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This study explores the attitudes and behaviors of Taiwanese police officers regarding community oriented policing (COP) by comparing their attitudes and behaviors with those of officers in Washington State. Data used in the study were collected from 375 Taiwanese line officers assigned to the city of Tainan and 167 American line officers from various police and sheriffs’ departments in Washington State. The study finds that (1) Taiwanese and American officers hold similar opinions of COP’s potential to reduce crime; (2) both groups are similarly involved in implementing the various strategies of COP; yet (3) American officers are more involved in formulating (planning/devising) COP strategies; and (4) are more receptive to citizen involvement in COP; while (5) Taiwanese officers are more receptive to civilian oversight, and (6) are more amenable to applying COP outcomes for evaluative purposes than are their American counterparts. Policy implications and areas for future research are discussed.
Doris ChuEmail:

司法公信力是指司法机关根据其信用所获得的社会公众的信任和尊重程度.其构成要素包括法律规则的权威性、司法主体的自律性、司法过程的公开性以及司法裁判的终局性等四方面的内容.时下,我国司法公信力低下.在新一轮的司法改革过程中,应当采取有效措施加强法律规则的权威性,增强法官的自律性,增加司法的透明度以及保证司法的终局性,以增强司法公信力.  相似文献   

In October 1990, the EC Commission presented a Green Paper in which it outlined a New Approach to European standardization. In particular, standardization was interpreted as a means of furthering the completion of the Internal Market. This paper discusses the impact of the modifications to the process of standard setting, as they have been proposed by the Commission, with respect to the incentives and goals of the major players in the European standardization game, i.e., national and European standardization bodies, industry and the EC Commission. Selected economic models of standardization are applied to investigate the policy impact of the New Approach.  相似文献   

“Predatory policing” occurs where police officers mainly use their authority to advance their own material interests rather than to fight crime or protect the interests of elites. These practices have the potential to seriously compromise the public's trust in the police and other legal institutions, such as courts. Using data from six surveys and nine focus groups conducted in Russia, we address four empirical questions: (1) How widespread are public encounters with police violence and police corruption in Russia? (2) To what extent does exposure to these two forms of police misconduct vary by social and economic characteristics? (3) How do Russians perceive the police, the courts, and the use of violent methods by the police? (4) How, if at all, do experiences of police misconduct affect these perceptions? Our results suggest that Russia conforms to a model of predatory policing. Despite substantial differences in its law enforcement institutions and cultural norms regarding the law, Russia resembles the United States in that direct experiences of police abuse reduce confidence in the police and in the legal system more generally. The prevalence of predatory policing in Russia has undermined Russia's democratic transition, which should call attention to the indispensable role of the police and other public institutions in the success of democratic reforms.  相似文献   

魏琪 《政法学刊》2008,25(3):111-114
目前,我国的警务工作范围模糊、摊子太大,不仅使科学的警务模式不能正常地落实和运行,反而容易在推进警务改革的过程中造成新的浪费。公共警务工作目标的定向与定质,以及警务监控管理体系的集约化是公共警务发展的必然趋势。为此,提出了关于公共警务风格统一化,公共警务项目模块化.基层派出机构微型化和公共警务工作正规化等思考。  相似文献   

劉劍文  侯卓 《中国法律》2012,(1):37-40,98,101
《预算法》是我国最重要的民生法律,其修改引起社会的广泛关注。2011年11月16日,国务院讨论并通过了《中华人民共和国预算法修正案(草案)》,  相似文献   

Soca: A Paradigm Shift in British Policing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

从各国宪法制度安排的角度探讨公共财政政策形成过程中的国家权力配置问题,有助于反思国家公共财政监督的制度建构。议会制度产生之初,议会通过控制财政来监控政府,系议会民主性的表现。随着社会发展,公共财政已由议会控制转向实质上由政府掌控,议会对财政控制转而通过立法等法治手段来监督,并不参与实质意义上的议决。在我国人民代表大会的民主功能、监督功能尚待完善的情形下,将公共财政监督制度化、法治化应成为首选途径。只有在此基础之上,公民或者社会组织才能真正有效地参与监督国家的公共财政开支。  相似文献   

This study uses a social dilemma model of auditing and a model of cooperative regulatory enforcement to provide a framework within which the evolution of self-regulation in the U.S. accounting profession is studied. From a social dilemma perspective, individual public accounting firms are best off, in a single period sense, by providing a low quality audit product, which is defined in terms of the degree of auditor acquiescence to managers' accounting method discretion. However, firms' collective welfare is maximized by high quality auditing. The cooperative regulatory model employed is premised on the existence of a plausible government threat of punishments and invasive regulations, which motivates self-regulation in an industry. We argue that prior to enactment of the securities acts, public accounting firms faced a social dilemma in which there were limited incentives for high quality auditing either voluntarily or through the establishment of self-regulation. The securities acts provided a plausible threat to which the accounting industry responded by implementing self-regulation in order to avoid invasive and costly government regulation. After the emergence of the accounting profession, there occurred a long period of cooperative regulation with the SEC. Management discretion over accounting methods increased during this time period and audit quality correspondingly decreased, suggesting possible inefficient capture of the SEC. Evidence of an evolution towards a tripartite form of regulation appeared in the 1970s when the SEC and public accounting began to be critically reviewed by Congress. From this time to the present, new regulatory threats have motivated a series of self-regulatory responses by public accounting to improve audit quality.  相似文献   

