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测试主题是心理测试过程中测试人员呈现给被测人的相关心理刺激所体现的中心思想和核心内容。能否找出案件的测试主题,编制出恰当的测试题目是测试成功与否的关键和核心。在确定测试主题的过程中,必须遵循客观性、关联性、感知性、系统性等原则,并在全面掌握、分析案件相关信息和被测人的"污染"与"漂白"的基础上确定测试主题。  相似文献   

论犯罪知情测试相关项目的有效性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐兢 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):59-61
犯罪心理测试技术中的犯罪知情测试(GKT)法对测试条件有较高要求,主要是保障测试相关项目的有效性。实践中影响CKT测试相关项目有效性的因素有很多,测试人员应当认真分析案件材料,排除干扰因素的影响,选准有效相关项目,并做好测试中的校正与评估,确保测试结论的可靠性。  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试技术,即通常人们所称的“测谎技术”(POLIGRAPHY),就是专业测试人员根据案件情况,用事先编制好的与心理测试相关的题目,向被测试人提问,以形成对被测试人的心理刺激,再用计算机化心理测试系统记录其情绪的生理反应,以此分析判断被测试人与案件的关系,帮助侦查人员甑别犯罪嫌疑人、知情人和无辜者的一种高科技心理鉴定技术。犯罪心理测试技术目前在我国方兴未艾。作为一种高科技手段,西方国家一直对我国进行技术封锁,加之由于认识的原  相似文献   

目的 从心理兴奋点和刺激点的角度 ,以及有效刺激和无效刺激问题上对心理测试题目设置问题进行系统的分析。方法 以实践为基础结合案件应用对相关问题进行探讨。结果 对相关问题从有效刺激的角度进行了新的定义。结论 把握好刺激点与兴奋点的对应关系 ,尽可能把相关问题的刺激点转化成有效刺激 ,对测试具有重要意义  相似文献   

犯罪调查心理测试技术中的心理信息分析与实践   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的说明心理信息概念对犯罪调查心理测试技术的指导作用。方法综合分析了心理测试技术的功能演变,用信息论的科学原理对心理测试技术进行了全新的定义和诠释,详细论述了心理测试技术的心理信息探查功能,对心理信息的主动性和被动性、测试时机提前、测试前对被测人进行生理状态和心理信息受干扰情况评估、案件测试条件选择、测试题目编制、测前谈话控制、测试目的分析和测试技术综合运用等问题进行了科学系统的论述。结果每一部分论述里都结合了具体的案件办理实践,充分说明了心理信息新理论对心理测试技术实践的科学指导效果。  相似文献   

张旭 《刑事技术》2008,(4):48-49
心理测试技术手段容易受各种因素的影响,由于个体情况与心理测试信息相关,被测人的智力也是一种非常重要的因素,尤其是智力水平较低的人群。  相似文献   

付翠 《政法学刊》2013,(6):69-73
ERP测谎技术作为一种新兴的测试技术不断应用于实际测试过程中,而为了保证测试的准确性,往往会将ERP测谎技术和CPS测谎技术结合使用。但两种测谎技术的测试顺序是否会对测试结论存在影响还无定论,因此文章拟利用同一模拟案件情境对被测人分别进行CPS和ERP测谎,并以测试顺序为变量来分析不同的测试顺序对测试结论是否具有显著影响,以期为心理测试实践提供一定的参考意见。  相似文献   

心理测试技术测试误差主要来自被测对象、题目编制、测试实施过程等三个相对独立的方面,且随机误差和系统误差的权重也不同。对被测对象的个别化、动态化处理,科学的编题,适当的测前访谈,动态、整体、多因素参考的评图等能有效提高测试准确性。  相似文献   

针对吸毒人员长期吸食毒品,其生理、心理情况与正常人群存在很大差异,应用GKT测试法对吸毒人员进行了模拟犯罪的心理测试,将收集的数据进行了比较分析,对吸毒人员能否进行测谎做出了科学的评判。该研究项目获昆明市科技进步奖(获奖证书编号:2007KKR3—25)。[编者按]  相似文献   

