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At a meeting in London on June 5, finance ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) nations agreed to establish a global minimum tax rate of 15 percent for large multinational companies. The historic agreement demonstrates the growing willingness of the United States and European countries to cooperate in the context of rising populism, protectionism and deglobalization in the Western world. It is expected to bring profound changes to global tax governance, as well as to the global trade and economic landscape.  相似文献   

调查发现,国家政权为推动城市基层治理而设定的街政居治的治理格局并没有真正建立起来,相反却呈现出任务型自治的非健康状态。面对任务型自治遗留下来的一系列问题,如何通过强化理性、权利、责任、合作,以实现街居之间的和谐互动、共生双赢,是当前建构城市街居治理体制的现实问题。本文认为,民主合作型治理可以避免街居之间的合作惰性或合作匮乏的困境,是构建合理的街居治理体制的理性选择。  相似文献   

知识产权全球治理是一种不同于传统的新型治理系统,治理功能的实现不再是民族国家单独作用的结果,而是民族国家之间、民族国家与其他主体相互作用的结果。文章以结构功能主义作为分析框架,分别从适应功能、目标达成功能和维持功能三个层面对知识产权领域中的全球治理进行解读,认为非政府主体在全球治理结构中占据了更为重要的位置,但并没有改变政府的主导地位。不同治理主体之间不仅存在着合作,也存在着冲突。知识产权全球治理系统在促使治理目标实现的同时,也有可能导致公共利益和弱势主体的利益受损。  相似文献   

刘东杰 《桂海论丛》2012,(4):100-103
政府行政管理与基层群众自治是两种不同的社会治理机制,二者具有统一的社会目标——社会治理。但因二者在内在机制、价值取向、运作方式等方面的不同,导致二者的协调陷入困境。协调两种治理机制,是建立科学治理结构的必然要求。要从合理调整基层政府管理职能,培育基层群众的自治观念和增强基层自治组织的利益聚合与表达功能三个方面入手加以协调。  相似文献   

环境问题解决的根本途径:多中心环境治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
政府与“治理”对环境问题解决的失败,产生对多中心环境治理的制度需求。这种以公民社会自主治理为基础,以复杂、多样、动态的制度安排为特征的环境控制系统,因适应了治理对象与治理本身的不确定性特点,成为解决环境问题的根本途径。但其制度构建却不可能一蹴而就,它将主要是一个与实际相符的,以公民社会自主提供的治理规则为核心的整体框架。基于这点,其实施路径必然是一个从局部向整体渐进扩散的过程。  相似文献   

作为一种新型文明形态的人类命运共同体,把人类美好生活的实现作为其最高的价值位阶,它必须扬弃基于"中心-边缘"不平衡性发展理念而构建的世界贫富两极化的发展格局,把各国共同发展的共同善的伦理性要求作为人类命运共同体得以落实的基本前提。共同发展理念只有得到全球治理的内在性拱卫,才能把人类命运共同体视阈下的元治理理念与基于共同发展所要求的共同治理,构成共同抵御霸权性治理的非正义性侵蚀的价值基础,唯有如此,人作为"类"属性而非"种"属性的共同体主体际性才会在共同发展与共同治理的视阈下绽放出来。  相似文献   

Alfred M. Wu 《当代中国》2013,22(81):379-393
Decentralized governance is often viewed as an effective way to improve public services and government accountability. Many also document the negative dimensions of fiscal decentralization, especially in transition economies; thus, the combination of decentralization and centralized control has gained currency in some countries in recent years. Based on first-hand data and other documentary sources, and using civil service remuneration as an example, this paper attempts to explore how decentralized governance works in China and what hinders decentralization from performing better. The findings show that Chinese centralized control over expenditure in public sector remuneration primarily serves to enhance ministry control. Local bureaucrats, meanwhile, exploit better remuneration to boost their personal interests. This paper argues that political commitment rather than central transfer is greatly needed for utilizing the benefits of decentralized governance.  相似文献   

