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治理结构是指在所有权和经营权分离的情况下,通过一定的组织结构形式,明确和规范资产所有者、支配者、管理者和使用者之间权利和利益关系的一种企业制度安排,是指导和控制公司运作的一整套机制与规则。它是公司制度的核心,其产生和发展具有历史性和必然性,早期公司治理结构是简单的董事会领导下的经理人员经营制度,随着公司制度的发展,股东大会、董事会以及高层经理三位一体的权力结构,便成为传统公司治理结构的主要模式,这种模式在早期对公司的发展起到了具大的作用,但是,公司制度的发展,这种模式又越来越不适应公司制度的需要,公司的决策、公司的内剖监督等制度的缺乏等都制约公司本身的发展。因此自二十世纪中期以来,随着公司理念的不断更新,公司治理结构也出现了新的变化。  相似文献   

A critical element in China's current economic reform program is the creation of modern corporate governance structures in its corporations. Many of China's largest firms are caught between market incentives and political pressures, creating a situation ripe for managerial inefficiency. This article examines the financial and regulatory structures necessary for an efficient corporate governance system to function in China, and it assesses how these structures currently operate in the economy. The article identifies key failures in fostering modern corporate governance practices, which in turn jeopardize central elements of the government's reform program. The article includes a case study of the governance practices of PetroChina Company Ltd, the internationally listed subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation. The success or failure of the government's efforts to create proper governance mechanisms will carry important economic and political ramifications for China. Indeed, the successful implementation of corporate governance reforms may mark the final stages of China's evolution into a market economy.  相似文献   

This paper follows well publicised arguments in December 2004 between Gu Chujun, the controversial board chairman of the large Chinese refrigerator maker, Guangdong Kelon Electrical Holding Co, and Lang Xianping, a Hong Kong economics professor, over the drain on state assets resulting from the privatisation of state-owned enterprises. The Kelon affair triggered a nationwide public debate on further reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The exchange of criticism continued after Gu Chujun was detained in the midst of a corporate scandal in August 2005. At the end of the debate, it was asserted by many observers that the Kelon case was a wake-up call to the Chinese authorities and that more aggressive and effective supervision of listed companies was urgently needed to ensure the appreciation of state assets. This article argues that the building of the institutions of corporate government, as a counterpart to the establishment of property rights institutions, has been a creative process within China-in-transition over the past two decades. Yet the Kelon affair reveals a series of accumulated difficulties with regard to corporate governance reform of Chinese publicly listed companies and its associated institutions. Corporate governance institution-building has been moulded, particularly since 1997 onwards, by the neo-classical apotheosis of unbridled meritocracy with private property rights and shareholder-oriented corporate governance mechanisms as its two poles. The analysis indicates that, as a result, corporate governance restructuring of Chinese publicly listed companies has become opaque with one-sided outcomes in favour of managers and local officials, and, as such, inevitably carries the seeds of its own destruction.  相似文献   

文章从研究广西国企法人治理结构所处的困境出发,探索研究建立现代企业法人治理结构需要解决的问题。首先必须解决理论认识问题,走出建立法人治理结构的理论困境。其次从实践上引入资本所有权多元化结构,建立以股建制的法人结构和人力资本结构的激励机制及约束机制。  相似文献   

Over the last decade there have been significant economic reforms in China. Foreign investment is encouraged and there are increasing numbers of joint ventures with foreign partners. The stock exchanges of Shanghai and Shenzen have developed quite rapidly, and the expansion of China's economy and the growing importance of foreign investment has implications for the development of corporate governance structures in China. The internationalization of institutional portfolios ensures that there is a cross‐border interest in corporate governance, and that China's steps in developing corporate governance will be watched with interest. In this paper, we will explore the existing cultural aspects of China, the structure of share ownership in China, recent developments that have taken place in China's capital markets, including the growing foreign influence, and their implications for corporate governance developments. We compare and contrast the influences on corporate governance in the West with those in China. We conclude that any model of corporate governance which develops in China is likely to embody the special role of the state and certain idiosyncratic cultural aspects of China, whilst taking on certain of the characteristics of an Anglo‐Saxon corporate governance model.  相似文献   

本文根据现代契约理论认为融资模式影响着公司的治理模式,并从现代三种特色鲜明的融资模式出发,探讨了其公司治理模式的形成,并进一步分析了其异同。最后本文认为随着资本市场和贸易的国际化,世界经济全球化、一体化的发展,公司融资与治理结构有着趋同、结合和互补的趋势。  相似文献   