基于眼动追踪测量认知负荷变化的犯罪心理测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索可用于认知犯罪心理测试的眼动指标及测试方法。方法对被测人进行视觉、听觉双通路-双任务模拟案件犯罪心理测试,要求被测人对相同问题分别进行诚实回答和欺骗回答,对不同眼动数据和行为数据进行分析。结果注视点离靶、眼跳次数、眨眼间隔随认知负荷(实施欺骗时)增加而增大,并未发现瞳孔变化与答题策略间存在特定关系。结论注视点、离靶距离等眼动指标能有效分析认知负荷变化且应用于认知犯罪心理测试。  相似文献   

The question of whether open-book examinations (OBE) are preferable to closed book examinations (CBE) is not a new one. However, little has been written on the question of the use of OBE in the discipline of law or as a means of promoting more effective teaching and learning. This article will examine the arguments for and against the utilisation of OBE as opposed to CBE for students of law at university level. Utilising secondary data, as well as a primary small-scale empirical study the author explores student views of OBE and CBE and their significance for teaching and learning in law. It is suggested that the issue may not be simply a question of choice of assessment methods and their value but rather involves examining and evaluating approaches to teaching, learning and curriculum design. In conclusion it is argued that there are several factors which need to be taken into account when deciding what form of assessment is the most appropriate for these students but that the key requirement is that the course design and teaching, learning and assessment methods are aligned and considered as a whole, matching learning outcomes to teaching and learning activities and to the form of assessment chosen. Only within this context can OBE promote more effective learning.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):57-69
Forensic psychiatric expert examination of the accused often must decide the question of responsibility or irresponsibility. This type of examination is the most frequent of all psychiatric expert examinations.  相似文献   

神圣的法律似乎因为背后的人民因之是神圣的,似乎天然神圣的人民因为法律的保护而更加神圣。如非要追问二者究竟谁因谁而神圣,问题就有点复杂。因此,探讨人民的至高无上与至高无上的人民不惟有理论与事实的分野,还关涉对当下中国相关法律的追问与考虑。  相似文献   

One of the most important medico-legal questions is whether an infant was born alive or not. The aerated lungs do not mean in every case that the newborn had taken a breath. Under various conditions the aerated lungs may turn into unaerated ones and, on the other hand, a stillborn's lungs may seem aerated. The critical evaluation of the histological and macroscopical examinations may aid in solving the question.  相似文献   

This case concerned the question of whether an individual whosells the rights in their name can challenge the ownership ofthose rights on the basis that its use would be deceptive.  相似文献   

作为农村社会变迁的重要组成部分,农村人口变迁主要包括人口数量、结构、质量、心理素质以及思想观念等方面的变化。在新的历史时期,我国农村人口的变迁呈现出独特的趋势。农村人口各个方面的变迁会对农业家庭经营产生重要而又深远的影响,因此,必须重视农村人口变迁的趋势及其影响,着力调整计划生育、农村就业以及农村公共产品供给等方面的法律制度,确保我国农业家庭经营获得健康发展。  相似文献   

In a specific downzoning situation, the question is not so much whether the new classification reduced the value of the property in comparison to the prior zoning, but rather whether the new classification is reasonable. Since the landowner has no right to expect zoning to continue, the courts are more concerned with the reasonableness of the new zoning as applied to the specific property and not the diminution in value under the new classification.  相似文献   

The operation of forensic chemical laboratories is investigated from the point of view of reliability, approaching the question from both practical and theoretical aspects. Questions of methodology such as the validation and continuous quality control and quality assurance of the expert's activity, the fulfilment of the legal requirements concerned with the operation of an expert organization are all discussed and backed up by a wide selection of reference.  相似文献   

Judicial scholars have often speculated about the impact of elections on the administration of justice in the state courts. Yet relatively little research has concerned itself with public perceptions of state court selection methods. Of particular interest is the concept of legitimacy. Do elections negatively affect public perceptions of judicial legitimacy? Bonneau and Hall (2009) and Gibson (2012) answer this question with an emphatic “No.” Judicial elections, these studies show, are not uniquely troublesome for perceptions of institutional legitimacy. This article aims to extend the findings of Bonneau and Hall and Gibson via a laboratory experiment on the effects of elections on public perceptions of judicial legitimacy. In the end, we find that because elections preempt the use of the other main selection method—appointment—they actually enhance perceptions of judicial legitimacy rather than diminish them.  相似文献   

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