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数千年前,古希腊社会的贫富差距日益扩大,在极易引起革命的状况下亚里士多德提出了分配正义理论。今天,我国在社会发展的同时,也面对着同样的问题——日益悬殊的贫富差距。本文围绕亚里士多德的分配正义理论,从分配正义的基本思想、原则、合理性以及分配正义的局限性等角度对亚里士多德的分配正义理论进行探究的同时,结合我国实际,拟对我国收入制度进行简要分析。  相似文献   

程雷 《行政与法》2013,(7):36-39
社会保障制度的作用在于实现财富的二次再分配,是现代社会保障制度安排重要的理论支撑.20世纪70年代以来,西方福利国家在发展过程中出现了一系列新的趋势、特点和问题:奥肯在1974年提出了著名的“漏桶实验”理论,围绕经济效率和公平正义的讨论持续多年;罗尔斯等人提出了社会分配正义理论,使社会保障的价值诉求趋向社会公平正义.目前,我国正处于社会转型期,奥肯“漏桶实验”理论可以为我国社会保障制度的理论和实践带来一些启示.  相似文献   

从罗尓斯正义原则的角度分析,居民收入差距的扩大是在居民收入分配过程中机会不均等、自然不平等、历史禀赋(代际分配)不均衡综合作用的结果。市场经济条件下政策制定者的正确思路应当是,努力实现收入分配的机会均等,维持适度的自然不平等,建立"适合最少受惠者的最大利益"的社会保障制度。  相似文献   

程序类型化理论:简易程序设置的理论根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简易程序设置的理论根源多是从效率的角度来阐述的,对此,本文提出了不同的观点.主张从程序的功能--正义再分配的角度入手,探讨程序设置的理论根源.通过分析,认为程序的类型化理论是程序设置在制度层面上的理论支撑,进而提出简易程序设置的理论根源也在于程序类型化理论,最终落脚于实现正义.  相似文献   

在《正义论》中,罗尔斯提出了"作为公平的正义"的理念,他所强调的"平等的基本自由原则"、分配正义中的"公平的机会平等原则"与"差异原则"以及正义制度对个体道德的诉求等内容对于加强社会的制度建设具有十分重要的理论与实践价值。本文对两大正义原则的具体构成与适用范围进行了详细的分析与解读,力求揭示出罗尔斯正义理论和正义原则在制度建设层面的借鉴意义与价值。  相似文献   

本文主要以罗尔斯的《正义新论》为线索,探讨当今世界的贫富悬殊和社会撕裂的问题状况以及相关的政治哲学-法理学思考实验。作者指出,差别原则是理解罗尔斯正义理论的关键,而互惠性观念则是差别原则的正当化根据。从这个角度来重新认识罗尔斯正义理论,可以发现分配曲线的形式化论证的背后其实潜伏着重构宪法共识、加强东西方文明之间就秩序原理和制度设计进行深入对话的契机。  相似文献   

股东有限责任原则和公司人格否认制度是在公司法人人格独立原则统领下,以体现公司法律制度公平、正义价值为目的,彼此整合,功能互补的两个原则。从法理层面来看,两者是分配正义和矫正正义的整合,罗尔斯契约论与"反思的平衡"的整合,股东本位主义和利益相关者理论的整合。  相似文献   

林殉 《广东法学》2004,(6):19-25
本文试图从人权保障的角度重新诠释程序正义理论。程序正义观念本源于人权保障的思想;罗尔斯提出的不完善的程序正义作为一种制度现实,是我们认识和构建程序正义理论的前提;程序正义必须以人权原则为其理论基础,基于人权保障的思想,程序正义理论要求实体正义在一定程度上的妥协,要求通过有效的制度设计制约权力和保障人格尊严;最后提出了通过程序正义保障人权的具体司法原则。  相似文献   

罗尔斯与诺齐克是坚持新自由主义的两个代表人物,但是他们对于正义问题的理论相差很大。罗尔斯的分配正义理论主要集中在他的两个正义原则中,他从自由平等的观念出发,提出了两个正义原则;而诺齐克在批判和继承了洛克理论的基础之上,以个人权利为核心创设了持有正义理论。文章包括以下四个部分:第一个部分是罗尔斯的分配正义观,对平等自由原则和差别原则这两个正义原则进行了分析;第二个部分是诺奇克的持有正义观,内容主要包括获取的正义原则、转让的正义原则和矫正的正义原则;第三个部分是对分配正义和持有正义观念的相同点和不同点进行具体分析;第四个部分是罗尔斯的正义观对于中国正义观念发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

股东有限责任原则和公司人格否认制度是在公司法人人格独立原则统领下,以体现公司法律制度公平、正义价值为目的,彼此整合,功能互补的两个原则。从法理层面来看,两者是分配正义和矫正正义的整合,罗尔斯契约论与“反思的平衡”的整合,股东本位主义和利益相关者理论的整合。  相似文献   

社会分配法的价值范畴分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分配正义作为社会分配法的基本价值范畴,是一个由平等、自由、公平、效率等要素性价值目标构成价值体系。但是,在不同国家的特定社会经济条件下,分配法律制度的主导价值追求和目标排序是有明显差异的。在分配法律制度中,分配正义将通过基本原则这一价值载体来确认和指导法律调整分配关系的目标定位和路径选择。  相似文献   

