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限制性体位窒息是指被限制于某种异常体位,造成了自主呼吸功能的障碍引起的窒息,严重时可引起死亡,属机械性窒息中的特殊类型。从国内外有关案例报道来看,限制性体位窒息死亡可以发生在多种环境、体位下。由于早年限制性体位窒息死亡的案例没有引起足够的重视,其作为一个法医学课题起步较晚。近年来由于发生率猛增,已引起国内外法医学家们的极大关注,并对其发生机理、鉴定标准等方面进行了大量研究,但从研究的成果来看,尚不能形成一些客观的鉴定指标,由此,国外关于限制性体位窒息的研究重点已转向其发生的危险因素评估及如何预防。本文就其死亡机理、危险因素及预防、鉴定标准和展望等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

目的观测固定双上肢并悬挂家兔的血气变化及膈肌的肌电变化,探讨体位性窒息死亡的发生机制。方法建立家兔体位性窒息死模型,在实验前、后分别抽取家兔耳缘动脉和左心室血2m l进行血气分析,并监测实验过程中家兔膈肌肌电图(EMGd i)的变化。结果实验组与对照组均有缺氧、二氧化碳储留以及氧饱和度下降,但是实验组的二氧化碳储留比对照组低,氧饱和度比对照组高,缺氧情况比对照组低。在连续记录的EMGd i中,早期EMGd i较晚期EMGd i的高频与低频(H/L)比值显著降低,超过20%。结论固定双上肢并悬挂家兔死亡与膈肌疲劳导致缺氧窒息有关  相似文献   

1案例资料1.1简要案情及临床经过包某,女,41岁。2007年2月5日下午,被人踢伤中上腹部,约2h后入院诊治。初诊医院病历:头部、胸部、腹部、腰背部被打伤,当即人事不省,对伤时情况叙述不清,约5m in后清醒,伤处疼痛、头晕、恶心,无呕吐,四肢活动无障碍。检查:脉搏80次/m in;呼吸20次  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料徐某,男,19岁,被人持刀砍伤左胸部。入院查体:体温36.0℃,脉搏104次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压100/70mm Hg。左季肋部可见一斜行创口,长约13.0cm,创缘整齐伴流血,深至肋间肌,可触及肋骨断端,创口处未见泡沫溢出。CT示左侧胸膜壁部分缺如及皮下积气,左侧少量气胸。急诊行创口缝合、膈肌修补及肋骨固定术。术中见左侧腋后线第10肋间斜行  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料简要案情赵某,女,30岁。某年4月11日15:10时因孕2产1、停经38周+3、下腹胀痛2h入当地县人民医院待产。既往无特殊病史,产前检查未发现异常。产前诊断:孕2产1,孕38周+3,右枕横位,先  相似文献   

创伤性膈肌破裂多有合并伤 ,病情较重 ,易漏诊而形成迟发性膈疝 ,给法医学鉴定增加难度。收集并整理我市 1980年 6月至 2 0 0 2年 6月间 38例创伤性膈肌破裂的鉴定资料 ,对此进行了分析 ,结果供同仁参考。1 案例资料男性 33例 ,女性 5例。年龄 7~ 6 8岁 ,其中 2 0~4 0岁 31例 ,占 81 6 %。1 1 创伤情况开放性损伤 17例 ,其中锐器刺伤 15例 ,枪击伤 1例 ,电弧击穿伤 1例。闭合性损伤 2 1例 ,其中车祸 13例 ,坠落伤 3例 ,拳脚伤、墙屋倒塌压伤各 2例 ,砖块击伤 1例。胸部损伤 2 0例 ,腹部损伤 11例 ,胸腹部同时受伤 7例。发生在左侧 2 8例…  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料1.1简要案情丁某,女,31岁,加油工。某日晚21时30分,其拉住某车驾驶室车门索要加油费时,该车突然起动拖带丁某并将其撞击于路边停放的机动三轮货车上。丁某伤后即被送至医院,医院病历记载显示:伤者主诉为左季肋部隐约疼痛,但生命体征一直平稳,胸部CT检查未见骨折;至死前10min左右突然出现血压测不到、意识丧失,抢救无效于受伤2d后死亡。  相似文献   

