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In a post-feminist, post-lesbian feminist, postmodern or queer world, should lesbian work remain clearly identifiable, even when it refuses to claim lesbian identity as such? Scanning anthologies from the past three decades of lesbian poetry, and focusing particularly on the work of Maureen Duffy, Marge Yeo, Dorothea Smartt, Gillian Spraggs and Carol Ann Duffy, Liz Yorke addresses issues of lesbian visibility, lesbian identification, lesbian desire, and lesbian performativity. How do we identify what constitutes a lesbian poetic in an era when ‘lesbian’ as an identity is less overtly defended, and many anthologies gloss over lesbian difference in prioritizing a higher order dedication to theme?  相似文献   


The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore whether secondary classes foster the acquisition of certain agentic capacities for formerly maltreated adolescents. We utilized the identity capital model (ICM) to explore the identity capital acquired by a socioeconomically diverse group of 40 Black former students in a mandatory, high school transformative social justice (TSJ) class. All participants disclosed some form of child maltreatment. The most prominent IC acquired for all participants included purpose, social perspective taking, moral-ethical reasoning, and resilience. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on successful reform strategies invoked in parts of the Muslim world to address issues of gender inequality in the context of Islamic personal law. It traces the development of personal status laws in Tunisia and Morocco, exploring the models they offer in initiating equality-enhancing reforms in Bangladesh, where a secular and equality-based reform approach conflicts with Islamic-based conservatism. Recent landmark family law reforms in Morocco show the possibility of achieving ‘women-friendly’ reforms within an Islamic legal framework. Moreover, the Tunisian Personal Status Code, with its successive reforms, shows that a gender equality-based model of personal law can be successfully integrated into the Muslim way of life. This study examines the response of Muslim societies to equality-based reforms and differences in approach in initiating them. The paper maps these sometimes competing approaches, locating them within contemporary feminist debates related to gender equality in the East and West.
Nowrin TamannaEmail:

工会协调劳动关系理论探索的历史回顾与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国新民主主义阶段和社会主义计划经济条件下,工会根据自身的性质、任务、职责,以维护职工的合法权益为基本出发点,发挥协调稳定劳动关系的社会作用,促进企业和社会经济发展,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义.回顾和总结这一历史时期探索工会参与协调劳动关系的曲折历程、取得的理论成果、工作实践中的经验和教训,对认识社会主义市场经济体制下的劳动关系,创新工会协调劳动关系理论和路径,构建和谐的劳动关系,具有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

Focusing on identity development explorations enables a greater understanding of contexts that affect immigrant adolescents. Utilizing thematic and grounded narrative analysis of 46 journal writings, during a one-month period, from first and second generation Vietnamese adolescents ranging in age from 15 to 18 (26 residents of a culturally and politically active ethnic enclave in Southern California; 20 adolescents living outside the enclave), this study establishes ways in which a focus on social context and exploration processes illuminates the complexity of immigrant adolescents’ identity formation. The two groups shared many similarities, including precipitants to exploration and steps undertaken to explore identity. However, two factors—social and cultural influences and emotional reactions—revealed interesting contrasts distinguishing enclave from non-enclave dwelling Vietnamese adolescents. Data also suggested that immigrant adolescents strive to integrate different domains of identity (ethnicity, gender, career) both with one another and with the historical, social, and cultural contexts they occupy.
Jaan ValsinerEmail:

A family relations model for the study of adolescent egocentrism was tested in an exploratory study of the relationship between parental socialization styles and adolescents' imaginary audience behavior. A sample of adolescent boys (n=58) and girls (n=57) responded to Heilbrun's Parent-Child Interaction Rating Scale and Schaefer's Parent-Behavior Inventory and completed Elkind and Bowen's Imaginary Audience Scale. As hypothesized, rejection-control was associated with increased imaginary audience behavior, while physical affect was negatively related to self-consciousness. Sex differences were noted, with rejection-control being most important in predicting self-consciousness for boys and physical affect being the best predictor of girls' egocentrism behavior. The data provide an alternative model to a cognitive developmental perspective of adolescent egocentrism development.Research was partially supported through the Western Regional Research Project W-144, Development of Social Competency in Children, with funding in part from the Science and Education Administration/Cooperative Research of USDA, and the Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station.Received his M.A. in psychology from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Ph.D. in human development from the Pennsylvania State University. Current research interest is personality and social development of children and adolescents.Completed his M.S. Degree in family and human development at Utah State University. Current research interests include the study of interpersonal perception and attraction and human socialization.  相似文献   

人力资源是企业的黄金资源,民主管理作为开发人力资源的重要手段和途径,要在企业管理中发挥生产力最活跃因素———职工的重要作用,必须正确把握民主管理与人力资源的关系,探索有效措施,实现企业与职工的"双赢"。  相似文献   

The identity crisis of adolescence can be thought of as involving two processes: an exploration among alternatives and a making of commitments. Ninety-nine Danish youth were assessed for degrees of exploration and of commitment in four areas: occupation, values, politics, and sex roles. Sex differences were investigated. Contrary to Erikson's theory, sexual ideology did not appear more central to women's identity formation. For both sexes, the struggle with sex roles and the search for values were the most powerful predictors of ten dependent personality variables. The study demonstrated the importance of exploration and commitment as variables in identity process in another culture, and suggested that a direct scaling of these variables is superior to the use of Marcia's category system.This report is based on data collected in a study funded by the Humanistic Research Council of Denmark. The first analysis of data was reported in their publication in 1974. Copies of the initial report and reprints of this article can be obtained from the author.Teaches master's candidates in counseling and has a small private practice. Received his Ph.D. in psychology and pastoral counseling from Boston University. Main interest is adolescent identity.  相似文献   

