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When R. P. Blackmur declared in 1935 of Marianne Moore that 'no poet has ever been so chaste',he was deploying a gendered critical language describing Moore's work as ideologically pure, untainted by the commercialism of capital; at the same time, he was carefully demarcating the boundaries between high culture and mass culture (Blackmur 1935:206). However, while Moore's status as an exemplary modernist has secured her a place in the modernist canon, this has inevitably led to readings that marginalize aspects of the poet's work that declare an interest and textual investment in mass culture. Moreover, interpreted within these narrow critical parameters, Moore's verse has been effectively transformed into what Randall Jarrell called one of the 'nicer animals': it has been declawed and tamed, divested of its more radical properties in order to reinforce a self-sufficient and autonomous modernist aesthetic. While it is undoubtedly important to recognize the ways in which modernist women writers have contributed to forms of avant-garde culture, those forms should be identified, in Rita Felski's words, as 'only one of a continuum of cultural practices' rather than as the dominant model for critical investigation (Felski 1994:191-208). Tracing the relation between Moore's poetry and the discourses of fashion, advertising and consumerism is an attempt to resist reproducing what Andreas Huyssens has referred to as 'the great divide' reinforcing modernism's cultural hegemony. The philosophical frames of modernity, particularly as it has been theorized by Walter Benjamin, provide the discursive context for making visible and valuable Moore's preoccupation with aspects of her own contemporary popular culture. Furthermore, by gendering this modernity, by recognizing the ways in which the formations of capital produce and consume 'woman' as discursive subject, Moore's poetic shopping sprees reveal the difference gender makes to our understanding of modernity and its relation to modernism. Moore's work, as illustrated by archival material based at the Rosenbach Museum and Library as well as her poems and her critical essays, is as much constructed out of the arcadian pleasures of modernity as it is the expression of the poetics of high art. With its investment in the aesthetics of display, the discourses of advertising and the pleasures of consumption, Moore's poetry offers a model for reading a gendered modernism in the context of modernity. The poem, 'When I Buy Pictures' (1921) will provide the focus for this discussion as it suggests not only how the aesthetic is related to consumer culture but it also reveals the textual traces of a debate taking place in the visual arts in the United States concerning the nature, value and function of 'pictures' as cultural signs. However, before looking more closely at the poem, it might be worth reconceptualizing Moore's writing in relation to some of the recurrent 'motifs' of modernity.  相似文献   

职业生涯中断对女性雇员的影响主要表现在中断后女性雇员较低的工资水平,较少的劳动力供给和较少的晋升机会,而对她们的工作满意度几乎没有影响.相关文献主要从人力资本理论、歧视理论和信号理论三个方面解释职业生涯中断对女性雇员产生影响的原因:一方面由于中断期间女性雇员已有人力资本贬值,并错过了中断期间对人力资本进行再投资的机会,使实际的工作能力下降;另一方面由于组织文化中推崇男性价值观,即认为男性特质代表高效的工作能力,而女性特质的则是低效低能低投入的信号,这种信号一旦被识别,不管实际工作绩效如何,雇员都得到较低的评价.  相似文献   

随着世界范围内经济、技术的发展,人的素质、知识、科技、文化创意在生产力要素中越来越占有重要的位置,经济和社会建设对教育领域、教育理念创新发展的要求日益迫切.中外诸多学者结合自身研究领域,先后发展完善了组织学习与学习型组织理论、学习型经济理论、学习型区域与学习型城市理论等学习型社会相关理论,并对学习型组织和学习型社会的特性进行了深入的阐述,特别是进入21世纪,随着我国经济建设和社会建设的不断发展,以及建设社会主义和谐社会、促进经济社会可持续发展的深入推进,我国学习型社会建设也在广泛吸收国外先进经验的基础上,不断发展和完善.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to present a thematic review of literature that pertains to the role of child sexual abuse images in online coercive and non-coercive relationships with adolescents, synthesize and contextualize current research on this topic, and identify some of the complexities in the self-production of sexual images by adolescents and their potential use by offenders. This review examines why there is a trend for child abuse image production to be increasingly associated with adolescent self-produced sexual images and how this may be related to individual coercion, as well as changing social and Internet contexts. Practitioners need to understand the technological and social affordances offered by the Internet, particularly in relation to the ability to produce sexual images, as part of a more ecological approach to understanding online abuse and exploitation.  相似文献   

职业教育1的首要目标是使学生获得职业,这一目标就规定了职业教育必须打通教育与就业的渠道,给予受教育者以就职的执照…职业资格证书.本文通过回顾西方一些国家在职业教育和职业资格等级关系上已有的研究和实践,了解其在推行职业教育时将职业资格等级证书融入渗透、建立起良好的职业教育和职业资格等级的融通机制的实践,希望可以分析出一些适应我国职业教育和职业资格等级之间对应衔接的机制,形成借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

从历史维度回顾我国的劳动关系研究,总结具有中国特色的劳动关系管理经验,对于指导中国和谐劳动关系的构建具有重要意义。研究基于我国不同阶段的发展目标对劳动关系的影响,将1949—2021年我国劳动关系的研究划分为5个阶段,并进行分阶段的可视化分析。在此基础上,从政府、企业和劳动者3个劳动关系核心主体回顾每个阶段的研究主题,梳理我国劳动关系研究的演进过程。本研究提出巩固中国共产党在劳动关系工作中的领导地位、探究政府构建和谐劳动关系的路径、挖掘企业社会责任履行的方式等未来我国劳动关系的主要研究命题,构建了中国情境下劳动关系的研究模型并提出了劳动关系实践的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文基于独立设置成人院校范围知发展研究的视角,对独立设置成人院校发展的历史脉络进行了梳理,将独立设置成人院校的发展分为四个阶段.对其发展的现状以及发展过程中的困难做出归纳分析总结,认为存在政府政策支持不足;教育观念落后、学校发展定位不清楚;独立设置成人高校管理体制改革滞后,学历教育生源在逐步萎缩,非学历教育发展力量不足;教师队伍数量不足、结构不合理现象.另外结合当前我国建设学习型社会和终身教育体系的目标,提出独立设置成人院校应积极改革,不断创新以突破发展瓶颈.  相似文献   

高等职业教育是职业教育的高等阶段的概括,成人高等职业教育是高等职业教育的重要组成部分.本文在查阅近年来我国高等职业教育的相关研究文献的基础上,综合分析了我国高等职业教育的概念和分类、发展历程、人才培养目标和模式、研究的国际比较以及发展对策等相关内容,以便为我国高等职业教育招生考试改革研究提供参考.我国高等职业教育共经历了建国前的三个发展阶段以及建国后的复苏、初创、快速发展、深化等四个发展阶段;同时,本文从国际视野的角度,对世界主要发达国家的成人高等职业教育模式进行了分析.现有的相关研究主要存在研究视野局限、缺乏实践上的操作性及对实践的指导作用等问题.  相似文献   

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