建立外部董事制度,是进一步完善国有控股上市公司治理结构的一项重要举措.然而,有关外部董事的任职条件、选任、权利义务等,我国到目前为止还没有明确的法律规定.鉴此,本文从三个方面就国有控股上市公司外部董事制度进行全面的探讨.  相似文献   

China's progress in fixing its banking system has surprised observers. Successful experiments, some of them involving foreign investors, have emerged in China to deal with the problems of the banking system. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, has played an active role in piloting some of these approaches in close cooperation with the regulator and other strategic investors. In the period 1995–2000, IFC's strategy was to work with one or two banks to help improve their governance and skills. The idea was to create some model banks which could be emulated by others and used by the regulators to introduce modern banking practices. Once the corporate governance and business practices of these banks improved, then the IFC was able to attract foreign banks to invest in these banks. These investments encouraged other foreign banks to consider taking minority stakes in the smaller banks. The success of these experiments gave confidence to the Chinese authorities to open up the big state-owned banks for foreign investment and encouraged big international banks to invest large sums of money to take minority stakes in the big banks. While progress in reform has been remarkable, the real and sustainable transformation of the Chinese banks is far from over and will be a lengthy process. Significant challenges such as improving corporate governance and credit risk management remain. Despite the significant opening of the banking system to foreign direct investment, foreign ownership in the Chinese banking system remains low by international standards. Even with existing limitations on foreign ownership, foreign strategic investors are contributing to the transformation of Chinese banks and their role remains highly relevant for the continued reform of the Chinese banking system.  相似文献   

实现高质量和充分就业是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要内容。人工智能为有效的劳动力市场治理带来了挑战,促使财富积累方向由资本转向知识,加快了劳动力外部化趋势,改变了工作的技能需求。这进一步造成社会发展不均衡、既有社会保障功能弱化和外部性风险加大。本文探讨了税收与转移支付、基本收入保障、积极劳动力市场政策、人力资本投资和再培训账户等政策工具组合的综合治理功能,并提出调整社会财富分配格局、增强劳动者对新技术的适应性、打造多方参与的劳动力市场社会治理格局和促进社区就业并重的政策建议,为增强劳动力市场综合治理能力奠定基础。  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理的基础在社区。本文以深圳桃源居社区为例,深入剖析了社区创新社会管理的经验与挑战。桃源居社区通过创新理念,积极培育了社区社会组织;通过构建多元参与的机制,创新了社区社会治理的模式;通过创新社区管理方法,建设了社区骨干人才队伍;通过资源整合模式创新,解决了长期以来社区公共服务供给不足的难题。  相似文献   

张建 《长白学刊》2021,(2):9-16
当代中国共产党人在推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的接续奋斗中,着力国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,实现了“风景这边独好”的中国之治.新时代治国理政的实践,标注了当代中国共产党人对实现国家治理现代化一系列重大问题的深刻回答,诠释了当代中国共产党人对实现国家治理现代化目标的引领与担当.梳理新时代中国共产党人推进国家治理现代化的...  相似文献   

正The astonishing transformation of China—its economic prowess, its rapid urbanization without slum cities, its scientific and technological prowess, the education of its vast population, its modern infrastructure which is the envy of much of the world, and its continually evolving pattern of governance that has enabled all these developments—has of course all occurred under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).  相似文献   

本文利用上海证券交易所采掘、电力和煤气行业的40家及批发、零售贸易业,电子信息产业的91家上市公司的数据,在进行适当的筛选和剔除之后,对它们2003年至2005年三年的数据进行了实证研究。结果表明,在不同的行业特征条件下,股权集中度对公司经营绩效的影响是不同的:在竞争性行业的上市公司中,股权相对集中,且有若干个大股东的股权集中度有利于公司绩效的提升;在垄断性行业的上市公司中,则是较高的股权集中度有利于公司绩效的提升,无论是第一大股东、前五大股东或前十大股东的持股比例都应保持较高水平。这些实证结果为完善我国的上市公司治理提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

企业会计文化以企业为载体,是企业文化的重要组成部分。本次调查旨在对我国企业会计文化建设的影响因素分析有真实、全面和实时的认识。根据调查结果,超过八成的被调查人群对我国目前企业会计文化建设持不乐观态度。企业领导对会计的重视程度、会计人员素质的高低、会计管理制度是否健全以及整体管理水平的高低等内部环境因素对规范会计管理、完善会计组织、提高会计管理水平起着较为重要的作用。会计的外部环境因素主要包括经济因素、政治因素、法律因素、文化教育因素和科学技术因素等。  相似文献   

