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准确把握事业单位聘用合同的法律性质是完善事业单位聘用合同制度和人事制度的重要前提.目前,我国相关法律法规中虽对聘用合同的法律属性有所涉及,但很模糊,没有真正明确聘用合同的法律属性.本文认为,聘用合同与劳动合同既有相同之处,也存在明显的差异.聘用合同是一种特殊的劳动合同,聘用合同关系是一种特殊的劳动关系.国家应进一步完善聘用合同法制,明确聘用合同的法律属性,制定《聘用合同条例》,并加强相关的配套建设.  相似文献   

Scientific work is one of the most complex forms of labor. The legal regulation of labor relations in science is based on the general principles of the socialist organization of labor as enacted in the Constitution of the USSR and on the general norms of Soviet labor law. At the same time, these relations have a number of distinctive features defined by the creative character and particular significance of the work of scientific personnel. As a consequence, the law has established a distinctive procedure under which labor relationships at law arise between scientific workers and scientific institutions.  相似文献   

The 1974 amendments of the National Labor Relations Act expanded regulation of the health-care industry. Subsequently, as health-care providers have diversified their institutions, the scope of employees' bargaining units has become a confusing issue in labor relations. In the following article, the author reviews relevant post-1974 cases and examines apparently conflicting presumptions about the appropriateness of single- and multifacility bargaining units. The author predicts that, in view of the new "disparity-in-interests" standard for determining units, the future interplay of policies, presumptions, and the new standard will favor multifacility bargaining units--if labor and management appreciate their respective opportunities.  相似文献   

邓新龙 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):47-51
劳动力派遣就是一种新型用工关系,劳动力派遣涉及到派遣机构与劳动者之间的特殊劳动关系,用工单位与劳动者之间的关系,以及派遣单位与用工单位之间的关系。企业、事业单位违规使用劳务派遣工,逃避劳动合同责任,侵犯劳动者合法权益的现象时有发生。劳动力派遣中劳动者权益如何保护,劳动力派遣关系如何进行法律规制,是促进我国劳动力派遣制度完善并切实保护被派遣劳动者合法权益的重要课题。  相似文献   

何平 《现代法学》2012,34(3):164-172
面对事业单位人事制度改革的潮流,我国事业单位人事关系法律定位的选择何去何从,是近年来学者们关注的焦点。聘用制是目前改革中的主要制度类型,但从实际的效用进行分析,现在所推行的聘用制并没有起到预想的目的。更重要的是,统一适用劳动关系有助于改变我国事业单位准政府职能部门的地位,有利于事业单位的健康发展。同时,在法律关系选择的制度设计与适用中,我们应该注重平衡统一适用劳动关系中事业单位工作人员的劳动权益与公共利益、市场机制运营与提供公共产品的利益冲突。  相似文献   

Questions arise in the course of regulating administrative and labor relations involving the need to define the concept of the Soviet government employee, his rights and duties, and to distinguish between the category of government employees and other persons employed in state and cooperative institutions (workers, engineering and technical personnel).  相似文献   

朱超 《金陵法律评论》2004,(4):35-40,62
群体性劳动争议有一定的成因、特点与规律.反映为市场化的利益诉求必须通过市场化的三方体制建设和企业层面的有效的劳动关系协调机制来及时疏导、化解和调节.应分析群体性劳动争议生成的内外部因素,把握其特征.在企业微观经济层面,应强化劳动者的组织化程度与约束效应,构建群体性争议消解的制度、机制建设框架.在宏观层面,应积极完善劳动争议调处机制,强化三方协商的体制性建设与创新,使之与社会主义市场经济体制同步得以完善.  相似文献   

常凯 《法学论坛》2012,(3):98-104
随着中国劳动关系集体化转型的发生,劳动法的调整对象也由以往主要局限于个别劳动关系调整,转变为以个别劳动关系调整为基础,以集体劳动关系调整为主线,以社会劳动关系调整为目标。规范的市场经济下劳动法的作用,是从个别劳动关系的从属性出发,通过集体劳动关系的对等性,来实现社会劳动关系的协调性。与中国劳动关系和劳动法治的集体化转型相适应,中国劳动法学科理论基础和结构体系也需重构,构建一个以个别劳动关系调整为基础、以集体劳动关系调整为中心的新的劳动法学科体系,已经成为中国劳动法学科发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

