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A 79-year-old woman, with Parkinson's disease treated with cabergoline, was admitted to a hospital due to jaundice and weakness. She was found confused, absent minded, and died after 2 weeks. Autopsy showed an extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinoma with spread to the gall bladder, the liver, and regional lymphnodes. While cleaning the hospital bed after her death, the nurses found several tablets hidden in the bed. Biological samples obtained at the autopsy were screened for common drugs and narcotics. Several drugs such as buprenorphine, codeine, paracetamol, and propranolol were detected in the blood at therapeutic levels. A method to determine cabergoline in whole blood and other forensic matrices was developed, and further investigations determined cabergoline concentrations in whole blood and liver tissue of 94 and 3100 microg/kg, respectively. The blood concentration was 100 times above the therapeutic level reported on cabergoline in plasma and in combination with her symptoms, suggest she took a fatal overdose of cabergoline.  相似文献   

The authors report on a suicide of a 41-year-old man with acetylsalicylic acid. According to his own statement the man had taken about 200 tablets of Aspirin (65 g acetylsalicylic acid) and initially showed no symptoms of intoxication. 4-5 hours after ingestion he vomited twice, but clear intoxication symptoms like convulsions and cardiac arrhythmia occurred not earlier than 11 hours after ingestion. Resuscitation by the emergency physician was not successful. The chemical-toxicological analysis (HPLC-DAD) of blood samples taken in the hospital approximately 12 h after ingestion showed salicylate in concentrations of 475 mg/L to 557 mg/L. The post-mortem concentrations of salicylate were within the lethal-toxic range, i.e. 762 mg/L in heart blood and 215 mg/L in femoral blood. All tested organs contained equally lethal salicylate levels (e.g. 503 mg/L in the liver and 251 mg/L in the brain).  相似文献   

We report the case of a 51-year-old woman who had a medical history of diabetes, depression with past suicide attempts, and suicidal ideation. She was found unresponsive in a motel with multiple bottles of medicines (melatonin, carisoprodol, ativan, and clonazepam) and an unopened bottle of wine. She was transported to the local hospital and treated for benzodiazepine toxicity and aspiration pneumonitis.The decedent gradually became more alert and was extubated 3 days after hospital admission. The decedent was reportedly getting up to use the restroom when she became tachypneic and diaphoretic and complained of generalized body pain. Her condition quickly declined, and she was pronounced deceased. A postmortem examination revealed an acute bladder rupture and soft tissue hemorrhage.A review of the literature reveals that isolated bladder rupture after minimal or no trauma in association with alcohol or drug ingestion is an infrequently reported, but recognized, injury. The diagnosis of bladder rupture should be considered in a patient with lower abdominal pain, even without a history of trauma. A history of voiding or bladder dysfunction should increase the suspicion for this injury. If suspected, a retrograde cystogram should be obtained promptly. Failure to consider and recognize this injury may lead to significant morbidity.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the perceived barriers faced by emergency clinicians in utilising mental health legislation in Australian hospital emergency departments. A semi-structured interview methodology was used to assess what barriers emergency department doctors and nurses perceive in the operation of mental health legislation. Key findings from the interview data were drawn in accordance with the most commonly represented themes. A total of 36 interviews were conducted with 20 members of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and 16 members of the College for Emergency Nursing Australasia representing the various Australian jurisdictions. Most concerning to clinicians were the effects of access block and overcrowding on the appropriate use of mental health legislation, and the substandard medical care that mental health patients received as a result of long periods in the emergency department. Many respondents were concerned about the lack of applicability of mental health legislation to the emergency department environment, variation in legislation between States and Territories causing problems for clinicians working interstate, and a lack of knowledge and training in mental health legislation. Many felt that clarification of legislative issues around duty of care and intoxicated or violent patients was required. The authors conclude that access block has detrimental effects on emergency mental health care as it does in other areas of emergency medicine. Consideration should be given to uniform national mental health legislation to better serve the needs of people with mental health emergencies.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old female patient arrived at the emergency department complaining of abdominal pain and fullness after a heavy meal. Physical examination revealed she was filthy and cover in feces, and she experienced severe abdominal distension. She died in ED and a diagnostic autopsy examination was requested. At external examination, the pathologist observed a significant dilation of the anal sphincter and suspected sexual assault, thus alerting the Judicial Authority who assigned the case to our department for a forensic autopsy. During the autopsy, we observed anal orifice expansion without signs of violence; food was found in the pleural cavity. The stomach was hyper‐distended and perforated at three different points as well as the diaphragm. The patient was suffering from anorexia nervosa with episodes of overeating followed by manual voiding of her feces from the anal cavity (thus explaining the anal dilatation). The forensic pathologists closed the case as an accidental death.  相似文献   

