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Confirmatory identification of hair colorants can be used to establish a connection between a suspect and the crime science or demonstrate the absence of such connections. A growing body of evidence shows that surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) could be a confirmatory, minimally destructive, and fully noninvasive analysis of hair colorants. In SERS, a signal that provide the information about the chemical structure of both permanent and semipermanent dyes present on hair is enhanced by a million-fold using noble metal nanostructures. However, it is unclear whether the information of hair colorants can be revealed if hair was contaminated or exposed to harsh environments such as sunlight and heat. In this work, we determine the effect of a short- and long-term heat exposure on SERS-based analysis of hair colored with blue and red permanent and semipermanent dyes. We found that short and especially long-term heat exposure at 220°C could alter chemical structure, and consequently SERS spectra, of permanent and semipermanent colorants. This thermal degradation of permanent dyes complicates their direct identification using SERS. We also found that partial least squares discriminant analysis can be used to overcome this issue allowing for highly accurate identification of both permanent and semipermanent dyes on colored hair that was exposed to 220°C for 6–12 min. These results show that heat exposure of colored hair should be strongly considered upon their SERS-based examination to avoid both false positive or false negative identification of chemical dyes.  相似文献   

The Fire and Explosion Investigation Working Group of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) is the organiser of a collaborative testing programme for ignitable liquid analysis. The testing programme was initiated in 1998. Initially to inventory the analytical methods used in this field of analysis, but with the ultimate goal to establish a European testing programme for fire debris analysts. As of today, five tests have been conducted. This article will provide an overview of the first five ENFSI collaborative tests for ignitable liquid analysis. The background, objectives and characteristics of the testing programme are summarised, followed by an overview of the sample composition employed, the participants' performance, the difficulties and the lessons learned in each test.  相似文献   

We investigated Raman scattering from human blood as a function of parameters that are relevant for forensic field analysis, such as substrate, sample dilution, individual from which the sample originates, and age of the sample. Peaks characteristic of blood components and in particular the hemoglobin peaks were routinely detected when blood was deposited on substrates that are not strongly luminescent, such as plastic, metal utensils and dry wall. Raman scattering from blood proved quite sensitive and blood samples with a dilution up to 1:250 could be measured for an excitation power of ~2 mW measured at the sample plane. The sensitivity of Raman scattering to diluted blood allowed measurement using blood reconstituted from fabric substrates, thereby alleviating issues related to luminescence and scattering from the substrate. The dependence of Raman scattering on sample age and individual was also investigated. We found that the relative intensities of scattering peaks depended on sample age and history. For example, the relative intensity of oxyhemoglobin peaks decreases after blood has dried. Fresh blood drawn directly from a donor without intermediate storage exhibits also scattering peaks at 1155 and 1511 cm(-1) which disappear after drying. The origin of these peaks is under investigation. We noticed, however, that they were not found in blood that had been stored for longer than one week in EDTA containers before analysis, thus requiring the use of fresh blood for future studies and validation purposes. The relative intensity of scattering peaks was also found to be somewhat dependent on the donor and, for a same donor, on the day on which blood was drawn.  相似文献   

During the forensic examination of textile fibers, fibers are usually mounted on glass slides for visual inspection and identification under the microscope. One method that has the capability to accurately identify single textile fibers without subsequent demounting is Raman microspectroscopy. The effect of the mountant Entellan New on the Raman spectra of fibers was investigated to determine if it is suitable for fiber analysis. Raman spectra of synthetic fibers mounted in three different ways were collected and subjected to multivariate analysis. Principal component analysis score plots revealed that while spectra from different fiber classes formed distinct groups, fibers of the same class formed a single group regardless of the mounting method. The spectra of bare fibers and those mounted in Entellan New were found to be statistically indistinguishable by analysis of variance calculations. These results demonstrate that fibers mounted in Entellan New may be identified directly by Raman microspectroscopy without further sample preparation.  相似文献   

2,5,-Dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine (DOB) is of particular interest among the various "ecstasy" variants because there is an unusually long delay between consumption and effect, which dramatically increases the danger of accidental overdose in users. Screening for DOB in tablets is problematic because it is pharmacologically active at 0.2-3 mg, which is c. 50 times less than 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) and makes it more difficult to detect in seized tablets using conventional spot tests. The normal Raman spectra of seized DOB tablets are dominated by the bands of the excipient with no evidence of the drug component. Here we report the first use of on-tablet surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to enhance the signal from a low concentration drug. Raman studies (785-nm excitation) were carried on series of model DOB/lactose tablets (total mass c. 400 mg) containing between 1 mg and 15 microg of DOB and on seized DOB tablets. To generate surface-enhanced spectra, 5 microL of centrifuged silver colloid was dispensed onto the upper surface of the tablets, followed by 5 microL of 1.0 mol/dm(3) NaCl. The probe laser was directed onto the treated area and spectra accumulated for c. 20 sec (10 sec x 2). It was found that the enhancement of the DOB component in the model tablets containing 1 mg DOB/tablet and in the seized tablets tested was so large that their spectra were completely dominated by the vibrational bands of DOB with little or no contribution from the unenhanced lactose excipient. Indeed, the most intense DOB band was visible even in tablets containing just 15 microg of the drug. On-tablet surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy is a simple method to distinguish between low dose DOB tablets and those with no active constituent. The fact that unique spectra are obtained allows identification of the drug while the lack of sample preparation and short signal accumulation times mean that the entire test can be carried out in <1 min.  相似文献   

Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) is a powerful new technique for the non-invasive detection and identification of concealed substances and drugs. Here, we demonstrate the SORS technique in several scenarios that are relevant to customs screening, postal screening, drug detection and forensics applications. The examples include analysis of a multi-layered postal package to identify a concealed substance; identification of an antibiotic capsule inside its plastic blister pack; analysis of an envelope containing a powder; and identification of a drug dissolved in a clear solvent, contained in a non-transparent plastic bottle. As well as providing practical examples of SORS, the results highlight several considerations regarding the use of SORS in the field, including the advantages of different analysis geometries and the ability to tailor instrument parameters and optics to suit different types of packages and samples. We also discuss the features and benefits of SORS in relation to existing Raman techniques, including confocal microscopy, wide area illumination and the conventional backscattered Raman spectroscopy. The results will contribute to the recognition of SORS as a promising method for the rapid, chemically specific analysis and detection of drugs and pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was carried out by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) in order to evaluate the performance of Y-chromosome binary polymorphism analysis in different European laboratories. Four blood samples were sent to the laboratories, to be analysed for 11 Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): SRY-1532, M40, M35, M213, M9, 92R7, M17, P25, M18, M153 and M167. All the labs were also asked to submit a population study including these markers. All participating laboratories reported the same results, indicating the reproducibility and robustness of Y-chromosome SNP typing. A total of 535 samples from six different European populations were also analysed. In Galicia (NW Spain) and Belgium, the most frequent haplogroup was R1b*(xR1b1,R1b3df). Haplogroup F*(xK) is one of the most frequent in Austria and Denmark, while the lowest frequency appear in Belgium. Haplogroup frequencies found in this collaborative study were compared with previously published European Y-chromosome haplogroup data.  相似文献   

Eighty-five solid samples consisting of illegal narcotics diluted with several different materials were analyzed by near-infrared (785 nm excitation) Raman spectroscopy. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed to classify the samples according to narcotic type. The best sample discrimination was obtained by using the first derivative of the Raman spectra. Furthermore, restricting the spectral variables for PCA to 2 or 3% of the original spectral data according to the most intense peaks in the Raman spectrum of the pure narcotic resulted in a rapid discrimination method for classifying samples according to narcotic type. This method allows for the easy discrimination between cocaine, heroin, and MDMA mixtures even when the Raman spectra are complex or very similar. This approach of restricting the spectral variables also decreases the computational time by a factor of 30 (compared to the complete spectrum), making the methodology attractive for rapid automatic classification and identification of suspect materials.  相似文献   

Analytical instrumentation for Raman spectroscopy has advanced rapidly in recent years to the point where commercial field-portable instruments are available. Raman analysis with portable instrumentation is a new capability that can provide emergency response teams with on-site evaluation of hazardous materials. Before Raman analysis is accepted and implemented in the field, realistic studies applied to unknown samples need to be performed to define the reliability of this technique. Studies described herein provide a rigorous blind field test that utilizes two instruments and two operators to analyze a matrix that consists of 58 unknown samples. Samples were searched against a custom hazardous materials reference library (Hazardous Material Response Unit (HMRU) Spectral Library Database). Experimental design included a number of intentionally difficult situations including binary solvent mixtures and a variety of compounds that yield medium-quality spectra that were not contained in the HMRU library. Results showed that over 97% of the samples were correctly identified with no occurrences of false positive identifications (compounds that were not in the library were never identified as library constituents). Statistical analysis indicated equivalent performance for both the operators and instruments. These results indicate a high level of performance that should extrapolate to actual field situations. Implementation of Raman techniques to emergency field situations should proceed with a corresponding level of confidence.  相似文献   