目的研究悬挂体位下窒息死亡动物的膈肌超微结构变化。方法取悬挂双前肢体位家兔的膈肌和腓肠肌组织,以勒颈致死家兔的膈肌和腓肠肌组织为对照,采用透射电镜方法观察其超微结构的变化。结果悬挂组膈肌的细胞核、细胞质、细胞膜均有缺氧损伤的征象,其中肌纤维内的肌原纤维、线粒体病变尤为严重;勒颈组膈肌的改变与悬挂组膈肌相类似,但程度上较轻微;悬挂组腓肠肌轻微病变,但肌原纤维无明显改变;勒颈组腓肠肌无明显改变。结论悬挂体位造成了膈肌纤维超微结构的损伤,形成了机体缺氧的病理基础,可导致死亡;本实验的结果可为限制性体位窒息死亡的法医学鉴定标准提供实验性的形态学依据。  相似文献   

家兔限制性体位窒息模型中的LDH/CHE活性变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨家兔体位性窒息模型中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和胆碱脂酶(CHE)活性变化与窒息死亡的关系。方法 建立动物模型,检测膈肌、腓肠肌,以及血清中LDH、CHE的活性变化。结果 实验组家兔膈肌与腓肠肌相比,LDH活性明显下降,且差异显著(P<0.05),CHE活性差异无显著性(P>0.05);2组膈肌比较,LDH活性明显下降,有显著性差异(P<0.05),CHE活性无显著性差异(P>0.05);实验组血清中LDH活性比对照组明显升高,有显著性差异(P<0.05),2组CHE活性无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 膈肌中LDH活性的降低与固定双上肢悬挂体位具有相关性。  相似文献   

目的观察Fn和HSP70在限制性体位窒息死亡的大鼠膈肌中的表达情况,进一步探讨限制性体位窒息死亡的机理。方法分组建立限制性体位窒息死亡大鼠模型,采用免疫荧光组织化学方法研究大鼠膈肌的Fn和HSP70的表达情况,并将荧光照片进行灰度值分析,比较抗原在不同组别间的表达差异。结果在Fn检测中,限制性体位窒息死亡组大鼠的膈肌肌内膜上有明亮荧光,肌纤维间隙的荧光强度明显大于对照组。在HSP70检测中,肌纤维内的荧光强度随着体位性限制程度的加重而明显增加。结论采用免疫荧光组织化学检测膈肌Fn和HSP70抗原的表达,对判断限制性体位窒息死亡者膈肌的损伤是一种有意义的手段。  相似文献   

Given that most fatal hangings are suicidal and occur in locations that have been selected to conceal this activity (thus maximizing the chances of a lethal outcome), there has been very little corroboration of the speed with which unconsciousness and death may occur. A 35-year-old male is reported who committed suicide by hanging immediately after talking to his spouse. Police investigations confirmed her reliability as a witness indicating that lethal anoxia in this case had occurred within a very short time (most likely in less than 1 min) of suspension. The speed with which death may result from hanging not only gives an insight into fatal pathophysiological mechanisms, but also provides useful information for situations where a lethal outcome is to be avoided, or is not intended. For example, individuals at risk of suicide who are being monitored in institutional facilities need to be constantly under direct visual surveillance as significant hypoxia can be rapidly induced, parents and caregivers with infants and children in potentially unsafe sleeping environments need to realize how swiftly death or irreversible anoxic brain damage may occur from neck compression, and those who engage in recreational asphyxia should be informed just how quickly a fatal outcome may ensue.  相似文献   

The role of ethanol abuse in the etiology of heroin-related death   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Toxicology analyses and other forensic science data were used to examine the mechanisms through which ethanol increased the risk for death caused by injected street preparations of heroin. The authors studied 505 victims of fatal heroin overdose and compared subjects who had concentrations of blood ethanol greater than 1000 mg/L (n = 306) with those who had concentrations less than, or equal to 1000 mg/L (n = 199). We found significant negative correlations between concentrations of ethanol and morphine (a heroin metabolite) in blood (R2 = 0.11, P = 0.0001 for log10-transformed variables) as well as between concentrations of blood ethanol and bile morphine (R2 = 0.16, P = 0.0001 for log10 bile morphine versus blood morphine). Toxicologic evidence of infrequent heroin use was more common in decedents with blood ethanol concentrations greater than 1000 mg/L than in those with lower concentrations. Our data suggest that ethanol enhances the acute toxicity of heroin, and that ethanol use indirectly influences fatal overdose through its association with infrequent (nonaddictive) heroin use and thus with reduced tolerance to the acute toxic effects of heroin.  相似文献   

