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The areas of discovery ofApanteles glomeratus, Pteromalus puparum andBrachymeria regina were calculated using two different models. Increasing host or parasite density generally resulted in an initial increase followed by a decrease in area of discovery.
Zusammenfassung Ziel der Versuche war, die Sucheffizienz von drei Parasiten des kleinen Kohlweiβlings,Pieris rapae, zu bestimmen: des LarvenparasitenApanteles glomeratus und der PuppenparasitenPteromalus puparum undBrachymeria regina. Der Aktionsraum (a) wurde berechnet nach den Formeln von Nicholson & Bailey (1935) und von Hassell & Varley (1969). Die Interferenzkonstanten (m) wurden erhalten und untersucht, um festzustellen, ob sie real oder “statistische Artefakte’ sind. Alle Parasiten zeigten allgemein ein anf?ngliches Anwachsen, gefolgt von einer Abnahme von a bei zunehmender Wirts-und Parasitendichte. Alle Werte von m scheinen zuf?llig zu sein. Die Werte von a beiP. puparum waren die am wenigsten durch m verminderten. Dies deutet darauf hin, dassP. puparum ein wirksameres Mittel zur biologischen Bek?mpfung sein wird unter Bedingungen hoher Parasitendichte, wie sie bei Anwendung der überschwemmungstechnik auftreten mag.

Host discrimination byHyposoter exiguae (Viereck) was investigated, usingTrichoplusia ni (Hübner) as a host in the presence and absence of host food. Forty-six percent of the parasite females tested exhibited ovipositional patterns significantly different from a random distribution. Of these, 82% showed patterns ranging from near perfect to slight discrimination.
Zusammenfassung In seiner Arbeit über die Biologie vonH. exiguae berichtet Puttler, da? Weibchen dieser Art offensichtlich nicht zwischen parasitierten und nichtparasitierten Wirtslarven unterscheiden k?nnen. Im Verlauf unserer Arbeiten überH. exiguae ergab sich, da? einige Weibchen doch zwischen solchen Larven Unterschiede machen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung legt quantitativ für Individuen und Gruppen den Grad der Unterscheidung fest. H. exiguae-Weibchen wurden zu 22–28 Raupen (sp?tes erstes bis frühes zweites Stadium) vonTrichoplusia ni (Hübner) gebracht, mit und ohne Wirtsnahrung, für verschiedenze Zeitr?ume. Nach der Exposition wurden die Wirtsraupen in 70% Alkohol abget?tet, seziert und die Zahl der Parasiteneier in jeder Raupe ermittelt. Die tats?chliche Verte?lung der Parasiteneier wurde verglichen mit der theoretischen Zufalls-(Poisson-)verteilung, bei Anwendung der x2-Analyse. Von 24 getesteten Weibchen zeigten 11 ein Eiablageverteilungsmuster, das von der Zufallsverteilung abwich, meist im sinne einer Ablehnung von schon parasitierten Wirten.

Political Careers differ from other professional careers in several regards, but most significantly in the peculiar degree of insecurity they impose. This insecurity is due to the democratic accountability to voters, which includes the possibility of electoral defeat and deprofessionalization. Therefore a continuous career is rendered much more difficult than in other occupations. This calls for specific strategies of access to and staying in political positions, which may be subsumed under the rubric of “career politics”. This article deals with political careers in the Federal Republic of Germany and the elements of individual career politics that may be reconstructed from these careers. The analysis is based on a dataset comprising the political biographics of all 1948 German state legislators with the date being taken from the official legislative handbooks. The features that are most interesting here are the succession and the cumulation of different political offices. Four strategies of career politics can be distinguished: a local politics, a party politics, an interest group, and a fourth strategy, that proceeds via staff positions. In analyzing these strategies the article wants to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between political careers and career politics.  相似文献   

The article takes stock of methods use in German political science. Based on an analysis of articles published in four German political science journals it is shown that only a minority takes an explicit theory-guided empirical perspective on research. A large share of publications can be better characterized as a knowledgeable discussion of a particular topic. This finding is amended by a placement of Germany in the international context and a glance into the political science curricula at some German universities. The finding is then nuanced by exemplary references to methodologically innovative work by German political scientists in four research areas. This work, however, has only seldom been published in German scholarly journals but has been preferably sent to international ones. The article closes by referring to the specific character of research questions in political science compared to neighbouring disciplines.  相似文献   

How do German ministries manage the preparation of national negotiation positions for EU intergovernmental conference? After a survey of the debate on organizational deficits of the interministerial coordination in Germany, we are consulting decision- and organization-theoretic approaches in IR. Drawing on organizational economics we concretise and supplement these older frameworks. We conceive the management of a governmental organization as a specific aggregation of heterogeneous preferences and information. Applying social network analysis we take into account formal as well as informal aspects of coordination channels. The objective of this article is to make visible the complex structures and processes that constitute foreign policy making, and to provide a preliminary assessment of its efficiency.  相似文献   

