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AT the end of 2003, the 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition displayed nearly 10,000 works from 34 places in China. After a three-phase selection process including public appraisal, 20 works were granted China Oil Painting Artistic Awards.The oil painting exhibition acts as a broad showcase for China's oil paintings. Held in 1987 and 1994, the event helped to break the domi-  相似文献   

Painting Power     
正Oil painting fused with Chinese elements at the recent art exhibitionO n June 15, a group of Chinese oil painters gathered in the National Art Museum of China with their artwork on display at two  相似文献   

石油城市是我国重要的城市类型,是国民经济的重要组成部分,在国有企业和老工业基地调整改造过程中,石油城市的经济发展在我国经济发展中具有重要战略地位。石油城市兴起取决于石油资源的开发,其后期的兴衰则取决于不依赖石油资源的其它产业发展和向综合性城市的过渡。要解决石油城市的可持续发展问题,需要从替代石油城市能源供给、经济结构转型、理顺地方政府和石油企业关系等方面入手。分析这些城市的发展规律对研究中国石油城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

IT is nightfall and Gong Qinfang has just finished a painting depicting blue-and-white porcelain. Looking up, she sees the room is filled with her paintings, all executed in Jinshan Peasant Painting style.  相似文献   

The landscape painting, along with figure painting and bird-and-flower painting, constitute the most important categories of Chinese paintings.  相似文献   

我国法律对海洋油污污染规制主要是采取民事赔偿和行政处罚措施,但依然无法防止此类行为的发生。尽管《刑法》有设置环境污染犯罪,但其主要是以规制陆源污染为立法宗旨的,再加上现有的刑事司法与行政执法分属两个不同的体系,相关法律法规也没有明确规定两个体系之间应该如何衔接,导致海洋油污污染的行为很难直接纳入海洋油污污染犯罪。我们应借鉴国际上的经验,建立刑事责任追究机制;整合现有的海上行政执法力量,由海警局统一行使刑事管辖权;授予海事法院刑事管辖权,直接受理海洋油污污染的案件;完善现有的污染环境罪。  相似文献   

Rural artists make their first impact on the national stage Surrounded by dozens of visitors, Bi Jinwen keeps calm and concentrates on drawing a picture. After an  相似文献   

On September 17, “Weng Qianyu's World” Woodcut Engraving Exhibition was opened in the National Art Museum of China. The exhibition showcases 52 masterpieces of Weng Qianyu created in the past 30 years, some of which won various honors. It reflects her piety to art, her respect to culture, her love for nature and appreciation for life,  相似文献   

中国石油安全的影响因素及战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈惠芬  张斌 《理论月刊》2010,(3):75-77,146
石油安全对于不同类型的国家具有不同的含义,对中国而言是指石油供应安全。本文在对石油供应安全进行经济学分析的基础上,探讨了影响中国石油供应安全的国内、国际的19种因素,提出了保证中国石油安全的一系列战略选择(地缘安全战略、价格安全战略、运输安全战略)。  相似文献   

The action of the line dominates Wang Guoneng's freehand figure brushwork. It gives the contours of a shape while adding emotional sensation with varied strokes that are thick and forceful, slender and flexible, curved or straight, dry or wet. Calligraphic lines are masterfully integrated into Wang Guoneng's freehand paintings to work with the structure of line, enlivening the composition and allowing the force of the outlines to merge with calligraphy skills.  相似文献   

中国画源远流长,己有2000多年的历史。中国画发源于古代陶器表面图案鱼、鸟、兽等,线条简单而明快;中国画在春秋战国时期出现帛画、庙堂圣贤画像、宫廷壁画、佛像,至隋唐趋向全盛;两宋及元明,水墨文人画逐渐占据主流;清及民国,西画渐近,传统绘画日趋衰落。近代中国画在摹古与创新的碰撞中艰难前行。溯源探流仅为当代在传统绘画的传承有所下降的情况下,立足东方绘画传统,吸收西方绘画精粹,走东西方融合之路,让中国画得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

<正>Separated parts of an ancient Chinese painting to be displayed together Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a story about a famous Chinese painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains at a press conference after the Third Session of the  相似文献   

Jointly sponsored by the CPAFFC and theSekido Suibokuga (a Japanese ink painters'association headed by Sekido Unemura), an inkpainting exhibition of Sekido Unemura, well-known Japanese ink painter, was held at the ChinaNational Art Gallery from September 17 to 20. Unemura was born in Kanazawa of Ishikawa  相似文献   

刘旭东 《前沿》2010,(20):65-67
全球已进入高油价时代。中国是石油和石油产品进口大国,价格上涨对经济发展十分不利。本文对近年来国际、国内石油市场进行了回顾,以及在对20世纪90年代以来我国能源消费趋势分析的基础上,对21世纪前20年我国能源消费进行了客观的预测。  相似文献   

AMONG China's 100 famous masters of painting and calligraphy over the past two centuries, at least 20 of them lived to be over 85. The longest-lived reached 109. Many who have reseateded the secret to longevity hold that there is a certain causal relationship between a long life and the long-term study of Chinese painting and calligraphy.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代至90年代,余光中以一系列评论和创作,推介、汲取和表现西方现代绘画和台湾当代绘画艺术。现代绘画对余光中的艺术观念和艺术技法有持久的影响,是余光中创作艺术发展和变化的重要侧面。  相似文献   

With acute insight, Xun Shi (荀士) is devoted to Chinese classical culture. The creative classical cultural elements in his paintings appear in the form of an idiom story, a Buddhist philosophy or a cultural theme. Exceptionally vibrant are the elders who emerge playing chess, taking a tour, talking in bed or over wine. Their postures and expressions are rendered with minimal brushstrokes.  相似文献   

正The government must do more to strengthen food and drug security Chinese like deep-fried food, and they also like stir-fried meat and vegetables. Oil is an indispensable part of Chinese cuisine, and China is the world'  相似文献   

正Impact of Russian-Saudi rivalry sends shockwaves across the globe The 13-member Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC),led by Saudi Arabia,agreed with its allies,including Russia,on April 9 that they will cut output in May and June by 10 million barrels per day in principle,the largest ever production cut in history.The move temporarily eased a mo nth-long tension between Saudi Arabia and Russia on lowering production and keeping prices stable,but its smooth implementation is  相似文献   

从音乐和绘画两方面 ,对罗兰的长、短篇小说进行了分析研究 ,认为其叙述话语深受音乐和绘画的影响。独特的节奏和韵律结构以及色彩、线条和明暗对比 ,使其小说呈现出独特的艺术气息  相似文献   

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