Though numerous studies indicate that youth and young adults who are involved in one or more social service systems have poor educational and employment outcomes, little is known about the pathways to employment and education in this population. In this qualitative study of educational and employment exploration in vulnerable youth, 11 individuals participated in a series of research meetings over the course of several months as they engaged in a work or school transition. The participants’ progress toward self-defined educational or vocational goals during the study period was characterized as steady progress, planned exploration, accidental exploration, and frustrated aspiration. This article discusses findings for the participants whose experiences fit into each of these groups and presents policy recommendations for supporting vulnerable youth through educational and employment transitions.  相似文献   

经济多元化的发展使劳动关系和职工队伍日益复杂化,而当前经济危机的发展也凸显了创建服务型工会的迫切性,建设服务型工会,不仅是中央的指示,也是来自实践的需求,服务是比维护更为宽泛的概念,服务型工会更好地处理了服务大局、服务企业和服务职工三者之间的关系。创建服务型工会必须从改革工会自身入手,实现工会的全方位转型。  相似文献   

北京联合大学信息学院成人高等教育开展应用性技术教育的实践工作,探索了成人高等教育的定位调整和教育方式、教学内容的改革.高校应依据行业规范,树立为社会、为企业、为学生服务的意识,培养社会急需的应用型人才.  相似文献   

“以德立院、以德做人”医院文化建设的探索和实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院文化主张以文化理念、文化魅力影响人的内心世界,启迪人的文化自觉,提升人的全面素质,它在医院管理中起着导向、凝聚、激励的作用.  相似文献   

As a group, delinquent youth complete less education and show poor academic outcomes compared to their non–delinquent peers. To better understand pathways to school success, this study integrated individual- and neighborhood-level data to examine academic functioning among 833 White, Black, and Hispanic male juvenile offenders (age 14–17) living in two urban communities. A multilevel path analysis confirmed that youth in relatively more affluent communities report greater access to opportunities in the areas of education and employment, and that these opportunities are associated with higher expectations to succeed and better grades. Findings highlight the importance of taking an ecological approach for understanding processes that shape school effort and achievement. Implications are discussed in the context of promoting academic success among juvenile offenders, specifically, and for understanding pathways to healthy adjustment, more generally.  相似文献   

互动式英语教学是在英语教学中师生之间通过和谐的交往、沟通,相互作用,相互推动,形成师生互动、生生互动、学习个体与教学环境之间互动的教学局面,提高教学效果的一种教学方法.它可以激发学生英语学习的积极性,变被动学习为主动学习,最终提高学生的语言综合运用能力.  相似文献   

Journal of Youth and Adolescence - It has been assumed that adolescents increase risk-taking tendencies when peers are present but findings on experimental decision-making have been inconclusive....  相似文献   

职工爱心互助基金是用于帮助工会会员减轻因特殊原因和患严重疾病所造成的临时困难而设立的群众性互助、互济专项基金。随着经济收入水平的不断提升,企业建立职工爱心互助基金的意愿也是越来越强,但由于该项实践活动开展较晚,有些理论与实践需要进一步改进和创新。  相似文献   

正确发挥职工代表作用,对推动企业民主管理、维护职工合法权益、保持职工队伍和谐稳定具有积极作用。探索实施职工代表区域化协作管理,为职工代表搭建积极参与民主管理平台,丰富了闭会期间职工代表活动,使职工代表成为推进企业发展的重要力量。  相似文献   

Within an ethnically diverse sample of young adults (n = 223, 26% Latin American, 14% Asian American, 32% Filipino American, 28% European American), average levels of ethnic identity was found to vary significantly across different relational contexts. Regardless of ethnicity, young adults reported highest levels of ethnic exploration and ethnic belonging with parents, followed by same-ethnic peers, then different-ethnic peers. Significantly greater variation between relational contexts generally was found for ethnic exploration compared to ethnic belonging. Greater variation in ethnic identity, particularly between same-ethnic and different-ethnic contexts was associated with lower self-esteem, positive affect, relational competence, and higher negative affect, though these liabilities were only found for European American youth. The discussion emphasizes the importance of examining ethnic identity as a dynamic construct that can vary as a function of relationships, and proposes directions for future research.
Lisa KiangEmail:

社区教育课程开发是社区教育范畴的一项专题性研究,本文从理论视野、需求调研、课程计划设置、操作管理和反馈评价体系等5个微观方面提出课程建设中需要注意的问题,力图为社区教育课程开发提供参考依据。  相似文献   

户籍制度关系到公民个人的基本权利以及劳动力资源的有效配置.中国城乡分隔的户籍制度是农村剩余劳动力不能及时转移到城镇从而造成农业劳动生产率低下的重要原因.自改革开放以来,中国一直在进行户籍制度改革,但进展并不顺利,这与人们的一些认识误区有关.为此,本研究对户籍制度改革进行经济学分析,进而对改革路径进行探索.研究认为:城镇...  相似文献   

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