孟庆瑜 《法律科学》2004,22(2):58-66
分配关系不仅是一种特定时空条件下的财产和利益在不同社会主体之间的分取与占有关系的直观表现 ,更是依存于特定社会制度的法律权力和权利在相关主体之间不同配置结果的集中反映。分配规则的正当性、分配过程的秩序性和分配结果的公平性等价值目标的实现 ,离不开法律的确认、维护与矫正功能的发挥。其中 ,分配权在国家、企业与居民之间的合理配置与行使 ,则是法律调整分配关系的作用机制和路径选择。我国社会分配公正目标的实现有赖于以分配权为核心的分配制度的不断改革与完善  相似文献   

张东 《法学论坛》2012,(1):36-43
收益公正分配是转型时期社会公正的重要维度,维系人权保护、经济发展、社会稳定与国家治理,蕴涵着分配正义理论。多种因素决定经济法分配正义是复合正义,强化在市场分配机制基础上的国家再分配职能,以促进社会基本结构的公正。经济法分配正义理论通过奠定收益分配之理论基础,提供收益分配之制度属性的路径促进收益公正分配,进而实现以社会公正为中心的可持续经济发展,推动中国社会顺利转型。而以分配正义为衡量尺度,我国收益分配制度需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

The concepts of fairness and justice are embodied within the organizing principle of social justice. Although social justice is a primary focus of social work, social service workers are not always treated with fairness by their own employers. The results from a survey of 255 social service employees from a variety of agencies in Northwest Ohio indicate that distributive justice and procedural justice, two dimensions of organizational justice, are both significant predictors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, with procedural justice having two to three times the impact of distributive justice.  相似文献   

This article reports judgments on the rights and obligations of the unemployed in The Netherlands. A large majority of the Dutch population is shown to support (i) the unemployed’s right to social security as well as their obligation to work, (ii) the principle that declining a job offering should be punished, and (iii) harsh sanctions in some specific cases of job refusal. An emphasis on the obligation to work results from conservative attitudes regarding both distributive justice (economic conservatism) and retributive justice (cultural conservatism). Furthermore, conservative attitudes regarding distributive justice derive from a privileged economic position (especially high income and infrequent experience of unemployment), whereas conservative attitudes regarding retributive justice result from a restricted cultural position (low level of education, technical rather than cultural type of education, and limited involvement in arts and culture).  相似文献   

A view of distributive or economic justice is presented. Economic justice can best be achieved through the construction and administration of social policies that promote equality of condition and opportunity such that people are able to achieve equitable outcomes based on their needs and the community's assessment of their contributions. A discussion of the income security situation of older Canadians provides an empirical vehicle for illustrating this view. The point is made that before economic justice can prevail social policies must be developed such that current levels of structured inequality are significantly moderated. Equity will be realized only when there is a shift in policy-making such that claims of citizenship take precedence over those claims based on the rights of property.  相似文献   

Distributive and procedural justice, two dimensions of organizational justice, have been found to be salient antecedents of many correctional staff attitudes, such as job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment; however, little correctional research has examined their relationships with the life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent. Multivariate regression equations were estimated to determine the association of personal characteristics, distributive justice, and procedural justice with the life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent of correctional employees based on a survey of 160 staff at a private midwestern maximum security institution. Both distributive and procedural justice had a statistically significant inverse association with burnout and turnover intent, while procedural justice had a significant positive relationship with life satisfaction. Additionally, the results indicated that the association of procedural justice was larger than the association for distributive justice. Similar results were obtained using only responses from correctional officers.  相似文献   

沃尔泽认为,罗尔斯通过"原初状态设置"所演绎出的"正义二原则"只是一种实现通常之"简单平等"的分配正义原则,无法解决由诸多领域所构成之社会的分配正义问题。因而基于对西方世界分配现状的观察及其人性观,沃尔泽提出了"复合平等"的分配正义理论。事实上,只有罗尔斯的"正义二原则"才能有效实现社会的分配正义。因此,沃尔泽的分配正义理论实际上只是深刻理解罗尔斯"正义二原则"的"过渡理论"或"中介",而不是对后者的根本性超越。  相似文献   

This study investigates how justice or fairness issues such as procedural justice, distributive justice, and status equity affect job satisfaction among Korean employees. Incorporating cultural values and social norms salient in Korea, the study hypothesizes that perceptions of procedural justice enhance more job satisfaction than perceptions of distributive justice among Korean employees. Another hypothesis, based on Korean employees' aspiration for higher occupational status, predicts that perceptions of status equity, i.e., occupational prestige of their current jobs relative to their human capital, also increase job satisfaction more than perceptions of distributive justice. These two hypotheses were tested with a sample of 501 full-time employees in Korea. Supporting the hypotheses, the results indicated that (i) perceptions of procedural justice produce more job satisfaction than do perceptions of distributive justice; and (ii) perceptions of status equity are the most important factor predicting job satisfaction among the three fairness issues. Cross-cultural implications of these findings are discussed in more detail.The author thanks Professor Hyunho Seok and the Korean Social Science Council (KSSC) for their 1990 national survey data sets.  相似文献   

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