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同志们: 伴随着时代前进的步伐,中共大连市委党校走过了60年的光辉历程.今天,我们在这里隆重集会,热烈庆祝中共大连市委党校建校60周年.在此,我谨代表中共辽宁省委党校校委,向大连市委党校的教职员工,包括在不同历史时期为党校教育工作做出过贡献的老同志,表示热烈的祝贺!  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导、各位嘉宾,亲爱的校友,老师们、同学们: 大家好! 今天,我们尊敬的母校--大连市委党校,迎来了她的六十华诞.首先,请允许我代表曾在这里学习和培训的全体学员向莅临庆典大会的领导和同志们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢,向各位校友致以诚挚的祝福,向辛勤培育我们的老师表达深深的敬意,向我们心爱的母校送上一句:祝您生日快乐!  相似文献   

同志们: 今天,我们隆重集会庆祝中共大连市委党校建校60周年,对于进一步加强党的创新理论的学习、研究和宣传,加强干部培训,推动党校事业全面发展,具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

中国自从建同以来,中国共产党的执政方式可划分为三个阶段:建国到十一届三中全会为依政策执政阶段;十一届三中全会到十五大为依法制执政阶段;十五大以后为依法制执政向依法治执政转型阶段。依法执政实质是依宪执政,是党执政方式的新思维,而党依宪执政的关键是确立宪法至上。  相似文献   

莲山纾灵脉,碧海育英才.在两种命运决战中诞生的中共大连市委党校(创建时称中共旅大地委党校),自1947年5月建校始,迄今已经走过整整60年的旅程.  相似文献   

Many people immediately recall great alumni whenever the name Nankai University is uttered—former Chinese Premier  相似文献   

ALEX CHAN 《当代中国》2007,16(53):547-559
Guidance of public opinion (yulun daoxiang) became the buzzword of the Chinese government's media policy from the 1990s. I illustrate this idea through borrowing the concept of agenda-setting from media studies. Partly, its introduction was a response to the crisis of the propaganda model in the mid-1980s. Recognizing its declining ability to control what people think, the party state shifted its focus from political ideology to social agenda. The guidance of public opinion is indirect, flexible and subtle in nature. It allows the state-controlled media to address people's daily concerns. Also, it realizes that responsiveness to public opinion is the key to guiding that opinion effectively. The media need to guide public opinion ‘correctly’, so as to promote political unity, social stability, and boost morale. An argument is advanced that the party state seeks to accomplish attention management through agenda-setting.  相似文献   

As China proceeds with a process of urbanization unprecedented in human history, it maintains an urban-biased governance regime in many areas, including food safety regulation. Using secondary data and interviews with officials from the Changping district in Beijing, this article systematically defines the main characteristics of China's dual food safety regulation regimes, highlighting differences between urban and rural areas in four dimensions: policy structure, funding source, staff structure and resource allocation. This article also provides an explanatory framework to understand this dual regime's development and persistence from a neo-institutionalism perspective. Three main explanatory variables are advanced: historical legacy, dual incentive structures, and dual economic and industrial patterns. While China's urbanization process and governance structure, including the food safety regulatory regime, are not complete by Western standards, we emphasize this problem is best understood by examining China's unique socioeconomic and cultural context.  相似文献   

现代赦免制度尤其是其中的特赦制度,作为刑事政策体系的组成部分,直接关系到宪政体制和刑事法治领域诸多核心而又敏感的问题。本文在阐释了特赦的概念及其特征基础上,分析了我国特赦立法的现状,在指出建国60周年实行特赦的作用和意义之后,提出了建国60周年实行特赦范围。  相似文献   

新中国60周年国庆阅兵,引起境外媒体高度关切.由于价值观念、历史认知和文化传统的差异,它们对中国国庆阅兵报道,呈现出正面报道参杂于负面报道、军力报道彰显于国力报道、士气报道逊色于装备报道,难以向受众传播真实、客观、公正、公平的新闻信息,致国际社会对中国军队形象产生种种误读和误判.这就要求进一步加强对外军事宣传,努力塑造中国军队威武之师、文明之师、和平之师的形象,赢得国际社会和广大受众的理解和支持.  相似文献   