张荣芳 《现代法学》2012,34(3):64-70
劳动关系产生的时间直接关系到劳动者和用人单位劳动权利义务的开始。我国《劳动合同法》规定劳动关系自用工之日起建立,不仅给该法的执行带来了许多困惑,还给劳动法理论造成了一系列冲击。劳动关系产生的依据是劳动合同。劳动合同作为一种诺成性的非要式合同,承诺达成,合同即成立。除了合同中有特别约定,劳动合同成立之时即生效,形成劳动关系。劳动关系不是自劳动合同履行之时起建立。  相似文献   

李培智 《法学杂志》2012,(6):122-125
实习生与实习单位如果构成了从属劳动,当属劳动关系。是否构成从属劳动,可以参照独立性与依赖性、替代性与辅助性、有偿性与无偿性标准予以判断。大学生实习劳动关系难以被标准劳动关系所包容,应在劳动立法中对主体双方的权利义务作出专门规定。  相似文献   

The paper critically examined the implementation of treaties related to labor and labor relations in Nigerian law. Prior to the amendment of the Constitution in 2010, section 12(1) stipulated that all treaties must be domesticated before enforcement. But in that year a new provision – section 254C(2) – was introduced which empowered the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN) to enforce treaties related to labor and labor relations which have been ratified though not domesticated. One relevant question examined was whether section 254C(2) of the Constitution could be applied to enforce treaties that are partly related to labor and labor relations and also have been ratified in view of a decision of the NICN which applied that provision to enforce a treaty that was wholly related to labor and labor relations. It was argued that section 254C(2) should also be applied to enforce treaties that are partly related to labor and labor relations.  相似文献   

曹燕 《政法论丛》2007,28(3):48-54
劳动政策是政府干预劳动关系、协调劳资利益的基本手段。在我国经济体制改革过程中逐渐形成了以建立劳动关系市场化运行机制为目标的劳动政策体系,其宗旨是建立以劳资个体协商为核心的劳动关系运行机制。在此基础上我国逐步确立了以劳动合同制度为核心的劳动法体系,希望将劳动关系的运行风险通过合同机制化解在劳动关系内部,以减轻政府的负担。但是劳动合同制度与我国劳动政策目标之间却存在着功能冲突,使得我国劳动政策的实施缺乏制度保障。  相似文献   

谢天长 《政法学刊》2011,28(5):27-33
《劳动合同法》第二条第二款规定的公共部门①劳动关系,在外观上与企业内劳动关系并无差别。但因用人单位的特殊性而导致这类劳动关系具有区别于企业劳动关系的某些特质。公共部门劳动关系存有区别于企业内劳动关系的法律环境,在协调机制也有自己的特点,需要针对公共部门劳动关系的特质而采取不同的员工激励方式。  相似文献   

The reform of German company law by the Control and Transparency Law (KonTraG) of 1998 reveals the politics of corporate governance liberalization. The reforms strengthened the supervisory board, shareholder rights, and shareholder equality, but left intra‐corporate power relations largely intact. Major German financial institutions supported the reform's contribution to the modernization of German finance, but blocked mandatory divestment of equity stakes and cross‐shareholding. Conversely, organized labor prevented any erosion of supervisory board codetermination. Paradoxically, by eliminating traditional takeover defenses, the KonTraG's liberalization of company law mobilized German political opposition to the European Union's (EU) draft Takeover Directive and limited further legal liberalization.  相似文献   

