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在新的时代背景下,政府要更好地保护和实现公民权利,必须做到理念上的十大转变:由管理政府向服务政府转变;由全能政府向有限政府转变;由权力政府向责任政府转变;由人治政府向法治政府转变;由随意政府向诚信政府转变;由神秘政府向透明政府转变;由刚性政府向弹性政府转变;由拖沓政府向效能政府转变;由利益政府向中立政府转变;由守旧政府向创新政府转变。  相似文献   

我国在财政收入、财政支出、财政管理、财政监督等方面的财税立法命途多桀,检视剖析建国以来财政立法的生成与演进的轨迹,检讨总结成败得失所包涵的经验,分析财政立法从基本形成到走向完善、从注重数量到提高质量、从行政主导到立法主导、从闭门造车到开门立法、从国家财政到公共财政,进而探寻财税立法的发展趋向,应由试验主义向法律主义转变、由工具主义向人文主义转变、由建构主义向本质主义转变、由渐进主义向理性主义转变。  相似文献   

LAURIN A. WOLLAN  JR. 《犯罪学》1979,16(4):545-560
Criminology will become somewhat more concerned for values in the future hence shifting slightly from the empirical, scientific end of the spectrum toward the normative, philosophical end. This will result from crises in criminal justice. from the “coming crisis in western sociology.” from the effects of “critical criminology” from changes in social science generally. and from broader circumstances of criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

Bullets were characterized by lead isotope ratio analysis and trace element analysis in two homicides. In one case, we concluded that a fatal bullet did not share a common origin with bullets in a box of ammunition containing 24 cartridges taken from suspects. Evidence in the second case included two bullets from the crime scene and 163 bullets taken from various suspects. We were able to infer that the two bullets from the crime scene did not share a common origin and that they differed from all of the bullets taken from suspects. All of the suspects' ammunition had been reloaded as was evident both from trace and isotopic analysis and, indeed, from visual inspection.  相似文献   

刑事证据立法方向的转变   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
中国刑事证据立法应当实现以下几个方面的转变 :从对证据证明力的关注转向对证据能力的关注 ;从客观真实观转向法律真实观 ;从一元价值观转向多元价值观 ;从侦查中心主义转向审判中心主义 ;从形式上的对抗制转向实质上的对抗制 ;从中国走向世界。  相似文献   

在现阶段,需要进一步推进建设法治政府。法治政府建设,需要从自我推动走向内外结合持续推动,从建规立制走向注重实践,从封闭走向开放,从平衡权力结构走向错位权力结构,从自律走向他律,从形式法治走向实质法治。所有这些,是我们建设法治政府的方向和任务。  相似文献   

目的探讨过敏性猝死法医学鉴定的诊断方法和指标。方法采取10例正常人、9例过敏性猝死和19例其他死因(排除过敏反应、冠心病)尸体的静脉血,采用荧光酶联免疫法(Pharmacia UniCAP100过敏原定量分析仪)和酶联免疫吸附试验ELISA法分别测定血清肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶和]gE含量,采用免疫组化方法观察过敏性猝死和其他死因的肺组织中的肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶免疫组化染色。结果过敏性猝死者的血清类胰蛋白酶和IgE含量升高,与其他死因之间的差异具有显著性意义(P〈0.01),其他死因和正常人之间的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);与其它死因相比,过敏性猝死肺组织中的肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶免疫组化阳性染色增强(P〈0.01)。结论过敏性猝死者血清IgE和肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶含量显著升高;过敏性猝死者肺组织中肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶染色增强。  相似文献   

Age estimates of the auricular surface (sacro-iliac joint) of the ilium taken from bony specimens, 35 mm slides, and digital images were compared for 29 intact specimens from archaeological contexts. Results demonstrate that age estimates from all photographic and digital images may result in significantly differing estimates of age than those from bony specimens. Of the imaging techniques, 35 mm slides provided estimates most similar to those from bony specimens. Digital images provided age estimates that varied more from bony specimens. In general, photographic and digital images may offer researchers a way of documenting age information that would otherwise be unavailable or delayed. Yet, caution should be used when age estimates are derived solely from images rather than from bony specimens.  相似文献   