目的研究生前电击与死后电击的肌小节长度变化,为生前电击与死后电击的鉴别提供新的方法。方法12只兔随机分为对照I组、对照II组、电击死组和死后电击组。每组3只。对照I、II组与死后电击组兔分别从耳缘静脉注射空气30m l处死。对照I组处死后,于死后即刻取其后肢股四头肌;对照II组死后24h于相同部位取材;电击死组兔通220V交流电,通电致兔死后即刻取材;死后电击组于死后即刻通220V交流电4m in后,在相同部位取材。用透射电镜观察骨骼肌肌小节长度变化,对所得结果进行统计学分析。结果生前电击与死后电击骨骼肌肌小节均缩短,与对照组I相比,前者较后者缩短程度更甚(P=0.000);死后电击组与对照I组相比,仅轻微缩短(P=0.000),对照II组相比,缩短较为明显(P=0.000);对照II组较对照I组的肌小节显著伸长(P=0.000)。结论研究骨骼肌肌小节的长度变化有助于鉴别生前电击与死后电击。  相似文献   

Hypothalamic and hippocampal lipid composition in sudden death from coronary heart disease is studied. Thin-layer chromatography was the main method of biochemical analysis. Disorders in the lipid component of hippocampal cytostructures involved mainly the cholesterol fractions. Metabolic disorders in the hypothalamus involved the phospholipid metabolism. The above-mentioned biochemical changes were paralleled by ultrastructural abnormalities. Analysis of the data demonstrates a probable metabolic basis of a central mechanism of sudden cardiac death.  相似文献   

李昌盛 《政法学刊》2007,24(4):31-34
最近最高人民检察院明确要求在适用逮捕措施时应贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策。但是,无论是从立法上来看,还是从司法实践来看,我国的逮捕条件离宽严相济的精神都相去甚远。为此,需改革我国的逮捕适用条件,以体现宽严相济的理念。  相似文献   


Police personnel are likely to be affected by stress and compassion fatigue, which may have important consequences for health, well-being and job performance. There are certain individual differences which may protect against compassion fatigue, for example mental toughness, personality and self-care behaviours. However, there is little research examining all of these constructs in combination with policing. The current study aimed to gather information regarding the prevalence of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and perceived stress within a large UK police force, and their relationships with personality, mental toughness and self-care activities. A questionnaire was completed by 605 police employees within a UK police force. The results demonstrated that 20% of personnel suffered from negative psychological outcomes and that these outcomes were predicted by individual differences and self-care activities. The requirement for shift work, and mental toughness scores, significantly predicted compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and perceived stress. The analyses also revealed a role for gender, tenure, personality and self-care in several aspects of well-being. The implications of these findings are discussed, considering the current contexts in which policing operates, with the aim of improving the psychological well-being of police officers and staff.  相似文献   

We report two cases of sudden unexpected death in two unrelated African American female infants, 2 months and 4 months old. Both infants were attended to by the same babysitter in the same apartment and died 39 days apart in the same bed and in the same bedroom. The autopsy of the first infant revealed sudden unexplained death in an infant. Toxicologic analysis for carbon monoxide (CO) was not performed because it was not suspected. When the second infant died, investigation into the ambient air quality within the apartment revealed high levels of CO emanating from a poorly ventilated and defective hot water heater, which was located across a hallway from the bedroom where the two babies died. CO saturation levels in the postmortem blood samples of the two babies were elevated and were similar (13% and 14%). Nicotine and cotinine were not detected in the blood sample of the two infants. Cherry-red livor mortis was absent. Acute CO intoxication was determined to be the underlying cause of these two unexpected deaths. These two cases underscore the need to integrate ambient air analysis and postmortem CO analysis as routine components of the comprehensive death investigation of infants who die suddenly and unexpectedly.  相似文献   

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