党的领导地位的确立,是历史发展的必然性转化为党的自觉性和先进性的不断与时俱进结果,是必然之应然:同时党的自觉性和先进性又促进历史发展的必然性的结果,是应然之必然。这对于我们加强党建。维护执政安全,认识和把握历史规律.大有裨益.  相似文献   

1958年北京第一热电厂建成,北京热力集团的前身北京市煤气热力公司成立,第一条热力管线破土动工,伴随着国庆十周年十大建筑的建设,首都集中供热事业拉开了帷幕。党的十一届三中全会荡漾着改革开放的春风,1978年以后,北京热力事业的发展与北京城市经济建设同步,进入快速发展时期。  相似文献   


该文回顾了中国共产党与各民主党派、无党派人士团结奋斗的光辉历程,对多党合作和政治协商理论的九次跨越进行了梳理。  相似文献   

Sheng Ding 《当代中国》2010,19(64):255-272
A rising power has traditionally been considered as a revisionist power in realist international relations theories. However, a preliminary analysis of the rising China's foreign policy behavior doesn't uphold such conventional wisdom. Through the case study of China's rise, this article investigates whether the soft power concept provides a new approach in analyzing a rising power. Firstly, empirical connections between soft power and the rise of China are established by discussing the Chinese idea of soft power. This is followed by an examination of how China adopts a soft power-based global strategy and wields soft power in its rise to a status quo power. The findings suggest that the soft power concept can be applied to analyze a rising power. Moreover, when a rising power tries to develop its soft power resources and wield its soft power, its revisionist policy orientation will greatly decrease. This in turn allows for a smoother transition to a status quo power.  相似文献   

大陆方面与台北当局固然在宪政与法理上均主张两岸之间只有一个国家的存在,但是台北在过去十多年始终对北京所提出的“一中原则”感到顾虑重重。未来双方展开政治接触之时,大陆可不可以避免使用台湾方面感到困扰的“一中原则”,与台北共同使用“中国领土主权完整”这一概念,以体现双方的有重叠与契合的精神与立场?从两岸双方发表过的重要文件与谈话,以及双方学界论辩的结果,证明用“中国领土和主权完整”的说辞作为双方都便于接受的“一中原则”表述的替代性方案,在理论上应是可以被接受的,而且双方更容易在政治上达成共识。  相似文献   

The Lhasa riots in 2008 re-captured the world's attention on the Tibet problem. As China continues to grow as a rising power, it raises a concern over whether the perception of a rising China will affect how American people think about the Tibet problem. In this article, the authors apply public opinion data to evaluate this question. The results show that the perception of China's hard power or soft power has little influence on Americans' view of the Tibet problem, while factors of political values and China's policy stance matter greatly. Our findings suggest that the huge difference in political values between the PRC and the US makes it tough for both sides to agree on a resolution to the Tibet problem. In the long term, China needs to improve its human rights record and present itself as a responsible great power to win over the hearts of foreign publics rather than conduct a public relations campaign according to its own imagination.  相似文献   

西部大开发对西部来说是一次难得的历史机遇,应从思想上突破大垦荒、短期见效、国家单一投资的误区,正视东西部在观念、基础设施、所处地域上的差距,作好规划、法制、环境准备.  相似文献   


Retention of public child welfare (PCW) workers is the focus of much scholarly research. Examinations of the topic have ranged from assessments of workers’ background to job factors and attitudinal components about the workplace. Unlike most studies, the present study uses agency administrative data on retention. In it, 502 PCW workers responded to a point-in-time survey covering a wide range of topics including job satisfaction, commitment to child welfare, perceptions of culture and climate, Title IV-E status, and demographic variables. While Title IV-Es were more likely to leave the agency, several significant interactions between Title IV-E and retention status showed that Title IV-Es who left the agency had significantly lower supervisor satisfaction and influence than Title IV-Es who stayed; and lower efficacy scores than non-Title IV-Es who left. No such differences were found for non-Title IV-E stayers and leavers. Implications for these differences for county agencies and universities are discussed.  相似文献   

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