After sexual assault, cells originating from the assailant may be recovered from the victim. Through polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technology, positive scientific identification of the assailant may be made from these cells. Described is a prospective study describing a method for positively identifying cells from a female sex partner obtained from postcoital swabs of the penis of the male sex partner. Swabs were taken from the penis of a man at 1- to 24-hour intervals after coitus. DNA was isolated from each swab through standard organic extraction methods. The presence of female DNA was detected using the gender-specific amelogenin marker. Extracted DNA was amplified for eight different genetic loci using the Promega PowerPlex kit (Promega) and Amplitaq Gold (Perkin Elmer). Amplified samples were electrophoresed on precast sequencing gels (Hitachi) and were analyzed fluorescently using Hitachi's FMBIO 2 fluorescent scanner and software. Each sample obtained from a penile swab or condom was compared to male and female buccal controls. Female DNA was isolated from all postcoital penile swabs as determined by exclusive amplification of the X-chromosome specific 212 base pair amelogenin marker. In all cases, scientific identification of the female DNA from the swabs was determined by coamplification of eight STR loci (PowerPlex) and was compared to female and male control profiles. Cells shed from a female victim during sexual intercourse can be retrieved from the penis of a male offender after sexual intercourse during a 1- to 24-hour postcoital interval. DNA can be extracted from these cells and can be used to scientifically identify the female sexual participant through PCR-based technology. It is suggested that penile swabs be taken from alleged perpetrators of sexual assaults to associate them with a female victim.  相似文献   

当代中国犯罪观的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
犯罪观的发展经历了由一元化向多元化推进的过程。当代中国的犯罪观呈现多元化状况。这种多元化不仅指在宏观上多种犯罪观并存,而且指在微观上多种犯罪观也可能并存于同一个社会主体。多元化的犯罪观并存对犯罪这一复杂的社会现象形成了多角度的认识。当代中国犯罪观转变的基本脉络表现为:由绝对主义犯罪观向价值中立犯罪观转变、由科学主义犯罪观向人本主义犯罪观转变、由保守主义犯罪观向自由主义犯罪观转变、由结构主义犯罪观向过程主义犯罪观转变、由国家控制的犯罪观向社会控制的犯罪观转变。  相似文献   

Frequency data of the nine STRs included in the AmpFlSTR profiler plus kit were determined in a sample of 304 unrelated individuals from three Spanish populations: 103 from Majorca, 100 from Minorca, and 101 from Valencia.  相似文献   

大数据时代的到来,形成了数据的普遍化和社会化,传统行政法治的内涵也因此受到了巨大冲击,行政程序作为行政法治的核心要素无疑不能例外。这既影响到行政程序在行政法中的地位、价值、内容和运行,也影响到行政程序的规制模式和构型设计。正因如此,大数据背景下行政程序规制应由粗放向精确、由程式向有序、由定性向定量、由感性向理性变迁。在行政程序构型上,应由板块式到结构式、由自洽式到自证式、由博弈式到分配式、由套路式到效率式转换,以体现行政程序的时代特性和科学内涵。  相似文献   

Spontaneous melphalan- (MEL-) and MEL-hyperthermia- (MEL-HYP-) induced sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies have been studied in 12 chronic heroin addicts (HER AD) and in 12 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The incidence of spontaneous SCEs in lymphocytes from the HER AD was significantly greater (P less than 0.001) than those from the control subjects. When exposed to MEL in vitro, cells from both groups showed an increase in SCE frequency with yields from HER AD higher than those from controls. When exposed to MEL and hyperthermia (41.5 degrees C for 3 h) in vitro, cells from both groups showed further increases in SCE frequency with yields from HER AD higher than those from controls. We observed that hyperthermia (HYP) in combination with MEL synergistically enhances SCEs and cell division delays in both groups, with the synergistic effects in cells from HER AD higher than those from controls.  相似文献   