A collaborative study using the multilocus minisatellite DNA probe MZ 1.3 was carried out to investigate segregation information, mutation rate, DNA fragment frequencies as well as band sharing characteristics. The fingerprint patterns of 393 children as well as 694 unrelated individuals were analysed after digestion of DNA with the restriction enzyme HinfI. A mutation rate of 1% per meiosis or 0.04% per band was found with a mean number of 26 bands/individual. It was shown that maternal and paternal fragments are inherited in equal proportions. Population frequencies of restriction fragments demonstrated a distribution with increasing frequencies in the small fragment size range below 10 kb as well as the absence of very common or very rare fragments. Our data can be used to calculate simple exclusion probabilities based on the number of non-maternal bands in the child.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy is becoming a tool of major importance in forensic science. It is a non-invasive, non-destructive analytical method allowing samples to be examined without any preparation. This paper demonstrates the use of the technique as a general tool for gel pen inks analysis. For this purpose, 55 blue gel pen inks, of different brands and models representative of gel pen available on the world market at the time of this study, were collected. A preliminary solubility test in methanol allowed separating them into two classes: 19 dye-based and 36 pigment-based gel inks. The latter were analysed by Raman spectroscopy (RS) using two wavelength laser sources (514.5 and 830 nm). Two main pigments were identified, pigment blue 15 and pigment violet 23.  相似文献   

In routine examination of inks on questioned documents non-destructive analytical methods, such as microscopic and optical techniques are applied first. However, they are often insufficient to identify the inks used for the preparation of the document. In such cases, it is necessary to apply chemical methods that normally cause partial destruction of the examined material. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possibility of discrimination between inks by the use of spectrometric methods, i.e. micro-FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and XRF. About 70 samples of blue and black ballpoint pen and gel inks were examined. It was found that about 90% of the samples of the same type and colour could be distinguished using these methods.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy was used to compare body fluids commonly found at crime scenes in a nondestructive manner. The dry traces of semen, vaginal fluid, sweat, saliva, and blood were analyzed using confocal Raman microscopy with a 785-nm excitation. The results show that the five fluids can be differentiated from one another by visual comparison of their Raman spectra, and that the laser radiation does not damage the sample. The Raman signature of each body fluid is specific and correlates with the known composition of the fluid. Dry traces of human and canine semen exhibited distinctly different Raman signatures. Overall, this preliminary study demonstrates the great potential of Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive, confirmatory identification of body fluids for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Forensic mRNA profiling assays normally include a set of vaginal-specific markers. Although it is known that vagina undergoes characteristic age-related morphological and physiological changes over a lifetime, few studies have evaluated the efficacy of proposed forensic vaginal mRNA markers in women from different age groups.In this collaborative study involving ten GeFI (Italian working group of ISFG) laboratories, a 19-plex mRNA profiling assay including three vaginal-specific markers (CYP2B7P1, MUC4, MYOZ1) was tested in a collection of vaginal swabs obtained from female volunteer donors in their reproductive years (n = 84) and postmenopausa (n = 55).Differential expression of vaginal markers in the two age categories was assessed by means of: a) overall success rate of mRNA profiling (vaginal mucosa “observed” in the tested sample according to scoring protocol) b) average peak height ratios between vaginal-specific markers within mRNA profiling replicates.Other factors potentially influencing mRNA profiling outcomes, like time interval between vaginal swab collection and analysis, concurrence of menstrual cycle and recent sexual activity at the time of sampling were also investigated.  相似文献   

Absorbance peak areas of nitrile (2240 cm(-1)), carbonyl (1730 cm(-1)) and CH (1370 cm(-1)) groups were obtained for 48 colorless acrylic fibers by infrared (IR) microspectroscopy. The carbonyl signal, related to the comonomers most commonly used in acrylic fibers, was ratioed against the nitrile and CH bands, pertaining to the backbone of the polymer chains. The ratios A1730/A2240 and A1730/A1370, a relative measure of the comonomer content in the fiber, were used to differentiate the samples. A decrease in the crystallinity of fibers has been noted with increasing comonomer content. Relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) of the ratios were 1 and 3% for repetitive analyses on the same location and along the length of the same single fiber, respectively. When different fibers of the same sample were examined, results were reproducible within 6%. This simple method can greatly enhance the evidential value of colorless acrylic fibers, being able to discriminate them and thus helping the Court to better assess their significance.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(2):164-169
Raman microscopy is a useful tool for the analysis of drug particles collected with adhesive tapes. In this work, first, the spectra of thirty drugs of abuse, degradation products, metabolites, and common cutting agent standards were recorded and the Raman bands observed were summarized providing the forensic analyst useful information for the identification of drug evidence. Then, the collection of different drug particles by a fingerprint lifting tape commonly used to remove and store fingerprints and fibers, and a white and green packaging tape, followed by the subsequent identification of the drugs by confocal Raman spectroscopy was performed. The particles were analyzed on top of the tapes, trapped between glass slides and the tapes, trapped in the tape folded over itself in the case of the transparent tape, and after folding and unfolding the tape in the case of the colored tape. The results obtained by the different approaches show that both tapes did not compromise the drugs spectra. However, the use of transparent tape is preferred because this tape allows the previous visual detection of the particles. Finally, several drug and sugar particles were spread over a clean table and inside a pocket, and the particles were collected with transparent tape and then properly identified. Although good results were obtained in both cases, the amount of fibers and other substances present in the collection area made the previous detection of the particles difficult and increases the analysis time.  相似文献   

