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On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was found-ed, thus opening up a new era in the historical development of the Chinese nation and initiating the glorious and spectacular historic course of New China's diplomacy. In the past 60 years, the theory and practice of China's diplomacy, transcending the state-centered perspective and the Western traditional diplomatic concepts of "equilibrium", "power", "containment","interference", "alliance", "geopolitics" and "sphere of influence", have adhered to the scientific spirit, grasped the trends of the times and embodied the common aspirations of mankind.  相似文献   

徐万胜 《和平与发展》2012,(2):60-64,72
日本历届内阁上台均坚持以"深化日美同盟"为核心的同盟战略。民主党上台后发展"同盟战略",更加突出"中国因素",对中日关系的发展产生了消极影响。其"日美基轴"战略对内阁的约束作用日趋增大,限制区域合作框架下的中日关系的发展;突出"日美安保"战略,加大与美国联手应对传统安全的力度以防范中国;"同盟拓展"战略不仅不利于解决亚洲地区热点问题(特别是南海问题),而且将加剧地区紧张局势。  相似文献   

战后,日本与苏联"北方四岛"之争与美国因素有着密切关系。从战后初期坚持千岛群岛归属"未定论",到在《旧金山对日条约》中刻意不明确千岛群岛的地理范围是否包括"北方四岛",美国的千岛群岛政策逐渐成为影响日苏"北方四岛"争端的关键因素。在日苏关系正常化期间,美国担心苏联归还"北方四岛"势必引起日本对琉球群岛的主权要求。因此,...  相似文献   

在人民币升值预期的推动下,国际热钱通过各种渠道流入中国。对此,目前既要"堵",又要"疏"。  相似文献   

From October 13^th to 15^th, the 7^th Asia -Europe People's Forum was held in Beijing. The theme of the Forum was "Social Justice and Environmental Protection". The meeting was attended by over 500 representatives of the civil society from nearly 50 countries and regions in Asia and Europe. Some 60 NGOs from China participated in the activities of the Forum.According to the three major topics of "Peace and Security", "Social and Economic Rights and Environmental Justice" and "Participatory Democracy and Human Rights", three roundtable discussions namely "Traditional and Non- Traditional Security Challenges and Responses",  相似文献   

张雷 《南亚研究季刊》2012,(1):106-108,6
印度的现代化进程始于英国殖民统治时期,从独立前的"殖民主义现代化模式"到从独立后的"以苏联模式为参照的混合模式",再到经济改革以来"自由主义混合模式",印度的现代化模式经历了深刻调整,发展模式的选择和完善对于印度现代化具有重要意义。印度独立以来特别是20世纪90年代以来经济社会快速发展,在现代化道路上已取得了很大成就,但仍存在一系列问题,有待于继续探索和完善。  相似文献   

当前中国周边地区的多个国家政局动荡不安,周边不稳趋于常态化、持久化、复杂化与联动化。周边国家政局多变,主要包括三种类型。这些国家局势动荡,既有本国矛盾错综复杂的"内因",也有大国角逐与干涉的"外因"。周边动荡对中国构成挑战,中国应加快制定"大周边战略",通过积极、有效的策略妥善应对周边不稳定,为自身长远的和平发展营造更加有利的周边环境。  相似文献   

The "Af-Pak Strategy" formulated by the Obama administration is characterized by "localization", "integration", "demilitarization" and "polygonization". It is a rational strategy, but it has three defects: the first is that strong pressure imposed on Pakistan may make the country more unstable and increase the unrest in surrounding areas; the second is that "demilitarization" will be unable to produce results or to meet the political needs of the Obama administration; the third is that its geopolitical dimension may weaken other countries' cooperation and support. China generally supports the strategy, but still has many misgivings.  相似文献   

茶棚:"棚"在《说文解字》中的解释为:"栈也",可见最初的"棚"是指供旅客停留的客栈。其中包含有短暂停歇的意思。茶棚一词的出现应是延用了这种含义,有临时歇脚喝茶的意思。因此,茶棚大多建在路边道旁或行人、游客易汇聚之处。  相似文献   