随着中国逐渐成为国际治理结构中的重要组成部分,国际组织反过来在中国政策变迁中也扮演着越来越重要的角色。本文通过辨析超国家组织的"超国家性"和国际组织的"国际性",提出了国际组织在跨国政策转移过程中的特殊作用。在实证上,文章研究了联合国发展计划署(UNDP)在中国小额信贷政策制定中的作用。UNDP在最近十多年间有策略地向中国政府推介小额信贷扶贫政策的过程中扮演着信息传播者、政策试验室和政策顾问三方面角色。另外,国际组织在对发展中国家的政策转移的消极影响主要表现为对发展中国家的政策主权和政策价值的冲击。  相似文献   

The Chinese public's domestic expectation is that its state will ensure a safe and affordable supply of food. However, in doing so, China has acquired large amounts of farmland abroad which has raised concerns among many developing countries. It has been argued that land grabbing in the developing world is a form of neo-colonialism. This role of a colonial power is in conflict with China's historical role, which presents China as a leader of the developing world. In order to bring these role expectations into conformity with each other, China has taken a more active role in global food security governance. It has brought food security to what is becoming the core of the global governance decision-making system, the G20. China's historical role, together with its growing economic power, has helped to push the G20 to understand the importance of food security. This has shifted the G20's understanding of economic global governance away from the traditional fields of banking and trade regulation toward understanding the developmental-oriented economic structure.  相似文献   

Banning Garrett 《当代中国》2006,15(48):389-415
The coming decade could provide the opportunity for the United States to consolidate stable Sino–American relations and expand US–China cooperation on a wide range of global and regional issues. Such a constructive relationship would not be conflict-free or without competitive aspects, especially in the political and economic realms, nor is its development inevitable. But the United States is not likely to conclude that a strategy of containment toward China is either necessary or feasible. Similarly, China will likely continue to pursue a strategy of seeking cooperative ties with the United States rather than adopting an anti-hegemonist coalition strategy to counter American power and influence. A key factor underlying this assessment is that ‘globalization’ is reshaping the global strategic environment. In this new strategic situation, the interests of the United States and China will limit strategic competition between them and compel closer cooperation to respond to shared strategic threats and challenges. Globalization has led to converging—though by no means identical—national interests in many critical areas and a common interest in maintaining the overall global system of regimes, treaties and organizations governing international economic, political and security relations to the benefit of both countries. This high-level common interest does not preclude sharp differences over specific issues, but it is likely to create pressure on the United States and China to cooperate in many areas to defend, maintain and strengthen the system and to restrain them from pursuing containment or confrontational strategies toward each other.  相似文献   

Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward a Global Development Initiative when addressing the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly via video link on September 21. The initiative is to promote global economic recovery, as well as more balanced, greener and inclusive development, and to expedite the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The initiative calls for fostering global development partnerships, with priority given to cooperation on poverty alleviation, food security, COVID-19 response and vaccines, development financing, and climate change, among other areas. This initiative is particularly significant for BRICS countries, as their ability to take the lead in executing it can contribute a lot to driving the full-fledged development of their respective regions. Meanwhile, the newly proposed points echo the major concerns of BRICS countries.  相似文献   

This paper expounds how China participates in and contributes to global human rights governance from the perspective of its participation in United Nations' human rights affairs. For more than 70 years since the United Nations was founded, it has done a good deal of work in establishing the principles and standards for human rights, developing the connotation of human rights, setting up the international human rights treaty system, and reforming the specialized United Nations' body on human rights, and so on. Since the United Nations was founded, China has been an active participant in and made important contributions to global human rights governance under the framework of the United Nations' human rights conventions. It has contributed to the establishment of the principles and standards for human rights and the connotations of human rights. It has also actively joined international human rights treaties and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations.  相似文献   

The human rights cause in the world still faces structural challenges and crises, the factor of which including scarcity of living material resources, global environmental crisis and global terrorism. However, the existing global governance model and governance pattern have made it difficult to deal effectively with the above structural challenges and crises facing the development of human rights in the world. Therefore, it's necessary to advance and modernize global governance. In order to realize these ends, the Chinese government presents the ideal of a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings as the modernization of global governance and the Belt and Road Initiative as the proper project for this process of modernization. It calls on all countries to work hand in hand and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind so as to realize the modernization of global governance and hence the comprehensive development of human beings.  相似文献   