目的通过比较吸烟与不吸烟个体外周血DNA甲基化谱的差异,评估DNA甲基化在区分吸烟与不吸烟人群中的应用价值。方法根据下载于NIH的GEO公共数据库的人类全基因组DNA甲基化数据,运用Student’s T检验和聚类分析的方法评估外周血特定CpG位点DNA甲基化程度在吸烟与不吸烟人群中的差异。结果特定Cp G位点上,非吸烟人群与吸烟人群的DNA甲基化有显著区别。结论检测人外周血的甲基化情况可以区分吸烟和非吸烟人群。  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for the 10 STRs included in the AmpFLSTR SGM Plus (Applied Biosytems) amplification kit were obtained from three populations in the Indonesian archipelago. Here, 173 unrelated Indonesian individuals were sampled, of which 44 were from the Island of Sulawesi, 44 from Sumatra and 85 from Java.  相似文献   

李永宁 《法律科学》2011,(2):133-142
从生态补偿内含的对生态系统的还原和修复的基本涵义出发,把经济学上的生态补偿区分为开发者的还原性修复、污染者的治理性修复、使用者的增殖性修复和使用者的功能性修复四种具体关系形态,法学上的生态补偿只针对使用者的功能性修复,是对功能性修复产生的环境功能性价值的补偿。并据此对生态补偿的法学涵义进行分析和界定,对我国生态补偿法律制度的具体原则、规制范围和补偿主体的完善提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

个人主体教育的反思与类主体教育的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从个人主体到类主体,是现代社会对人的发展的要求。教育作为人的自我建构的实践活动,也必须由个人主体教育向类主体教育转变。这就是在教育目的上,由个人主义转变为共同体主义;在教育过程中,由主客体间的对象化活动转变为主体间的交往活动;在教育内容上,由片面的分裂的教育内容转变为全面的整合的教育内容。  相似文献   

We report here the results of mtDNA analysis of remains exhumed in July, 1995 from Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Kearney, Nebraska, that are thought to be those of Jesse James. The remains were poorly preserved, presumably due to wet and slightly acidic soil conditions, and insufficient DNA for analysis was obtained from two bone samples. However, two of four teeth, and two hairs recovered in 1978 from the original burial site on the James Farm, did yield reproducible mtDNA sequences. These mtDNA sequences from the teeth and hairs were all identical, suggesting that they came from the same individual; furthermore, this mtDNA sequence was identical to mtDNA sequences determined from blood samples from two maternal relatives of Jesse James. Therefore, either the remains are indeed those of Jesse James, or they are from an unrelated individual who, by chance, happens to have the same mtDNA sequence. To assess the probability that an unrelated individual would have the same sequence, we searched the forensic mtDNA database, and found that this sequence does not appear among the 2426 mtDNA sequences therein. Hence, the mtDNA analysis supports the identification of the exhumed remains from Mt. Olivet Cemetery as those of Jesse James.  相似文献   

152例火场尸体的法医学检验分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨火场尸体的法医学检验特点及其鉴定。方法 对86起火场中152例尸体的相关检验资料进行回顾性研究。结果 152例火场尸体,生前烧死109例,纵火焚尸38例,无明显高温作用的尸体5例。主要死因有“烧死综合征”100例,火场有毒气体中毒8例,机械性损伤32例(含高坠死4例),机械性窒息5例,电击、服毒各1例;不能确定死因5例。自杀5例,他杀40例,意外107例。在生前烧死尸体,87例呼吸道内有炭末沉着,71例皮肤局部烧伤边缘组织有红肿,46例检见水泡,17例有“闭眼反应”征象,大部分尸体血中HbCO浓度超过20%;纵火焚尸少见或不见上述改变。结论 检验火场尸体,根据烧死尸体征象和血中HbCO浓度检测,并结合火场勘验资料综合分析,其死因鉴定和死亡方式推断结论方能准确。  相似文献   

法与经济学视野中的外部性及其解决方法分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡元聪 《现代法学》2007,29(6):128-135
对于外部性的含义,学者们多从经济学的角度进行界定;而对于外部性的解决方法,学者们又多从制度的角度加以寻求。从法律视角即权利和义务的角度,也可以对外部性进行界定,并由此提出法律解决的方法。在解决外部性方面,经济法机制优于民法和行政法机制,但经济法解决外部性也需要注意一些问题。  相似文献   

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