The 1990s saw the introduction of significantly new types of paint binder chemistries into the automotive finish coat market. Considering the pronounced changes in the binders that can now be found in automotive paints and their potential use in a wide variety of finishes worldwide, the Paint Subgroup of the Scientific Working Group for Materials (SWGMAT) initiated a validation study to investigate the ability of commonly accepted methods of forensic paint examination to differentiate between these newer types of paints. Nine automotive paint systems typical of original equipment applications were acquired from General Motors Corporation in 1992. They consisted of steel panels coated with typical electrocoat primers and/or primer surfacers followed by a black nonmetallic base coat and clear coat. The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the discrimination power of common forensic techniques when applied to the newer generation original automotive finishes. The second purpose was to evaluate interlaboratory reproducibility of automotive paint spectra collected on a variety of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometers and accessories normally used for forensic paint examinations. The results demonstrate that infrared spectroscopy is an effective tool for discriminating between the major automotive paint manufacturers' formulation types which are currently used in original finishes. Furthermore, and equally important, the results illustrate that the mid-infrared spectra of these finishes are generally quite reproducible even when comparing data from different laboratories, commercial FT-IR instruments, and accessories in a "real world," mostly uncontrolled, environment.  相似文献   

A condom can be described as a protective sheath used as a contraceptive or to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. However, individuals also use condoms during the commission of sexual assaults to prevent identification through deposited biological material. Raman spectroscopy offers a novel approach to identifying the presence of condom lubricant components. Furthermore, Raman chemical imaging expands on conventional Raman spectroscopy to characterize multiple condom lubricant components simultaneously in a manner that effectively demonstrates heterogeneous sample mixtures both spectrally and spatially. Known reference materials, liquid and solid lubricant components of common condom brands were successfully characterized using Raman dispersive spectroscopy and Raman chemical imaging without extensive sample preparation inherent to other analytical methods. The characterization of these materials demonstrates the potential of this technique to become a routine screening method for condom lubricants. This preliminary investigation provides a basis for future studies to determine the feasibility of Raman spectroscopy and Raman chemical imaging for condom lubricant trace detection in case type samples.  相似文献   

Inkjet ink analysis is the best way to discriminate between printed documents, or even though more difficult, to connect an inkjet printed document with a brand or model of printers. Raman spectroscopy and laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) have been demonstrated as powerful tools for dyes and pigments analysis, which are ink components. The aim of this work is to evaluate the aforementioned techniques for inkjet inks analysis in terms of discriminating power, information quality, and nondestructive capability. So, we investigated 10 different inkjet ink cartridges (primary colors and black), 7 from the HP manufacturer and one each from Epson, Canon and Lexmark. This paper demonstrates the capabilities of three methods: Raman spectroscopy, LDMS and MALDI-MS. Raman spectroscopy, as it is preferable to try the nondestructive approach first, is successfully adapted to the analysis of color printed documents in most cases. For analysis of color inkjet inks by LDMS, we show that a MALDI matrix (9-aminoacridine, 9AA) is needed to desorb and to ionize dyes from most inkjet inks (except Epson inks). Therefore, a method was developed to apply the 9AA MALDI matrix directly onto the piece of paper while avoiding analyte spreading. The obtained mass spectra are very discriminating and lead to information about ink additives and paper compositions. Discrimination of black inkjet printed documents is more difficult because of the common use of carbon black as the principal pigment. We show for the first time the possibility to discriminate between two black-printed documents coming from different, as well as from the same, manufacturers. Mass spectra recorded from black inks in positive ion mode LDMS detect polyethylene glycol polymers which have characteristic mass distributions and end groups. Moreover, software has been developed for rapid and objective comparison of the low mass range of these positive mode LDMS spectra which have characteristic unknown peaks.  相似文献   

We obtain the normal Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectrum of three controlled substances: morphine, codeine, and hydrocodone. The spectra are assigned with the aid of density functional theory. Because of rather intense fluorescence, normal Raman spectra suffer from poor signal-to-noise, even when differential subtraction techniques are employed. On the other hand, surface enhancement by Ag nanoparticles both enhances the Raman signal and suppresses the fluorescence, enabling far more sensitive detection and identification. We also present a set of discriminant bands, useful for distinguishing the three compounds, despite the similarities in their structures.  相似文献   

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