A 20‐year‐old man, a cocaine addict and regular ecstasy user, with a medical history of allergic asthma died after ingesting half a tablet earlier the same day. The white tablet, stamped with a “smiling sun” logo looked very much like an ecstasy tablet and was sold as such. He experienced a severe asthma attack just after ingesting the half tablet and it evolved over the next few hours into fatal cardiorespiratory arrest. Biological samples, taken after embalming, were analyzed by high‐performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC‐MS/MS). Analysis revealed meta‐chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) in concentrations of 45.8 mg in a similar tablet obtained later from the drug dealer, 5.1 ng/mL in the bile, 0.3 ng/g in the liver, 15.0 ng/mL in the urine, and its absence in a hair sample (<0.02 ng/mg), which indicated he was not a regular user (whereas strong concentrations of MDMA and cocaine were found in the hair). Interrogated by the police after his arrest, the dealer said that he had sold the victim and for the very first time two tablets with the same “smiling sun” logo. The tablet used for analysis was from the same brand as the one ingested by the victim. The autopsy excluded other causes of death, while the histological analyses showed a large number of polynuclear eosinophils in the bronchial walls, confirming the asthmatic pathology. None of the other organs examined (larynx, liver, heart, adrenal glands, and kidneys) showed any distinctive signs, and in particular no inflammatory infiltrate. The death was the result of an asthma attack in an asthmatic person, violently decompensated following ingestion of approximately 20 mg of mCPP.  相似文献   

Methylphenidate (MPD) is a widely prescribed stimulant used primarily for the treatment for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Suicide attempts involving MPD ingestion have been well described; however, deaths attributed solely to MPD ingestion have not been reported. A 62‐year‐old woman was found dead on her floor. The only discrepancy in among her medication quantities was that >three hundred 10 mg MPD tablets were missing. Analysis utilizing gas chromatography–mass spectrometry revealed elevated postmortem MPD peripheral and central blood, liver and vitreous humor concentrations. Considering both the central blood to peripheral blood ratio (0.89) and the liver to peripheral blood ratio (3.3), MPD does not appear subject to significant postmortem redistribution. With no other identifiable cause of death, we report what appears to be the first isolated MPD ingestion associated with a fatality.  相似文献   

Poisoning is an uncommon manifestation of child abuse. The intentional administration of water to a child as a form of punishment has rarely been reported as the responsible substance among children who have been poisoned. We describe a case of a 5-year-old girl presenting with severe hyponatremia due to acute water intoxication. The patient was brought to the emergency room in status epilepticus. A history was obtained from the child's mother stating that the patient had been playing outside when she collapsed. She had had no known prior illnesses. Laboratory evaluation included a hemoglobin of 10.1 mg%, glucose of 60 mg%, serum sodium of 107 mEq/l, potassium of 3.2 mEq/l and chloride of 71 mEq/l. A CAT scan obtained approximately 1 h after admission revealed generalized cerebral edema. Careful examination of the skin revealed multiple linear ecchymosis of varying ages on the back and thighs and a hand print on the right flank. In addition, the child demonstrated severe failure to thrive with height, weight and bone age compatible with a 2.5-year-old girl. Appropriate therapy for severe hyponatremia was successfully instituted. For the next 12 h she was deeply somnolent, but the following morning was alert and conversant. She stated that she "would be good if she didn't have to drink any more water". The child's mother subsequently admitted that she frequently used water ingestion as a form of punishment. The child stabilized metabolically and demonstrated rapid in-hospital weight gain. She was placed in foster care at discharge and has had no further hyponatremia or seizures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sudden death caused by embolization of trophoblast from hydatidiform mole   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 16-year-old pregnant female presented to a hospital emergency room with vaginal bleeding and uterine cramping. She underwent a hysterotomy and curettage and, during the procedure, her pulse dropped from 130 to 30 beats/minute, her pO2 fell to 10 mm of mercury, and she could not be resuscitated. At autopsy, she was found to have massive pulmonary embolization of syncytiotrophoblast from a hydatidiform mole of the uterus. This is the sixth reported case of trophoblastic embolization from a hydatidiform mole ending in death. This fatal termination may occur after a period of respiratory symptoms and may occur regardless of the mode of treatment.  相似文献   

When a baby is born in a hospital birthing center, the newborn has come to the "emergency department" for purposes of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). Thus, the hospital must provide "an appropriate medical screening examination" to any infant born at the hospital birthing center in order to determine whether the infant has an emergency medical condition.  相似文献   

