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强奸罪立法的反思与重构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统的强奸罪只将犯罪对象限定为女性,由于时代的不断发展,在强奸犯罪的领域出现了女性强奸等各种不同的新情况,而我国强奸罪的现行立法面对这些新情况则没有回应。本文通过对强奸罪的女性主体、男性犯罪对象、婚内强奸以及强奸罪的"自诉"化等问题进行探讨,指出:女性可以成为强奸罪的主体;强奸罪的犯罪对象也可以是男性;对未成年人应特别保护;强奸罪的一些情况可以纳入"自诉"案件的范围。  相似文献   

域外强奸犯罪的立法变革源于其人权的张扬、女性运动的发展和对同性恋的宽容等社会现实引起的性文化观念的革新。在祖国大陆地区由于传统文化观念依然占据主流地位,女性的主体意识,特别是性主体意识和相应的文化观念尚未普遍形成,女性在社会经济文化生活中的地位制约着男女平等观念的确立;因此,在现有的制度和文化背景下,不宜立即变革强奸罪立法,而应当积极采取以司法个案判决的形式推进体现正义和平等的性文化观念,最终实现强奸罪的立法变革,这应当是目前我国大陆地区比较稳妥的做法。  相似文献   

马成东 《河北法学》2006,24(9):91-93
犯罪统计是研究犯罪手段、特征和原因,预测未来犯罪,制定刑事政策的重要方法和依据.受到各种因素影响,犯罪统计不实是长期存在的问题.由于犯罪统计数据和资料的不实影响了犯罪统计的功能.通过利用数理统计学原理对犯罪统计不实进行分析和矫正,从统计分析方法角度发现问题和解决问题.  相似文献   

This study, derived from a sample of 108 serial rapists (rapes=565), examines the relationship between demographic, crime scene, and criminal history variables and the distance traveled by serial rapists in order to offend. The pattern of offenses perpetrated by each of the 108 serial offenders as it relates to his place of residence is also analyzed in terms of known characteristics of the offender and his offenses. The theoretical focus of the study integrates premises derived from criminal investigative analysis, environmental criminology, ethnographic geography, journey to crime research, and criminal geographic targeting to explore the cognitive symmetry between the how and the where of serial sexual offenses. These components or dimensions of serial crime are explored in an attempt to aid law enforcement in their investigation of hard-to-solve serial crimes.  相似文献   

Theories which suggest a relationship between crime or criminal justice variables on the one hand, and variables related to criminal justice policies on the other hand, cannot be tested without reference to historic or comparative data. Since international comparisons offer the most powerful test of such theories, policy-related research in Europe has suffered, so far, from a lack of valid comparative data. Whether crime data from different countries are comparable, has always been subject to controversies. In the case of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice, a network of specialists was established under the auspices of the Council of Europe in order to assess the validity of the data. Although some problems in cross-country level comparisons could not be settled, the European Sourcebook offers comparative data on 36 Member States of the Council of Europe on a variety of subjects (offences and offenders known to the police; prosecution, convictions, sentences, and corrections; survey data; and indications on manpower and budgets of police forces, prosecutors, and corrections).  相似文献   

In this article a spectrum of financial crime, ranging from Customs violations, EU-fraud, tax evasion, Stock Market fraud, illegal use of intellectual property, electronic and Internet crime, to environmental pollution, illegal trafficking of personal data, and corruption is illustrated by examples from Greece. Needless to say, that the phenomenon of corruption and financial crime is creating problems not only in Greece, but also in other European countries and at higher financial levels.  相似文献   

This article analyses 34 Swedish birth cohorts with regard to their participation in crime as measured by data from the convictions database maintained by Statistics Sweden. Most existing cohort studies are limited to one or a few cohorts. By contrast, the present study includes 34 cohorts, i.e. all persons born in Sweden between 1958 and 1991. The article discusses methodological problems associated with this type of approach and examines the possibility of making forecasts. The central results are that the number of males with a criminal record has decreased, whereas the number of females has remained fairly stable. Forecasts indicate that the cohorts' participation in crime will continue to decrease. Research and policy implications of the findings are outlined. It is proposed to introduce cohort statistics as a standard branch within regular criminal justice statistics.  相似文献   