北京"葡萄常"制作工艺,是中国手工艺品中的一个绝活。因为这门手艺"传女不传男",因而引起人们的种种猜想,这里面有什么奥秘或是隐衷?  相似文献   

In 2011 the international strategic situation descended into "chaos" just as in the ten years following "9.11", and in each of the 20 years following the end of the Cold War. Japan experienced the Fuku...  相似文献   

南社是清末即辛亥革命前的1909年成立的一个革命文学团体,发起者为陈去病、高旭和柳亚子。社名之为"南",寓有反满革命之意。陈去病曾云:"南者,对北而言,寓不向满清之意。"柳亚子也说:"它的名字叫南社,就是反对北庭的标志了。"当然,这已是辛亥革命以后的解释了,在当时成立时是不能道出其中的政治含义的。  相似文献   

12月16日·独特欢快的温泉瀑布浴 我们的船停靠在哥斯达黎加共和国西海岸的蓬塔雷纳斯海港。我和先生今天的岸上活动是"观赏火山和温泉浴",而两个女儿则是"太平洋海岸高空吊车游览"。  相似文献   

Over the past two years since his remm to power, Abe has been implementing a hard-line foreign strategy, and openly "challenging" and "desperately struggling with" China. Specifically, the Abe government has been forcefully pursuing a strategy of "active pacifism", such as "revising the constitution", lifting the ban on collective defense and modifying the "three principles" on arms export, implementing a so-called "overlooking the globe" diplomacy that takes a cold line on neighboring countries such as China and South Korea, and seeking to make joint efforts with Australia, India, the Philippines, Vietnam and USA in order to set up a sea encirclement against China. As Prime Minister, Abe not only paid an open visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, but also repeatedly denied the history of Japanese invasion in China, as well as its aggressive consequences and associated guilt.  相似文献   

"饐",《现代汉语词典》的解释为:"食物腐败变味"。这个书面汉字,如今已无人使用。 "饐瓜"的意思,指腐败变味的瓜。北宋宰相吕蒙正,年轻时相当落魄。天热,口渴,嘴馋,没钱买瓜,曾检过瓜贩扔掉的饐瓜来吃。无论过去,还是现在,吃饐瓜,总是相当不堪的事情。  相似文献   

Despite the repeated urging of senior American officials, the Abe government unleashed global concern and tension when it disavowed the "shelving" policy consensus that had formerly existed on the Diaoyu Islands dispute. "There has never been consensus achieved on shelving disputes", said Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Kan Yi-wei. "As far as our country's diplomatic records show, there is no such fact", said Japan Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida. These comments demonstrate the unprecedentedly hawkish diplomatic stance of Japan. Was there ever a consensus on shelving territorial disputes? If so, how did each LDP government respond and why would Abe's cabinet try everything possible to change this policy?  相似文献   

抗战期间,<大公报>是享誉世界的中文报纸,它的言论对国内舆论有着重要的影响,是国共两党都极其重视的舆论阵地.<中苏友好同盟条约>的签订以及<雅尔塔协定>的公布严重损伤了<大公报>的民族感情,<大公报>对苏联从不满到抨击,并且否认共产党对东北主权的接收.这其中既有爱国主义热情同时也欠理性的分析,还带有明显的阶级偏见.  相似文献   

At the invitation of NPO Corporation Sekai, Japan, a throe member delegation headed by Mr. Du Kening, Deputy Secretary-general of CAFIU visited Japan from July 24-29, and attended its sixth annual conference in Hiroshima. The delegation came into broad contacts with Japanese NGOs, politicians and business people and was basked in a friendly atmosphere. After recent "icebreaking", "ice- melting", "greeting-spring" and "warm -spring" visits made by the leaders of the two countries, the Sino- Japanese relations have come to a new historic point with new opportunities for development. Our Japanese friends from various circles agreed that we should earnestly implement the strategic consensus by the leaders of both sides, cherish the opportunities and further explore new ways to develop the relationship of the two countries.  相似文献   

中医中药,又被尊称为国医国药,比如北京的中药业公会,光绪二十六年(公元1900年)时称为药行商会,民国十七年(1928年)改称为"国产药品同业公会",民国二十五年(1936年),为与西药业区分,就改称"国药业同业公会"了,到1949年,共有各类会员286户。  相似文献   

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