Natural disease being mistaken for child abuse is rare. A two-year-old child was found unresponsive at home and transported to a local hospital, where she expired in the emergency room. Several cutaneous contusions were observed. Prior to the autopsy it was learned that an anonymous report of "child abuse" had been previously filed concerning this child. At autopsy there were multiple metasynchronous cutaneous contusions, but no radiologic or gross evidence of other injuries. A pericardial effusion, massive hepatosplenomegaly and generalized lymphadenopathy were apparent. The bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys, pancreas, heart, stomach, and dura mater showed a monotonous lymphocytic infiltrate. Immunocytochemical studies confirmed the diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood. This case reaffirms the need for an objective examination of all cases by a forensic pathologist.  相似文献   

Until both providers and government surveyors become more familiar with the new EMTALA regulations, there will be an uncomfortable period of adjustment, and perhaps some turmoil as well, particularly regarding the new requirement that facilities who receive suspicious transfers report those transfers to HCFA. Providers should carefully examine their internal policies on discharge and transfer of emergency patients to assure that those policies are consistent with the new regulations. Particular attention should be given to inservice training for medical and support personnel in the emergency department, because they must precisely comply with the law and their errors can subject the hospital to costly investigations and potential fines of $50,000 for each violation.  相似文献   

A case has been reported which adds a new and unusual dimension to false rape allegation and gives a heretofore unknown motive for a woman to claim a bogus rape. A female newspaper reporter entered a hospital, stated falsely that she had been sexually assaulted, allowed herself to be interviewed and then examined by the author, and accepted and took medication, all because she wanted to "find out how a rape victim is treated at the new Rape Center and I was pretending to be a rape victim." Rape center workers must be alert to spurious claims of unprincipled and deceitful women.  相似文献   

We present a case of peritonitis and death due to the misplacement of a laparoscopic adjustable band inserted through, instead of around, the stomach. This represents the first case in the published literature where a LAP-BAND perforated the stomach, followed by peritonitis and death. The morbidly obese female patient with a history of hypertension and arthritis was 47 years old, 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighed 361 pounds, and had a body mass index of 58.3. She underwent a 2-hour, elective, LAP-band insertion operation to achieve weight loss; 27 hours after band insertion, following the conduction of all FDA-mandated Lap-Band postoperative protocol (including a radiologic Gastrogrografin swallow), the patient was discharged with "no evidence of esophageal stasis or obstruction." She remained out of hospital care and in her residence until she called for and was taken by an ambulance to an alternate, local hospital (57 hours after band insertion), when gastric perforation was confirmed via x-ray and CT scans. No open surgery was attempted to repair the damage, and cardiac arrest ensued 7 hours after admission to the second hospital. The patient was pronounced dead 64 hours after LAP-band insertion. This unique case is significant, given that there were no deaths of this kind reported in The LAP-BAND(R) Adjustable Gastric Banding System Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data by the United States Center for Devices and Radiologic Health, of the Food and Drug Administration, or in searches of the published literature.  相似文献   

A death resulting from tripelennamine overdose in a 19-year-old male Caucasian is reported. The patient died 7 h after ingesting approximately twenty 50-mg tripelennamine tablets. A concentration of 1.0 mg/100 ml was found in the blood. All tissue concentrations were measured by ultraviolet spectroscopy and verified by gas-liquid chromatography. Significant findings included pulmonary edema and multiple small petechial hemorrhages in the soft tissue of the scalp.  相似文献   

An Ohio federal court set Wyatt-type standards for treatment rights of forensic psychiatry patients and ordered legal due process-type hospital hearings to protect patients from what the court considers harmful clinical practices. Experience with this legal method for management of patients who refuse medication is examined for its impact on staff and patient care. Under legal pressure Ohio has built new regional forensic psychiatry hospitals. In one, spurred by legal activism, the prevalence of patients refusing medication has become pandemic. In its typical 16-bed ward, when 2 or more patients refuse medication, danger escalates rapidly for patients and staff. The method adopted to manage these situations is to assess the emergency of danger to patient or others, and if warranted to administer medication despite objections. This emergency management is dramatic in improving patient behavior and defusing milieu tensions. The psychiatrist ordering emergency management, however, faces challenges from several quarters--patient advocates, outside patients' rights legal advocates, and the commissioner of mental health. The clinically managed process contrasts markedly also with the legally imposed one in its impact on the personal and professional integrity of the responsible psychiatrist. Both scenarios illustrate the task yet remaining--integration of the clinical and legal concerns into a multisystem resolution of diverse interests, values, ethics, and rights.  相似文献   

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