The weight of eggs of the southern corn rootworm,Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber, nearly doubled during embryogenesis (7–8 days). Most of the water uptake of the eggs occurred between 24 and 72 hr of age. The period of maximal permeability of the egg and the time of maximum susceptibility to death from desiccation corresponded to the period of rapid water uptake. It is suggested that these phenomena are causally related.
Zusammenfassung Das Ei vonDiabrotica undecimpunctata howardi wiegt 48,1±2 μg zur Zeit der Eiablage und 84,6±5 μg im Zeitpunkt des Schlüpfens, 7–8 d sp?ter. Die Hauptwasseraufnahme liegt zwischen 24 und 72 h nach der Eiablage. Die Permeabilit?t des Eis ist maximal zwischen 24 und 72 h. Setzt man Eier verschiedenen Alters verschiedenen RF aus, so ergibt sich folgendes: Eier jeden Alters überleben, wenn sie bei 100% RF bebrütet werden; dagegen überleben keine Eier, wenn sie bei weniger als 100% RF (d.h. bei 98; 97,5; 96; 85 oder 75%) bebrütet werden, falls sie in diese Feuchtigkeiten gebracht werden bevor sie 72 h alt sind. In jeglichem Alter nach 72 h nimmt die überlebensrate mit zunehmender RF zu. Eier, die trockener Luft ausgesetzt werden, sind maximal empfindlich gegenüber Tod durch Austrocknen im Alter von 48 h. Die Perioden maximaler Permeabilit?t des Eies und die Zeit der h?chsten Austrocknungsempfindlichkeit korrespondieren mit der Periode der raschen Wasseraufnahme.

The article reviews the state of research on public-private partnerships (PPP) which, following a development in the Anglo-Saxon countries, in the past few years have been introduced as a policy tool in Germany as well. Based on a short conceptual and historical introduction, recent political science publications as well as contributions from economic, legal, and administrative scientists are systematized and critically assessed. This also includes a review of selected publications on PPP experiences in Britain. Finally, the paper discusses relatively neglected research issues, including methodological deficits as well as problems of input legitimacy.  相似文献   

In social sciences exists a broad consensus about the impact of political institutions on economic development. There is dissent, however, about the influence of democratic order on economic performance. Based on arguments from economic institutionalism, this paper argues that democracy has a significant and positive impact on productivity growth. In contrast to autocratic order, democratic systems can be interpreted as a competition-friendly regulation of a natural monopoly, which results in comparatively high productivity gains. This hypothesis is tested for a sample of 81 countries for the 1975–2000 period. Different regression models provide empirical support for the assumption that increasing levels of democracy produce a productivity dividend.  相似文献   

This contribution studies the effect of populist conceptions of democracy on voting for populist parties drawing on the case of the “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD). Building on dominant definitions of populism, we conceptualize a populist orientation towards democracy via three elements–the privilege of the majority will over minority rights, the demand for absolute responsiveness from representatives to the majority will and negative views of political pluralism–and propose a corresponding measurement model. Our empirical analysis shows that such populist conceptions of democracy are particularly strong among AfD supporters. Moreover, they exhibit significant and substantial effects on voting intentions for the AfD in multivariate analyses and, leveraging the panel structure of the data, are able to predict changes in party preferences towards the AfD over time.  相似文献   

Flowers ofMelandrium album are frequently pollinated byCucullia umbratica L. This heavy moth always lands on the flowers. The process of insertion of the proboscis and the drinking thereafter is described. From experiments it is concluded that senses for perception of the relative humidity of the air are located on the antennae. The moth is able to locate flowers by smell only, but visual orientation seems to be more predominant. Legs and antennae possess contact chemoreceptors, sensitive to sucrose and to chemicals present on the surface ofM. album flowers. The moth responds after contact of the legs with petal lobes ofM. album by extension of the proboscis. Inserting behaviour follows only after contact of the proboscis tip with the ligula. The moth appears to be a specialised flower visitor.
Resume Les fleurs deMelandrium album sont polinisées parCucullia umbratica qui butine ces fleurs après s'y être posé. Les expériences rapportées ici témoignent que des organes sensoriels aptes à percevoir l'humidité de l'air sont localisés sur les antennes. Le papillon peut localiser les fleurs par simple odeur mais l'orientation visuelle semble prédominante. Les pattes et les antennes possèdent des chemorécepteurs de contact, sensibles au sucrose et aux composés chimiques associés aux fleurs deM. album. Le papillon, après contact de ses pattes avec les pétales de cette fleur manifeste une extension de son proboscis et ce n'est qu'après contact de ce dernier avec la ligula, que se réalise l'insertion dans la corolle. Ce papillon semble être spécialisé comme visiteur de fleurs.

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