中国古代基本上可以称为科举社会。从国家治理的层面,科举制度实现了王权与士治的结合,使贤人治国的理念深入人心。从读书人的角度,科举制度连接着内圣和外王,不仅关乎"权"、"名"、"利",更直接的就是个人的自我实现程度。科举这种考试权力,是一种规训权力。一方面,通过全景敞视建筑(panopticon)监视,使读书人产生"自我监视",在布衣卿相的路上无止境地奔竞;另一方面,通过对读书人身体苦行僧般的操演,不断从细微处雕琢读书人的身体和灵魂,创造着封建社会需要的主体。所有的人都在此游戏里乐此不疲,似乎对游戏背后的权力规训茫然无知。  相似文献   

戴康 《长白学刊》2021,(2):71-77
合作治理是实现国家与社会之间良性互动的方向.新时代背景下,合作治理呈现出新的特征,政治场域和社会场域基于特定公共事务而进行的专业性合作在维护社会秩序、改善基层治理、化解公共冲突中发挥着举足轻重的作用,这一模式被称之为专业化治理.以上海市H法律服务调解中心为例,对专业化治理的生成背景、运行机理和实践效应进行明晰.在此基础...  相似文献   

根据我国改革发展的总目标,党的十八届三中全会适时提出了国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的主张,其中社会治理是保证我国实现发展目标的必要条件。统一战线作为党的政治优势,在社会治理中将发挥自身独特作用。统一战线是各党派、各民族、各宗教、新社会阶层以及海内外同胞组成的广泛联盟,其大团结、大联合的属性,尤其对社会转型过程中出现的新的界别、新的社会阶层的团结和协调作用重大。因此,统一战线通过发挥自身优势,协调社会各方各界关系,团结社会各方力量,服务社会治理,将为创建社会主义和谐社会做出新的更大贡献。  相似文献   

For emerging democracies, how to reach state–society equilibriums conducive to both democratization and effective governance has been a most challenging issue. Illustrating such a predicament, in present-day Taiwan a situation of ‘divided government’ has been widely regarded in the literature as implying frequent legislative–executive stalemate and ineffective governance. In this article, we argue that while power games among the three conventional branches of government—the executive, legislature, and judiciary—may continue to produce a governmental stalemate equilibrium, the entry of increasingly important media and interest group players into the policy-making arena in Taiwan has shown strong potential to make up for the institutional failing of divided government. Drawing on the adoption process of the 2001 Financial Holding Company Law, we examine the conditions under which effective governance can still be achieved in Taiwan. Our analysis shows that concerted media pressure can succeed in forcing Taiwan's major parties to jointly pursue beneficial legislation. The analysis also suggests that interest group involvement in Taiwanese policy-making does not necessarily lead to crippling ‘regulatory capture’ but, on the contrary, can entail welfare enhancing change.  相似文献   

Phillip Stalley 《当代中国》2009,18(61):567-590
How does participation in the global economy influence the pollution management practices of firms in a developing country? Research on trade and the environment leads one to anticipate that integration into the international economy should enhance domestic firm environmental behavior. Integration facilitates access to cleaner technology, exposes domestic firms to global norms of corporate environmentalism, and compels developing country firms to meet trading partners' environmental standards or risk losing market access. This article tests these propositions by exploring the environmental compliance of internationally oriented firms in China—a country whose rapid economic expansion and increasingly prominent role as a foreign investor have considerable implications for protection of the global environment. It finds that there is only modest market-induced enhancement of environmental performance among Chinese companies. In terms of their compliance with environmental law, Chinese firms with connections to the global economy are either no better than domestically oriented companies or, in the case of firms that export heavily, are worse.  相似文献   

Governance is a hot topic in China, as well as among political scientists. Ways of thinking about it can be improved. This essay offers a ‘neo-functionalist’ method to test for successful or unsuccessful governance of reform stability in China. It takes account of the need for participation in effective governance. Steering a state (or any part of a state) requires attention to multiple sizes of polity—especially several medial sizes in a country as large as China. Governance has varied over time during the ‘reform’ era, when anti-reform conservatives have remained important in many nested political networks. The paper shows variation of governance over time, over sizes of polity and over four sample governance functions: managing the economy, maintaining orderly stability, linking ‘social’ parts of the polity to the government, and choosing cadres. It shows how these categories exhaust a logical field that is at least implicit in any analysis of governance roles, and it suggests the value of a ‘circulation of elites’ paradigm when thinking about governance success or failure.  相似文献   

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