁苛、正邪各有不同,因而促成其履行公共职能的动因也不一而足,单以张五纬所记录之个案来看,参之其它旁证材料,张氏勉力追求司法公正及推进地方公益事业之根本思想动因乃源于儒家思想之浸润,而非清代官僚体制自身。  相似文献   

黄全 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):11-16
通过《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》(以下简称《公开条例》)和其颁布前26部地方法律规范的8个方面比较,《公开条例》明显带有政务公开的风格,而地方规范则更接近于知情权保障之下的政府信息公开的风格。我国政府信息公开法律规范的整体发展方向应以地方规范为蓝本。  相似文献   


Although the past decade has witnessed the rise of studies on Chinese evaluations of the police, rural villagers’ assessments of the police remain under-researched. Drawing upon performance theory and survey data from China’s countryside, this study tested whether variations in satisfaction with government performance and life are linked to villagers’ and officials’ trust in county and local/town police. We found that villagers displayed lower levels of trust in the police than local officials. Higher satisfaction with government performance and integrity were associated with greater trust in county police among both villagers and officials. Villagers’ greater satisfaction with crime control and safety led to their stronger trust in both county and town police, but such satisfaction was not significantly related to officials’ trust in both levels of police forces. Rural residents’ generalized trust and particularized trust were associated with a greater likelihood of viewing the police as trustworthy. Meanwhile, female respondents, both villagers and officials, and higher-income officials were more likely to view the police as trustworthy. Directions for future research and policy are discussed.


This article examines whether states shirked enforcement responsibilities in their principal-agent relationship with the federal government when implementing a delegated environmental program. It evaluates determinants of environmental enforcement stringency, particularly whether penalties were less when imposed by states than by the federal government. It analyzes 6,048 hazardous waste administrative penalties across 32 states and all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regions over 14 years. It finds that state penalties are typically substantially lower than federal penalties, and that penalty amounts are typically also related to the partisan composition of elected officials and the characteristics of enforcement actions, such as the type, seriousness, and number of violations. Factors such as the influence of organized interest groups, agency sensitivity to economic conditions or the economic importance of regulated industries, and environmentalist preferences of elected officials and the public are typically unrelated to enforcement stringency.  相似文献   

Is bias in responsiveness to constituents conditional on the policy preferences of elected officials? The scholarly conventional wisdom is that constituency groups who do not receive policy representation still obtain some level of responsiveness by legislators outside of the policy realm. In contrast, we present a theory of preference‐induced responsiveness bias where constituency responsiveness by legislators is associated with legislator policy preferences. Elected officials who favor laws that could disproportionately impact minority groups are also less likely to engage in nonpolicy responsiveness to minority groups. We conducted a field experiment in 28 US legislative chambers. Legislators were randomly assigned to receive messages from Latino and white constituents. If legislators supported voter identification laws, Latino constituents were less likely to receive constituency communications from their legislators. There are significant implications regarding fairness in the democratic process when elected officials fail to represent disadvantaged constituency groups in both policy and nonpolicy realms.  相似文献   


Personal budgets have been heavily promoted in government policy in England as a means of increasing the personalisation of public services, particularly in the field of adult social care. The Care Act 2014 for the first time creates a statutory requirement for personal budgets to be allocated to all individuals using state funded social care. This article examines how a particular rhetoric has developed in social care policy around personal budgets, which draws freely on the language of the disabled people’s movement and suggests that grassroots ideas are the central purpose for the introduction of personal budgets into policy. It considers whether the promises made in policy are embedded in the 2014 Act and finds that there is a mismatch between claims in social care policy on the one hand and the model of personal budgets created by the 2014 Act on the other. It concludes that the policy rhetoric around personal budgets directly appropriates the language and ideas of the disabled people’s movement while promoting a wholly distinct agenda of public sector marketisation.  相似文献   

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