现实中企业加班泛滥,表层原因是我国工时制度的关键规范包括标准工时制、特殊工时制以及加班管制等存在较为严重的缺陷,难以良好实施;中层原因是工时制度与劳动法、社会保险法等与之密切相关的几个主要制度之间不具有协调性,包括限制加班与支付加班工资、基础工资与加班工资以及加班工资与社保费之间关系等,这些制度矛盾对用人单位规避工时制度形成不良利益诱引;深层原因则是工时制度的价值功能受到人们的普遍怀疑,其根基有所摇动。这一系列问题导致我国工时制度面临严峻的挑战,应适当变革和系统完善工时制度和相关制度规范以迎接这一挑战。  相似文献   

易玉  胡忠君 《行政与法》2006,23(11):95-97
劳动法从传统向现代的转型过程中,劳动关系中的主、客体理论,即劳动者理论和劳动力理论必须更新。首先,必须正确区分社会学意义上的劳动者和法学意义上的劳动者,合理限定劳动关系主体的范围;其次,必须承认劳动力的商品性,确立它在劳动法律关系中的客体地位。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》的一个重大突破是,立法上首次明确规定了兼职的合法性,随着《劳动合同法》的实施,非全日制用工形式的日趋成熟,兼职将会在我国大量存在。兼职劳动者与所在单位建立的关系.都属于劳动关系,且是平行的劳动关系,它们之间没有主次之分,其劳动权益应当受劳动法律保护,然而,兼职劳动者如何享有休假权却出现立法空白。本文以《职工带薪年休假务例》为视角,认为与劳动者建立劳动关系的单位都应当给予年休假,兼职劳动者享有双倍或多倍的年休假期,符合年休假的本质属性,既有法理基础,又有可操作性,有利于保护劳动者的休息休假权,体现劳动法的价值目标。  相似文献   

论劳动关系与劳务关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨德敏 《河北法学》2005,23(7):140-143
随着市场经济的快速发展和劳动法制的不断完善,劳动力市场更加活跃,用人形式也更为灵活,劳动者与用人单位既可以建立劳动关系,也可以建立劳务关系。劳动关系与劳务关系都表现为一方提供劳动力,另一方支付劳动报酬,并经常交织在一起,实践中两者容易混淆,很难正确区分。但二者有着本质的不同,劳动关系是劳动者在用人单位从事劳动过程中发生的社会关系。劳务关系是指两个或两个以上的平等主体之间就劳务事项进行等价交换过程中形成的一种经济关系。二者在主体地位、表现形式、受国家干预程度、享受待遇等方面都具有本质的区别,只有认清二者的本质特征,才能正确适用法律,切实保障劳动者的合法权益。  相似文献   

我国现行《劳动合同法》中包含了大量背离普通民事法律规则的劳动关系强行运行规则,但这些规则仍属于私法领域,与公法属性的劳动基准存在本质差别。由公权保障实施,是劳动基准的特征之一。将过多的单位义务纳入劳动监察的保障实施范围,分散了劳动基准的公权保护力度,因此,不宜将现行劳动监察事项作为劳动基准的判断依据。对劳动合同书面形式、二倍工资、经济补偿金、用工档案等具体制度规则的分析表明,我国《劳动合同法》中的大量强行规则并非劳动基准。虽然《劳动合同法》与劳动基准关系密切,但其中真正涉及劳动基准的规定并不多,仅在非典型劳动关系调整中略有提及,因此,制定单独的《劳动基准法》,仍有很大的制度空间。  相似文献   

The transition from state socialism toward market capitalism has led to an almost endless supply of new laws and legal institutions. Industrial enterprises need to adapt to this new institutional regime. In-house lawyers are well placed to be agents of change in facilitating this adjustment. Using survey data from 328 Russian enterprises, the article examines the role of company lawyers, asking whether they have fulfilled this potential. Legal expertise is not in short supply, but lawyers are marginalized within the enterprise. They focus on established, routine tasks, such as handling labor relations or drafting form contracts, rather than on shaping enterprise strategies in the newer areas created by the transition, such as corporate governance or securities law. The failure of in-house lawyers to emerge as agents of change in Russia reflects a continuation of their low status during the Soviet era and the lack of professional identity among these company lawyers.  相似文献   

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