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Finding a Cure     
<正>Antibody drug brings new hope for pandemic control Though China’s COVID-19 vaccination rate has surpassed 80 percent, those who had been vaccinated were not spared during the country’s most recent epidemic upsurges. In Shaanxi Province’s most recent outbreak, 831 cases were reported between December 9 and 27, mostly in the provincial capital of Xi’an.  相似文献   

TANG women were the most fortunate of all in China’s feudal history. They lived in a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, cultural and artistic diversity and, most signi cantly, gender equality.  相似文献   

正The political philosophy behind the world’s most remarkable success storyChina’s dramatic rise in recent decades has taken many Western observers by surprise.Those who forecast a pessimistic future for the country have turned out to be wrong.China is now the world’s larg-  相似文献   

China’s space program enters a new phase The success of the most recent Shenzhou space mission marks China’s coming of age as a formidable player in mankind’s endeavor to explore the universe. Shenzhou-10, China’s fifth manned spacecraft, stayed in orbit for 15 days between June 11 and 26, representing the longest crewed space mission in the country’s history. Three astronauts completed automated and manual docking with the Tiangong-1 space module.  相似文献   

The DPRK’s most recent nuclear test draws strong reactions from the international community  相似文献   

APEC leaders agree that a vigorous Asia-Pacific will remain the driver of the world economy Amid a slow global economic recovery in recent years,the Asia-Pacific region,consisting of the most dynamic and hopeful economies on the globe,has maintained vigorous economic growth.Under the theme Resilient Asia-Pacific,Engine of Global Growth,this year’s series of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)meetings were held from October7-8 on the Indonesian resort island of Bali.Chinese President Xi Jinping participated in the APEC informal economic leaders’  相似文献   

Part IIWhen the People’s Repub-lic of China was foundedEdgar Snow and Helen Foster Snowin 1949, Edgar Snow was one ofthe earliest and most insistentAmerican voices for US recogni-tion of China’s new government(see Israel Epstein’s speech onOct.18, 2000). In 1959, he againfelt that the recognition of the PRCwould lead to the negotiation ofdisputes including the Taiwanquestion that were still pendingbetween America and China.In the 1950s, Snow was oneof the many China experts in th…  相似文献   

<正>China’s ban on trophy hunting remains despite calls for a relaxation WDulan,a small town in northwest China’s Qinghai Province, would have been an unfamiliar name to most Chinese, if not for the recent high-profile debate regarding the possible relaxation of a six-year ban on hunting in the vicinity of the town.  相似文献   

Proposals to change China’s family planning policy were put forward during the recent sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) by a number of NPC deputies and CPPCC  相似文献   

While foreign milk powder producers see profits swell, consumers aren’t complaining Zhou Chunyan, a 27-year-old Shanghai mother, spends most of her time taking care of her little son. "He is the apple of my eye. I sterilize the tableware he uses every day, choose the clothes he wears and crush food into paste with a juicer, not to mention select the milk powder he drinks,"she said. Because of China’s frequent milk powder scandals-such as a recent one involving a company creating phony production dates on its packages and the 2008 crisis in which 300,000 babies were sickened and another six died after some  相似文献   

THE terracotta warriors and horses of Qinshihuang’s mausoleum have been drawing the world’s attention since they were first unearthed in 1974. Hailed by French President Jacques Chirac as the eighth wonder of the world, they are also considered to be one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century.  相似文献   

China ’ s rising golf star, Liang Wenchong , is fast becoming a legend in the making after stunning victories in a number of tournaments that att r ac t e d ma n y of the gam e ’ s top player s. Yet his most recent victory in the China Tour Championship, on October 29, showed the true heart of the 28-yea r - old golf talent after he donated the en t i r e 150,000 yuan winner’s purse ba c k to the even t ’ s organ i z er . Liang su g gested the money be used towar ds setting up a national…  相似文献   

<正>Northeast Asia’s major stakeholders forge closer ties without a formal mechanism "Boasting the world’s second and third biggest economies,China and Japan,northeast Asia has been the most dynamic region in the world in recent decades," said Chae Wook,Director of the South Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,at the Seventh China Jilin-Northeast Asia Investment and Trade Expo held on September 6-11 in Changchun,capital of northeast China’s Jilin Province.  相似文献   

When you try to rent an office or an apartment in one of China’s metropolises, "An inch of land is worth an inch of gold" are words commonly heard by Chinese, who prize owning property. According to a recent report by CB Richard Ellis (CBRE), the world’s largest commercial reale state services firm,of the top six most expensive commercial districts around the globe, four are located in China.  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正Oriental Outlook Issue No.32,published on August 21,2014Deng Xiaoping’s Conception of China’s Systems Deng Xiaoping once said,"To judge the success of our Party and country’s systems,the most important yardstick is their ability to achieve the three goals."The three goals he mentioned were:outperforming the capitalist world in economic achievements,creating a more successful and practical democracy,and cultivating  相似文献   

<正>China’s social safety net extends to unemployed city residents With an aging population of moret han 100 million presenting unforeseen obstacles to ensure benefits for retirees,China recently implemented new measures to cover the last social group in its extensive pension system:unemployed city residents.The pilot pension program for unemployed urban residents,the State Council’s most recent initiative to improve the coun-  相似文献   

OPINION Name and Shame Them When the 10 most serious public health incidents in east China’s Shandong Province for 2006 were announced to the public earlier this year, none of the companies involved were mentioned by name. Given the fact that the cases are about food safety and  相似文献   

Holding high the banner of economic prosperity,pragmatic politics and dynamic culture as three pillars in managing the country,Hassan Rouhani emerged victorious in Iran’s most recent presidential election as a large turnout of voters expressed belief in his vision for changing the future of the Islamic republic In his inaugural speech to parliament Rouhani vowed to deal earnestly with the country’s social and economic problems and to launch "constructive interactions"with the world to mend Iran’s global image and to seek a  相似文献   

Aichao Prime Capsule Introduction:Its ingredients help women become more beautiful and healthy and prevent aging.Perfect ingredients: Soy isoflavones and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) have been the most popular products in the women’s healthcare market in recent years, but their main shortcoming of fulfilling a single  相似文献   

<正>China’s pioneer project of reforming its hukou system starts All non-urban workers in Chengdu,southwest China’s Sichuan Province,were covered by social security on April1.The action was regarded as one of the most important measures taken by the Chengdu Municipal Government to reform its household registration,or hukou,system.  相似文献   

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