本文以"美丽园事件"为个案,着眼于冲突解决与可持续发展的制度基础,分析社区治理的管理组织和治理结构,以及各种基本的制度构建和社区治理之间的关系,探讨物业公司、业主和业主委员会、政府行政及司法力量在社区自主治理的信号捕捉、利益平衡、合约实施、集体选择等环节中的优势和劣势。针对美丽园案例反映出的社区治理实践中存在的问题,着重从信号捕捉、社区民主、纠纷解决和监督制裁等方面提出制度建设的努力方向。  相似文献   

Currently, human rights governance in Global South countries faces non-traditional human rights challenges in addition to the traditional ones. The view of human rights governance dominated by Western liberalism is already overstretched when facing the human rights governance dilemma of the less-developed countries. The proposal to build a community with a shared future for mankind as well as The Belt and Road have contributed new Chinese wisdom and action plans for South-South cooperation and global governance rights both theoretically and practically, which has important significance for easing the predicament of the human rights protection in the Global South.  相似文献   

卫生议题正处在当前全球治理的突出位置,其核心是如何更有效地实现全球卫生公共产品供给。作为新兴负责任大国,中国秉持人类命运共同体理念,积极参与全球卫生治理体系变革,成为日益重要的引领者与公共产品供给者。中国通过多边、区域、双边等多元路径实现供给,国内与国际逻辑趋于统一,逐渐形成了自己的鲜明特色;但在供给体制、产品结构等方面也存在一些不足。新时代中国卫生外交需着眼于全球治理趋势,立足于自身实力与责任,通过提供更多全球卫生公共产品来推动全球卫生领域的良好治理,为构建人类卫生健康共同体作出应有贡献。  相似文献   

新冠疫情治理需要国际社会加强合作,公共卫生外交是促进各国进行公共卫生合作、建立疫情全球防线的关键举措。通过开展公共卫生外交,一方面,中国争取了世界卫生组织和国际社会的支持和帮助,满足了中国抗击国内新冠疫情形势的需要;另一方面,中国凭借丰硕的抗疫成果在全球树立了典范,通过对国际社会进行疫情通报、经验沟通、技术合作和医疗援助,推动了人类卫生健康共同体理念的传播,守护了全球疫情防线。同时也应注意到,国家层面公共卫生安全战略的不完善、一些西方国家的大国博弈旧思维,以及各国公共卫生治理理念与能力的差异等问题对中国当前的公共卫生外交提出了挑战。对此,中国应尽快完善国家公共卫生安全战略,秉承人类卫生健康共同体理念,大力推进全球公共卫生外交并积极贡献卫生公共产品,以巩固新冠疫情防控的全球战线。  相似文献   

随着冷战的结束和全球化步伐的加快,“全球治理”逐步成为国际关系中的一个重要话题。全球治理的主体不仅有各国政府,还包括各种政府间组织和国际非政府组织,妇女非政府组织是其中的一支活跃力量。它们积极关注危害整个人类的各种全球性问题的解决,并极力敦促将社会性别意识纳入决策主流,使女性主义国际关系理论的基本信念得到充分的体现。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖和北极冰融的影响下,北极治理逐渐成为国际社会关注的热点话题。中国作为地理上的"近北极国家"以及《联合国海洋法公约》等国际公约的缔约国,拥有参与北极治理的合法合理依据,承担着维护北极治理规范、推动北极资源绿色和可持续开发、保护北极自然生态环境等国际责任。在未来一段时期,中国在国内应该完善涉及北极事务的国内规制,推动北极科学考察的国际合作,协调国内科学家群体参与北极理事会工作组的科学评估工作,并着重构建中国北极国际责任话语体系。  相似文献   

公共管理的现代性发展相对忽视了情感要素的治理功能,本文基于顺德案例提出"乡情治理"概念并探析其运作逻辑,以呈现传统文化和情感要素对县域社会治理的重要价值。经验考察表明,乡情治理的核心是基于经济、社会纽带和共同文化符号的情感场域,并通过以下特征治理要素发挥作用:乡情凝聚下的"新士绅"和议题网络作为主体;传统节日和文化场合作为公共平台和议事空间;爱乡、奉献、共荣等地方价值内嵌为利益协调和集体行动规则;发达的民间和社区慈善作为内生治理资源。乡情治理是对基层自治、法治和德治的补充和催化,为"共建、共治、共享"的社会治理格局增加了"共荣"的精神动力和文化内涵,为乡村振兴和城市化进程带来新的治理想象力。  相似文献   

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