强奸犯罪是一种会造成女性生理、心理严重创伤的罪行,当被害人为未成年女性的时候,其危害结果更为严重。通过对重庆市2007年1月至2008年4月发生的强奸犯罪案件的分析可以发现,强奸罪中的未成年女性被害群体主要集中在农村,而这类犯罪的主要侵害目标是缺乏有效监护的8-14周岁的幼女,而且这类案件多发于白天、室内。由于未成年女性大多缺乏辨别善恶是非的能力,容易受利诱致害。在被害后,她们大多不知道采取正确有效的自救方法,所以,要预防未成年女性成为强奸犯罪的被害人,帮助已经被害的未成年女性恢复正常的生活,需要社会、政府和家庭的相互配合,通力合作。  相似文献   

This article examines whether crimes motivated by, or which demonstrate, gender ‘hostility’ should be included within the current framework of hate crime legislation in England and Wales. The article uses the example of rape to explore the parallels (both conceptual and evidential) between gender‐motivated violence and other ‘archetypal’ forms of hate crime. It is asserted that where there is clear evidence of gender hostility during the commission of an offence, a defendant should be pursued in law additionally as a hate crime offender. In particular it is argued that by focusing on the hate‐motivation of many sexual violence offenders, the criminal justice system can begin to move away from its current focus on the ‘sexual’ motivations of offenders and begin to more effectively challenge the gendered prejudices that are frequently causal to such crimes.  相似文献   

This vignette study was conducted to determine how observers' beliefs about marital rape are altered by the knowledge of a prior history of husband-to- wife physical violence. Participants (n = 50 college students) read three different marital rape situations; in one situation the husband had been physically violent in the past; in another he had not. In the third situation, participants were not given any information about the physical abuse history between the spouses. As expected, participants blamed the victim most for the marital rape and minimized the seriousness of the rape when they had been told that there was not a prior history of husband-to-wife physical abuse. These findings suggest that observers use a physical violence history to establish the coercion needed to determine that marital rape had occurred. The legal implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

356例强奸案资料的回顾性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荣华 《法医学杂志》1996,12(1):19-20,25
本文收集法医物证检验确证强奸案356例。统计分析表明,强奸的动机不仅在于用武力强迫的方式达到性乐满足,而且在于用诱骗的方式达到某种权利或优越感的满足;其诱因既来自罪犯,也来自受害人的文化道德素质,性知识和法制观念,以及环境因素等;罪犯与受害人ABO血型表型及基因型与相应普通人群比较无统计学差异。  相似文献   

In this article the authors present some preliminary findings from a comparative study of police recorded violent crimes in Stockholm and Basel. They present the first results from a comparative analysis of the situational context, the ecology of crime, and of offender residences in these cities. There is impressive evidence of basic similarities in the situational context of violent crime and the residential distribution of violent offenders. Yet there are also significant differences, some of which may have interesting implications for crime prevention. Firstly, violent crime seems to be more highly concentrated during weekend nights in Stockholm than in Basel. Secondly, they find evidence that the presence of weapons in a community increases the risk of more serious outcomes of violent events. Efforts to reduce the availability of weapons may thus have significant effects on the outcomes of violence, but not necessarily on its frequency. Thirdly, they show that offenders in both cities are highly concentrated in socially disorganised communities with few economic and social resources.  相似文献   

