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This article discusses intersections of genres and genders and their theorization in the contemporary literary scene and suggests a queer reading of a short-listed contemporary Finnish novel, written by the well-known author and theatre figure Pirkko Saisio. The aim of the article is to present feminist genre theories, influenced by Bakhtinian conception of genres, Foucauldian and Butlerian theorizations of genders and sexualities, and the critical discussions in queer studies. The article reads Saisio's novel as a demonstration through an adaptation of a theoretical concept, namely genre hybridity, combined with another concept adaptation, gender hybridity. The article concludes by suggesting that although the novel can be seen as a representative of an entirely new literary genre, that is queer literature, it works in its historical context better as a hybrid genre that refuses monolithic genre locations, and this way comes closer to the theoretical concept of the constantly hybrid, transgressing and boundary-breaking queer.  相似文献   

A reformer most of her life, Lydia Maria Child advanced the rights of women, Native Americans, and African Americans in such works as History of the Condition of Women in Various Ages and Nations (1835), Hobomok (1823), and An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans (1833).  相似文献   

By making an embroiderer her central narrative voice and embroidery both the structural and the thematic focus of her most recent novel (Le Passé empiété [The Back Stitch]), Marie Cardinal complements Rozsika Parker's efforts (The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine) to trace the parallel histories of embroidery and femininity through the novel. For both Parker and Cardinal, embroidery figures the creative tension between conformity and subversion that Cardinal posits as common to all women and that results in Le Passe empiete in a complex reevaluation not only of the female artist herself but of both the traditional and the feminist critical context within which she currently creates. In particular, Cardinal explores the relationship between women's traditional domestic tasks and their artistic production, and she uses the specific qualities of embroidery to rethink common assumptions about literary influence and authority, the writing process, and the mythic tradition.  相似文献   

女性产业工人在城市就业中面临职业技能培训、劳动报酬、休息休假、特殊权益保护等方面的问题,研究如何从工会的角度进行介入、强化工会在女性产业工人劳动权益保障中的作用具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the origins of the modern nursery school in England, focusing upon the early work of the Nursery School Association and its internal debates, with particular consideration of the contributions of the first president and first secretary of the association, respectively Margaret McMillan and Grace Owen. It reflects upon dichotomies within the constructions of the purposes of the nursery espoused by these women and their supporters, essentially rooted in a care versus education debate, and the consequent differences in their orientations to the maternalist milieu that formed a backdrop to their activities. While the dispute between McMillan and Owen has been all but forgotten, similar dichotomies continue within policy creation for modern nursery classes and day-care environments.  相似文献   

本文基于文献分析方法,并结合针对高校女性教职工的非结构化访谈法,研究了高校女性教职工在全面二孩政策下其职业发展所受的众多影响。研究认为,高校女性教职工群体在全面二孩政策下,生育对其存在较多不利影响;基于高校女性教职工的人力资本特征和就业特征,生育对其影响表现出有别于普通女性职员的特征。研究在此基础上,分析了高校工会作为一种重要的干预力量,对于消除全面二孩政策带来的消极影响所能发挥的作用。  相似文献   

工会女职工工作是工会工作的重要组成部分。新形势下女职工的对象、利益诉求呈现出多层次、多样化,迫切要求进一步推动工会女职工工作创新发展。做好工会女职工工作不仅要突出主动性、针对性和实效性,还要求工会干部进一步强化履行职责、发挥作用,做到知法、知情、知新,并采取行之有效的创新方法。  相似文献   

This note analyses a recent case of the European Court of Justice in which the applicant, a 14-year old rape victim, alleged that Bulgarian criminal law violated her rights under Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights in pursuing a practice of only prosecuting rape where there was evidence of the use of physical force and active resistance. In upholding the applicant’s claims, the Court re-affirmed the positive obligation on states to adopt measures to ensure that fundamental rights under the Convention were secured. In particular, in the case of rape, this required the enactment and application of criminal laws effectively prescribing all acts of non-consensual sex and not just those involving physical violence. In this way the Court affirmed not only that rape was, in essence, a violation of personal sexual autonomy but also that legal systems which failed adequately to protect against all forms of rape risked operating in breach of Convention obligations.Application no. 39272/98, 4 December 2003.  相似文献   

An eclectic montage of literary analysis, autobiography, and reader response, taking the form of personal anecdotes and autonomous essays, The Woman in the Red Dress takes the reader on a journey in which Minrose C. Gwin analyzes both metaphoric and physical personal space. As Gwin defines it, space is "not an entity that contains something else but [is] the swirl of social relations and productions in particular locations, whether these locations be material, cultural, or even psychological" (6). The purpose of Gwin's work, as she says, perhaps too repetitively is: "to dramatize textual encounters in which narrative, space, and gender inscribe themselves on one another and their readers" (38). The title of this volume refers to the first work Gwin discusses in her introduction: Native American poet Joy Harjo's poem, "Deer Dancer," about a woman in a stained red dress who dances naked on a bar, changing not just the lives of those present, but also those who, like the narrator, merely hear the story (6-7).  相似文献   

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