中国在和谐社会的构建中面临建立新的治安警务模式的挑战。传统的犯罪控制模式或关注犯罪个体,以人为对象和出发点建立"控制罪人的犯罪控制模式",或者将社会制度看成犯罪产生的原因,建立"控制社会的犯罪控制模式"。作为一种区别于传统的新的犯罪控制模式,"情境预防模式"主张从管理滋生犯罪的微观环境入手,减少犯罪机会,预防犯罪发生。在这种新的犯罪控制模式下,治安警务模式也将随之发生转变,警察将更多地承担发布安全信息、提供安全服务等技术职能。  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a London-based study and provides evidence of rigorous law enforcement activity being enacted in drives to alleviate local areas of public drugs nuisance, namely the use of anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) and dispersal and banning orders, as well as the closure of 'crack houses'. The paper acknowledges these legislative tools were necessary to deal with the real life problems of visible drugs nuisance that had grown up in some communities, but it draws attention to the way these policing responses put already vulnerable, ill and highly disadvantaged drugs users at greater risk of marginalisation than they already experienced. Plus, the punitive reach of banning orders in the form of ASBOs and street-level policing which centres on minor drugs crimes enhances the criminalisation of low-level drugs offenders and heightened the likelihood of imprisonment. The author suggests a tension exists between community policing and the removal of visible public drug nuisance through pro-arrest strategies, and the wider government drugs policy which encourages multi-agency working to channel problem drugs users into appropriate treatment settings to assist in tackling drugs crime lifestyles.  相似文献   

拉塞尔·M·林登在20世纪90年代提出了无缝隙政府理论。它以满足顾客无缝隙的需要为目标,以顾客、竞争和结果为导向,是一种面向未来的公共机构自我改革的模式,也是一种为顾客提供无缝隙的公共产品和公共服务的方式。Z市Z区S派出所A社区警务室创建的"一警为主,多警联动"的"一站式"模式,其职能的相互交叉、配合与一步到位服务的提供,是无缝隙政府理论的有效实现形式之一。但当前A社区警务室的建设与无缝隙政府理论的改革要求还有一定差距,要不断完善,防止流于形式。  相似文献   

胡新祥 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):25-29
为保障我国经济社会转型构建稳定的社会治安环境,各地根据公安部提出的要求,各地公安机关正大力开展以民意引领警务机制创新的活动,应以就民意引领现代警务在创新理念、公安科学决策、执勤执法、治安行政管理、公共安全危机应急处置、社会公共安全风险评估和网络警务机制的建设中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

刘桂玲 《政法学刊》2013,30(3):19-24
2012年政务微博的集群化、专业化发展对于推动社会进步意义重大.公安微博客在工作理念、工作方式方法、创新途径等方面对现代警务机制带来了深刻而又积极的影响.实际工作中需从建章立制、有效整合微博资源、严格管理规范服务等层面加强管理,以提升公安微博客的发展和服务水平.  相似文献   

This study explores two issues about police legitimacy. The first issue is the relative importance of police legitimacy in shaping public support of the police and policing activities, compared to the importance of instrumental judgments about (1) the risk that people will be caught and sanctioned for wrongdoing, (2) the performance of the police in fighting crime, and/or (3) the fairness of the distribution of police services. Three aspects of public support for the police are examined: public compliance with the law, public cooperation with the police, and public willingness to support policies that empower the police. The second issue is which judgments about police activity determine people's views about the legitimacy of the police. This study compares the influence of people's judgments about the procedural justice of the manner in which the police exercise their authority to the influence of three instrumental judgments: risk, performance, and distributive fairness. Findings of two surveys of New Yorkers show that, first, legitimacy has a strong influence on the public's reactions to the police, and second, the key antecedent of legitimacy is the fairness of the procedures used by the police. This model applies to both white and minority group residents.  相似文献   

我国自2002年起开始施行公益性岗位的政策,这一政策对拓宽就业渠道、缓解失业压力起到了一定的作用。但目前依靠政府进一步开发和购买公益性岗位的难度很大。本文对国内外公共服务供给机制转型进行了比较分析,在此基础上提出以下建议:我国应进一步完善公共服务的供给机制,以社区为平台,通过推动购买服务的方式,调动社会组织服务社区和吸收就业的功能,以推动公益性岗位的增加。  相似文献   

国际私法上公共秩序保留制度之比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在比较各国有关公共秩序保留制度的学说及立法与司法实践的基础上,对这一制度从其产生之基础、功能与缺陷、"公共秩序"的含义、公序保留所排除的对象、公序保留之后的法律适用及其与其他相关制度,如识别、直接适用法和单边冲突规范的关系等多个角度进行解析,进而对我国国际私法中公序保留制度的设计提出一些建议.  相似文献   

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