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The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between sex-role orientation and loneliness in adolescence. Two hundred and twenty-five junior and senior high school students completed the Bem Sex Role Inventory Short Form (Bem, 1981) and the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell et al., 1978). Results indicated that androgynous individuals were significantly less lonely than masculine, feminine, and undifferentiated individuals. An assessment of the independent contributions of masculinity and femininity indicated that both masculinity and femininity significantly predicted loneliness. Additional analysis revealed that the impact of sex-role orientation on loneliness varied by sex and tended to be greater for males than females. The need to further examine the relationship between androgyny, sex-role development, and adjustment in adolescence is discussed.Received his M.S. and Ph.D. in human development and family studies from The Pennsylvania State University. Research interests are social competence, interpersonal skills development, and adjustment.  相似文献   

While Lyndall, the feminist heroine of Olive Schreiner's The Story of an African Farm, articulates and enacts a critique of the position of women in male-dominated society, Gregory Rose's transformation from a vain and self-centred man into a nurturing female nurse is an important part of Schreiner's feminist vision. His womanhood both complements and critiques Lyndall's ‘virility,’ allowing Schreiner to present a fictional version of her theoretical ideal of selfless androgyny.  相似文献   

In this article, the 2008 annual lecture of The Women’s Library, London Metropolitan University, the author reflects on the ninety years since 1918 when certain categories of women over the age of thirty (about 8 million) won the right to the parliamentary vote in Britain. In particular, women’s participation in politics in societies worldwide is discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the first empirically-based and theoretically-informed investigation of the effectiveness of the ‘self-declaration model’ of legal gender recognition in Denmark, the first European state to adopt it. Drawing upon analysis of legislative materials, as well as interviews with stakeholders in the legislative process and trans and intersex legal subjects, it contends that self-declaration is not without its limitations. By conceptualising embodiment as an ontological and epistemological process of becoming, and emphasising the institutional dimensions and effects of such processes, it demonstrates that self-declaration may not address the complexities of legal embodiment, particularly concerning restrictions on trans and intersex people’s access to health care. The article’s empirical findings are directed towards the policymakers and activists tasked with shaping reforms of gender recognition legislation in the UK and elsewhere. The analytical agenda it develops may be adopted, and adapted, by scholars working in this area and other regulatory contexts.  相似文献   


This article explores the relationship between photography and feminism that emerges through the pages of the lesbian sex magazine On Our Backs (1984–2006). The San Francisco-based magazine represents an exceptional archive of images made in the context of lesbian community. Returning to the photographs that were published in early issues of the magazine, the article argues that On Our Backs, whilst explicitly addressed to a paucity of available images of lesbian culture, reflects a complex engagement with the meaning of the photographic image in dialogue with contemporaneous feminist debates. Through the work of Tee Corinne, Morgan Gwenwald and Honey Lee Cottrell, a desire for pictures renders the image a site of fantasy in which different ways of inhabiting lesbian identity form in dialogue with a community of readers.  相似文献   

Through a commentary on the enriching experience of receiving feedback through the Brewing Legal Times author-meets-reader session in February 2018, this piece reflects on the intellectual generosity and scholarly labour that makes such sessions an important form of academic social reproduction.  相似文献   

Weaving together the key themes of subjectivity, Europe, and affects, this article argues that the work of Luisa Passerini constitutes a paradigmatic shift in understandings of contemporary European history, culture, and politics. During the 1990s, Passerini's focus shifted from the history of fascism and memory to the study of ideas and experiences of Europeanness. She reclaimed Europeanism as a research topic for cultural history in order to articulate a critique of Eurocentrism. The coherence of her overarching thematic scope was safeguarded by a constant emphasis on subjectivity. Understanding the correlation between the theoretical privileging of the notion of intersubjectivity and the nurturing of collaborative, transgenerational, and transnational academic practices is thus very important for contextualizing Passerini's historiographical contribution. During the last three decades, Passerini has developed a historiographical framework that crosses many disciplinary boundaries and incorporates practices of teaching, learning, and researching into an integrated mode of producing historical knowledge.  相似文献   

有效、可撤销、效力未定及无效制度仅仅是合同法上的一种合同效力评价规则,不妨碍其他规则的同时适用.有时,合同有效可以更好地惩戒不法当事人.合同相对无效能更有效保护善意相对人和善意第三人,满足现代商事交易安全的需要.在劳动合同法的理论和实务中,应当确立劳动合同的相对无效制度,更好地保护劳动合同中善意当事人以及与劳动合同存在...  相似文献   

利用spss17.0对成人学习者学习需求进行性别差异分析,结果表明,男女性在学习动机与目的、成绩评定方法、学校归属感方面有显著性差异。对学习方式、教师教学方法男女性无显著性差异。基于以上结论有针对性展开成人教育教学工作。  相似文献   

随着自由工作者的大量涌现,传统的雇员社会正逐渐消失,雇员制下的工作结构也随之被颠覆 和瓦解,个体和组织对工作的理解不断更迭。本研究以工业时代为起点,通过解构工作空间、工作伦理、工作方式、 工作关系的历史变迁与认知转向,重构了后雇员社会下工作的应有理解与定义:工作空间从过去的实体化向虚 拟化转向,实体办公空间的“场所效力”由单一的雇主导向、工作需要导向,向员工需求和企业文化导向转移。 工作意义被赋予了多元表达,从侧重外在价值到关注内在,从“利己”到“利他”。传统以固定岗位和科层管 理为特征的人力资源管理制度正在让位于以任务分解、灵活雇用为导向的工作管理方案,员工更多地与企业形 成了一种联盟关系,未来的企业人员管理将以“引领工作”和“激活工作者”为使命。  相似文献   

工作场所民主是权利平等的内在要求,是政治权利平等向经济领域的延伸,而且有利于改进企业内部的关系,在社会主义国家,它是工人阶级政治地位的体现.要实现工作场所民主,需要克服政治权利如何能够延伸到工作场所等一系列障碍,但这些障碍并非无法克服的.工作场所民主能否实现,关键在国家政权的态度,而国家政权的态度往往取决于国家工人运动与政治民主的发展程度,同时,工人阶级的阶级意识与集体意识的发展状况也会对工作场所民主的实现产生重要影响.  相似文献   

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