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This article had several purposes. First, I wanted to highlight the work of Esther Bubley, an American photographer whose documentary work for the Farm Security Administration and the Office of War Information in the early 1940s is largely unknown. Second, I wanted to show how her images complicated and undermined the traditional themes of Depression era photography in the United States. Third, by looking at her images of women, my intention was to reveal how she worked against depictions of femininity during the Depression, and in confrontation with one-dimensional portrayals of women as America entered the Second World War. In conclusion, I contend that Bubley's images were fundamentally portrayals of working-class femininity represented as being an individual - rather than a symbolic - experience. Most specifically in the images I have examined, Bubley deconstructs an ideological image of female working-class identity which was central to documentary photography in 1930s America. For example, unlike in photographs by Dorothea Lange, Bubley did not portray working-class women as metaphoric sites of passive endurance which would eventually lead to the rejuvenation of American nationalism. Rather, she showed working-class women to be potentially subversive in the ways they defined themselves against the legacy of 1930s photography and in opposition to the ideological impositions of wartime propaganda. As a result, Bubley's images of working-class women waiting in bars for lonely soldiers, or looking for a future beyond the confines of their boarding house existences while remaining outside the middle-class boundaries defined by capitalist consumerism, set out a pictorial foundation for working-class female identity which exists beyond the context in which the photographs were taken. Consequently, Bubley's work highlights individual self-identity, personal empowerment and self-conscious desire in working-class women which was - and still is - confined and repressed by economic disadvantage and systematic marginalization from an American society defined from a middle-class point of view.  相似文献   

博弈论是研究理性的行动者相互作用的理论。本文通过对2002年9-10月间美国西部港口的“封港”事件进行博弈分析,论证了在市场经济国家进行集体谈判的三个假设条件:一是设定谈判的行为体(或主体)是理性的。二是谈判涉及到利益的协调与交换。三是谈判是一种制度化的行为。  相似文献   

This article examines women's work culture in professional-managerial labor in the twentieth-century United States through a history of social workers, an occupation particularly well suited to examine how race and gender shape work cultures. It suggests a chronology for understanding the changing ways in which social workers adopted middle-class identities that draw upon both professionalism and unionism. Imaging themselves variously as workers and ‘middle-class’ professionals, each identity had implications for their ability to understand and respond to the changing working conditions at both the beginning and end of the twentieth century that threatened to undermine them. Middle-Class Worker and Professional Worker identities in the 1930s and 1960s armed male and female social workers to defend their unions and fight for their clients against economizing bosses, and miserly state politicians. At the end of the century, however, the rush of social workers into the role of therapists gave them a work identity that relatively disempowered them to deal with the welfare cutbacks or the new work of deindustrialization with ‘jobless recovery’.  相似文献   

美国劳动关系委员会在美国劳动关系的运作中举足轻重,因此当初设计这个制度的法律要求委员会在雇主和雇员之间扮演一个中立的角色.在里根总统之前,罗斯福等总统一般任命劳动关系的专家作为委员.后来,里根任命了强烈反对工会的人员作为委员,后来克林顿也相应地任命亲工会的人员作委员.这些委员的断案更加受其党派的政策的影响,而不仅仅是依靠专业知识,这就造成了劳动关系委员会政治化的现象.  相似文献   

The Victorian periodical press offers unique insights into many diverse areas of nineteenth-century experience, and the complex relations between gender, science and culture in particular, yet it has been consistently marginalized as a primary resource in academic study. The Science in the Nineteenth-century Periodical (SciPer) project at the universities of Sheffield and Leeds is creating a new point of access to a wide range of non-specialist periodicals across the century by means of a fully searchable electronic index. By detailing the entire contents of each journal, and not just those articles that have a clear scientific relevance, it becomes clear that science formed a fundamental and integral part of nineteenth-century culture. The electronic index, moreover, will include hypertext cross-reference links that will allow the user to identify a dialogic pattern of encounters between ostensibly diverse articles, rather than only to browse in a simple chronological mode. By adopting this innovative approach, the SciPer database will reveal the manifold intertextual relations between the fictional works of women writers like Elizabeth Gaskell and the scientific articles that often appeared in the pages of the same magazines, and will show that writers of both sexes and across several different genres actively engaged in vibrant interdisciplinary debates concerning scientific issues in a forum provided by the periodical. Although the SciPer database itself is not specifically focused on issues of gender, the index will include several periodicals aimed explicitly at a female readership and, by providing access to titles still rarely utilized in modern scholarship, it will offer further insights into the important contemporary debates about women and science, as well as the more subtle ways, in which gendered imagery was employed within scientific discourse. This article details some critical findings from Punch , The English Womans Domestic Magazine , Cornhill Magazine and the Review of Reviews .  相似文献   

三方协商特指一个过程或机制,工人、雇主和政府于此通过自愿的互动和对话,致力于劳动标准的发展完善和劳工权益的保护。在目前国际经济一体化的世界经济发展趋势下,三方协商作为一个原则,已被多数市场经济国家接受并予以具体实施,用以协调和处理劳动关系,甚至成为各国社会经济政策制定和实施中的一个重要程序。美国在劳动关系三方协商具体实践与集体合同谈判方面有他们的做法和成功经验,可以为我借鉴。  相似文献   

This article discusses the previously unresearched reception of Nordic women writers in the Slovenian cultural space. The first part presents the early reception of Nordic women writers in the nineteenth century up until the First World War. It analyses both the passive reception (the presence of books by Nordic women writers in library catalogues, references in the press and in egodocuments) as well as the active reception (literary influence). The second part of the article details the case study of Sigrid Undset’s reception, which is very intense and is still ongoing today (the most recent translation is from 2015). Through the methods and approaches of translation, intercultural, polysystem, and gender studies, this article explores the impact of Nordic women writers in the Slovenian literary polysystem and the influence of gender in the reception process. The article concludes that the writings of Nordic women writers brought representations of women’s lives to the Slovenian cultural space. Moreover, this has been of great interest for the Slovenian reading audience since female characters rarely serve as protagonists in Slovenian literature (except in some works written by Slovenian women writers). Slovenian feminists regarded Nordic women writers as role models and legitimized their own feminist demands by quoting the works of Nordic women writers and by referring to their successful writing careers. Therefore, the writings of Nordic women writers fill in a gap in Slovenian literature and supplement and enrich it.  相似文献   

劳动文化或劳工文化正在逐步浮出水面:各种底层工人的文化组织和团体与文化活动和创作方兴未艾.但是,由于传统媒体进入门槛太高,劳工的文化很难通过它们得到有效的传播.近年来微博的兴起为劳工文化的传播提供了一个最廉价、门槛最低、最快捷、最有效的平台和管道,希望能够引起更多劳动文化工作者和劳工本身高度重视和积极投入.  相似文献   

This final article considers the evolution of women's rights concepts and mechanisms within the United Nations. Gaer writes about this subject both as an historian of and a longstanding activist for women's human rights. She provides a critical history of how “women's” rights have been separated from and connected to “human” rights within the UN.  相似文献   

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