The study investigates how crime prevention activities frame the problem of crime against the elderly, regarding character, causes, effects and solutions. Data was collected through participant observations, interviews and analysis of a film produced by a local crime prevention council in Sweden. It is concluded that crime prevention for seniors produces complex and contradicting images of the problem. In situational crime prevention seniors are warned to look out for strangers stalking them or trying to access their homes. Statements that victimization is uncommon among the old are combined with warnings that invoke images of mysterious ever-present perpetrators. In social crime prevention, where causes and interventions of crime are discussed, crime prevention officers link the problem to established social problems such as drug abuse and juvenile delinquency. This way of framing the problem is typical for a Swedish Social Democratic perspective, where lack of community and integration are defined as causes of social problems. It is concluded that warnings to look out for strangers who ask for help may be at odds with this striving towards community.  相似文献   

李拥军 《河北法学》2006,24(7):119-123
受女权运动和性革命的影响,现代西方国家性犯罪立法正经历着重要的变革,从而在性犯罪的定位、性犯罪的主体和犯罪对象、"性交"的内涵、犯罪处理机制等方面呈现出新的特点,同时通奸为罪的传统日益弱化,乱伦有罪传统获得保留,对未成年人的权利保护正在加强.面对我国当前性立法落后的现实,我们必须立足中国实际,借鉴西方立法经验,全面完善我国的性犯罪立法.  相似文献   

在校大学生犯罪的原因与预防   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
魏丽  吕娜  王金兰 《河北法学》2005,23(7):154-157
近年来,大学生犯罪率呈上升趋势。纠其原因,和大学生的生理特点、心理特点以及大学生所处的社会环境有着密切的关系。鉴于大学生犯罪原因的复杂性,对大学生犯罪应实施预防的系统工程。在这一系统工程中,包括预测系统、预防系统与控制系统。具体的措施为:从心理咨询工作的开展到校园文化的净化,从关注高校管理体制到增强大学生的法制教育,从深化高校的全面改革到治理高校的周边环境。  相似文献   

Because arrest rates are especially high for teenagers and young adults, criminologists have long contended that age structure changes affect crime trends. In recent years, however, this belief has been drawn into question because crime has not declined even though high-crime age groups have shrunk. We argue that the age/crime relationship is probably exaggerated because the high arrest rates for younger persons are due partly to their lesser ability to escape arrest, younger persons commit more group crime, and the age structure of victims should be taken into account. We then review 90 studies that regress crime rates on age structure; only a small minority consistently finds significant relationships. Because of methodological problems in this research, one cannot conclude that the age/crime relationship does not exist, but the weight of evidence shows that forecasts based on demographic trends are not likely to be helpful.  相似文献   

An enlarged European Union not only means more territory and a greater population, but also more crimes and perpetrators of crimes. The European integration brings a new challenge to criminology. Comparison of crime statistics across countries is still one of the most difficult methodological problems in criminological analyses. Countries differ in respect of their penal systems and penal policies. Reporting and statistical systems are also different. How, then, can one compare crime between European countries? Can one say where it is safer or where the police work better? Can one determine what the manner of data collection should be so that it reflects reality accurately? This article concentrates on a representation of some trends of crime in Central and Eastern European countries. A main source of information about crime are official crime statistics collected according to the methodological rules worked out by the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. In the case of homicide, police data are confronted with vital statistics gathered by the World Heath Organization (WHO). The statistics on assault and robbery were compared, as much as possible, with the victimization data from the International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS). The socio-economic context of the crime, the main circumstances of the crime statistics, which affected the interpretation of the crime trends for Central and Eastern European Countries, is presented.  相似文献   

This paper offers some reflections on how to develop more effective policies against crime, drawing on more than 10 years of research experience on the international drug problem. The paper begins by trying to illustrate the so-called justice gap in the world, and explain why an institution such as the United Nations has a comparative advantage in closing that gap. It then details four lessons that the author has learnt from his own personal experience as head of research in the United Nations International Drug Control Programme, now called the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: (i) measure, count, and keep counting; (ii) publish or perish, either in inter-governmental default, or in public hysteria; (iii) limit the dangers of committing the euphemistic fallacy; and (iv) divorce research and policy, because research is policy-dependent; make research policy-relevant, and re-marry it to policy. Finally, the paper tries to show how these lessons can be applied in related areas and used as good practice in research on crime.  相似文献   

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